This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 407 One minute on stage, sixty seconds off stage

"I'm not! I didn't!"

Zhan Lexian answered quickly, and after finishing speaking, a feeling of frustration surged into his heart.

Kenshin, Kenshin, can't you stand up, just once?

Jian Xin said that these are all nonsense, but he wanted to support the situation, but the sword intention, sword body, and Daweitian were holding him back, and the conditions did not allow him to support the situation.

Zhan Lexian was speechless, and when he looked at Wu Xian's emotionally stable body, he felt a wave of grief that could not be concealed.

Although he and Wu Xian had different opinions and often exchanged foul words in the past, after all, they were both fellow Shanmen and had hundreds of years of friendship here. Seeing his tragic death, An Neng could handle it calmly.


The earth dragon turned over, the earth cracked and rolled, and as a square meter of soil gurgled up, solid rocks tens of meters high rose from the ground.


The sword light swept across the cube, cutting the rock into a square plane.

Lu Bei threw the big force to the sky, and the sword tip moved away from the dragon and the snake, but the sword intention remained, and he carved the three characters "Silver Hook" scrawled on it.

Demon Slaughter Valley.

Although there are no valleys here, the landform has been flattened by the Immortal Sword's power, and the water flow quickly surges in the large depressions to form artificial lakes, but these are not important. The key is to understand the meaning.

After setting up the stone monument, Lu Bei let out a long sigh of relief. The depression in his chest dissipated a little, and he finally calmed down.

He frowned and looked into the air. The Razer grid flashed occasionally, but he didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

Obviously impossible.

"Elder Zhan, who will be in charge of monitoring Guanzhou's formation?"

"Master." Zhan Lexian replied gloomily.

"Qin Fangtian?"


Zhan Lexian nodded depressedly. The last time they had a sword duel, Qin Fangtian borrowed Daweitian and did not mention the result afterwards. He guessed that in terms of sword intent, Lu Bei, who held the immortal sword intent, won, while his master was slightly inferior.

Qin Fangtian did not mention this matter to outsiders, nor did Zhan Lexian, so...

Thinking of this, Zhan Lexian glanced at Wu Xian who was in a stable mood again. If, he meant if, he told Wu Xian before that the rumors were true, Lu Bei really had immortal sword intent, and had the ability to break up with the sword cultivator of the Tribulation Period. If there is a break of arms, will Wu Xian not die?


Lu Bei snorted coldly: "Why, Elder Zhan still plans to avenge this person?"


Zhan Lexian said nothing, lowered his head, neither denying nor affirming, and his attitude was very negative.

"If you want revenge, just go ahead. Afterwards, Mr. Lu will add a martyr status to you, saying that you and the demon cultivator died together, and died very gloriously."

Lu Bei was angry and said provocatively: "Senior Sister Zhan, don't worry, no one can bully her except Lu."

After leaping into the air, Zhan Lexian immediately became angry and rushed towards Lu Bei with Dawei Tian in hand.


With a bang, a pillar of dust rose into the sky, and the black shadow was as powerful as a broken bamboo, smashing into the mountain stream with its head grabbing the ground.

Lu Bei raised his foot and stepped on it. The surging soil dragged Wu Xian's body and buried it under the lake of Demon Slaughter Valley.

He threw Dashitian into the void and returned it to Lin Buyan, making an appointment to continue next time. He thrust Daweitian upside down with his other hand and waited for Zhan Lexian to come back and apologize.

However, no, the effect of the Immortal Sword Intent on suppressing the Nine Swords Sword Intent is too obvious. The result of being beaten ten times is the same as being beaten once, and no antibodies can be obtained.

Zhan Lexian was buried deep in the ruins, and there was no movement for a long time. Finally, Lu Bei dug him out.

After receiving a punch from the Immortal Sword Intent, Zhan Lexian completely lost his temper. The old father felt deeply ashamed of Xiao Mian Jiao and could not even support her. After that, Lu Bei asked a few questions and all told the truth.

Qin Fangtian, who was in charge of the formation, didn't care about Lu Bei's attitude. It goes without saying that as a disciple, he could just follow his master's orders.

First of all, the old demon Mo Xue is indeed the elder Keqing of Qi Yan Xiantian Mansion.

The forces of Tianjian Sect Qingqian and Qi Yan secretly colluded, and the two sides discussed carving up Wuzhou. However, Qingqian refused to open the western border defense line and gave Qi Yan a reasonable opportunity to enter the field. He only wanted to be a white wolf with nothing and ask for high-level monks. Help out.

The senior officials of the Qi Yan Kingdom were not fools and would not serve Qing Gan in vain. Based on the principle of waste utilization, a transfer order was sent to the Xiantian Mansion, and the demons and monsters such as the old demon Mo Xue arrived in Guanzhou.

The person responsible for contacting the old demon of Black Blood is Wu Xian, the elder of Nine Swords.

This is why Wu Xian was the first to rush to the scene when the incident occurred. He was not responsible for his mission and no one would meddle in his own business.

As for killing Lexian...

Zhan Hongqu lived in the Lu family's small dark room, Dawei Tian was always flirting with Lu Bei, and Elder Zhan was looked down upon at Tianjian Peak and was pointed at from behind. There were those who said he collaborated with the enemy, and there were those who sold their daughters for bets. Qinggan was extremely distrustful of him, and because of Qin Fangtian's top-notch combat power, they did not remove him from the position of elder.

But don't think about freedom, and the power in his hands is also emptied. Wherever Wu Xian goes, he must follow him. He claims to cooperate with Wu Xian, but in fact he is monitored by Wu Xian.

"The dignified elder of the Nine Swords has been reduced to a thug. If Lu lives in such a miserable state, how can he still have the face to show off to others? He can just wipe his neck with Daweitian."

Buzz buzz----

Daweitian lightly trembled his sword, flew around Lu Bei, and hurriedly explained that he had no intention of rebelling, and even if Lu Bei wiped his neck with him, it would not hurt a single hair.

Zhan Lexian: "..."

"Get out of your way, you're in the way."

Lu Bei raised his hand and slapped Dawei Tian away, and continued to taunt Zhan Lexian, raising his eyebrows and saying, "Tell me the truth, who else is there on Tianjian Peak who is as down and out as you are, the Nine Swords Elders who would rather die than stay alive?" ?”

"There are two more people."

Zhan Lexian ignored Lu Bei's ridicule and announced their names, leaving Lu Bei dumbfounded.

Maha Shantideva, Jing Ji.

Afraid of God, thank Qingyi.

"Elder Jing?"

The figure of the smiling tiger appeared in Lu Bei's mind, and he asked in surprise: "Why is it Jing Ji? He has been planning for the Qinggan layout. He has worked hard for many years. He is a die-hard rebel. Why did he quit? Is it corruption?"

"No, it's because..."

Zhan Lexian stared at Lu Bei: "Jing Ji made a big mistake and revealed too much information to someone. Later, this person started a new sect and claimed to be the sect leader and split the Tianjian Sect into two. Things have developed to this point. , Jing Ji cannot absolve himself of the blame, he can’t explain why he has ten mouths, plus the other elders are adding insult to injury, he is as depressed as Zhan.”

"As expected of my sect leader, he cut off Qing Qian's right-hand man with a little trick."

Lu Bei nodded without regret. Although Jing Ji was not welcomed in Tianjian Peak and became the biggest sinner of the Tianjian Sect's split, this man was the one who made plans for Qingqian's rebellion and worked hard to overthrow the Lingxiao Sword Sect. Not a good bird to begin with.

For this kind of thing, you can do whatever you like, there is no need to fight for it.

"What happened to Xie Qingyi? Wasn't he defeated and captured?"

"I wasn't captured, nor was I defeated. I came here on my own initiative and was invited by the Imperial Master to be a guest in the capital."

Zhan Lexian said bitterly: "Elder Xie is a low-key person and rarely competes with others for power, so he is not well-known among the Nine Swordsmen. In fact, he is a genius with outstanding swordsmanship and a very clear mind. He knows the Tianjian Sect. There is a Qingqian royal family who gladly accepted the invitation to restore the country. However, as a result of the war, they immediately put aside their relationship and took advantage of the opportunity of the Western Prince's Palace to send all their disciples to the capital."

"There is such a thing..."

Lu Bei clicked his tongue and marveled, secretly thinking that he was a Wolf Mie. He looked at Zhan Lexian again and felt disgusted: "Look at him, then look at you, you are so embarrassing."

Zhan Lexian blushed. He stayed at Tianjian Peak to follow his master Qin Fangtian and repay the kindness of raising and teaching him. Qin Fangtian didn't say anything because he would rather die than step out of Tianjian Peak.

Even if it's a rebellion.

Xie Qingyi was different. His master died young and he had no good impression of Qingqian, so he left easily.

"But I can't blame you."

Lu Bei consoled him: "Elder Zhan, you have only average talent for cultivation. You are narrow-minded and don't see the long term. You are rigid and have no wisdom at all. You have a bad temper that explodes at a moment's notice, let alone courage. It's normal that you can't compare with Elder Xie in the face of the general situation." .”

Because the sword's heart, sword intention, sword body, and Dawei Tian were all on Lu Bei's side, Zhan Lexian was unable to refute. He just lowered his head and coughed two mouthfuls of blood.

"What is the current situation at Tianjian Peak? What do the disciples say? Are they all willing to follow Qing Qian in rebellion?" Lu Bei asked.

The Nine Sword Elders, excluding Lin Buyan who was hanging out in Yuezhou with the Great Power Sky, totaled eight people.

Among the eight people, Xie Qingyi ran away without firing a shot, cutting Lexian to pieces. Whatever Qin Fangtian said, he would do it. The remaining six people are all full-fledged rebels, or they are too deeply involved with Qinggan, or they are simply the remnants of the Qinggan royal bloodline.

There was no possibility of these people being cleared up, and there was no value in fighting for them. Lu Bei didn't even plan to meet them, but he still took chances with the sword cultivators on Tianjian Peak.

He believed that a large number of sword cultivators were fooled by Qing Gan, and they really thought that they were fighting against the Emperor Jizong, and that the officials had forced the people to rebel.

"There are a lot of opinions on Tianjian Peak. The elders have always criticized the Emperor Ji Sect. Therefore, there are a lot of objections and even more supporters." Zhan Lexian thought for a while and gave an ambiguous reply.

One minute on stage, sixty seconds off stage.

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Lu Bei rolled his eyes, knowing that Zhan Lexian had deep feelings for Tianjian Peak, and could not hear the truth from his mouth, so he said bluntly: "Take me to Tianjian Peak, I want to see Qin Fangtian."

"What, you go to Tianjian Peak?!"

Zhan Lexian's expression changed suddenly and he shook his head repeatedly: "You don't know, ever since you established yourself as the sect master and released the news of the Immortal Sword Intent, Tianjian Peak has been in a mess. How many people wanted to confirm it in Ningzhou, but they were all rejected by several elders. They joined forces to suppress you. They want to tear you apart. If they find out that you have arrived..."

Lu Bei interrupted directly and sneered again and again: "How do they know whether what you said or what your master said?"

It must be what I said!

Zhan Lexian gave the answer in his heart. The other elders just wanted to skin Lu Bei. He was different. The old father hated the dog who seduced his little cabbage. He couldn't beat him, otherwise he would have been killed long ago. His ashes were raised.


Zhan Lexian frowned: "It's too dangerous. If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, you can't go to Tianjian Peak."

"Stop talking nonsense, I have made up my mind, and..."

Lu Bei looked up and said, "Maybe your master is waiting for me on Tianjian Peak."

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