This "Zhen" is not an official script used by Wu Zhou, nor is it an ancient script of the Great Xia Dynasty, nor is it a demon script.

Logically speaking, Lu Bei had never seen this character before, but the first time he saw it, he couldn't help but understand the meaning of the character - shock.

The strange space is still changing. The earth, fire, water and wind have restarted, and the mountains and waters are green again. Stone monuments are rising from the ground. Roughly counting, there are hundreds of them.

Thank you for the gift of nature!

Lu Bei took a step forward, golden light crisscrossed the area, with a speed attribute of 100,000. His high-speed movement was comparable to teleportation, and he touched hundreds of stone tablets in the blink of an eye.

The space restarted, the stone tablet faded away, and there was chaos again.

Lu Bei quickly opened his personal panel and checked his harvest.

The result made him extremely disappointed. The Heavenly Book was a fragment, and the words recorded on the stone tablet were also in pieces, far less complete than the word "shock". The divine light is no longer there, the divine will is no longer there, the stored information is in pieces, not even a complete sentence can be found, no one knows what is recorded on those stone tablets.

"Did you pay tax on my 30,000 skill points?"

Lu Bei's eyes widened, dissatisfied, and stayed in a strange space, independent from the outside world, watching the fire, water, wind, chaos and disorder again and again, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

He didn't believe it. There must be a complete set of exercises.

The hard work paid off, and the attempts failed again and again, and the simple characters representing "shock" slowly took shape.

Lu Bei had quick eyes and quick hands. The moment the character appeared, his fingertips had already touched it.


Invisible air waves dispersed, and there seemed to be a buzzing sound in the void.

Lu Bei's mouth and nose were bleeding, and the moment he touched the characters, ripples spread rapidly into his body, shaking his internal organs and making it difficult to maintain stability.

The same thing happened in his little world.

The destructive shock spread in all directions. Once touched, the false small world immediately turned into powder, revealing the foundation of yin and yang.

High in the sky, the immortal full moon shook its shadow with high-frequency vibrations, and the surrounding stars exploded.

Only one area of ​​the sea, where two lotus leaves sat, survived the shock. He let him be strong, and the newly emerged flower buds just shook their heads and went to sort out the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

The vibrations continued. I chose a secluded place in the far sky, the character "Zhen" was generated, and I set up camp. The power continued to spread, and the corner of the small world was constantly broken up and reorganized.

Lu Bei coughed up two ounces of blood and called out evil. After the broken tendons were reconnected and the wounds in his body were cleared, he noticed the changes in the small world.


It's obviously his little world, but there are always some weird people coming uninvited. They just come and stay there and never leave.

That is to say, he has never played his cards according to common sense. The small world is inherently different from ordinary people, and he has become accustomed to seeing strange things. If it were any other serious monk, seeing his little world in chaos, he would definitely become obsessed and fall ill on the spot.

On the personal panel, simple characters occupy one column, and the skills mentioned are not skills, and the skills are not skills. There is no level, and there is no experience window. Lu Bei has no way to start, one head and two big ones.

His intuition told him that this thing must be useful, or very useful.

The reality told him that he didn't know the method and needed to figure out how to use it.

Spend 30,000 skill points to hire an uncle.

When Mr. Lu has just merged into one body and is satisfied with his ambition, how can he bear this grievance?

Absolutely not. If I don’t give him some benefit today, he won’t leave!

The strange space is tumbling and disorderly, and every time the screen is switched, an opportunity is randomly generated. Affected by the broken heavenly book, these opportunities have all lost their spiritual energy, and even if they are picked up, their meaning is unknown.

Lu Bei stayed up all night, during which he was shocked four or five times. He finally understood what the Heavenly Book and the Fragmentary Scroll meant.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, a book was thrown into a paper shredder. He picked up a few scraps and pieced them together. He saw the word "shock" and the rest were shapeless.

Of course, he didn't gain nothing at all. No matter how powerful the shredder was, there would still be fish that slipped through the net.

Lu Bei put his tentacles on a stone tablet, and his personal panel reminded him that he had acquired a skill.

[Innate Breathing Method Level (fixed level)]

Innate Breathing and Breathing Method: Follow your heart and go wherever you go. Breathing in and out is the normal state, so there is no need to stick to the situation...

It contains more than two hundred words. Although it is not as good as the annotation of "I am in the devil", it can still be regarded as a short novel. To sum up its meaning, it is a body training method for cultivating one's moral character.

There is no need to practice deliberately, every breath is a refinement, attracting the spiritual energy into the body, dispersing the turbid energy and coming out, and the cycle repeats, fading away the acquired physical body, and directly entering the body of the immortal.

"You can really blow and return to the body of an immortal. Why do I not believe it so much..."

Midway through his words, Lu Bei stopped speaking in time, looked at the increased basic strength attribute, and took a deep breath.

"Hmm hum hum——"

"Hmm hum hum——"

After a few times, his endurance increased a little, and because the data could not be faked, Lu Bei decided to give the 'Innate Breathing Method' a chance to prove itself and believe in it for the time being.

"I found a treasure. This breathing method should be a technique spread in the immortal world..."

"That's not right. The immortal world is full of immortals. Why do you have to go straight into the body of an immortal? Is it possible that there are ordinary people in the immortal world as well?"

Lu Bei frowned and thought deeply, and soon realized that, yes, there are three, six or nine levels of immortals. Some are superior, and some make beds and quilts.

The so-called immortal world is actually an enhanced version of the immortal world, and in a real world, some people are destined to be bullies and horses.

Lu Bei took two deep breaths and thought about it, this innate breathing method is just average.

The character Zhen was unruly and unruly, occupying a corner of the small world and not being regulated. With Lu Bei's understanding, it was difficult for him to comprehend profound knowledge through observation, and his superficial application could not stop him. He raised his hand and took out a Nine Swords.

Buzz buzz----

The sword vibrates, with an amplitude that is both imperceptible and extremely strong. Apart from the imperfect sound effects, it does have merits in terms of actual combat.

Thirty thousand skill points are exchanged for two skills. If you don’t think about it, you will lose more.

Lu Bei secretly thought it was bad luck, and soon found the person who took the blame - Jing Ji.

He clearly remembered Jing Ji's face and lines when he was selling the Book of Heaven. Tai Su Wuji Tian, ​​yin and yang combined, form and quality, Tai Chi but Wuji.

He also praised the Sutra of Abandonment and called it a rare divine book in the world.

Looking back now, it is all lies and lies, and the Sutra of Abandonment was never mentioned at all.

Of course, considering the urinary nature of Qi Li Jing who likes to dig holes, it is not ruled out that he entered the heavenly book space, practiced the 'Innate Breathing and Breathing Method', and then made up a name of Tai Su Wuji Tian, ​​praising himself while digging holes at the same time. To posterity.

What kind of fun person?

This guy is actually the leader of the Tianjian Sect and is invincible. God is so blind.

Lu Bei curled his lips, took out two items, and began to forge a robe for himself.

There are two raw materials, almost all finished products. One is Xinlijun's long robe and trousers, and the other is black liquid from the pace master. It is woven from Daxia ancient texts, has intelligent recognition, and has certain computing power. It has been separated from It understands the concept of ordinary robes and is a perfect black technology in the world of immortality.

Considering that Daxia is the most glorious past of the human race, cultivating immortals is archeology, and it is once again a real hammer.

Bang! ! !

There was a loud noise in the quiet room.

Lord Xinli's long robe and trousers exploded on the spot. Lu Bei had no clue about Daxia Ancient Wen's cassock, and he couldn't figure it out after studying for a while.

It is impossible to forge a vestment with your own hands.

But Lu Bei still got a robe. Looking into the reason, he was the sect leader. With an order, someone from the Tribulation Period came to him and held several treasure robes for him to choose from.

With nothing to choose from, Lu Bei swept them all away with a wave of his hand, arriving at the crowded back hill at the agreed time.

"Meet the sect leader!" xN

The sword cultivators had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw Lu Bei arriving as promised, they were all excited. There were so many noises that the clouds in the sky flew away in shock.

"Not bad, very energetic."

Lu Bei smiled happily, seeing more than just experience. He took a deep breath and said loudly: "Come one by one, line up the queue, everyone has a share, there is no need to rush and there is no need to rush."

Amidst the cheers, the dust pillar rose into the sky, and the era of the East Sword had finally arrived.


Three days later, Lu Bei left Yuezhou and went straight to his doghouse, Sanqing Peak.

Feeling homesick, he announced the list of Nine Swordsmen and then slipped out of the mountain gate. The five Nine Swords elders didn't even have a chance to show their loyalty.

Da Gutian, Lian Lin.

Dadetian, Wang Yan.

Afraid of God, thank Qingyi.

On the Great Yan Day, Mu Lichen.

The mighty heaven will kill Le Xian.

The power is decentralized to the elder meeting, and the five of them are responsible for the daily operations of the Tianjian Sect. If there is any undecided decision, they can ask Qin Fangtian for instructions. If the decision cannot be made, the sect leader will personally draw lots.

Some are happy and some are sad.

Lian Lin felt that his cultivation and loyalty were worthy of the title of Nine Swords. Wang Yan felt guilty about his lack of strength, so he started practicing in a hurry as soon as he took over Dade Tian.

Mu Lichen and Xie Qingyi were indifferent and taciturn, obeying orders and arrangements, picking up swords and performing their respective duties.

Only Zhan Lexian was not in the atmosphere, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and slanderous remarks came from unknown sources, ignoring his meritorious service. It must be said that the position of Elder of Nine Swords was obtained through nepotism.

I am so angry.JPG

If you have the courage to speak clearly and argue with him in front of the sect master, you are not a hero if you harm others behind your back!

On the other side, Qin Fangtian was also speechless. Lu Bei gave him a task before leaving.

Build a factory.

What do you think, sect leader, that Tianjian Sect will make a living by selling elixirs in the future?

And the partner is actually the Huangji Sect!

Yuhua gate, backyard, old tree and stone table.

Lu Bei picked up the tea cup and blew on the hot air. When he returned home, his whole heart calmed down. During those days when the Tianjian Sect was at the top, his buttocks were a little sore.

There are goblins in the mountain gate. I climbed over the wall to see my cousin. I took the time to discuss swordsmanship with my senior sister...

If possible, he hopes to continue like this in the future.

Unpretentious and plain.

But obviously it doesn't work. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. He wants to stop, but the world won't stop. Relax for two days to recuperate, and while the main plot is still there, go to Guanzhou to gain a wave of experience.

The fragrant breeze hit people, and Lu Bei turned around to see She Yan twisting her waist, holding a Sanqingfeng specialty roast goose, slowly coming from the direction of the kitchen.

Beautiful and delicious.

I guess there will be two updates today and three updates tomorrow.

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