This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 52 This is what a man should be like

There are nearly forty people in the team. Excluding the male and female evil combinations or lone rangers like Lu Bei and She Zhang, there are three largest forces.

The initiator of the organization, Commander Wang, was a charming man with a more exquisite appearance than a woman. She Zhang said that he was a demon cultivator and was related to a vixen, so it was not surprising that he was so charming.

Lu Bei didn't think so and seriously suspected that the other party was disguised as a man.

The second force is the Qingshuimen, one of the local gangs, with the largest number of people, led by the leader Zhao Xiayang. After the mine was abandoned, Shanmen, who had made a fortune, moved away, and the Qingshuimen purchased the land and became a local snake.

The third force is more mysterious. The leader is a middle-aged man who looks like a scholar. Except for Commander Wang, he has little communication with other people in the team. She Zhang doesn't know much about them and doesn't know their relationship with Commander Wang.

What kind of relationship can there be between a scholar and a vixen other than a relationship of superiority and inferiority?

Lu Bei complained secretly, sweeping his peripheral vision and taking in the actions of a group of people.

At the front, Commander Wang seemed to have noticed something. He glanced back with red phoenix eyes and smiled with a hint of meaning after crossing Lu Bei.

"Everyone, there are still a group of colleagues from behind who have not shown up yet. I wonder which friend they invited?"


No one answered. Commander Wang was not surprised and accelerated forward to reach the canyon crack.

The canyon is hundreds of feet long and ten feet wide. The sun cannot reach the bottom, and it is unknown how deep it is. According to Zhao Xiayang from the local gang, it was rumored that the terrain here was flat and there were no rifts. A swordsman passed by here to practice swordsmanship and opened a crack in the ground with his sword.

Lu Bei was very envious when he heard this. This is what a real man should do. One day when he becomes awesome, he will also try moves such as the Earth Split Fist.

Everyone slid down the ropeway for tens of meters, and then continued down along the abandoned mine road, reaching the depths of the canyon after about 100 meters.

The dark place is deathly silent, and there is a faint light ahead.

The sound of rustling crawling sounded from the surroundings, breaking the silence. Everyone knew that there were poisonous snakes around, so they quickened their pace and rushed towards the light.

During this period, there was an ambush from a long black insect, and everyone only used poison-avoiding beads to drive it away. Honestly, no one was even able to show off their skills.

"Master Zhao, this is your territory, please."

Arriving at the bright formation, Commander Wang raised his hand in greeting. Zhao Xiayang came to the white light in a hurry, pointed at the formation, and muttered something. As the spell ended, the light suddenly dimmed.

Everyone quickly entered the formation, and Zhao Xiayang restarted the formation to block the poisonous snakes, insects, and ants from the light curtain.


Four disciples guarding the formation came forward, and Zhao Xiayang asked a few words. There was nothing unusual in the past few days, and the tomb was safe. They blocked the canyon in the name of digging new mineral veins, and did not attract anyone who wanted to find out.

"Thank you, Master Zhao, for your troublesome arrangements, but the bad guys have already reached the depths of the canyon. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's go in first." Commander Wang urged.

"It's true."

Zhao Xiayang did not dare to delay, so he personally strengthened the formation and brought four disciples to guard the formation.

With the addition of four people, Qingshuimen had more people. Commander Wang saw this and smiled without saying anything.

There were so many mines deep in the canyon. Everyone walked along the dug tunnel. Every fifty meters, a Qingshui Sect disciple joined the team. After a few hundred meters, more than half of the team were Qingshui Sect disciples alone.

The middle-aged man dressed as a scholar looked unhappy, and the smile on Commander Wang's face was a little less.

It looks so ugly!

Lu Bei made a silent assessment, and regardless of the outcome of this trip, Qingshuimen would definitely be a target if there was an uneven distribution of spoils.

The tunnel became narrower and narrower. From the beginning, dozens of people walked side by side without any obstruction, but in the end, only five or six people could pass through at the same time. She Zhang walked side by side beside Lu Bei, memorizing the passage route by heart without saying a word.

After a moment, the light in front brightened, and another white light formation appeared in front of everyone.

"Master Zhao is too cautious!"

Commander Wang snorted coldly, while Zhao Xiayang apologized to everyone, smiled and took down the defensive formation: "Don't be surprised, everyone, it is really a matter of great importance. There are hundreds of mouths and heads in Qingshui Gate. Zhao does not dare to take it lightly. .”

After saying that, the white light dissipated, and a stone wall was revealed in front of everyone.

Bloodline organ.


Lu Bei's eyelids twitched. As expected of the Qingqian royal family, and the Wuzhou royal family had a hatred all over the world. One blood connection mechanism can be opened in the other cave ruins, but here it takes five.

The two people behind Commander Wang walked out and filled the blood relationship mechanism in the middle with blood one by one, leaving the remaining four untouched.



Apart from these two people, there were no descendants of the Zhu family present.

Everyone was whispering to each other, and the middle-aged scholar frowned and said: "Commander Wang, you wrote to me and stated that you will take over all the affairs of the blood organization. Why are there four left?"

After everyone heard this, they all waited for Commander Wang's reply.

The descendants of the Qingqian royal family have been wanted for hundreds of years. They are all lunatics and they can't avoid it. But the Wuzhou royal family is even more difficult to mess with. If the king hadn't vowed to prove that the problem of the blood relationship has been solved, they would never come easily.

It is true that each of them, more or less, tried their best to get some blood from the Zhu family, and they all brought it over, which was enough to open four mechanisms.

But this is not the point. The point is that Commander Wang does not keep his word.

This must be explained.

"Haha, don't be impatient, please listen to Wang's explanation."

Commander Wang said calmly: "Since Wang has made it clear, how can he break his promise to you all? The middle blood mechanism requires the blood of the Wu Zhou royal family to be opened, but the remaining four are not."


"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Isn't this reasonable? Isn't this still a breach of trust?"

Everyone's voices were stern and their faces were full of anger. She Yan saw Lu Bei's wretched face watching the fun and raised his elbow to slap him.

After receiving the signal, Lu Bei changed his face in a second and angrily joined the condemnation team.

He still played the role of a thug during this trip. In the eyes of others, She Zhang was the boss and he was responsible for doing the menial and backbreaking work.

Lu Bei was happy with this. Firstly, he was a low-key person and didn't like to show off. Secondly, he was a rough guy and knew nothing about planning. It was too embarrassing for him to stand in front of such a pure white piece of paper.

The basic attributes don't lie. They only have a handful of strength. She Zhang is in the front and he can contribute from behind.

"Commander Wang, we took a huge risk here. If you don't give us an explanation today, don't blame us for turning your back on us!"


"That's right, even if you die, you will have someone to support you."



The threat was mixed with obscene words. The more Commander Wang listened, the more annoyed he became. He interrupted everyone with a cold snort and said bluntly: "You don't need to put pressure. As the leader Zhao said, the matter is very important. Wang is forced to protect himself." Something to hide..."

"Wang is not unprepared for the remaining four blood-related institutions. If you are dissatisfied with this deception, you can use your own methods after going to the grave to seize them by the capable ones. Wang will not complain at all."

Having said this, Commander Wang raised his hand and said: "The four blood organs correspond to turtles, snakes, foxes, and rats respectively. Wang lived up to expectations and found three fellow demon cultivators and invited them to discuss important matters..."

"Three of you, I have offended you so much, please give me a request."

After she finished speaking, She Zhang's face suddenly darkened. She had never imagined that the tomb of the Qingqian royal family would not want the blood of the Zhu family, but her blood.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that this happened? My young lady has a body of thousands of dollars, how can she bleed casually!" Lu Bei stood beside She Zhang with eyes wide open. He only waited for Commander Wang to say a word before he took his teammates and stepped forward to bleed him.

Everyone's expressions were complicated. They were angry at Commander Wang's lies and deception. Their restless eyes looked around, looking for the three demon cultivators hidden among the crowd.

The atmosphere in front of the stone wall was strange. Commander Wang clenched his fists and coughed lightly: "Three colleagues, please hurry up. The uninvited guests have broken through the formation. If you continue to hesitate, we can only gather and disperse."

"What an uninvited guest, they must be your people!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Wang guarantees that he has never met these people. As for who has bad intentions, Wang can't say for sure." Commander Wang shook his head repeatedly. To show his sincerity, he first performed an operation on himself, bled it and then took it. He took a blood-tonifying pill.

"Stop talking nonsense, who is it? Come forward quickly."

"Stand up quickly, it's too late!"

After a brief dispute, She Zhang and the other two demon cultivators walked out with a sullen face and went to the corresponding bloodline organ to let out blood.

The five blood-related mechanisms were activated, the wall restrictions dissipated, and the stones retreated layer by layer, revealing a passage dozens of meters long.

"Everyone, forgive Wang for being bold and taking the first step!"

Commander Wang swept through the crowd, waved with a smile, and led a group of his men into the passage.

At the end, the light curtain rippled and disappeared one by one.

"You're running so fast, you're trying to burn a bridge by crossing a river!"

Lu Bei whispered beside She Zhang: "The man named Wang is not a good person. He must have some plans to prevent a sneak attack from behind. You can go ahead later and I will cover you."

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