This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 480: Incarnation of a person, the last one is the first one

On Qi Yan's side, three people were crossing the tribulation stage.

Ji Chen, Ji Fu, Gu Yunyan.

Two members of the Qi Yan royal family, and one honorary elder of the Xiantian Mansion, came from the Qi Yan Kingdom's immortal cultivating family and the Gu family in Nandou City.

The Wuzhou Xiuxian family was declining day by day. After several visits to the twelve states and eighty-four counties, they could find five family ancestors in the integration stage, but when it came to the tribulation stage, there was none.

Looking into the reasons, before the Zhu family conquered the country, they were a cultivating family. After taking office, they naturally had to adjust their policies, suppress what should be suppressed, and evaporate what should be evaporated, so as to prevent a certain family from repeating history.

Not only do Qi Yan and Wu Zhou have similar national conditions, they have basically the same attitude towards the Immortal Cultivation Family, and they will never give up easily if they get the chance to suppress them. Just like Nan Dou City, although it is within the territory, the Gu family does not obey orders very much. The children of the family are arrogant and untamable. This time, when Gu Yunyan is invited to Wu Zhou, he is ready to make him heroic.

The three of them stood in the air and laughed at Zhu Xiushi's fuss. He shouted several times, but the reinforcements still didn't arrive.

"Junior sister Zhu, stop being busy. Not to mention whether you can enter or leave this world, life and death are all in my hands. You can't call people in even if you want to call them in. Even if you can call them in, they have to free their hands."

Ji Chen's eyes hid murderous intent, and the space in the mirror was broken by Lu Bei. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he decisively showed his biggest trump card, which was to free his own people.

Three against one, no, three against two, that's for sure.

Zhu Xiushi stopped his useless work and looked at Ji Chen with a puzzled face: "Why, does Senior Sister Ji know that I have two reinforcements outside?"

"Haha, are there really only two of them?"

Ji Chen responded with a sneer: "You don't have to test it. I, Qi Yan, am in control of this situation. I can't protect your reinforcements, let alone come to rescue you. Those who know how to deal with it can be captured now. I have a nephew who has reached the level of cultivation." , you two can practice the gift of dual cultivation, wouldn't it be beautiful for Qi Yan and Wu Zhou to form a marriage alliance?"

"What kind of skills can a young boy have? If it were your father, he would be the same." Zhu Xiushi sneered and wanted to be Ji Chen's mother to his elders.

"Okay, I'll send you to Jiuquan and see if my father is willing to take you in."

Ji Chen snorted coldly. The water-moon viewing mirror refracted light and shadow, illuminating six hazy bodies in succession. In addition to his own three projections, it also illuminated the projections of Lu Bei, Zhu Xiushi, and Zhu Gao respectively.

Five projections flew out, and Ji Chen's figure disappeared into the mirror, turning into a touchable but unreachable water-moon mirror flower. He used all his energy to control the last projection.

Projection of Lu Bei.

The young boy possesses brute strength and extremely fast speed. Even without magical powers, his physical body is enough to make him proud of everyone. He is the favorite of rich women, and Ji Chen is no exception.

The five projections went straight towards Zhu Xiushi, and there were countless strands of dust, solidifying a space, and pressing down like mountains, barely blocking the projections from approaching.

In an instant, two golden lights collided in mid-air, shattering the vacuum and causing fragments of the bronze mirror to fly in all directions.

Lu Bei took three steps back, shook his sore and numb arms, his golden eyes focused on the pretty face in front of him, secretly thinking that this man was so fast and powerful.

Suddenly, two solemn murderous intentions locked on each other.

Lu Bei withdrew suddenly and glanced at his projection, Ji Fu, and Gu Yunyan. His heart skipped a beat. Three enemies at the level of the Tribulation Stage, with terrifying qualifications like him, did not dare to fight easily.

Gu Yunyan was okay. Judging from his momentum, he was roughly on par with Ji Xin, and his strength was limited.

Ji Fu is different. He must fight with all his strength. If there is a projection waiting for an opportunity to attack...

Lu Bei's scalp felt numb for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He immediately shouted loudly: "Zhu Xiushi, powerful enemies are around you. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and lend me the Wen Chong Sword."

"Wen Chongjian?!"

Ji Fu was startled when he heard the sound, and suddenly became furious. He abandoned Lu Bei where he was and went straight to Zhu Xiushi.

The latter was unable to stand alone under the siege of five projections. When Ji Fu suddenly came to kill him, his chest hurt with anger. He had no time to curse Lu Bei, so he took out the colorful stones and hit them continuously.

The five projections were shattered, and Zhu Xiushi held the five-colored stone in his hand, confronting Ji Fu and not daring to throw any more.

The multicolored stones have other uses, and throwing them is actually one of them. It is precisely because of the overlapping effect with the Heaven-turning Seal that they are willing to exchange things with Lu Bei.

Who would have thought that a seemingly fair transaction would actually be compromised.

Ridiculous, this guy must have become a spirit!

"Do you have the Wen Chong sword in your hand?"

Ji Fu's eyes were sinister, and he stared at Zhu Xiushi coldly. The latter secretly said that the yellow mud fell off his crotch. He could not explain clearly, and took out the Wenchong sword with his backhand: "Stop talking nonsense, the two countries are fighting. There is no hatred. There is hatred everywhere." , just use whatever magical power you have."


Ji Fu took out a dragon bird sword with shining divine light, and his whole body was shrouded in pitch-black battle armor: "I have grudges and vengeance, and I will kill your spirit today to pay homage to the spirit of my great-nephew who lives in heaven."

After the words fell, the black Martial God stood in armor, a hundred feet tall, standing between heaven and earth, surrounded by black talisman light.

Zhu Xiushi didn't say anything, and swallowed the five-colored stone in one gulp. The five-colored halo enveloped his whole body, and he could only see a body lifted up and reorganized in the light and shadow.

After the light dissipated, the leader of the Tianjian Sect was wearing white scale armor, holding a Wenchong sword, and tied with a thousand silk whisks around his waist.

The greatest use of multicolored stones is to imitate the body and transform into a human being.

If the projected body is somewhat different from Lu Bei's own body, then the body made of multicolored stones is a complete copy. Regardless of bloodline and so on, at least the four basic attributes are copied.

"This kid... has such a terrifying body, is he a monster?"

Zhu Xiushi clenched his fist and secretly thought that this body was so powerful that it could shake the sky. It was many times stronger than the great demon she had transformed into before. No wonder she could control the immortal sword power that no one had been able to achieve for thousands of years.

With a body like this, if he becomes a big monster in the future, he can just catch one and be done with it.

that is……

"My physical strength is a little low and I'm a little weak. This is not as good as me."

Wen Chong's sword swept across the sword light, shaking the Baizhang Martial God with brute force. The swords clashed, and the surrounding space exploded at the same time. Everything was suspended in a state of fragments, which could not be repaired.

The God of War continued to retreat. Zhu Xiushi used Lu Bei's body for the first time. He overestimated and underestimated again and again. He crushed the void with one foot and almost fell into it.

There was no sonic roar, the majestic and turbulent force acted on the world in the mirror, and the aftermath was like a waterfall, rolling into the black void.

Zhu Xiushi and the Martial God were overwhelmed by the strong confrontation, but Ji Chen couldn't bear it. As a Dharma cultivator, she was weak in close combat, and her body bones were not as strong as her clothes. Sensing the wail of the Shuiyue Observation Mirror, she hurriedly threw out a suture secret realm as an alternative.

boom! ! !

As soon as the secret realm was thrown out, there was an explosion.

Ji Chen looked intently, and saw that Lu Bei had exploded his own projection, and was now catching up with Gu Yunyan. The golden light spread across the golden net, and he was stunned to use the realm of the Fusion Stage to defeat the Tribulation Stage, leaving him unable to fight back.

Gu Yunyan wanted to fight back, but he couldn't. He couldn't see or sense anything. He only knew that his body was in danger and would explode if he didn't fight back.

"Please baby, turn around!"

Pierced by the light, Gu Yunyan's head exploded immediately, and his headless body staggered for a while, then plummeted straight down with a bang.

Gu Yunyan's methods were stronger than Ji Xin's. Even if he was defeated, he shouldn't have been so quick. He had to give a reason.

There's no acting, it's all about emotion.

Gu Yunyan is not a fool, he still has the B numbers he should have. He has survived the tribulation for a hundred years, but no matter how hard it is to improve his strength, he still dares not face the second thunder tribulation. When Ji Chen and Ji Fu jointly invited him out of South Dou City, he knew that Ji Chen The family is not well-intentioned.

It's okay to ask him to work, but not to work hard.

As for him lying down and causing the death of two royal family members named Ji...

Impossible, absolutely impossible. Qi Yan's troops and horses are so strong that there is no chance of failure. Wu Zhou is definitely defeated.

The headless body fell into the void and smashed a bronze mirror. The centenary-year-old boy Zhu Yao shattered his own projection. With red eyes, he didn't even think about it, and blasted away with the hidden weapon on top of his fist.

With a muffled sound, Gu Yunyan flew out in a spin. Seeing that Zhu Dao refused to give up and dared to attack again, she inevitably felt a little angry.

He didn't want to offend the Ji family, and he believed that he was definitely no match for Lu Bei. He just wanted to end the battle peacefully after being defeated. However, a mere integration period actually came to him. He really thought that the old man was easy to bully.

Together with the thoughts, ghosts and shadows appeared, and a thick dark field occupied the whole place.

Bang! Bang! Bang————

Lu Bei smashed the bronze mirror with one punch after another, traveling through worlds to chase Ji Chen. During the process, when encountering projections, he either avoided them with great speed or greeted them with fists.

For example, the projections of Gu Yunyan and Ji Fu would avoid fighting if they could. Another example was the projections of Zhu Xiushi and himself. When they came up, they would hit the chest with a sword punch and explode.

Ahead, Ji Chen shuttled through the mirror, using the light and shadow to escape, his eyes astounded as if he had seen a ghost.

You can't talk about ghosts like that. In front of the monks in the Tribulation Stage, ghosts are so well-behaved, how can they be as ferocious as Lu Bei?

The Water-Moon Observation Mirror is a magic weapon for the intersection of life and death. Ji Chen wields it like an arm. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a human-mirror fusion. He is confident that although the projection is slightly flawed, it is not as good as a real person who can skillfully control a magical power. But when the two meet, which one will be chosen? Which is stronger or weaker is not absolute.

In the past, she relied on this move to bring down Zhu Xiushi, who was holding the colorful stone, with projections again and again.

When I met Lu Bei today, I neither used swordsmanship nor magic weapons...

Not counting the innate gold essence, the Water and Moon Observation Mirror cannot simulate it. It can only conjure up a jade gourd, which is empty and has nothing inside.

The bare-handed fighting method seemed absurd, but it overpowered Shuiyue Kongjing, leaving her with no other choice but to run away in panic.

Ji Chen didn't understand why the projection was not much different from Lu Bei's, but he couldn't take a single move face to face.

"Please baby, turn around!"

"Bantian Seal!"

Lu Bei's eyes lit up with golden light, and he understood the path of the light refracted by the bronze mirror. He controlled two magic weapons at the same time, interrupting the bronze mirror channel in front and blocking Ji Chen's retreat.

The latter hurriedly revealed his body, turned around and shook the bell on his hand. There was a sharp pain, and golden light arrived in front of him.


Lu Bei clasped Ji Chen's wrist with his five fingers, holding the bell to be unable to make a sound. In Ji Chen's suddenly shrinking eyes, he hit him with his head.

Man and sword become one.

The scorching white light exploded into the sword pillar, and Ji Chen's body sank along with the shattered void. The strange concussive force poured into his limbs and bones, tearing flesh and blood, crushing bones and muscles. The trembling soul could not control himself, and he was struck down by just one blow. Ended seriously injured.

"Please baby, turn around!"

"Please baby, turn around!"


[You killed Ji Chen and gained 400 million experience points. It was determined that the level difference between your opponent was greater than level 20, and you were rewarded with 400 million experience points]


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