This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 867 Are urgent things more important, or important things more urgent?


"Picture of the Demon King!!"

Why does she have a picture of the Demon King? Is this picture of the Demon King real or fake? Which royal family did Kong Ji submit to?

The Demon King Tu appeared, and all the demons were stunned. This group of demons lacked everything, and they soon realized that the water was very deep, and it was far from being as simple as imagined.

Gu Yu took another step back and frantically sent a message to Gu Mi, asking Sister Wang if she had lost the family's treasure.

Gu Mi shook her head slightly. The Demon King's picture of the Gu Diao clan was in her hands, well preserved and not lost.

In the audience, the fox from the Nine-Tailed King's City looked strange. He vaguely felt that he had seen Fox Er's face before, and it seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Suddenly, the vixen realized.

The king of her family is the master behind the scenes.

The Demon King's Map was lost, and the Nine-Tailed Fox clan had no choice but to shoulder the responsibility. The Nine-Tailed King's City was blocked by the seven royal families, and they went berserk if no benefits were given. The situation was precarious.

The nine-tailed demon king sent an envoy carrying the demon emperor's map, and successfully reversed the situation using Kong Ji as a breakthrough point.

Not only did they drive away the seven royal families, they also pursued the victory to the gate of King Xiangliu's city, severely humiliating the two former demon kings Liu Cong and Miruluo.

With different offensive and defensive forces, you can feel proud and proud, paving the way for the next Demon King.

Your Majesty is wise!

Thinking about the cause and effect, the vixen was amazed and deeply impressed by the wisdom of his elder brother. With this fox king, the nine-tailed fox clan would not have to worry about great things happening.

Soon, the vixen was slapped in the face, and her big pussy was so slapped that her eyes were filled with stars, and the fox's tail was frightened.

Liu Cong looked at Hu Er holding the Demon King's picture, as well as the obedient Lu Bei and Kong Ji, his eyes were about to burst, and he almost bit his fangs.

Facts have proven that if you open your eyes wider, you can indeed see more clearly.

Liu Cong used his divine eyes and supernatural powers to see through the fox's heels, and said with a sinister look on his face: "Yuan Yu is really good at scheming. I regard her as my junior, and tolerate everything and don't want to make too many calculations. I didn't expect that she actually calculated on me." On the head, good means, good means!"

Liu Cong said the last few words through his teeth, not to mention how much he hated them.

Hu Er chuckled lightly, and Lu Bei, the dog-legged man, stepped forward and said with an expressionless face: "Who am I? She is worthy of commanding my mother. Bah, she is just as good as carrying shoes."

"My son must not be presumptuous!"

Hu Er spoke calmly and reprimanded: "Although Yan Yu is a waste, she is the head of my nine-tailed fox clan after all. Remember, you are a junior, so etiquette cannot be broken."

"Mother, every word of my child is true." Lu Bei refused to accept it.

"Not even the truth."

Hu Er showed the majesty of the mother of the family and glared at Lu Bei sideways.

The latter did not dare to look at each other, and immediately lowered his head to admit his mistake. He could be as obedient as he wanted, filling up Hu Er's cards.

Beside him, Kong Ji shrank his head, not daring to take a breath, and Kong Ci felt like a grandson. His two buttocks were trembling, and his legs were almost crying from fear.

This scene made the monsters present extremely moved, and they did not dare to underestimate Hu Er, who was at the fourth level of Tribulation.

It’s true that she can’t fight, but she can give birth!

At the same time, there is also a sense of sour envy.

Kong Ji is a demon king who has been famous for a long time. His strength is not inferior to that of the royal clan leader. In terms of reasonable methods, he is qualified to be the demon king. However, because of the drag of the peacock clan, he is destined to never reach the top in his life.

Lu Bei is currently unknown and has too many mysteries about him, but the bloodline talent he has shown and his brilliant record of hunting down Mirage prove that he is also qualified to compete for the position of Demon King.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious of the two sons of the Demon Emperor.

For example, Gu Chao made him cry.

Looking at Hu Er with gleaming eyes, he just wanted to ask, how old is Madam, and is she a match?

The monsters figured out the causes and consequences, and several strange things immediately became clear.

As we all know, the first generation Demon Emperor doted on the nine-tailed fox clan the most. There were three thousand beauties in the harem, but the threshold for only three hundred vixens was leveled. Three single demon emperor pictures were given, the only one for the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, and it was difficult for other royal families to match them.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Hu Er has a picture of the Demon Emperor, and this Demon Emperor picture must be authentic.

Secondly, the male star flag can also be explained. He favored Mei Ji from the fox clan and only gave it to the nine-tailed fox clan.

So angry!

The vixen is really good at hiding it. He has been holding it in for ten thousand years and only took it out today!

Gu Yue was even more greedy. He didn't mind getting married and was willing to have the same surname as his child.

Speaking of which, the Gu Diao clan also had a glorious time. At that time, the first generation of demon emperors were fierce and fierce. They did not like state affairs and spent their days gathering strength in the harem.

Gu Diao Wanggui is the number one mount in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, accompanying the Demon Emperor. He has the important responsibility of being the leader and is a worthy minister of the emperor. As a result, the Gu Diao clan's status has also risen.

But even when they were at their most glorious, the Gu Eagle Clan could not be compared with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. The vixen rode the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor rode the Gu Eagle. The hierarchy was clear and incomparable.

Getting back to the topic, what Gu Zhou thought was exactly what the monsters thought. The nine-tailed fox clan was so good at gathering together that they not only got three monster emperor pictures, but also had the only public star in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom, Chen Banner.

This is nothing but nonsense, all the good things are yours. From now on, the Demon Emperor’s Three Villages will only be able to run with you.


Listening to what Hu Er said, her relationship with Yan Yan was not harmonious.

Liu Cong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Hu Er again. He has a resume as a demon king and rich experience in political struggles. He thinks more than all the demons present. He clasped his hands to show respect: "Xiang Liu Wang Liu Cong, may I ask my wife's name?" who?"

"The nine-tailed fox clan, Princess."


The nine-tailed fox clan has five major surnames, corresponding to metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are the kings of domestic battles among monsters. They are regulars in the finals. They have been in the top spot for many years. The vixen participates, and other families can only compete for second place.

The Yao clan belongs to the Tu clan. A hundred years ago, the head of the Nine-tailed Fox clan failed in the struggle and was expelled by the Yu clan. He was exiled to the wilderness and did not know whether he would live or die.

How he failed and where he failed, Vixen never mentioned it to the outside world.

According to rumors, the Five Elements earth defeated water, and the Yao clan defeated the Yao clan. He was the leader of the nine-tailed fox clan at that time, and the advantage was Yao, which led to his defeat.

It sounds ridiculous at first glance, but it’s normal for gossip to be unreliable.

The demons were silent, and the vixen in the audience turned pale, pretending to be calm, wanting to hear what else Legui had to say.

She remembered that the young clan leader of the Yao clan, Kuangyi, failed in an internal fight a hundred years ago and was exiled. Her whereabouts are unknown ever since.

Looking at the well-behaved Lu Bei again, the vixen's throat felt dry. If, she meant if, this bird called the concubine its mother, and its true demon body was not a nine-tailed celestial fox, does that mean...

It's scary to think about it carefully, and the more you think about it, the more scared you become.

It is said that the original body of the first demon emperor...

It is also a golden and ferocious bird.

boom! ! !

The vixen felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her upper and lower teeth were trembling, as if a restraining spell had been cast on her, her feet were nailed there, unable to move.

The other royal families know very little about the ruins of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, but the expulsion of the Yao clan is not a secret in the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom. The monsters will know as soon as they hear that the Nine-Tailed King's City is going to be in chaos, and it will be a huge chaos.

Liu Cong thought about it, took a deep breath and said: "I see, can I, the king, assume that Madam will use me to build a reputation for the Liu clan and wash away the shame of being expelled back then, so that I can return to the Nine-Tails King's City... and take back everything I have lost?" return?"

"Exactly." Hu Er readily admitted.

There is nothing to be shy about. The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is a place of reason. She fights off the mirages on her left, Lu Bei, and Kong Jie on her right, and steps on the Xiangliu clan to show off her power. She is the most reasonable person in the room. Denying it would seem hypocritical.

Liu Cong narrowed his eyes slightly: "I dare to ask, where did the Demon King's picture in Madam's hand... come from?"

Good question!

Lu Bei silently praised, Lao Liu was very good, and all the problems were in the script, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Lu Bei rushed to the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom with only one fundamental goal: to clarify the rumors. The Demon King's Map stolen by the Nine-tailed Fox Clan was not in the hands of the human monks, but had always been in the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom.

All subsequent plans were based on this. It was not until they reached Xiangliu King City that Lu Bei hesitated.

There are too many Mahayana demon kings gathered here, and they have placed a huge order of 30 billion.

Here comes the question, Demon King Picture and Experience, urgent things are more important, or important things are more urgent?

Lu Bei thought about it and decided that urgent matters were more important. Experience could be earned slowly, but the Demon Emperor's plot could not be delayed for a moment.

The longer it takes, the more likely it is that the mysterious human monks will be exposed. Just like the old Zhu family, it's not that Lu Bei looks down on them, but it's just that he really pulls his crotch and casually sneaks in three or five Mahayana demon kings, and Wu Zhou's country is gone. .

The matter was serious, and it was caused by Lu Bei. He felt that he could not shirk the blame. He could earn less or no experience today. The rumors must be clarified.

Fox Er followed the plan and revealed that he had in his hands the stolen Demon Emperor's Map from the Nine-tailed Fox clan.

All the demons present suddenly realized that they had figured it out. The Yao clan returned to the Nine-Tailed King's City in glory, and they planned to steal the Demon King's Map first, and then cause the catastrophe in Xiangliu King's City today.

What a plan!

She was worthy of being the most beloved vixen of the first-generation Demon Emperor. She was capable of producing foxes in large numbers, and any one of them had eight hundred tricks. Liu Cong was not unjustly defeated.

The truth is too hurtful. You think you are being targeted and you are the protagonist, but in fact you are just a part of the plan, a sideshow. How can the arrogant Liu Cong endure this?

The Xiangliu clan was reduced to a stepping stone and suffered unreasonable disasters. Liu Cong felt MMP in his heart, and without any anger on his face, he said very politely: "Some time ago, I went to the Nine-Tailed King's City, and everything I saw was unbearable, which shows that the Yuan clan is not the rightful owner. .”

"Xiang Liu Demon King, please speak." Hu Er said in a timely and friendly manner.

Liu Cong said solemnly: "I have neither the magnanimity nor the ability to govern. Under her governance, the Nine-tailed Fox clan is prospering, and it is useless to be the Nine-tailed Fox King. If Madam does not dislike it, I am willing to gather all the people together." With the power of the clan, we can help the Yao clan bring order to the chaos."

light and spacious!

You deserve to be the clan leader and the Demon King.

Lu Bei silently praised. He had not forgotten the second goal of the day. He nodded and said: "Mother, with my child's ability, I can take that concubine's head like a bag. There is no need to join forces with the Xiangliu clan. I will take care of Xiangliu right now." The royal city was razed to the ground.”

With that said, he raised three star flags.

Liu Cong's expression changed drastically, and Gu Yue turned around and ran away with the elites of the clan.

"How presumptuous, mother just told you that Demon King Xiangliu is an elder and etiquette cannot be discarded. Have you forgotten it?"

"I don't dare, kid, but..."

Lu Bei's eyes flashed fiercely and he looked at Liu Cong ferociously: "In my child's opinion, the Demon King's picture in this animal's hand belongs to the mother, so there is nothing to be afraid of. If he is capable, he has already shown it. How can he be pretending until now?"

The implication is that we should fight first, otherwise the Xiangliu family has no right to talk about cooperation.

Liu Cong didn't dare. The picture of the Demon Emperor in his hand was fake. The hand-copied version was not the original work of the first generation Demon Emperor. It was just a piece of shit because of the Demon Emperor's lack of will.

Seeing Liu Cong's indecision, Lu Bei became even more aggressive. Kong Jie next to him also had a fierce look in his eyes. The two birds, one on the left and the other on the right, put great pressure on Liu Cong.

He clasped his fists with both hands and said respectfully: "Madam, you are joking. I and the Peacock Demon King are equals in terms of friendship and affection. They are both juniors in front of you... If Madam does not give up, the little king is willing to worship Madam as his adoptive mother!"

With that said, no matter what happened to Hu Er, he knelt down on one knee and called his godmother.

"Xiangliu Demon King, how can this be done? Get up quickly, I cannot afford this great gift."


Liu Cong said respectfully: "The little king is sincerely convinced. If the godmother does not agree, the little... child will not get up today."

He also wanted to say that Hu Er's eyebrows were somewhat similar to his biological mother's, with two eyes and one nose. Seeing Hu Er, it was as if he saw his biological mother come to life.

Out of respect for her biological mother, she didn't speak.

"Ah this..."

Gu Yue, who was standing far away, was dumbfounded. He secretly thought that Liu Cong's situation was too small, his wife was as beautiful as a flower, and his two sons were more powerful than the other. Marrying him home would be enough to suppress his luck.

Now that it's fine, Liu Cong bids up the market price, and Hu Er immediately becomes unattainable. How can he speak?

Gu Chao was struggling when someone suddenly kicked his knee with such force that he almost bowed his head.

Looking back, I saw it was the clan elder.

Gu Zhou glared at him, and the elders also glared at him. Who is Liu Cong? What is your status as a native? If you don't worship me now, you won't be able to smell your farts in the future.

Gu Yue suddenly realized that, yes, the three demons Liu Cong, Kong Ji, and Lu Bei joined forces, and the Nine-tailed Fox and Xiangliu clans had strong and powerful background, which was enough to even hold the position of Zhuang Demon King. After passing this village, there really is no such shop. .

He stepped forward with red eyes and offered a thousand pieces of gold to his knees as if he were pushing a mountain of gold over a jade pillar: "My child Gu Chao has spent half his life wandering and half his life cold. Looking back, it is all wasted time. Please take my godmother in and give me a chance to serve you."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red and he shed two lines of tears.

Half acting, half bringing true feelings, it is not easy for the Gu Diao family. Among the eight kings, he is the least famous. He, the Gu Diao King, must be particularly sad.

"Where's the harpy? You have such a big face, you are worthy of being my brother!" Liu Cong sneered.

"Earth bird!"


Lu Bei and Kong Ji were equally disdainful. Gu Yue was too weak to be strong and had no brains, so he was not worthy of playing with them.

What have you been doing!

Gu Mi took a deep breath and knelt down on one knee: "Gu Mi, a member of the Gu Diao clan, has met my godmother. I have a picture of the Demon King. I am willing to do my best for my godmother!"

"Good boy, he's so handsome."

Hu Er smiled happily, took Gu Mi's hand and asked for help, and at the same time sent a message to Lu Bei.

Fox 2: She has a picture of the Demon King, which can come in handy. How about I feel sorry for my mother and give you a younger sister?

That would be too unfair to you!

Lu Bei: It's okay, but the Demon King Picture is always an unstable factor if it is placed in the hands of others. I will find a way to snatch the Demon King Picture, and then kick the Gu Diao clan out of the game.

Fox 2: You look down on Tuniao so much. After all, he is the mount of the first generation Demon Emperor!

Lu Bei: The first-generation Demon Emperor was blinded by lard, and the native bird was so slow that I wouldn’t even ride it if it was given to me for free.

Hu Er: Give it a try. If you don’t give it a try, why do you say she’s not easy to ride?

Mother and son communicated with each other, and the vixen in the audience finally recovered. Looking at the crazy expansion of the Yao clan, her mouth went dry, she picked up her skirt and ran away in a hurry.

Return to the Nine-Tailed King's City quickly, a catastrophe is coming, the sky is about to change...

The Spring Festival holiday is over and two updates will resume tomorrow.

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