This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 614 Di Tu raccoon dog

Barren mountains, dry temples.

The dilapidated temple is overgrown with weeds, with twisted trees and some creeping vines around it. It is deserted and has been abandoned for who knows how long.

The Sanshen Jue hides cultivation, and the black mask can change the appearance. After Lu Bei put on the mask, he turned into a middle-aged man with a stern face.

His eyes were long and slender, with a fierce glint hidden in his gaze, and coupled with his thin and sinister face, he looked like a villain who wouldn't survive more than three or five episodes.

I wasn't late this time, so I came on time.

Almost as soon as his front feet stood down, Qinglong stepped out of the air.

There was another figure walking with him.

The man was dressed in black, with a rough and majestic appearance, a burning gaze, a tall man, and full of explosive power.

"Brother, I have been waiting for a long time, and you are finally here."

Lu Beiyin spoke quietly and looked at the man in black. Referring to the effect of the black mask, this face should be fake.

Without exception, Qinglong's appearance is also fake.

Lack of integrity, no wonder there will be fighting among each other.

"His name is Di Tu raccoon dog. He is a senior who entered the industry earlier than you. This time, he will explore the secret realm with you as your partner." Qinglong introduced the two of them.

"Just me and him?"


Qinglong replied: "This exploration of the secret realm is an assessment. There are three more teams entering the secret realm. You two, do your best and don't embarrass me."

Lu Bei nodded and asked no more questions.

Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu correspond to the twenty-eight constellations such as Xinyuehu, Ditu raccoon dog, etc. One can imagine what the formulas of the other three teams are.

Although Qinglong confided a lot of important information to him, if you think about it carefully, he almost always told him half and hid the other half, and never disclosed the core secrets of the Gravekeeper organization.


It gradually became interesting.

"The secret realm is in Xiongchu. This is the map. You two can enter and exit with Mo Zi Ling..."

Qinglong said a few words briefly, then threw a map to Lu Bei and Di Tuzhao. After speaking, his figure slowly faded and disappeared.

The secret realm of Xiongchu?

Lu Beiyin's expression remained unchanged, and he began to think about it, referring to the time and place. If he guessed correctly, this secret place was very particular.

It will trigger a national war.

The plot of the National War in version 2.0 started out when Emperor Ji Zong discovered a ruins outside Wuzhou. He invaded the territory of Xiongchu and was crushed to the ground. In turn, he was invaded by the other party.

The war of aggression turned into a war of defense, and the perpetrators were beaten and served with fists in their hands.

During the National War, Xiongchu once captured Yuezhou, changed its territory overnight, and declared its ownership of Yuezhou.

Later, Wu Zhou brought reinforcements to recapture Yuezhou, but due to the heavy losses at the local Immortal Mountain Gate in Yuezhou, unopposed players emerged one after another.

In the later version 3.0, players took over the mountain and established sects one after another. This group of sand sculptures felt uncomfortable all day long without any stimulation, and Yuezhou was reduced to a pot of porridge.

The reasons for the quarrel between the players are even more diverse. They are basically just looking for trouble. What are you looking at, calling me daddy, whether tofu is salty or sweet, how can cockroaches fly, who is more beautiful between me and Xu Gong in the north of the city...

But these are all things for later. At present, the Lingxiao Sword Sect has not been destroyed, and the Tianjian Sect has also moved to Yuezhou. The entire Yuezhou is trembling under the lustful power of the Tianjian Sect. Not to mention the strong soldiers and horses, but they are also huddled hedgehogs, majestic Whether Chu can conquer Yuezhou remains to be seen.

To be precise, Emperor Ji Sect is now in a state of sickness. He is helpless and lying in the capital. His high-end combat power has been absorbed by the royal family. His minions have also switched sides. He has discovered the secret realm and has no energy to explore it.

Without Huangji Sect taking the initiative, this battle would not have been fought.



Isn’t there still this sect leader?

Lu Bei suddenly realized it. After sorting out the causes and consequences, he finally understood why Huangji Sect discovered the secret realm in Xiongchu, and why he was so bold as to take action against the big carts.

Qinglong came to Zhu He, accepted him as his crotch dogleg, and explored the secret realm with Di Tu raccoon dog. Perhaps he failed and was unwilling to accept it. He led Zhu Xian and Zhu Mu to the door, but was caught on the spot by Xiong Chu's carts. capture.

Xiongchu had coveted Yuezhou for a long time. He finally caught the opportunity to stand on the moral high ground and naturally he would not let it go.

National war broke out.

He flapped his butterfly wings, which were worth far more than Zhu He, so Qinglong found him, and this time he and Di Tu raccoon teamed up.

Thinking of this, Lu Bei immediately understood.


The corners of Lu Bei's mouth curled up, and he let out a hearty laugh.

I am ashamed to say that although he was not active in version 2.0, the national war between Wu Zhou and Xiong Chu started due to the secret realm, and he had paid attention to it on the forum.

At that time, the secret realm had been plundered by monks from the two countries, and almost all the good things had been picked up. The players did not believe in evil, and firmly believed that they were the children of destiny, and went deep into the map to find fish that had slipped through the net.

Some find opportunities, and some make strategies.

It's like an afterthought strategy. If the monks from the two countries have never entered the secret realm, how to navigate this map.

Lu Bei couldn't remember clearly what happened a long time ago, but he still had a vague impression that he could avoid many risky areas and pick up treasures before others.

"Having said that, the players are of average strength, and they cannot explore whether there are opportunities hidden in the risk areas. This guide needs to be verified. If you believe it, I will lose money."

Lu Bei muttered, and Di Tuzhao, who had been waiting for a long time, frowned.

Such an arrogant junior didn't even say hello.

Di Tuzhao coughed heavily and looked at Lu Bei with thick eyebrows and big eyes: "I am Di Tuzhao, you must be Xinyue Fox. Boss Qinglong told me that your strength is not inferior to mine."

Hey, you're such a good person, why do you come up here and cut me?

Lu Bei raised his eyebrows and said politely: "It turns out that your Excellency is Di Tuzhao, you are a fox, and Mr. Fox is also a fox. We were the same family five hundred years ago. What a coincidence!"

A raccoon dog is a raccoon dog, which is roughly equal to a fox. Adding him as the Xinyue Fox, they just make up a bunch of good friends who work together in collusion.

Lu Bei is very enthusiastic about his new teammates, and everyone knows the reason. Before She Yan went to bed, Lu Bei was also very enthusiastic towards her.

It's always useful when working in the fields.

Di Tuzhao didn't respond. Although the two were teammates and both were working under Qinglong's crotch, the world of cultivating immortals was in turmoil, and the honest man had long been eliminated. With his cultivation level reaching his level, he had never seen any scenes before, so how could he be so embarrassed? Lu Bei's enthusiasm put his guard down.

"Xinyuehu, Boss Qinglong has an order. This time you and I will work together to explore the secret realm. But Long Wutou can't do it. Boss Qinglong is not here. Who do you think is more suitable to be the talker?" Di Tuliao's eyes were serious, and he almost raised his chest and raised his head. He said he was the boss.


Lu Bei grinned: "Di is the front legs of a dragon, and its heart is its heart. A dragon cannot survive without a head, but it can survive with a heart, but it may not survive with claws."

"It doesn't matter if you can live if you have the will. All the claws and claws are gone. It's not enough to be reduced to a piece of fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others!"

"It makes sense, so what should we do?" Lu Bei narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Di Tuzhao laughed, and raised his hand towards Lu Bei: "I'm a rough guy, and I'm used to being straight. In my opinion, why don't you and I compete, so that we can distinguish ourselves and get familiar with each other, which will facilitate future cooperation? .”


Lu Bei raised his hand to hold Di Tu raccoon dog, and tightened his fingers slightly: "After all, he is one of his own. Brother Qinglong has to give him face. How about that as long as it lasts?"

"I think so too."

Di Tu raccoon laughed loudly and tightened his fingers like iron pliers.


Where the hands were clenched, cracks exploded in the fragile space, black lines spilled out, and the energy flow stirred up.

Lu Beifeng was calm and calm, exerting force slowly and slowly. Di Tuzhao's smile remained unchanged and he was full of confidence in his own strength: "Brother Xinyuehu, I can't win without force. Next time, I will let you be the boss next time. "

After saying this, his five fingers suddenly tightened and a terrifying force erupted.

"No need for next time, it will be fine this time." Lu Bei ignored the terrifying force that exploded, and the tightening of his fingers remained slow and unhurried.

Soon, Di Tulu couldn't hold it any longer, the smile on his face disappeared, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Such a strong hand, this guy is so skinny, he turns out to be a return-to-nature body builder.


The two of them were wrestling on the spot, abandoning all their martial arts and supernatural powers, and fighting purely with their bodies. Di Tu raccoon really had some tricks up his sleeve. One of his hands was crushed into mud by Lu Bei, and he didn't even make a sound.

"Brother, your hand is gone."

"I can still fight."


Lu Bei rolled his eyes, let go of Di Tu raccoon dog, and summoned a ball of water to wash away the blood stains.

As far as spying skills are concerned, Di Tu Raccoon is a Buddhist monk with good physical strength. Unfortunately, after meeting him, he is destined to be cannon fodder this time.

No, be a teammate.

Di Tu raccoon returned from defeat, looking at Lu Bei with a particularly unkind look. At the same time, he was also quite curious, guessing that there was a face underneath the gloomy face.

He actually kept his word, but his skills were inferior to others, and he admitted that Lu Bei was the one who talked about the problem this time.

After confirming the priorities, the two ran towards the east.

The secret realm is far away in Xiongchu. Although it is not the hinterland, it still has to cross several lines of defense.

During this period, they passed by several remote mountain gates for cultivation. Lu Bei and Di Tu raccoon picked out two passers-by and beat them up, showing off their strengths to each other.

Passerby: "..."

Coincidentally, Lu Bei is a physical practitioner and is good at melee combat, and so is Di Tu Raccoon. He doesn't care about anything and just hits with his fists.

"It's too bad. You and I are both straightforward roughnecks. We are not proficient in the art of battle. If someone plots against us..."

Lu Bei glanced at Di Tuzhao: "There are still three teams, most likely two teams like you and me. If we encounter..."

"Those who are proficient in formations will grab them directly and bury the rest." Di Tuliao said decisively.

"What a coincidence, sir, no, Fox thinks so too."

The two came to the mountains, but there was no trace of the portal in the secret realm.

Di Tu Raccoon took out tokens, injected mana, and opened a vortex channel in front.

Lu Bei saw this and was secretly shocked. The tombkeeper really had a secret method to ignore the opening time of the secret realm and enter it freely.

So the question is, if you don’t come in early and don’t come in late, why would you choose this time to form a group? Is there any deep meaning behind it?

The four teams can be regarded as the internal factional discord among the Gravekeepers. Choose the time...

Lu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, judging that the tombkeepers were not omnipotent, and there were restrictions on finding secret places, so some secret places had traces of their activities, while others did not.


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