This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 611 Third Cultivation

In the Zhu family treasury, Lu Bei got the consumables to upgrade the magic weapon, and Zhu Xiushi retrieved the Qingtian Yiqi stick.

The transaction was completed and both parties were satisfied.

The capital was busy, and the New Year was over. Lu Bei didn't plan to stay for a long time, so he practiced with the Taifu in the secret realm for a few days until Zhao Shiran's retreat ended.

Elder Zhao wants to stay in the capital to practice and is not planning to return to Sanqing Peak.

Unreasonable and expected.

Although Lu Bei didn't want to admit it, Taifu was indeed a good teacher. Zhao Shiran had many benefits by staying with her. He wouldn't be as empty-handed as before without the corresponding magical means.

Similarly, staying with the Taifu means that Zhao Shiran loses his dual cultivation accelerator, and his cultivation speed will be much slower.

There is a way to get the best of both worlds. Lu Bei can be more diligent and come to the capital from time to time.

This strategy works, he is best at managing spatial distance.

When the Taifu heard about this, he silently cast a contemptuous look at Lu Bei, and then let him live without multiplying ten for three consecutive days.

She can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

The Taifu was merciful, and Lu Bei reciprocated the favor by giving the remaining copy of the nine-year-old Xingqi method to him. By practicing this method, one can change the size of any place and avoid thunder disasters. It is a magical skill that is coveted during the period of tribulation.

For Lu Bei himself, he could see Li Taiqing as a child again.

On February 26, Lu Bei climbed over the wall and left Changming Mansion.

Although he agreed to be Zhu Qilan's sweetheart, he was the head of a sect after all and could not remain obsessed with Wenrou Township, so he returned to his loyal Tianjian Sect overnight.

Before setting foot in Zangqian Mountain, I first went to the Xuanlong Diplomatic Residence opposite.

He walked through the main entrance and left at dawn the next day with his belt in hand.

There was no paid plot, I just chatted with Zhao Wuyou and enjoyed a few dances.

As for what outsiders think, he doesn't care whether there are rumors about the Tianjian Sect leader and Xuanlong Baimao having sex.

If there is, it would be best. If it spreads to the capital, Lao Zhu's family will be worried about gains and losses, and the Tianjian Sect will be able to use a wave of welfare policies in vain.

"It's too difficult to be the leader of the sect. For the long-term peace and stability of the sect, I have to fight during the day and betray my appearance at night. Is it easy for me?"

Lu Bei sighed, and took out the sub-professional skill book in the sect leader's private quiet room, frowning in confusion.

Sub-career upgrades can bring skill points. Depending on the total level, the number of feedback skill points varies. The higher the total level, the more skill points you get.

His current total level is 124, and he is far from being able to survive the tribulation during the integration period. If he is lucky, he can activate a lot of sub-professions and upgrade with experience, and he can get a lot of skill points, which will be enough for a long time.

But if the total level is 130, or if he breaks through the Tribulation Stage and reaches 140, the feedback skill points will be even more impressive. Even if there is another fragment of the Book of Heaven, he will have enough confidence to learn.

Breaking through the tribulation stage is temporarily satisfying, but the experience of determining defeat and killing is greatly reduced, which is very unpleasant.

The question is, to upgrade or not to upgrade?

To be fair, skill points are worth more, and Lu Bei tends to break through the tribulation period overnight.

But experience is also very valuable. Once you break through, you will not be able to make as much money as you do now if you encounter opponents at the integration level in the future, whether you defeat them or kill them.

As for powerful enemies during the Tribulation Period...

Wu Zhouming's tribulation period on his face has almost been completed. How many surrounding Qi Yan, Xiong Chu, and Xuan Long can have together? If rounded up, the loss will be more than tens of billions.

No matter how you look at it, it's a loss-making business.

Hard to choose.

"Wait a moment, the current means are sufficient, but if it doesn't work, it won't be too late to break through on the spot when encountering a strong enemy."

Lu Bei put down the sub-professional skill book, took out the magic weapon and began to refine it. The battle flag was integrated into the Fan Tian Seal, which promoted it to the fourth level of transcending tribulation. When it was Higanbana's turn, he hesitated for a moment.

This treasure is entrusted to the soul. It can protect your life by escaping into the void. It is a perfect artifact.

And it corresponds to the fourth level of cultivation of Zhuhe Crossing Tribulation, and the grade is not bad.

After pondering for a moment, he chose to integrate the dragon-binding rope to strengthen the level.

The flower of the other side is good, but he is not Zhu He. The sacrifice of this treasure cannot exert its maximum power. And even if he can break through the void and draw out the flower of the other side, other powerful monks must be able to do the same.

If you hit the weak one, it won't be used. If you hit the strong one, it will be useless.

Slightly tasteless, it was refined with the help of Tianlu Xuanjian and integrated into the dragon-binding rope.

The two magic weapons were strengthened. The Fan Tian Seal had the attribute of locking the void, and the Dragon Binding Cable had the attribute of imprisoning the soul, doubling its power, which made Lu Bei very happy.

Zhu He's death was not in vain and his death was valuable.

Everything about the Heavenly Rules Xuanjian Master is good, but there are two shortcomings. One is that krypton gold is too powerful, and the other is that smelting treasures is very time-consuming. The higher the level of the magic weapon, the longer it takes.

It took Lu Bei four or five hours to complete the ritual of Fantian Seal and Dragon Binding Rope. When he finished, it was dark again.

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the quiet room door. Lu Bei raised his eyebrows and put away the leftover supplies. He knew without looking that the person knocking on the sect master's door in the middle of the night was a female disciple.

And his surname is Zhan.

"Hey, hey, little Langhoozi, I can't help it as soon as it gets dark."

"come in!"

Lu Bei lay sideways on the couch, twirled his long hair with his hands, and struck a seductive pose.

∠( ∠)_

After all, it was Zhan Hongqu, and both parties knew who he was. Zhan Hongqu had a clear conscience, so there was no need to be secretive.

"Sect Master, excuse me..."

Lian Lin: (_)

Instead of cutting the red song, the person who came was Da Gutian Lianlin, the elder of the Nine Swords, the female sword cultivator who was forced to be happy by Lu Bei in Shuizeyuan Prison.

"Hey, why is it you? Who let you in?"

Lu Bei sat upright for a second, straightened his clothes, and said angrily: "What are you, a female elder, doing in my sect leader's house at this late hour? Get out quickly. If someone sees me, I will not behave like a human being!"

You haven't been a human for a long time.

Lian Lin felt contempt in his heart. He ignored the previous scene and put on a smile on his face: "Sect Master, my son is troubled by something. Please give me some advice."

"Looking for a beating?"

Lu Bei immediately became energetic. Mosquito legs are also meat. As long as it is an experience, he will not dislike any amount.

"No, I want to ask about the Immortal Sword Intent."

Lian Lin shook her head like a rattle. She was very self-aware. If Lu Bei stood still and didn't fight back, she wouldn't be able to hurt a single hair.

The suppression was overwhelming. Mu Lichen, the strongest among the Nine Swords elders, had no intention of seeking abuse, let alone her.

"What's wrong with the Immortal Sword Intention? Have you figured it out?" Lu Bei said casually.

"This disciple is dull in understanding and has average qualifications. He cannot understand the meaning of the Immortal Sword, but the two sect masters..."

Lian Lin paused mid-sentence and changed his words: "The third generation disciple of Lingxiao Sword Sect, Bai Jin, realized that Elder Danzhan's daughter had killed Hongqu. The disciple wants to ask the sect leader for advice. Is there any shortcut here?"

"Yes, I have!"

Lu Bei patted the couch and said angrily: "Come and lie down, this sect leader will teach you how to do it. No matter how poor your qualifications are, I can make you realize the meaning of the Immortal Sword today next year."

"So simple?" Lian Lin was surprised.

"It's not easy. Someone could be killed accidentally."

Lu Bei rolled his eyes and said: "Besides that, you have to fall in love with me. Not to mention mutual love, at least you have to have me in your heart. Don't underestimate the Immortal Sword Intent. You kid... you know what love is. ?"

"so tough!"

Lian Lin had a bitter look on her face. If she was just sleeping with him, she would grit her teeth and a year and a half would pass in the blink of an eye.

But when it comes to love...

She looked at the careless Lu Bei and shook her head decisively. It was too difficult and she couldn't even die.

"You, a female elder, are deliberately trying to make fun of my sect, right?"

Lu Bei raised his hand and pointed: "Go out and come back when you have figured it out."


"Wait a minute, come back."

Lu Bei looked at Lian Lin in confusion and raised his eyebrows: "This sect leader has not told anyone about the fact that the sect master's wife has acquired the immortal sword intention. They are not talkative people either. Where did you get the gossip?"

"Sect Master, don't you know that Tianjian Sect has been spread for a long time, and everyone in the woodshed knows about it." Lian Lin grinned, somewhat gloating about his misfortune.


Lu Bei's expression changed, and he realized that he was not the protagonist. He had been wandering around the capital for almost two months, and changes occurred in the sect that were beyond his control.

"Come here, Xisuo."

"Sect Master, what happened is this. After you left, Madam Bai came to look for Zhan..."

Lian Lin winked and talked about happy things.

Lu Bei went to the capital alone, and Bai Jin came to look for Zhan Hongqu. The two competed in the martial arts field, and both used the Immortal Sword Intent.

The momentum was so great that all the elders remembered the fear of being dominated by Lu Bei and came to watch one after another.

As a result, Elder Zhan Lexianzhan's expression changed dramatically and he burst into tears on the spot.

After that, Bai Jin was slightly better and invited Zhan Hongqu to go to Beijun Mountain to comprehend the sword's meaning together, and they all came back during the Chinese New Year.

Lu Bei: (一`一)

It's actually true!

Before leaving, Bai Jin was dissatisfied with the man being slept with and claimed that he wanted to give Zhan Hongqu some sex. He thought that the love between good sisters was deep and righteous, and Bai Jin was just talking.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin not only came to the door, but also kidnapped Zhan Hongqu.


"Sect Master, please speak!"

"What do you mean, will I teach you the immortal sword power now?"

Lu Bei glared at Lian Lin fiercely. He dared to eat the sect leader's melons and was not afraid of being beaten while walking at night: "By the way, where is that boy Zhan Lexian?"

"Report to the sect leader, the people are under control." Lian Lin said truthfully.

On the day when Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu competed on the same stage, Zhan Lexian was very emotional, to be precise, he was impulsive. His old father-in-law was devastated by the loss of his little cotton-padded jacket. He kept shouting that he would bully his master and destroy his ancestors, and went to the capital overnight to kill him.

In order to prevent Zhan Lexian from seeking suicide and being seriously injured and dying, a group of elders who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously teamed up to tie him up and sent him to a secret realm to be educated by Qin Fangtian. He has not been released yet.

Lu Bei: (`;)

Trouble is, both the people and the stolen goods have been stolen. No matter how reluctant he is, Zhan Lexian will be upgraded from 'that boy' to 'that old boy'.

Damn it, senior sister is giving him eye drops!

Because it was Bai Jin, Lu Bei chose to forgive, coaxed Lian Lin away who was watching the fun, got up and flew towards Beijun Mountain.

Hurry up, don't become an outsider.

Beijun Mountain, Don’t Forget Peak.

Lu Bei tiptoed open the studio, but did not find Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu. He came to the boudoir with joy, but still found nothing. Finally, he found the two girls in the quiet room.

The situation is not good.

Wei Yu went home and scattered the coins. Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu were sitting cross-legged in the formation on the Wu Forget Peak, leaving Lu Bei alone and exchanging sword intentions with each other to learn from each other's strengths.

Yuanshen sword fighting can be regarded as a kind of dual cultivation.

"Tsk, you really have become an outsider."

Lu Bei muttered, sat down between the two of them, put an arm on each side, and forced his way in.

When Lu Bei appeared, Bai Jin's calm aura suddenly turned cold, and his disgust was self-evident. Zhan Hongqu's breath turned cold and he stood by Bai Jin's side, rejecting Lu Bei at the same time.

Anyone else would have wised up and left by this time.

Lu Bei was otherwise a thick-skinned man who didn't care. Now that he had shown his true face, he no longer pretended to be a gentleman. He spread out the Yin-Yang Formation and robbed the two women into the Black and White Portal, double cultivation plus three cultivation at the beginning.

This is the first time I have done three cultivations. I have little experience and cannot compare with those of 720P, 1080P, and 4K. It took a lot of effort to use the Immortal Sword Intent as a bridge to connect the three people's breaths and create a yin and yang cycle.

Mainly because Bai Jin had been resisting, Zhan Hongqu listened to her and resisted along with her.

Humph, although you two have good means, compared with Pindao, you are still a little behind.

Lu Bei sneered to himself, opened his soul and used an immortal sword intent, waiting quietly for Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu to arrive at his door.

The immortal sword spirit stripped from Hu Er's body came from the Sutra of Abandonment. He was invincible in his past life, his attainments in swordsmanship were earth-shattering, and there was even more powerful Tao charm hidden in it.

He didn't believe it, Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu could endure it.

Three seconds at most, surrender immediately.

As Lu Bei had planned, Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu couldn't hold back. As soon as he counted to two, two souls attacked from the left and the right, and they understood the Taoist meaning of the Immortal Sword.

Because they were both immortal swordsmen with the same origin, although Dao Yun disdained the two women, he did not guard against their souls. He lay still and let them analyze and understand.

Daoyun cannot pass it on directly, let alone teach it actively. Like Lu Bei, it takes the passive route. How much it can be learned depends on the ability of Bai Jin and Zhan Hongqu.

Bai Jinben has realized a Taoist rhyme. The beautiful jade is in front of him, and he is mesmerized. He has gained a lot from understanding and sorting out.

Zhan Hongqu has been spending time with Bai Jin these days. Although he has not yet mastered Bai Jin's Taoist charm, he is still inseparable and has learned some of the charm. Now he is taking a step further. He feels that the palace door is opened, and all the avenues are in front of him. .

After counting carefully, there are nine avenues in total, corresponding to nine types of sword intent.

Cutting the red song thoughtfully, Bai Jin worked hard to reach the sword intention, explore the limit of the sword intention, and understand the charm hidden in it. She should understand the Yuanran sword intention she is most familiar with, break through the shackles, and find her own Tao rhyme.

Both women have gained something, Lu Bei...

Others are sponges, but he wants to add the word "body" and stare blankly, unable to comprehend anything.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem and he can handle it.

First, I borrowed the Taoist rhyme of Bai Jin, and then I borrowed the unformed Taoist rhyme of Zhan Hongqu, and kept both of them in my body. I hope to familiarize myself with the Taoist rhyme through muscle memory, and finally turn it into my own insights.

I was speechless all night, obsessed with practicing.

For seven days, the three of them remained motionless.

Zhan Hongqu held the textbook in hand, split the Taoist rhyme into nine parts, and studied Yuanran Taoist rhyme, which he was best at.

By the time she peeked into the door and completed this Taoist rhyme, Bai Jin had deduced most of the Changchong Taoist rhyme. The two exchanged the Taoist rhyme and used each other's hands to make up for their own shortcomings, with experience +1, +1, +1...

Lu Bei: (benefit)

The Orange Man is just a pickled fish, there is no place for him in the world of geniuses.

In anger, he put his hands around the two slim waists and brought them both into his arms, comforting himself. Wings was working hard for him to understand Tao Yun, and he didn't want to let him suffer, so he didn't take him to play.

Volume 1.0 is over, and the next volume 2.0 will start tomorrow. It’s time for Lu Bei and Lu Dong to meet. Let’s sort out the outline. There are only 4,000 words today.

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