This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 812 The Land of the Far West

Bai Jin gave Lu Bei three days to finish the official affairs of the mountain gate, and the two of them practiced swordsmanship together in Beijun Mountain.

Lu Bei nodded happily, and when he turned around, She Zhang detained him at Sanqing Peak for ten days.

Not in vain, there is grass.

On the fourth day, Elder She confirmed that Lu Bei had not deserted, and beamed with joy, as if she had won a huge victory; for the next five, six, seven, eight days, she was obedient to Lu Bei and became even more clingy than Sister Little Snake.

On the ninth day, Elder She believed that the situation was settled and that there was no rival in the world. It seemed that Senior Sister Xiao Xiaobai had completely ignored him. She was so complacent that she couldn't ride any longer, so she waved her hand to signal. Lu Bei can leave.

Lu Bei staggered away from Sanqing Peak, and the moment he arrived at Yuezhou, he was filled with energy and energy, and stepped into Beijun Mountain with high spirits.

He has not been idle in the past ten days. He has countless drafts in his mind. He has written plans from plan A to plan Z1.2.7. He is fully prepared. No matter what method Bai Jin uses, he can handle it with ease.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jin didn't mention a word about the three-day period, and only said that you are back.

Then there was all kinds of considerate care. It was hard to deal with the affairs of the mountain gate, and it was not easy to be the leader of a sect. Hearing this, Lu Bei was covered in cold sweat, and he seriously suspected that eight hundred swordsmen had been ambushed around him.

Just as he was thinking about it, Bai Jin brought out a bowl of medicinal food, saying it was for him to replenish his health.

This was not part of the plan!

Lu Bei smiled, pinched his nose and drank the medicinal food.

It's really just a magical herb to replenish the body, unlike She Zhang, who roasted goose in a pot and half the pot was filled with snake venom, which was so poisonous that his taste buds mutated.

Afterwards, Bai Jin greeted Lu Bei with another round of greetings and showed her utmost care, perfectly explaining what it means to be knowledgeable, sensible, gentle and courteous in front of others, and charming and colorful behind others.

Lu Bei was greatly moved. She was worthy of the white moonlight in his heart. In comparison, She Zhang, who only knew how to be jealous and wanted favors and didn't care about his body at all, was simply inhuman!

Hey, wait a minute...

In his mind, two little Lu Bei jumped out again.

Lushan Lunjin: Is there a possibility that Senior Sister Bai is at a very high level and your boy has been pua?

Bad guy: Is there a possibility? This is the only possibility.

Lu Bei waved his hand and drove away the two villains. Regardless of whether it was possible or not, Senior Sister Bai won this round. Knowing that he is affectionate and righteous, he is definitely not a scumbag who turns his face and refuses to recognize others after putting up his pants. Fighting with Elder She will only hurt both sides, so he can lock the position of the doctor in advance by retreating in one move.

On the contrary, Elder She was scheming over and over again, and her cleverness became a foil. Although she had a big heart, at this moment, her heart was completely outweighed.

It's scary, it turns out that Bai Yueguang in his heart is so scheming!

When I think about it, Senior Sister Bai has also taken back Zhan Hongqu as her guardian. Elder She is unable to survive alone. He is defeated again and again, fearing that he will never be able to turn around.

Lu Bei has a kind heart and does not want to see the weak being wronged. He only hopes that Little Snake Sister will transform into another form as soon as possible and imitate Empress E's daughter-in-law. They will achieve the same result through different paths so as to stabilize the position for his sister.

He felt a little wronged and could only help so much!

After leaving Beijun Mountain, Lu Bei counted the time. There were still four days until the middle of the month, so he walked around again.

Despite his busy schedule, he did not forget to take time out to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Xiongchu Diplomatic Residence.

On July 14th, Lu Bei recruited his lackeys one day in advance.

Nibi and Yang Dian were beaten to death when they first met their superiors. One had to succumb to Xuanwu's power for the sake of his brothers and the other for the country.

But this opportunity has nothing to do with the two of them. To strike, you need to be strong. In the same way, the prerequisite for picking up opportunities is that your fists are strong enough.

The secret realm is located in the far west and is haunted by Suzakus. After all, the strength of the two is somewhat different.

Therefore, Lu Bei brought the two most powerful dogs, Dou Muhae (Gu Zongchen) and Bishui Hae (Tu Yuan).

The three of them met outside Xuantian Temple. Lu Bei stepped through the void and headed straight to the far west.

Before setting off, they were reminded to keep a low profile. Unlike Xiang Wu's low-key work and high-profile life, this time he was really low-key.

Lu Bei still remembers that Master Mo Buxiu once said that only by clearing the entire Wu Zhou, including Dashan Temple, can one set foot in the far west.

Although Mo Buxiu had never been right, he traveled all over the country and used the gangster account of "Old Demon Yunpeng" to find opportunities outside. Lu Bei decided to trust him again.

Speaking of Dashan Temple, Lu Bei turned to look at Gu Zongchen: "Little monk, I heard that Xuantian Temple and Wuzhou Dashan Temple have a good relationship. They are friendly units. If you slap them, how many bald donkeys can survive in Dashan Temple?"

Before Gu Zongchen could speak, Lu Dong smiled and said: "Jie Jie Jie, no matter how accomplished our young monk is, if he slaps him, no matter how many bald donkeys there are in Dashan Temple, they will die."

Hearing that this trip was to the far west, the place where the world's demonic cultivators originated, Lu Dong was particularly excited, secretly poking at him for some sinister motive.

Hearing Lu Dong's words, Gu Zongchen smiled slightly and felt a little proud, but he was a humble and polite monk after all. He clasped his hands and said, "I have never been to Dashan Temple. I don't know what the magical powers of the Buddhist masters there are. I just know that Master highly praises Dashan Temple and calls it the leader of Buddhism in the world. It also inherits the Sutra of the Tathagata Sutra and has the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism."


The Far West is not a country, it is just a general name. It is located at the western end of the Kunlun Mountains and the westernmost side of the Kyushu Continent.

The geography is complex and the landforms are diverse, including spiritual mountains and rivers, as well as deserts and ice fields. It is similar to the southern border adjacent to Zhaoqin. It is vast and vast, magnified more than a hundred times.

Further to the west is a sea of ​​black sand with no grass growing on it, rich in monsters, including all kinds of strange things, such as the Buddha-faced golden spider that Lu Bei has seen, which is a local specialty.

The land in the far west is to the north and has no border with the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom. To the east and south, it is close to the West Youyao Realm and has no border with the human race country.

As a three-nothing zone, there is no concept of a country in the extreme west. There are many mountains and complex forces. Each big mountain gate leads a side. Although they do not establish a country and claim the title of emperor, they still collect no less taxes.

Because there is no concept of country, the nominal leader of the human race, the Great Xia Jihuang, can only stare at this place.

Demonic cultivators are lawless madmen per capita. They follow the principle of the weak and the strong and have thrived for countless years. Any cultivator with any reputation is a ruthless person who walks on mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

For example, a demon cultivator like Tu Yuan is accustomed to Xuanlong's rules, suppresses his nature, and has an impure demonic taste. Even if he cultivates the Great Demon Seal of the Five Emperors inherited from the Far West, he cannot be considered orthodox of the demon sect.

The real magic cultivator...

According to Yibi's description, there are two types.

A kind of moody, unreasonable, seemingly very purposeful, but in fact, he is inconsistent, often ignoring the original intention and just pursuing happiness.

The other kind of mind is so firm that it is unreasonable and unrepentant. It is either a great good or a great evil.

If you are not crazy, you will not become a demon. The real demon cultivators are all lunatics.

Tianwai Tower.

The famous killer organization in the far west, affiliated with the Abi Temple, controls a thousand-mile radius, occupying five cities and twelve mountains to dominate one area.

There are two thousand disciples under the sect, and there are two killer camps, Tianxia and Tianshang. The Tianxia camp is divided into four guards: gold, silver, bronze, and iron. They accept orders corresponding to the monk level, up to the fourth level of transcending tribulation.

Tiantian camp has always been mysterious. As long as the money is in place, it will dare to accept orders from Mahayana monks.

To put it bluntly, if several major human kingdoms had not reorganized the Great Xia Holy Land and occupied the Dragon Veins of Kunlun Mountain, the Far West could have swept away 80% of the human kingdoms in the Nine Provinces continent just by raising a single Tianwai Tower.

Such as Wu Zhou, such as Qi Yan.

At this point, Tianwai Tower is still just a second-rate force in the Far West, and it needs the protection of Abi Temple to survive.

The Celestial City, the seven-story pagoda, is the centerpiece of the sect.

Tianwai Tower.

Recently, the host, Shi Wuchang, has not looked very good. He is worried and looks like an undercover agent.

In addition to the Biyue Hehuan Sect next door bullying the smaller ones and forcibly collecting protection fees, there is another troublesome matter involving life and death.

According to his investigation, many hidden demons secretly arrived in the five cities and twelve mountains under the rule of Tianwai Tower.

These demons are either famous, as they achieved great fame when he was still wearing crotchless pants, or they are not famous, and have never been heard of.

If you haven't heard of it, it means that they kill everyone who has seen them. Those who are good at fighting have no illustrious reputation. This is the most terrifying thing.

The most outrageous thing is that there are a few names that are extremely eye-catching. They were successfully assassinated by Tianwai Tower in the early years. They were widely circulated and became advertising cases that Tianwai Tower was proud of and promoted.

The co-author is not dead at all, he just used the Golden Cicada to escape from his shell.

Shi Wuchang wanted to die when he thought that he was stupidly using promotional cases to drum up business.

These old demons had obviously disappeared and turned into dead people. Suddenly, the fake corpses gathered in Tianwailou's territory. Shi Wuchang would never believe that they were just organizing a group drink to celebrate the birthday of an old friend.

He quickly contacted the boss and asked his eldest brother Abi Temple to administer justice. Who would have thought that good news came from Abi Temple. The old Buddha, who had been dead for a hundred years, was alive and would arrive at Tianwai Pavilion today.

The relics burned a hundred years ago suddenly came to life?

Fuck you!

Shi Wuchang was furious. As the boss of a killer organization, he knew that information was the key.

The worst situation is not that you know nothing, but that everyone else knows but you know nothing.

"A divine weapon has been born in Tianwai Tower's territory. The old guys have figured it out. They would rather expose their whereabouts than show up to snatch it..."

Shi Wuchang looked at the gloomy black mist in the distance, as if an evil face flashed across his face, and murmured to himself: "The rain is about to come, and the wind is blowing all over the building. Abi Temple only cares about itself, or it may not be able to protect itself. Tianwai Tower is afraid that it will not escape this disaster." .”

After pondering for a moment, he thought about the hard work he had spent his whole life in the Tianwai Building, the two thousand disciples of the Tianxia Camp, and the Seven Killing Blood Guards of the Tianshang Camp, with a cold expression on his face and a sneer.


Why don't you run away and stay to die?

As a Mahayana-level killer, Shi Wuchang has extremely strong hands-on ability. Needless to say, his mobility. Almost as soon as he had an idea, he opened the secret compartment and took out the treasure of the tower, and walked towards the Tianwai Tower in a transformed figure.

Before leaving, he reluctantly dropped a magic weapon in the secret room and vomited blood to create the illusion that he was killed by a powerful force from a distance.

That’s it!

Shi Wuchang nodded secretly, went straight to the outside of the city, climbed over a wall when encountering it, and instead of taking the right path, he only went to civilian houses, and then...

"Hey, what a coincidence, uncle, you also climbed over the wall to peek at a girl taking a shower?"

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