This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 672 The dead are the most important

Lu Bei insisted that his plan was feasible and believed in it.

There is a portrait of an alien demon in the jade slip. He is handsome and unrestrained, with extraordinary equipment, a pair of eyes shooting cold stars, and two curved eyebrows as if they were painted. Although he is angry and sometimes smiling, he looks angry and affectionate. He has many redeeming qualities.

Sending five hundred Shuiyunmiao female cultivators may not be able to subdue the demon, but with such a large formation, they will definitely be able to draw it out.

Others' ideas are genuine ideas, but Lu Bei's ideas are just for fun.

Zhaixingzi nodded repeatedly, and the good old man said that Lu Bei was right, and asked him not to say anything next time. He turned around and summoned a pair of golden boys and girls, and ordered the two disciples to lead King Black Feather down for dinner.

No meat, vegan.

They are all spiritual herbs, spiritual wines, or refined elixirs. Monks in the integration stage can take them to increase their magic power, while monks in the tribulation stage or earth immortals can just drink them to satisfy their addiction.

It is too difficult to survive the tribulation period in the cultivation of Immortal Mansion Continent.

Lu Bei's suggestions were not adopted, so he returned to his seat with a groan. There were only five hundred female cultivators, and he was reluctant to part with them. It made the 'extraterrestrial demons' very rare.

He wanted to see how the Onmyodo and Shuiyunmiao sects could lure out the devil without the beautiful and beautiful cultivators.

"Brother, why do you look so ugly? Is that old bull nose of Zhaixingzi looking down on you?"

The loyal Bai Yin looked angry and tried to find the lost true love between the eldest brother and the younger brother with the attitude of sharing the same hatred.

However, it was of no use, so Lu Bei slapped it away.

"Get out of the way, don't touch me!"

Eat, drink and drink.JPG

The Demon Slayer Conference ended in an anticlimactic manner, not to mention it ended at the speed of light, but it also ended in a hurry, and the process was perfunctory.

As a simple and honest foreigner, Lu Bei couldn't figure out what attitude the despicable locals had towards the devil after being isolated for a long time.

No, I have to discuss it with the Taifu when I get back. Although her plan is good, it is not applicable without local customs.

Zhaixingzi and Mr. Chongyang discussed strategies and implemented the details, but they couldn't come up with accurate regulations for a while.

Lu Bei didn't want to waste time, so he recruited a female disciple, showed off the majesty of the newly promoted elder, and asked her to clear the way. He was going to the Onmyodo arsenal to borrow the Fangzhongshu secret book.

It’s all Yin and Yang Tao, and there are several books related to Tao, which are very reasonable and logical.

According to the female disciple, the arsenal is located at Feitian Cliff in Nanshan Mountain, and the current librarian is Mo Xuan.

No, not everyone can do such an awesome job as a librarian. Can Mo Xuan afford it?

Lu Bei secretly thought that it was bad luck. In order to protect the old turtle under his crotch, Mr. Good Fortune transferred him away from the chain island area. If he went to the arsenal at this time, it would inevitably cause some accidents.

The vest that I just got cannot be thrown away, and I decided to visit the arsenal again after some time.


The sea water is flying in groups, and the sky is the same color.

Lu Bei dropped the two dog legs and headed southwest with She Zhang. Their destination was within the coverage of Dragon Palace's forces.

Lone Light Island.

Gudeng Island was originally the residence of the Changsheng Sect and the training gate of Gu Tianyin, the founding emperor of Xiong Chu. It was a mysterious and reclusive sect.

Due to a series of reasons such as blood curse and demonic cultivation, the Eternal Life Sect was besieged by several major forces, killing all the people and even the island.

The specific reason has not yet been found out, but Lu Bei estimated that before the Eternal Life Sect was cursed, its strength must have been extremely powerful.

The seal of longevity that can freely enter and exit the sea of ​​mist is proof of this.

There were many mysteries, so he decided to investigate from the source. He had to visit Lone Light Island.

It stands to reason that King Yuanji and his party have already explored the island and confirmed that there are no traces and not a single ashes left.

With Gu Zongchen in his Mahayana period around, there would be no omissions. If he went there again, he would most likely not find anything.

But Lu Bei still decided to take a trip. In terms of search opportunities, Sister Little Snake had never let him down.

Thousands of miles of seas are turbulent. After leaving the territory of Yin Yang Dao, the previously calm sea suddenly turned upside down. Strong winds came from nowhere, dark clouds covered the sky and the sun hung low in the sky.

Lu Bei was worried that he would attract the Dragon King and make the same mistakes as Yin Peng, the king of the cloudy sky. He died young in the year of the eagle, so he took advantage of the thick clouds to become invisible, and pulled She Zhang into it.

Ordinary lightning is far less dangerous than thunder. It doesn't matter if you get hit twice, just treat it as a scratch.

Travel hundreds of miles.

Lu Bei frowned and stopped, looking back coldly with eagle eyes, and said angrily: "Come out, after following this elder for so long, this is already the Dragon Palace sea area, and I can't control it here."

She Yan smiled and stood beside Lu Bei, waving her long tail, waiting for the unlucky guy to show up.

Since she fell into Lu Bei's trap, she has gained two more hobbies, one is cooking, the other is Lu Bei, and the other is watching Lu Bei bully others.

In Wuzhou, the leader of the Tianjian Sect was well-known, and it had been a long time since she had seen an unlucky guy come to Lu Bei's door to bully him.


A Buddha chant sounded, golden light fell on the lotus shadow, Zen fragrance overflowed, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly dispersed towards the surroundings as if they had been surrendered.

The special effects were already full before anyone showed up.

Lu Bei raised his hand and yawned, muttering to himself that he was bored. He shook hands with a Buddhist born in the Mahayana stage, and then watched the monk from the Earthly Immortal Realm who failed to cross the tribulation perform Buddhist magical powers. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like a petty person.

"Black Feather Donor, this poor monk has his wish, please be polite first."

Zen Master Ruyi appeared with a smile, holding a string of rosary beads, with a round head and a big belly that looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

"It turns out to be Zen Master Ruyi. I have admired his name for a long time. When I saw him today, he was really struck by thunder."

Lu Bei raised his hand and said, "Didn't you go to break up the fight? Why, you got lost?"

"I'm not afraid of Black Feather Donor's jokes. The poor monk was a step too slow to catch up with the two benefactors, Ao Cheng and Bai Yue. He saw Black Feather Donor from a distance and came here to ask for directions."

"I don't know where Master Worshiping Moon is, but if you go west, you will definitely find Prince Ao Cheng in Dragon Palace." Lu Bei waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Black Feather Donor, please wait."

The Buddha's light flashed, and Zen Master Ruyi stepped forward to block the way of Lu Bei and She Zhang. He put his hands together in a salute and said politely: "Black Feather Almsgiver, this poor monk has something to say, I don't know whether to say it or not."

"Is this elder related to the Buddha Sect?"


Zen Master Ruyi was so embarrassed when his lines were snatched away from him, he said cheerfully: "It turns out that Black Feather Almsgiver also has the heart to worship the Buddha. It's the poor monk who is being cautious. It's my fault. I shouldn't be."


Lu Bei spat out his saliva and went straight to Zen Master Ruyi's round, greasy face: "I don't have any intention of worshiping the Buddha, but under the guise of the Buddha, I have seen too many bald donkeys doing dirty things. You are so fat, I don't think so." The recipe says, get out of the way or die.”

"My Buddha is merciful, but the donor is very evil."

Zen Master Ruyi showed unbearable expression and said slowly: "I heard that Black Feather's benefactor was the best at eating blood, and he robbed monks to feed and take pleasure in. This act was outraged by both humans and gods. This move is intolerable in the world. The poor monk felt that the benefactor's catastrophe was coming, so he came here. I urge you to put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. If you learn the Dharma..."


The afterimage of the golden light disappeared and fell straight into the depths of the sea, leaving a huge sunken eye on the sea surface that never recovered for a long time.

"I told you to get out of the way, but it's still chattering."

Lu Bei blew his fist and raised his eyebrows to look at She Zhang: "The bald donkey has a thick skin and will be bored for a while. Don't move around here. I'll be back as soon as I go."

deep sea.

Zen Master Ruyi waved his hand to smooth away the mud. He just seemed... to have been punched?

So fast!

No wonder Dragon King Ao Yi didn't hold back from taking action, he really had some skills.

He has accepted this Dharma Protector Vajra!


The ocean was divided into two, and the vast sea water was rolling towards both sides. Lu Bei looked down at the golden knot with his hands clasped together: "During the demon-killing conference, I noticed that you had evil intentions, but I didn't expect that you are very brave. You dare to attack this elder outside the territory of Yin and Yang Dao."

"Donor, please don't misunderstand. This poor monk is here only to teach Buddhism."

"Okay, what do you say? After all, the dead are the most important, and it's not easy for me to argue with you."

Lu Bei shrugged, narrowed his eyes, and said sternly: "Bald donkey, remember in the next life, when you subjugate demons, you must tell the elders in the family which mountain, which demon subdued, and which demon you subdued. "

"Donors are so confident."

Zen Master Ruyi's smile faded, his golden body became one, and his fat body suddenly tightened, turning into a little golden giant with bulging muscles.

"The evil bird takes the poor monk into his palm and takes over the Buddha's kingdom!"



boom! !

boom! ! !

After a cup of tea, Lu Bei flew out of the sea lightly. She Zhang frowned and teased: "I told you to calm down a long time ago. If you don't listen, look at how weak your body has become after three days."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just acting and doing the whole thing."

Lu Bei decisively proved to himself that it was impossible to be empty. If he hadn't been wearing a vest with black feathers, like Zen Master Ruyi, he could have done it with one punch.

The two of them headed west, arrived at the exact coordinates of the sea area, and submerged directly into the sea water.

Ao Yi made a clean move, and the entire Immortal Sect was destroyed, including the people and the island. Gudeng Island no longer existed, and even the island base could not be found.

Not a big problem.

She Yan was in the state of fusion with the golden-scaled thin snake. He used his magical power and waved his sleeves and robes to shoot out several phantoms of the snakes.

The thin golden snake blends into the sea water, fading away like drops of ink.

Lu Bei firmly believed that it was impossible for such a large mountain gate to die at the drop of a hat, and it must have left some inheritance for those who were destined to do so.

No matter how bad it is, he will still leave something behind for Gu Tianyin.

Two hours later, three thousand miles away.

Following the induction, She Yan split open the rocks on the seabed and found a passage that seemed to be dug by a sea monster.

There was nothing special about the passage, She Zhang just gave it a try, but as Lu Bei found the Immortality Seal, everything changed.

The Immortality Seal buzzed and trembled, struggling to escape from Lu Bei's control. The latter had the soul mark engraved into it, and was automatically cleared several times in a row.

Buzz buzz————

The Zhen character was punched out with great force, and the Immortality Seal instantly fell down.

Lu Bei stepped forward with his seal and groped along the passage. Less than three hundred meters away, he touched the wall and touched a teleportation array.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Bei took the first step, throwing out Zen Master Ruyi's body and letting him walk in front.

Within the teleportation array, the space realm suddenly opened up.

In a dark world, four stone pillars stand tall, and the entwined chains are rusty. The ancient formation is difficult to discern its true appearance, with mottled cracks, and its divine light and charm have long been lost.

With sharp eyes, Lu Bei saw a crystal coffin standing vertically in the center of the formation.

The coffins were opened layer by layer, and they were violently broken through from the inside.

look familiar!

His eyes flashed, and he vaguely remembered that the crystal coffin seemed familiar.

"Red Sky Desert, Little Demon Realm..."

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