This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 449 A family should be neat and tidy

The Dragon of Luck, the Whale, sucks water, and the dragon roars sound waves, heading straight to the direction where She Zhang is.

Lu Beiwang was shocked. Wang Hu and Qin Wenrou had learned from their mistakes. How could they dare to let the evil dragon succeed? The iron sword wrapped around the immortal sword intention and used the dragon-slaying technique to slash straight out.

The sword light slashed the sky and split the earth, splitting the divine dragon into two pieces.

The Qi Luck Dragon Vein has no body to speak of, so it naturally has no bones and flesh. However, seeing the blue light raining down from the sky, the dragon's back half of its long tail was beating on its own, and the front half was screaming in pain, but it still insisted on rushing towards She Zhang.

Before Lu Bei could raise his sword again, She Yan ran straight towards the Qi Luck Dragon Vein. She folded her fingers on her chest and made a strange seal, attracting the Qi Luck Dragon Vein and absorbing all the golden and blue light from the sky into her body.

She took a deep breath and exhaled the blue mist, her golden eyes brighter than before.

"My good sister, I don't want to eat this thing randomly. Spit it out quickly."

Lu Bei was sweating profusely and came to She Zhang's side: "Dragon Vein is a symbol of a country's destiny. If you get the Yiliang Dragon Vein, you will definitely owe them a fortune. If someone comes to your door, what will you give in return?"

"Why should I return the dragon veins that I grabbed with my skills? If only they had the skills, they could take them back."


Lu Bei was stunned. He felt something was wrong, but he felt it made sense.

After a while, he realized something was wrong with She Zhang.

Although Elder She no longer minded doing some kissing things with him, due to her thin skin, she basically turned off the lights, as if she had just blatantly asked for a kiss, which was definitely not her style.

So the question is, if it’s not She Zhang, who is it?

Lu Bei frowned and fell into deep thought. This question was too difficult. He thought hard and couldn't find a correct answer.

At this moment, She Zhang's figure and temperament changed drastically. The strand of red hair hanging down her face turned black, and the charming look on her face shrank and degenerated into the original version.

On the wrist, a thin snake with gold scales wraps around a gold bracelet, and faintly, gold and blue haze alternates.

Lu Bei's eyes widened, and he roughly understood what he was talking about. He pointed at the thin golden-scaled snake and said, "How come Sister Snake eats everything, and you don't stop her at all."

She Yan sighed helplessly, she also wanted to stop him, but it was the first time he combined and transformed, and he couldn't compete with the golden-scaled snake for control of the body, so she had to let him go.

"But...can it be refined?"

Lu Bei still frowned: "The dragon vein of luck is not the spirit vein of the earth dragon. It is mixed with ethereal luck. It is easy to eat it, but it is extremely difficult to refine it for one's own use. I still say the same thing, this is Yiliang's luck. Even if Yiliang has been destroyed, there are still descendants of the bloodline alive. If a creditor comes to visit..."

"The magic weapon for overcoming the tribulation period also belongs to Yiliang. If future generations come to visit me, will you return it?" She Yan said quietly.

"Whatever it is, it belongs to Yiliang. The trouble is bigger. It clearly belongs to the whole world and belongs to everyone."

Lu Bei changed his face in a second, patted his butt on his shoulder, and said loudly: "As a representative of everyone, Lu has already thanked God for the magic weapon he picked up by luck. The cause and effect of Yiliang has nothing to do with me."

This is what cultivating immortality is like.

She Zhang rolled her eyes at Lu Bei: "Then if you hurry up, it will be too late and the magic weapon will be picked up."

"I'm not worried about you."

Lu Bei sent a sweet word and turned to look at the other dragon vein of luck: "Sister She, it's really okay. You didn't lie to me, right?"


She Zhang did not respond. She knew Lu Bei's temper well and had already made up her mind when she asked this question.

The small world opened up, and hundreds of thick chains were entangled, dragging half of the dragon vein of luck and slowly sinking. During this period, he resisted once and received a shot of the Dragon Taming Technique, and he immediately became well-behaved.

Bang! ! !

There was a loud explosion in the ruined hall. King Yuanxuan pushed away the rocks buried in his body and crawled out using his hands and feet. He was disheveled and disheveled. He had very little power at the moment and couldn't care less about any pretense. He fell to the ground and gasped for air.


Hearty laughter rang out, which made King Yuanxuan's scalp numb with shock. He stood up and took out a strange-shaped short blade. He used himself to save others. The person who came was definitely not a kind person.

The visitor was none other than Lu Bei.

"Prince Xuan, you're just here. Why don't you bring any gifts? I'm so embarrassed."

Lu Bei said polite words, but he was not polite at all. He smiled and stared at the magic weapon in King Yuanxuan's hand.

At first, King Yuanxuan didn't notice who the woman was on Lu Bei's shoulders. Until he realized it, he suddenly became angry and narrowed his eyes slightly, his pupils beating red.

At this moment, holding a weapon and leaving through the air, there is still a possibility of rescuing his daughter.

As a cunning Dzogchen monk in the integration stage, he rationally chose the optimal solution, but as an old father, he subconsciously hesitated.

Just like that, the golden light in front of King Yuanxuan was in a trance, and a fist quickly enlarged in front of him.

Afterwards, he knew nothing.

[You defeated King Yuanxuan and gained 10 million experience]

"With that done, the family should be in order."

Lu Bei threw King Yuanxuan and Lord Xinli into a small dark room. He had the experience of beheading his father and his daughter. In order to maximize the benefits, he locked the father and daughter in different single rooms.

She Yan watched quietly. She was very confident in her choice of men and was not worried about a murder in the small single room.

Even if there were, it would still be a case of -1 homicide.

Also, looking at Lu Bei's skillful way of kidnapping people, the more I watch, the happier I am.

Men should learn to be bad so that they won’t be bullied by bad women when they go out.

"Speaking of which, where did the retired old emperor go? Sister She, did you see the three of them?"

"Retired old emperor, who is that?"

"that is……"

After Lu Bei's explanation, She Yan learned Zhu Jingli's identity and was surprised that the other person was the former Emperor Wu Zhou. Then she shook her head and chased Lu Bei into the secret realm. She didn't know where Zhu Jingli and the other three were teleported.

"Forget it, the old man has eaten more salt than the two of us have eaten combined. He is the only one who plots against others, and others cannot trick him." Lu Bei clapped his hands and closed his eyes to feel the ruins of the Tiangong buildings everywhere.

It was such a huge spectacle. Because Wang Hu went crazy and vented the power of the magic weapon, most of them were damaged and collapsed, and not a single one was left intact.

Several magical treasures from the Tribulation Period are buried deep in the ruins. Without the help of the golden-scaled snake, the treasure hunt will take a lot of time.

Fortunately, the magic weapon has its own divine light, and it is ownerless at the moment. With induction, it is not difficult to estimate the approximate location.

The battle flag, the flying sword, and the spear, the three lost magic weapons of the Yuhua Sect were returned to Zhao in perfect condition. As the leader, Lu Bei was quite pleased that he finally lived up to his master's instructions before his death.

The two magic weapons, the Golden Bell and the Lotus Platform, were stained and it would take a lot of time to clean them up.

If it weren't for Wang Hu's lack of strength, even though the magic weapon during the Tribulation Period had been silent and had not been maintained for thousands of years, its foundation was always there, and it would not be damaged like this under ordinary attacks.


Lu Bei regretted, waved his sleeves and put the five magic weapons into his sleeves, and then turned to look at She Zhang: "You have a share. When my sect leader returns to Tianjian Sect, he will find the servants of the Tribulation Period to consecrate the magic weapons. You will definitely share it. One piece.”

"Do I have a share too?"

She Yan smiled jokingly: "I used to work hard and work hard, but in the end I couldn't get anything."

It’s different, you are a sleeper now.

Lu Bei grunted, blasted away the ruins in front of him with his sword and fist, and led She Zhang into a collapsed hall.

In the palace, there are all kinds of magic weapons, spiritual elixirs, magical weapons, and raw materials for refining weapons, formations, and elixirs. The treasure house also shows the national power of the thousand-year-old dynasty to future generations.

It's a pity that time is the most ruthless.

The magic weapon of the Tribulation Period has been dusted for thousands of years and needs to be re-consecrated. Not to mention the common objects in the hall. Lu Bei and She Zhang were picking and choosing, but they couldn't find a few useful things.

Entering Baoshan is a thousand years late.

Lu Bei felt really regretful. He put his hands against the wall and looked for the secret door with his two big blue hands.

At the same time, a little bit of vibration force spread from his palm to the entire hall.


The mechanism was turned on, and the wall on one side of the main hall slowly sank, revealing the inner palace chamber, which was thousands of meters square.

In the hall, dozens of stone tablets were erected, densely packed with ancient texts written in Daxia, marking the year, month, day and country name, which seemed to be...


"No serious person can keep a diary!"

Lu Bei muttered, raised his hand and put it on the stone tablet. He didn't respond, and then he was sure that it was indeed a diary.

Sure enough, there are no serious monks, and this was no exception thousands of years ago.

Most of the dozens of stone tablets record the glory and greatness of Yiliang, how vast the country is, how all the wise rulers are models, and how the people live and work in peace and contentment. This is rubbish information and has little reference value.

The information revealed by several subsequent stone tablets piqued Lu Bei's interest.

[In October of the 974th year of Yiliang, Xuanlong in the North sent an envoy to ask for marriage, so that they could jointly resist the increasingly frequent attacks of beasts. The king invited all the families to discuss and rejected Xuanlong's marriage proposal. He was only willing to fight against the monsters together and give Xuanlong Long will definitely support]

[In December of the 975th year of Yiliang, everything went wrong in Xuanlong. Four kings were killed in battle this year alone]


[In March of the year 1162 of Yiliang, God bless the dynasty. Xuanlong was attacked by a tide of beasts again. One of the tribulations fell. The national power was declining, and I could no longer compete with Yiliang.]


[In January of the year 1239 of Yiliang, God blessed the dynasty, and the secret realm of the Heavenly Palace came to the world. It was acquired by Yiliang. The king ordered the news to be sealed, and the other countries did not know it.]

[In February of the year 1239 of Yiliang, the origin of the secret place is complicated and confusing. The deeper you dig, the more frightened you become, as if you came from the fairy world]

[In February of the year 1239 of Yiliang, the king invited everyone to discuss and decided to move the dragon vein of luck into the secret realm. We think it is feasible]

[Yiliang 1239, March, that thing turned out to be innate gold essence. No wonder the murderous spirit was so strong, and those who took the treasure died on the spot. Fortunately, although the treasure was made innately, it was finally determined by the number of the five elements. It's not all a loss, so Pindao found a way to solve it. The first one was so powerful that it was hard to stop, but the second one was much weaker]

[In April of the year 1239 of Yiliang, an evil guest came to our door. He claimed to be the guardian of the tomb. He said that we and the doves had occupied the magpie's nest and ordered us to move out immediately. Otherwise, our fate of Yiliang for thousands of years would be ruined. This was unreasonable. Pindao killed him on the spot. I met a few fusion-stage juniors who spoke arrogantly]

[In April of the year 1239 of Yiliang, the evil guest came again. I won’t talk about it anymore. I’ll talk about it after Pindao has dealt with the evil dogs that are barking outside.]

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