This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 287 If there is no me in the world, it will be chaos from now on

"Master Wu, thank you for your advice."


"Master Wu?"

"Ah! Ah? Ah..."

Wu Ren woke up from his trance, tightened his tight singlet, and repeatedly said with his hands in hand: "Senior Brother Lu is so good at swordsmanship. You don't want to tell me about it before, you'd be ashamed of me!"

Speaking of this, Wu Ren felt a little embarrassed.

Early this morning, Junior Brother Lu came to ask for advice on swordsmanship as instructed by Jing Ji. Elder Jing of the Tianjian Sect personally gave the order. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect it, but he heard that Junior Brother Lu’s cultivation in the Divine Transformation Realm was half a step behind his later stage of Divine Transformation. , before the sword competition, his words were more or less supportive.


Wu Ren couldn't figure out why Jing Ji lied to him, and why he was already in the realm of refining the void when he was promised to be in the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

Could it be that Elder Jing sent someone to beat him because the other sect leaders gave him gifts every year, but he was the only one who was noble and upright, and he never complicit in it once?

But the problem is, he is not pretending to be aloof, but he has no money!

Cultivation is too difficult!

For a while, Wu Ren couldn't stop sighing. The mountain sect's finances were unable to make ends meet, and the elders were asking for benefits. If they didn't pay, they would be beaten. He considered the possibility of withdrawing from the Iron Sword Alliance.

I'm afraid if it doesn't work, quitting the Iron Sword Alliance will involve more than just being beaten.

Cultivation is even more difficult!

Wu Ren was in a state of distress, bursting with depression like a resentful woman.

Lu Bei didn't understand why, and secretly thought that the four sword cultivators recommended by Jing Ji all had their own personalities. He cupped his hands, and without waiting for Wu Ren to come to his senses and return the favor, he greeted Zhu Qilan and rushed towards his next friend's house.

There is another one who is in the God Transformation Realm. After finishing the four sword cultivators, he will contact Jing Ji to inform him about breaking through to the Void Refining Realm and seize the time to ask for the elder's sword.

The reason why he was able to break through so quickly has been thought out. It has nothing to do with the four sword masters recommended by Jing Ji. It is purely due to his excellent personal qualifications.

"Why is it so fast this time?"

In the air, Zhu Qilan asked curiously. She had already met three of Lu Bei's four friends. Duan Tianci and Wu Ren were just going through the motions, not to mention perfunctory, but they also ended the sword fight within half an hour.

The only difference was yesterday's Canghai Sword Sect Leader Liu. Lu Bei communicated with him for a long time. From dawn to dusk, in the middle of the beating, Leader Liu burst into tears. A scholar could be killed but not humiliated, and he cursed Lu Bei. The North is heartbroken.

It wasn't until Lu Bei took out a stack of banknotes and handed them over that Boss Liu stopped crying. The good man's eyes widened when he saw the money. He wiped away his tears and cheered up. They continued to spar for two hours.

"What's wrong with you? Cousin, don't talk nonsense. I won't be able to find a wife if word spreads!" Lu Bei changed the subject and gave Zhu Qilan a slap on the back of his head.

Now he can't hear the word "fast".

[Destroy Me Sword Intent Level 4 (1w/250w)]

Destroy Me Sword Intent: I am good, and the world is evil. I am evil, and the world is good. If there is no me in the world, it will be chaos from now on. Everyone in the world is ruthless, and I am the most important. Therefore, there is nothing in this world that cannot be killed. This reduces the risk of being possessed by demons by 50% and reduces mental damage by 50%.

The Destroy Me Sword Intent comes from the contribution of Master Liu and the perseverance of Lu Bei. Counting the wad of silver notes, this Sword Intent can be said to have been bought with money.

Two million and one tael buys a Sword Intent, which is not a bad deal.

"Including Head Wu just now, three sword cultivators have produced three sword intentions, with a shipment rate of 100% and an efficiency of 33.333 cycles. Elder Jing did not take me seriously. Outsiders!”

Lu Bei silently praised it. The only bad thing was probably that Hu San, in order to free up the temporary skill slot for the Destroy My Sword Intent, he deleted the 'spiritual fantasy' skill.

He had just been beaten, and he came again immediately.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. The eldest brother must bear the responsibilities of being an eldest brother, especially the eldest brother of someone like him, Lu. Without an iron-clad body, how will he face the revenge of his enemies in the future?

What's wrong with being beaten? Just treat it as exercise.

Instead of rushing to integrate the sword intent, Lu Bei decided to wait. There was also Master Ye of the Lingxin Sword Sect on the list. He heard that he was a female swordsman. He hoped that Master Ye could increase the shipping efficiency to 50% and fuse two sword intents at once, which made him excited just thinking about it.

"Hey hey hey..."

"why are you laughing?"

"My lady, bah, I thought of something happy."


Zhu Qilan's eyelids twitched. She heard correctly. She just seemed to hear the word 'Madam'.

Speak clearly, who is the lady? What does it mean to be vague?

Lingxin Sword Sect is located on the border of Yizhou, with the mountain gate close to Ningzhou, a pure place deep in the mountains and old forests. Because the various immortal cultivating forces in Ningzhou next door are very weak, the Lingxin Sword Sect, which heads the cultivation level of the God Transformation Realm, can be regarded as the local hegemon and is very powerful.

If you look closely, you will find that all the sword cultivating sects joined by the Iron Sword Alliance are either local first-rate ones, such as Lingxiao Sword Sect and Shuijing Sword Pavilion, or they are a group of several second-rate mountain sects, taking care of each other.

It's no wonder that Emperor Ji Zong is worried about the early death and early rebirth of the Iron Sword Alliance every day. The network of influence spreads across the country, and he has to be wary of it in any country.

Because Zhu Qilan complained too quickly, and the four sword masters had already visited three of them, Lu Bei did not hurry up this time. The two of them flew leisurely in the sky, and Zhu Qilan's frosty face melted a lot.

The next second, his whole face felt astonishingly cold.

It was not aimed at Lu Bei, but looking at the surroundings with full of evil spirit.

There is murderous intent!

Lu Bei frowned and looked around. He noticed the phantom formation that concealed the aura. He clenched his fist and coughed lightly: "If I may excuse you, the leader of the Emperor's Sect has been brought over to you. If you have any grievances or grievances, I'll leave right away. Qian The matter is not urgent at the moment and will be settled another day."

As soon as he turned around, he was dragged back to the original place by Zhu Qilan.

"It turns out he is the commander-in-chief of the Emperor Ji Sect. No wonder he has cultivated in the Void Refining Realm. He is really powerful."

A figure stepped into the void and slowly appeared. He looked at Lu Bei intently: "This is a personal grudge and has nothing to do with the commander-in-chief. Please don't interfere."

"Hey, it's you...have you recovered from your injuries?!"

Lu Bei looked at the visitor in surprise. He had a dignified appearance and a decadent look on his face. It was Wen Bubei who had a chance to fight in Yuezhou Secret Realm.

In that battle, Lu Bei was so powerful that he broke through Wen Bubei's Three-Yuan Sword Formation and beat him to the point where his body and soul were separated. Wen Bubei lost his body and relied on his strong qualifications to save himself. His soul broke through the integration stage on the spot and escaped with the help of the elder's sword.

The last time I met Wen Bubei was the last time. How long had it been before my body was repaired?

This made Lu Bei say he didn't understand. Although sword cultivators, such as Bai Jin, Wen Bubei and others, have sharpened their sword souls with strong qualifications, their sword skills are extraordinary, but the sword cultivator's reliance is far away. More than just a sword, the physical body is also an extremely critical part.

Lu Bei remembered very clearly that Wen Bubei's physical body had been wiped out by the Great Forces, and his ashes were not scattered. There was no reason or possibility to raise him.

Even if Tianjian Peak has massive resources and can supplement a living body, what about the realm? Doesn’t it require consolidating the realm to break through the integration stage?

Obviously Bai Jin has been in seclusion until now.

Lu Bei couldn't figure it out and secretly sent a message to Zhu Qilan. He heard that Bu Bei was seeking revenge and had cultivated in the integration stage.

As expected of you, you can always provoke enemies beyond a big realm!

Zhu Qilan remained silent and slowly opened up her small world to express her position. Personal grudges had nothing to do with her, and she was too lazy to get involved. However, Lu Bei was in charge of the job under her, and she could not turn a blind eye.

"This... uh, Uncle Wen, what happened to your body? Was it taken from you?"

Not knowing why, Lu Bei couldn't suppress his curiosity and simply asked. At the same time, he kicked his qualifications to tell him not to be lazy and to move quickly to integrate the sword intent.

[Immortal Sword Intent·Remnant Level 4 (200w/1000w)] Immortal and undefeated, eternal, increases the lethality of sword moves by 2000%, current progress (6/9)

Twenty times the damage output, a flat A is the ultimate move, Lu Bei was determined, feeling that there was nothing to be afraid of.

It doesn't matter if he can't be killed. He has already contacted Dashutian, who licked him until he flew up. As long as Lu Bei said a word, he immediately abandoned Lin Buyan and rushed to the scene.

The advantage lies with him, Lu Bei will use his body to refining the void to kill the fused body today!

"After all, the body that I took away from my body is not myself, and it cannot be compared to the original one. This body was forged with the respect of my master and born with blood."

Wen Bubei was still so honest and explained his situation clearly. His soul escaped from the secret realm with his sword and immediately returned to Mei Wangsu. When the latter heard that Da Shitian was in the secret realm, he excitedly went to find Lin Buyan, planning to kill him accidentally in a sneak attack.

He never expected that Lin Buyan would carry Jing Ji with him wherever he went without giving him a chance for a sneak attack.

Afterwards, when the matter was revealed, Jing Ji placed all the blame on Mei Wangsu. In order to appease Lin Buyan, he even issued an iron sword pursuit order against Mei Wangsu and his family.

Although it was just a pretense, it was equivalent to useless paper. No one would really be stupid enough to chase down a sword cultivator in the integration stage, but after the show was played to the end, Mei Wangsu was removed from his position as an elder and was so angry that he jumped on Tianjian Peak.

Of course, Jing Ji, who had an even bowl of water, did not treat Mei Wangsu badly. The recasting of Wen Bubei's body consumed countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This resource was provided by the Tianjian Sect, which was regarded as compensation for Mei Wangsu and his family.

Another elder came personally and joined forces with Mei Wangsu to help Wen Bubei stabilize the realm of the combined stage. It was a blessing in disguise.

After recovering from his injuries, Wen Bubei realized his shame and became brave. He did not regard Lu Bei's possession of the Nine Swords as an excuse. If he could not defeat him, he could not defeat him. If he fought again after 30 years of seclusion, he would definitely be able to decide the outcome in one battle and wash away the hatred of defeat and escape with his own hands. .

Before he could decide where to retreat, a man named Duan Tianci contacted him.

Wen Bubei had little impression of Duan Tianci, and did not remember having a friendship that taught him sword power. However, Duan Tianci had the Thousand Miles Talisman and could contact him accurately. He thought that we were indeed friends before.

After receiving Duan Tianci's information, Wen Bubei decisively reported to Mei Wangsu, and under his instructions rushed to Yizhou under the stars.

According to Mei Wangsu's information, Lu Bei is making a big fuss with the Lingxiao Sword Sect and has fallen out with Lin Buyan. He has no power in his hands. With Wen Bubei's current strength, revenge is easy and does not have to wait thirty years.

Mei Wangsu urged him urgently, and the reason was simple. When Duan Tianci provided information, he vaguely mentioned that Lu Bei had a close personal relationship with an elder named Jing. In order to help Lu Bei speed up his cultivation, Jing Ji, who did not want to be named, ah, no, it was the elder named Jing who made a lot of efforts and contacted many sword masters in Yizhou to help Lu Bei.

What’s this, multiple hands to prepare, eggs can’t be put in the same basket?

Although Mei Wangsu was headstrong and arrogant, he was not without any brains. His younger brother Mu Lichen's IQ had been crushed for many years, so he knew exactly what Jing Ji was planning.

After the man named Jing used him as a spearman and wiped out Lin Buyan's group, it was time for the man named Lu to step forward and play his current role.

The civil war in the Lingxiao Sword Sect will never stop, and there will never be peace.

Seeing through the truth, Mei Wangsu gave the decisive order and secretly sent Wen Bubei down the mountain with only one request...

Lu Bei must die!

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