This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 816 The poor Taoist guide, the poor Taoist guide

"It's convenient if you say it's convenient. Where can I put my face? Will I be able to get around in the future?" Lu Bei sneered, with golden light pulsing in his eyes, recognizing the cultivation level of the person coming.

As expected, he was a Mahayana monk.

He had a clever technique of holding back his breath, pretending to be a rookie in the tribulation period, but his magic was no match for his magical power, and his true form was revealed on the spot in front of Lu Bei's divine eyes.

"He Fang Xiaoxiao dares to break into my Tianwai Tower!"

Shi Wuchanghan blocked him with a cold face, holding a black and dull dagger in his hand, and stepped into the formation of Tianwai Tower.

Sumeru is incorporated into the mustard seeds, and an inconspicuous room stretches thousands of miles, forming a world of its own, and isolating the outside world from time and space, blocking all passages between the Tianwai Building and the outside world.

At this time, the building was demolished. From the perspective of outsiders, the Tianwai Building is still the Tianwai Building, and its appearance will not change at all.

The man in black robe narrowed his eyes slightly and secretly said trouble. His body was atomized and turned into a gravel-like black wind, whistling towards Shi Wuchang.

"It's you!"

As soon as he made a move, Shi Wuchang recognized the identity of the person who came. He snorted coldly, and his body shape continued to change. Thousands of shadows covered the four directions, resisting the black-robed man and forcing him into the void.


Lu Bei patted the dog's head: "You watch here, I will go out for a walk. If something happens, I will blow up the building directly."

After saying that, his body flashed, and when he appeared again, he had already passed the Tianwai Tower sealing formation.

There was no response from the formation, as if nothing happened.

Heaven and man are one.

When Han Miaojun and Yan Xiaoshuang studied Lu Bei, they helped him develop derivative skills that integrated heaven and man into one. Merging with heaven and earth can deceive the monks' perception, and naturally they can also deceive most formations in the world.

According to the opinions of the two palace masters, Lu Bei is nothing but reckless and has no charm of a Taoist cultivator. If he had used his brains, he would not be like this.

Lu Bei didn't refute. They had big breasts and everything they said was right.

In a corner of Tianshang City, two demonic cultivators were facing each other, with their heads covered and neither of them knowing the other's identity. The ink-letter token was suspended in the air, waiting for their master to show up.

Whoever wins is the master.


Lu Bei laughed heartily and intervened forcefully, looking at the two demons from left to right, golden light flashing in his eyes.

A man and a woman, black as hell, full of evil thoughts, both are evil cultivators who cannot be cleansed.

After thinking about my will to kill demons, I feel a little embarrassed. This is a serious matter. Isn't this bullying?

Don't do this next time, lower the judgment!

Seeing the spoiler appear, the two demon cultivators stood together decisively, and the woman said quietly: "What kind of brat are you from? You are only in the integration stage, but you dare to steal my king's treasure. Leave as soon as possible, and let your ancestor Come out and speak.”

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of seizing the treasure."

Under the incredulous gazes of the two people, Lu Bei punched out, and the strange force resonated with the ink token, shaking it into powder.

"Are you crazy, kid?!"

"Come die!!"

The two Mahayana demon cultivators were furious and stepped back again and again as they spoke.


The style of painting in the Far West was completely different from what Lu Bei had imagined. He was unable to complain, and then continued the topic: "I only want one thing here, either to kill two people, or to be beaten to death by two people."

"Arrogant, you deserve it."

"Death comes——"

The energy frenzy exploded in the void, and darkness swallowed down, covering the round sky and everywhere.

The two Mahayana demon cultivators roared with demonic power. When the void exploded, they plunged into it one from the left and one from the right. They turned around and ran away.

Lu Bei was probably used to it. With a flash of golden light, he blocked the female cultivator's way, rubbed his hands and said, "Female Bodhisattva, the night is long, and you are alone, so why don't you stay and relieve your loneliness with me."

Boom! ! !

Half an hour later, Lu Bei returned to Tianwai Tower still unfinished.

too fast.

The battle in the far west was too fast. I thought that this melee would last until dawn, but I never expected that because each person was mature, it took almost a cup of tea, and there was no demonic energy left in the five cities and twelve mountains.

The demon cultivators either shook hands and made peace, or worshiped them as brothers on the spot, saying that they were blessed and sharing the secret realm together, rolled up their tokens and ran away on the spot.

Without the snipe and the clam competing, the fishermen's fishing enforcement is useless.

No, Lu Bei worked hard to earn 3.8 billion experience points.

Two people were killed and eight clones were destroyed.

"Too stubborn."

Lu Bei groaned and landed on the top floor. Shi Wuchang was still fighting with the man in black robes. The latter lacked fighting spirit and only defended rather than attacked, and was gradually forced into a corner by Shi Wuchang.

Lu Bei waved his hand and dropped a chair, and sat down with his legs crossed. Except for his slutty face, which didn't fit the style of a big boss, the rest were 80% similar.

Tu Yuan had not given up on his dream of becoming a demon cultivator, so he turned around and sat on Lu Bei's lap, playing the role of the unsmiling female thug next to the boss.

Because it was only 1.2 meters tall, Lu Bei picked it up by the collar and threw it aside ruthlessly.

Tu Yuan understood instantly, and he instantly stood up, using the black patterned mask to pinch the exotic demon cultivator's face, and then he successfully got up and sat on Lu Bei's lap.


The figure of the man in black robe flickered, and he used a technique similar to shrinking to the ground, fleeing rather than fighting, and quickly approached Lu Bei.

Shi Wuchang secretly sneered, knowing full well what he was thinking, blood mist spread around his body, his speed soared, and he crossed the void with his body, so fast that he couldn't get away even if he shrunk to an inch.

Finally, the two decided the winner. Shi Wuchang let go of the black-robed man and placed a short dagger on his neck.

"Save someone under the knife!"

The man in black robe shouted, but Shi Wuchang ignored him and raised his other hand, took out a strange-looking weapon and stabbed it straight at the opponent's front door.

"The sword will save you."

Hearing Lu Bei's voice, Shi Wuchang retracted his hands with a respectful expression, clasped his claws with his five fingers, opened the fire of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and held the door of the black-robed man's face. He first tore the black robe that covered his face into pieces, and then raised it in front of Lu Bei.


Shi Wuchang was riding on the opponent, pressing his head with five fingers on the ground, holding the strange weapon against his neck. He only waited for Lu Bei's order to stand up with his soul.

This Qimen weapon is the treasure inherited from the Tianwai Tower. It can kill the soul of the monks in the Mahayana stage. The monks in the Tribulation stage will be stunned after just touching it. It is also famous in the far west.

Is it really as powerful as the rumors say? See if Tianwailou has been working for Abi Temple...

Everyone who understands understands.

The man in black robe was restrained, not to mention how unlucky he was. He did not dare to bet on whether Qi Men's weapons could kill him, so he said softly: "Master Shi is so majestic, have you forgotten? I invited you last month Have eaten!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Shi takes money to do things, you give me money, and I kill people, that's all."

Shi Wuchang continued to sneer, looked up at Lu Bei, changed his face in a second, and said seriously: "Sir, this is a Taoist Zhunti. Thirty thousand miles to the west, there is Wujian Temple, which is his Taoist temple. I came to Tianwai Pavilion to buy it some time ago. Fate, I just met him, I didn’t know him before.”

"Accurate, accurate for what?"

Lu Beizheng slapped his butt reluctantly. He was stunned when he heard this. He raised his hand and threw Tu Yuan aside, squatting down and looking at the man in black robe.

The middle-aged Taoist priest has a graceful appearance and strong ambition. He has thick eyebrows like swords and a good manner. His eyes are dark and bright. When he turns, he has agility that is different from his appearance.

According to the saying that the face comes from the heart, this is a hypocrite with many evil intentions.

Lu Bei didn't care about this and frowned: "Raise your head and tell me, what is your name?"

"Pindao Zhunti."


Lu Bei was silent, smoothed his non-existent beard, sat back in his chair, and didn't speak for a while.

It is true that it is just a name, he has Fantian Seal.

The world of Jiuzhou Continent is gone. There is nothing wrong with the name. Not to mention a precise mention, another introduction will not scare him.


What if!

Tu Yuan sat down again, but Lu Bei ignored him and looked at Zhunti: "What bad idea did you have when you broke into Tianwai Tower? I will give you a chance to make excuses. I will count to ten. If you can't convince me, Madam, today will be your death anniversary next year."

"So that seniors will know..."



Zhunti was dumbfounded, and Shi Wuchang didn't react. In terms of going back on his word, two demon cultivators from the far west were unable to be repaired by an outside Taoist cultivator.

"What are you doing standing still? Kill me!" Lu Bei said angrily.

"The sword saves people, and the younger generation has important treasures to offer."

"Behead later."

After all, Lu Bei is not a demon cultivator, and his shortcoming is his kindness and softness. After a while, Zhunti, who had lost all his fortune, saved a small life, and looked at Shi Wuchang without tears.

He came to Tianwai Tower for no other reason. He learned that the token was closely related to the secret realm, and thought of a golden light falling into Tianwai Tower, so he took the initiative to come to see Shi Wuchang.

It was too dangerous outside, and there were only so many old demons in his life. If possible, he wanted to establish a relationship with Abi Temple through Shi Wuchang, and get a share of the secret realm.

That phrase is just a convenience, and it’s also a slang term in the Far West. I really don’t mean to steal anything.

Shi Wuchang knew all about this, but he didn't say anything.

The space around Lu Bei was limited. Tu Yuan moved left, now right, and now he was riding on him. He took up most of the position due to his favor. There was not much left for Shi Wuchang. To be honest, if he mentioned more accurately, wouldn't he be able to stop there? There is no place to be found.

Therefore, he planned to kill Zhunti from the beginning.

Lu Bei patted his butt and looked at Zhunti intently, the golden light in his eyes flickering.

"Stay, I'll count you as a member."

Although it is just a name, the cause and effect cannot be explained clearly, and there is a destiny in it.

It's so fateful to be named Zhunti. He has the most people in the world. He can touch porcelain even if he doesn't have it. He can take him for a walk in the secret place. If he doesn't keep it together, he can bump into some big treasure.

The innate spiritual treasure is also a dream.

Thinking of this, Lu Bei was quite dissatisfied. He was so brave that he didn't dare to call himself Zhunti. Why did the middle-aged Taoist priest in front of him deserve this?

Treasures from heaven, materials and earth can be obtained by those who are destined to do so, and Dao Hao is no exception, otherwise...

Grab it and use it yourself?

On the other side, Gu Zongchen, who was sitting alone in front of the bonfire, was waiting for the secret realm to open. He saw meteors flying all over the sky, the demons working together, and the wolves being surrounded and annihilated.

In the same state of mind as him, he ignored him and listened to Lu Dongbalabala talking about Lu Xi, occasionally responding.

"Has this fellow Taoist ever seen a meteor falling here?"

A bald man stepped out and saw that Gu Zongchen was cute and cute, and there was no help around him. He inevitably had the vicious thoughts of bullying in his heart, and said kindly: "I'm sorry, I'm a poor man, I don't know how to call my friend?"

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