Outside the portal, She Zhang chased Lu Bei, and Zhu Jingli followed with two thugs in the integration stage.

The front foot stepped into the secret realm, and the back foot bumped into King Xin Xian and King Xin Kuang. There was nothing to talk about, and the five of them had a good fight in the Hidden Sky Map.

The flow of time in the Hidden Sky Map is different from that in the outside world. It is related to the chance of the secret realm. Zhu Jingli and King Xinxian do not want to delay for too long, so they make a quick decision and skip the stage of harsh words.

As a result, the two thugs in the combined stage were defeated by the Xin Kuangjun. Zhu Jingli threw out several trump cards to defeat the Xinxian King, and the two sides barely managed a draw.

When Zhu Jingli breaks through the Tibetan Map, Lu Bei...

Hu Sandu has walked around the rag pile three times.

"Look, Your Highness, this is our harvest. From magic weapons to raw materials, there are all kinds of treasures. Just tell us which one you like, and my two brothers will give you a zero."

"Brother, don't talk nonsense. What is your Royal Highness's identity? Are you missing that zero?"

"My dear brother, your words are wrong. Businessmen do not care about status."

After a battle, Zhu Jingli was exhausted mentally and physically. He could hear the gibberish in his ears and felt his head was buzzing. He refused the discounts offered by Fox Three and Four and found a place to sit down and rest his energy.

The two thugs stood aside loyally. It was not until an hour later that Zhu Jingli stood up refreshed, and the two of them sat cross-legged on the ground to rest.

As soon as he got up, Zhu Jingli was dumbfounded. Everything he saw was rags and not a single decent treasure.

I can’t say it didn’t happen, I can only say it was a thousand years late.

Even if you think about it with your toes, the baby has been coveted by the two brothers.

First come, first served, last served, for the sake of Lu Bei's virtue in persuading people and being good at reasoning, Zhu Jingli pinched his nose and accepted, and turned to talk about another business.

"Sect Master Lu, if Zhu guessed correctly, Lord Xiongchu Xinli must be in your hands."

"Not only that, this time they were all caught in one fell swoop, and her father did not escape the clutches of this sect leader's demon..."

King Yuanxuan is also there!

Zhu Jingli's eyes shone. In terms of status and strategic value, King Yuanxuan was far superior to Lord Xinli. They were also titled as kings, and ten Xinxian kings were tied together, but they were not as good as one Yuanxuan king. This time, they were not in vain, and they made a lot of money.

As for whether this business can be negotiated, Zhu Jingli has no worries. Most people don't dare to accept the goods in Lu Bei's hands. He can't sell them to Xuan Long... Xuan...

Thinking of Xuanlong, Zhu Jingli's face twitched and he frowned: "Sect Master Lu, did you capture any prisoners over there at Xuanlong?"

"We've caught them. One Sword Fierce and two Baimao. The people sent by Xuanlong are all in the hands of this sect leader."

Lu Bei nodded and said solemnly: "There are a lot of people. When we talk about the price, Lu will definitely suffer a loss, but that is someone else. Your Highness is an honest person, so he will definitely not cheat me, right?"

Definitely not. Put your sword down first.

Zhu Jingli shook his head: "Wu Zhou has no intention of acquiring the captives from Xuanlong. Sect Leader Lu can find someone else. Ask King Yuanxuan, maybe they want them."

"how do I say this?"

"I, Wu Zhou, have a very good relationship with Xuanlong. We have been allies for many years and have signed a covenant to jointly resist the demon tribe's march south. How can we betray our trust and secretly draw a knife to bleed our allies!" Zhu Jingli said solemnly.

So, is this the reason why you handed the knife to Xiong Chu?

Lu Bei's eyes widened and he analyzed the meaning of his words. If he guessed correctly, Zhu Jingli was scared.

There is a huge difference in national power between Wu Zhou and Xuanlong. Wu Zhou dared to speak loudly in front of Xiong Chu, but he was polite in front of Xuanlong and never forgot his duty as an ally.

Perhaps, this is also due to the important geographical location of Xuanlong, which is the first line of defense against the demon tribe moving south, but more importantly, it is the gap in national strength between the two countries.

Since Xuanlong's business could not be negotiated, Lu Bei insisted and decided to follow Zhu Jingli's wishes and sell it to King Yuanxuan later.

Thinking of this, Lu Beixian and Zhu Jingli finalized the price for King Yuanxuan.

Because this was the third time Xinlijun was sold, the market value had dropped sharply. Buying it was like going to the rooftop to blow the whistle, and Zhu Jingli didn't want to waste money. In desperation, Lu Bei had to bundle it with King Yuanxuan for sale. If he wanted to buy King Yuanxuan, he had to buy the gift Xinlijun as well.

The two discussed for a long time, during which Hu San took charge and frantically revealed the truth, raising the market value of King Yuanxuan to a high level.

After the discussion, both host and guest were satisfied. Lu Bei took out ten taels of silver notes, handed them to the hard-working trustee, and pulled Zhu Jingli to the stone monument.

Thousands of years ago, the diary of the Yiliang Kingdom's Tribulation period immediately attracted Zhu Jingli's attention.

After reviewing it three times, Zhu Jingli looked solemn: "Sect Master Lu, are there no other stone tablets down there?"

"The bottom is gone, there are only so many stone monuments."

Lu Bei asked curiously: "Your Highness, this is an ancient text from Daxia, right? My eldest brother and I can't understand what it says. Can you tell me?"

After saying that, Xiaobai's face was full of curiosity, and Hu San next to him was also full of innocence, the kind who could coax him to the basement with a lollipop.

Zhu Jingli's face twitched. The two brothers were pretending to be stupid, but he didn't point it out. He slapped his forehead and said bluntly that the capital still had important matters to deal with. King Yuanxuan was not in a hurry for the time being and let Lu Bei take care of him for two more days.

"By the way, there are also dragon veins. Has Sect Leader Lu ever..."

"Dead, he and Wang Hu blew themselves up and died for the country."


Got it, the Dragon of Luck is dead, put down your sword first.

Before leaving, Zhu Jingli asked Lu Bei to pay close attention to the important secrets recorded in ancient Daxia inscriptions on the stone tablets, which must not be seen by King Yuanxuan, let alone the Zhao brothers and sisters.

After saying that, the bronze mirror burst into light, and he left the secret realm with the two thugs.

"Let's go too."

Lu Bei waved his hand and rolled up the stone tablet. After thinking about it, he put away the broken metal. Some people like the heavy years, such as King Yuanxuan. This person is a big grievance at first glance.


Yuezhou is hidden in thousands of mountains.

Sect Leader Lu arrived at his loyal Tianjian Sect. Because it was Yuezhou, She Zhang felt uncomfortable all over, fearing that she would bump into someone like her senior sister, so she took the initiative to enter the small black room to practice.

Even if there was no senior sister, there was still someone like Lian Lin who was determined to get Qingjun's side. Tianjian Sect was Lu Bei's Tianjian Sect, not hers. Lu Bei was told to call her out when he arrived at Sanqing Peak.

Upon arriving at Tianjian Sect, the happiest person was not Lu Bei, but Hu San.

What are you looking at? Do you know the relationship between me and your clan leader?

In front of me, he is just a younger brother!

Hu Sanhu's fake younger brother Wei, who was once the top sword sect of Wu Zhou, is now half a head shorter than him. Ren Dao doesn't dare to talk back, and happily skips all over the mountain.

As for whether he would be slapped with a sap, it was hard for Lu Bei to guarantee that. After all, he was a swordsman with a very average temper.

Thinking of this, Lu Bei glanced at Lian Lin: "I will go find Elder Qin myself. You don't have to follow me. Keep an eye on my elder brother. He is relatively weak and will inevitably be bullied on the mountain."

Lian Lin nodded, understood, and went to bully the sworn brother of the sect leader.

It was disrespectful to say that she was quite resentful towards the sect leader. Because she couldn't defeat him, she never found a chance to take revenge and go back.

Hidden in the secret realm of thousands of mountains.

When Lu Bei met Qin Fangtian, without saying a word, he lined up several magic weapons for overcoming the tribulation period.

Qin Fangtian's hand holding the tea trembled. He rubbed his dim eyes and played with several magic weapons one by one. Finally, he held the flying sword tightly and said excitedly: "Sect Master, where did you get these treasures? Are you sure they are not missing?" ?”

As expected of you, be cautious when doing things.

Lu Bei shook his head, confirming that there was nothing missing, and pointed at the golden bell that was contaminated by evil thoughts: "The treasure is covered in dust. This sect leader will give you a chance to express yourself and restore the golden bell to its original state within three days."

"How difficult is this?"

Qin Fangtian smiled faintly, and the green light flickered across his palm, instantly melting away the black magic thread attached to the golden bell.

When he was feeling proud, he frowned, picked up the golden clock and looked at it carefully. After a while, he picked up several other magic weapons and looked at them.

"Sect Master, although the magic weapon is intact, it has accumulated dust for many years, and the divine light has been dimmed. It has lost its original source, and it will take a lot of effort to regain its peak level." Qin Fangtian frowned, even if he personally It also takes ten years to cultivate.

"so long?"

"It's very fast, it's only been ten years." Qin Fangtian smiled bitterly. The sect master was extremely qualified and didn't understand what it meant to cultivate immortality, nor did he understand the suffering of monks in the world.

"This sect leader cannot wait ten years."

Lu Bei shook his head slightly, took back a few magic weapons, turned around and left.


Qin Fangtian stepped forward quickly and grabbed Lu Bei's sleeve: "Master, what do you mean? If you think it's too long, I, Old Qin, will be in seclusion from now on. I will strive for five years, no, within three years." Let me give you an explanation."

Come on, three years is enough to prepare for the college entrance examination!

Lu Bei shook off his sleeves: "Three years later, my sect master will go to the fairy world. What's the use of these rags? Now they are a little brittle, but they are not useless at all. If this sect master stays with you, just treat them as It’s a consumable item.”

The sect leader is confused, can it be the same after a full meal?

Qin Fangtian refused to live or die, until Lu Bei handed over the magic weapon Flying Sword, he blushed and gasped, then stopped his hand, took the flying sword and stood aside: "So that the sect master will know that Lao Qin is by no means a person who is blind to money. He is a principled person." The sword cultivator really has an empty sword box and no sword at hand, so..."

"Okay, I get it. Just add more money. Don't be rude."

Lu Bei shook his sleeves and was about to leave again, but Qin Fangtian still refused. Tianjian Sect was newly established. As the leader of a sect, it was really outrageous to run away every day.

This time, no matter what, I have to live in the Tianjian Sect for half a month, to show my sage in front of others, so that the disciples can pay their respects.

Lu Bei nodded, feeling reasonable, and ordered: "Ask Elder Zhan to pass on a message, saying that the sect master will invite Dugu, one of the three fierce swordsmen of Xuanlong Jinyun Palace, for a sword competition tomorrow. The location is in this secret realm. Anyone who is interested can come and watch the ceremony.”

"The sword is fierce!"

Qin Fangtian frowned, as if he recalled some unpleasant scene.

When he came to his senses, there was no trace of Lu Bei in front of him.

The black and white door opened, and Lu Bei walked into the small single room, rubbing his little hands, with a squinting look on his face that made King Yuanxuan feel chilled.

The majestic leader of the Tianjian Sect and the successor of the Abandonment Sutra actually has this habit!

"Sorry, I went to the wrong door. I thought this was Li Jun's prison." Lu Bei apologized, rubbed his little hands and turned to leave.


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