This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 43 The Secret of the Feather Gate

Going down the rope, the light gradually dimmed. Lu Bei glanced around, and a striking depression caught his attention.

The length and width are about the size of a palm, and the shape is quite familiar.

Lu Bei thought for a while, took out the Yuhua Sect Leader Order from the Qiankun Bag, tried it, and found it was embedded in it.

An arc of water spread out, and there was an opening for one person to pass through the slippery well wall. The message prompted Lu Bei to trigger the mission.

[You triggered the mission [The Secret of the Feathering Gate]]

[Mission Description: Sanqing Peak Yuhua Sect is a small sect that no one cares about. The former leader, Mo Buxiu, is a rather mysterious monk, and few people know anything about him. Want to know the secret of Yuhuamen? Go and search, Mo Buxiu put everything in the underground palace]

[Main mission: Solve the mystery, reward 30,000 experience points]

[Side mission: not triggered]

[Whether to accept? ]


"Sure enough, the map jumped."

Lu Bei accepted the mission. Comparing the experience of the last mission to explore the ruins, it can be seen that the underground palace in the ancient well is his first copy.

He stepped into the cave entrance, careful to avoid any deceit, and used the broken formation compass to guide the way forward, and soon opened another familiar object.

Everlasting light.

The style is exactly the same as in the quest to explore the ruins.

Lu Bei's mouth twitched, and he went down the stone steps. After hitting two dead ends, he reached the end of a passage.

The mud-covered cave is hundreds of meters long. The combination of falling stalactites and stalagmites has compressed most of the cave space. Under the embellishment of the ever-burning lamp, the light and darkness are constantly interlaced, making it look a bit eerie.

The formation-breaking compass trembled slightly, reminding Lu Bei that there was an offensive formation ahead. He took out the black gold straight knife and strode in according to the compass' guidance.

In just a moment, Lu Bei discovered the formation eye under a stalagmite.

It is driven by spiritual crystals and the layout is quite rough.

Lu Bei had an idea and threw out a spiritual pill, which fell into the mud, triggering the formation to activate to defend against the intruders.

Balls of mud gathered and bulged, turning into wide and fat clay figures, blindly pacing back and forth in the passage blocked by stalactites and stalagmites.

[Side mission: Defeat the Clay Man Formation, reward 10,000 experience points]

Lu Bei raised his brows, and driven by experience, he led his sword into the formation and smashed the clay figure into mud with three strikes.

The formation's eyes were not destroyed, and the mud on the ground soon regained its strength, and the masses surged up high, squirming with heavy and slow steps towards Lu Bei to surround them.

Lu Bei's eyes shone when he saw it. After slapping away the mud again, he took off the spiritual crystal at the eye of the formation.

Without energy support, the mud could not rise again, and the cave became completely peaceful.

"Good formation, Master has put his heart into it!"

Lu Bei clenched the spiritual crystal in his hand and secretly said that it would be worthwhile to become a disciple. Although Mo Buxiu himself had never given him any guidance, he did put a lot of effort into cultivating him.

This can be seen from the clay figurine array.

For Lu Bei, who is in the level 20 foundation building stage, the clay figurine array has almost no lethality, but this is not necessarily the case for him in the novice stage.

When every player leaves the novice village, there will always be one or two novice guides who pop up, either the village chief, the blacksmith, the village chief's daughter, the village beauty, or the pretty widow whose husband died, telling the players what is going on outside. The world is very dangerous. There happens to be a mass grave under the tree at the head of the village. It is not too late for players to upgrade there before leaving.

The clay figurine moves slowly and has impressive output. It is very suitable for training newcomers. Its meaning is equivalent to the mass grave under the tree at the head of the village.

Lu Bei put away the spiritual crystals and walked through the cave. After hitting two dead ends again, he reached the end of the stone road passage.

[Side mission: Defeat the straw man formation, reward 20,000 experience points]

Outside the Yuhua Gate, the sloping stone steps extend downward, hidden in the shade of old trees.

A figure dressed in black walked up the stone steps and came to the Yuhua Gate and raised his hand to call the door. He stopped in mid-air and straightened his clothes.

The man is in his mid-twenties, with a handsome face and deep eyes. He should have been a pretty boy with potential like Lu Bei, but because of his unruly beard and lazy temperament, he has a poor appearance and looks old-fashioned. More than ten years old, the stock price has been greatly discounted.

Even so, this is an uncle who can rely on his face to make a living.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door, but after a while, the door opened slightly, and a red head poked out, looking up at the stranger curiously.

The man in black looked at it and was stunned. He saw the little fox's sharp eyes and knew that it had opened up its spiritual intelligence and could understand people's speech. He said politely: "I came to Yuhua Sect Lu Bei, please let me know."

After the words fell, three more red heads poked out and lined up in a vertical line along the door. Four pairs of eyes looked at the man in black together.

"Uh, isn't Master Lu at home?"


"You can nod or shake your head."



Just when the man in black was at a loss, the little fox demon Hu He drove away the four troublesome little foxes, shook his head to indicate that Lu Bei was not at home, raised his paw and wrote a line, asking the man in black to come visit another day.

"Oh well."

The fox blocked the way and refused to let in, and the man in black didn't force his way in. He just closed his eyes and took a moment to sense. I don't know what he sensed, his whole aura changed drastically, his eyes were sharp, and his laziness and fatigue were swept away. Like a sharp sword from the sky, Hu He was so shocked that he hurriedly closed the door.

"I know that Junior Brother Lu is in the mountain gate at the moment. Tell him that Senior Brother from Lingxiao Sword Sect is waiting for him in the deep pool of the back mountain." The man in black dropped a word, rose into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. No trace.

In the deep pool in the back mountain, where Bai Jin taught Lu Bei how to practice and help him "enlighten", a man in black descended from the sky, his eyes pierced into the depths of the deep pool like electricity, and his sharp eyes could split the cold water in half like substance.

After a while, his hands and feet began to tremble involuntarily, and he covered his face and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I got my life, I'm lucky to get it. Junior brother Lu, since you left Baoshan empty-handed, don't blame senior brother for being rude!"

After the laughter stopped, the man in black waved his hand and took out the fishing rod and bait. He moved his buttocks onto the small folding stool. After making the nest, he raised his hand and took a shot.

"There must be a lot of big fish in this deep pool, and I can't sleep well unless I swing a pole."

Still as motionless as a bell.JPG

On the Lubei side, after passing the clay figurine formation, there are three formations of grass figures, wooden figures, and stone figures, as well as a dead end that cannot be avoided no matter what.

All three formations allowed him to trigger side missions, and the level of difficulty increased step by step. The attack and defense of the final stone formation were no less than those of the zombies he encountered before, and he was rewarded with 50,000 experience points.

Because you jump to the map and then grind again, it is easy to gain experience, and it feels like picking it up for free.

Arriving at the stone chamber at the bottom, Lu Bei used the leader's seal to open the mechanism and got a Universe Bag from the groove.

There were not many items in the bag, so Lu Bei first took out the envelope with "My disciple's signature" written on it and read it line by line.

My disciple, instructions for the second generation disciple of the Yuhua Sect...

After a few lines of warnings about the teacher's concern for the younger generation, the topic changed and he quickly got to the point.

I have been a disciple of the Lingxiao Sword Sect since I was a child. My teacher is also my father, and I have high expectations. I gave him the name "Bu Xiu", which means "cultivation, self-cultivation, self-cultivation". However, I have had an unrestrained temperament since I was a child, and I have caused many troubles. , I am ashamed of my great love for my teacher. I rarely have time to cultivate myself and save myself.

In the first ten years of studying Taoism as a teacher, my qualifications were arrogant to those of my peers, and my cultivation progressed by leaps and bounds; in the next ten years, my cultivation was full of ups and downs, and I had doubts that could not be solved, and I fell into demons, and my cultivation declined greatly; after that, I was confused and didn’t know where to go, and my cultivation fell into a slump. The bottleneck cannot be broken through and everyone gradually disappears.

One day, for his master, he traveled north and south in search of hidden ancient relics, gathered together the secrets of the four schools of Taoism, Demonology, Demonology, and Buddhism, and gained a glimpse of the heavens from the smallest details.

The destiny has been changed, the Taoist cultivator is dead, the Buddhist cultivator has withered bones in the tomb, and the demonic cultivator is short-lived. These three, even if they have the amazing appearance of the monks, they cannot change their destiny and seek immortality in the fairyland.

Only the demon cultivator still has a glimmer of hope!

Therefore, I established the Yuhua Sect for my master, turned into demons and cultivated, and sought immortality.

Lu Bei: (一`一)

Is it really okay to tell him such an important secret to a foundation-building monk? What if one day he is unable to defeat a powerful enemy and is tasted by a witch, witch, fairy or something like the truth?

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