This is what cultivating immortals is like

Chapter 962 The return of the Nine Paths, Ji Fa, the Master of Human King Dao

The dark side of the underworld is the end of the world.

Regarding the ownership of the Luck Golden Dragon, the first-generation Demon Emperor and the second-generation Demon Emperor had serious differences, and a preliminary solution was reached through third-party mediation.

Divide the Luck Golden Dragon into two, and each of the two Demon Emperors will take half.

Luck Golden Dragon: ()

That meal just now was in vain, right?

The Luck Golden Dragon may not be human, but the three invincibles are definitely dogs, especially the one who adheres to the principle of fairness, impartiality and impartiality. With his hands in his sleeves and a serious look on his face, he is the dog in the room.

Under Qi Lijing's fair and impartial ruling, the Luck Golden Dragon split 50-50 and was cut into two pieces at the waist.

Here comes the new question, who gets five?

The first-generation Demon Emperor and the second-generation Demon Emperor once again had disagreements over the issue of who would take the dragon's head, who would take the dragon's tail, and who would take the five. They refused to give in, and started spouting obscene words on the spot, each with a louder voice than the other.

Huang Xiao: Childish!

Qi Li Jing: Don't argue anymore, Qi Mou will say a fair word.

Finally, the Sutra of Abandonment kneaded the Golden Dragon of Luck into a ball, and split it into a ball, half of which went to Lu Bei and half to Taisu. The two of them got their own Golden Dragon of Luck, and each used their magical powers to separate it. It transforms into the shape of a dragon.

What should I do if the master is cracked?

Just follow the cracking.

The problem is solved, but the contradiction still exists.

The two demon kings cursed each other. What they cared about was never the Luck Golden Dragon. They couldn't tolerate each other in their eyes, and they got angry when they heard what the other person said.

Tai Su had just suffered a loss. Out of sight and out of mind, he closed his eyes and crossed his legs to nurse the injuries of his soul in preparation for attacking the core of the underworld.

If he recovers from his injuries, I will recover from my injuries too.

Not only to raise him, but also to raise him more handsomely than him.

Lu Bei raised his hand and called Huang Xiao to come over and recuperate. He was so lonely, as if the second-generation Demon Emperor was single.

Huang Xiao rolled her eyes and stepped forward, secretly thinking that she was looking for trouble and she shouldn't have come here. She would have been better off just staying in the underworld.

It can be seen that Lu Bei's complexion is as usual. During the war, he had the great magical power of the Phoenix clan. He didn't need double cultivation at all. He did this deliberately just to fight against Tai Su.

I have beauty, you don’t!

Huang Xiao secretly felt helpless and sat cross-legged across from Lu Bei. Unexpectedly, the latter grabbed her with a big hand and took her directly into his arms.

Huang Xiao: "..."

Let's just leave it like this, we can't ruin His Majesty's face at this time.

The world famous painting - Little Yellow Croaker in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters.

After a cup of tea, Lu Bei patted his butt and stood up, stretched out feeling refreshed, put his arms around Huang Xiao's slender waist and praised her profusely. Such stupid remarks.

Huang Xiao said nothing and nodded silently, giving him enough face outside.

After we go back, it’s hard to tell who’s on top and who’s on bottom.

After a while, Tai Su woke up, Xue Qi Li Jing had no expression on his face, looking like "My soul is dead, but I'm not sad".

Lu Bei followed suit, and his soul was also dead.

Ever since, the three invincibles all had their hands in their sleeves and expressionless faces.

Huang Xiao: "..."

What is this? Can she see it?

The image of being invincible was greatly reduced. Huang Xiao could not pick up the respect thrown at her feet, and even wanted to step on her. She was too innocent before.

The faces are also expressionless. Some people are happy in their hearts, but they don't say it. I won't name them here.

The man said: "Now that the two fellow Taoists have been nursed back to health, it would be better to hit the sun than to hit the sun and abandon someone in front to open a way. Please help the two fellow Taoists to escort us."

Abandoning the sutra and pointing it into a sword, the fingertips touched the void, and a flawless and immortal picture slowly unfolded.

Compared with version 1.0 of Lu Bei's palm-sized Immortal Life Chart, the Immortal Life Chart of the Abandonment Sutra has been updated countless times. The birth chart slowly rotated, and the diameter expanded from the initial three inches to three or thirty feet.

Countless heavenly books have matching words, two characters form a word, three characters form a sentence, and horizontally and vertically, a heavenly book with an extremely complex structure appears in front of Lu Bei's eyes.

It was obviously not the first time for Tai Su to see the Book of Heaven. He glanced at it and didn't care. Lu Bei was entangled and addicted to reading. In the past year, he had developed the habit of studying hard and making progress every day. The Book of Heaven was so close at hand that he couldn't wait to dive into it. Go in and take a closer look.

But no, he also has an immortal life chart. The more he reads and learns, the deeper he sinks into the pit and the happier he becomes in abandoning the Sutra.

If you want to use him as a shield, there is no way!

dont see!

Lu Bei snorted coldly to show his dissatisfaction, and turned to look at Huang Xiao beside him. His profile was exquisite and flawless, and he was worthy of being above ordinary appearance. He was almost catching up with his elder brother.


Wait a minute, brother? !

Lu Bei thought of something, and because he was so shocked, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead, and he felt extremely at a loss.

"No, it can't be?!"

"If Tai Su... After all, wouldn't my godmother be..."

"No, absolutely not!"

Lu Bei was furious. He was as filial as he was and would never allow such ridiculous things to happen. He was the eldest brother for one day and remained the eldest brother for the rest of his life.

In the same way, a godmother is a godmother!

On second thought, Hu Er seemed to have obtained Taisu bloodline, but in fact it was a ball of Golden Crow flames. The Golden Crow bloodline in Hu San's body had never merged with the vixen bloodline.

In a sense, Hu San is the concentrated and essence version of Hu Er that was baptized by the Golden Crow flames and has nothing to do with Tai Su.

Yes, that's it, he makes the decision, and the relationship between the Hu family cannot be messed up.

Taking ten thousand steps back, why should he, Lu, take the blame for the trouble Taisu caused?

Lu Bei shook his head repeatedly. Taisu possessed the three-legged Golden Crow bloodline, which was refined to a high purity, similar to that of the demon god, and far surpassed the perfect phoenix blood of the Huangxiao trinity.

Ordinary witches cannot give birth to his descendants, and neither can human female cultivators. They are doomed to have no descendants.

Thousands of years ago in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, the Eight Kings worked hard to obtain Taisu's bloodline descendants. As a result, there were so many fox-like beings that there was not even a prince who had awakened the three-legged Golden Crow.

These tragic products have nothing to do with Taisu, and have never been recognized by the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, so...

The godmother is still the godmother, and the eldest brother is still the eldest brother.

Lu Bei's expression changed several times, and he found a few passable reasons to convince himself. He looked at Tai Su with an even fiercer look. For the long-term stability of the Hu family, this unstable factor must be dealt with as soon as possible.

If things change too late, it will lead to disaster!

Sensing Lu Bei's gaze, Tai Suheng glared over and snorted coldly.

"Two Taoist friends, grudges and grudges don't happen day and night. You have plenty of time to resolve your grudges. In the face of a formidable enemy, it is only right to put aside your prejudices for the time being."

Qi Li Jing reminded him that he was very used to watching the excitement, but not now. He finally found the first chess player through the passage of time, saying that he could not fall short due to internal conflicts.

There is no need to be reminded by the Abandonment Scripture, Tai Su and Lu Bei also know this, especially Lu Bei, who has too many pitfalls and is more interested in killing chess players than anyone else.

Therefore, even though he knew that the Abandonment Sutra was a trap, he put aside the calculation of the immortal life chart for the time being and reached the covenant without hesitation.

The great changes in the world have begun, and the dormant ancient powerful men are about to appear one by one. Lu Bei is full of calculations, and there is really not much time left for him.

boom! ! !

The space at the end of the underworld was shattered, and the chaotic wind swept down. This wind was formed at the beginning of the world, destroying the physical body and scattering the soul. And behind the broken space, that chaotic world is deduced from the laws of the heavenly book, and there are infinite possibilities to transcend the current heavenly way.

Taisu Wujitian.

Qi Li Jing and Tai Su had explored this chaotic world before, and Lu Bei had also seen it at Ying Long. At that time, it was difficult for him to protect himself, but now he no longer has such worries. At least when protecting Huang Xiao, everyone All the clothes were intact.

The ancient powerhouse sleeping in the underworld is much higher than Yinglong. He created the underworld book by himself, and his talent is amazing. The Taisu Wujitian structure is stable, and there is no residue of fancy rules like Yinglong, or before the creation of the world. The shadow of the great god.

To put it simply, the program written by Yinglong is not good and always has bugs.

The chaos, darkness and gloominess, the continuous strong winds, and the occasionally stirring black vortex made Lu Bei terrified just by looking at it.

The Three-Legged Golden Crow caused such a big trouble just once. If it happened again, my scalp would go numb just thinking about it.

Lu Bei thought too much. The Taisu Wuji Heaven was very stable. The ancient powerful people established this world in order to isolate it from the exploration of interested people, cut off the number of days, and never enter the way of heaven.

No one has calculated his existence, and the possibility of him being calculated will no longer exist.

This is the reason why Abandonment Jing and Taisu concluded that the ancient strong man was avoiding another existence. The world of immortality was broken more than once, and they were not the only ones who were invincible in a lifetime.

Similarly, when three people form a team, they are invincible. As long as they don't fall out, they can handle any chess player they encounter with ease.

There is no concept of time in Taisu Wuji Heaven, and the past and future do not exist. The Sutra of Abandonment holds the immortal life chart and deduces the exit with familiarity. After a few steps, he leads Lu Bei and Taisu to a dark area.

Taisu pointed his finger in the air, and the golden sun shone brightly, illuminating the sky and the earth, revealing a black mountain range.

Black Mountain lies deep in the Taisu Wuji Sky. In the center, nine pillars are wrapped with chains. The stone pillars are engraved with characters from the Heavenly Book. They are ten feet thick and one hundred feet high.

At the top of the stone pillar, blue will-o'-the-wisps flickered faintly.

"The roots of the nine paths of Huangquan are here, and each pillar represents one..."

The Abandonment Sutra said to himself, and gave Lu Bei popular science: "The ancient strong men used nine pillars to support the sunny side of the underworld. The nine Taoist masters and the countries they control are all living in this formation. That person just sleeps. There will be a steady stream of successors who will complete his Book of the Underworld and continue to prevent the underworld from collapsing in advance."

Lu Bei nodded when he heard the words. When the Great Heavenly Lord destroyed the Book of Heaven, the fairyland was shattered and the human world was reorganized. Only the underworld was almost intact, but the three realms were a whole, and the laws of the underworld were in a state of flow, and sooner or later they would collapse and disappear.

The ancient powerful man created the Book of Underworld, based on nine pillars, ensuring that the underworld world continues to this day.

No matter what his purpose was, he at least provided a shelter for the unlucky ones in the Mahayana stage who had no way to ascend. For this reason alone, Lu Bei still admired his talent.

Of course, it is orthodoxy in the world of immortality that dead Taoist friends but not poor Taoists, the starting point of the ancient strong men must be for themselves.

Tai Su pointed his swords together and made a stroke in the air. A figure jumped out from the vortex of golden light.

"Greetings to Your Majesty."

The Heavenly Demon Taoist Gu Shu, the first leader of the Eight Kings Gu Diao Clan, bowed and saluted, looked around curiously, and finally looked at Lu Bei in confusion.

The fact that the two demon kings could coexist was beyond his expectation.

Whether it is Tai Su who is self-centered or Tai An who is arrogant, even if the names of the two are strongly incompatible, according to the hexagram, one of them should die when they meet.

Not really!

Gu Shu re-evaluated Lu Bei's strength. Ten thousand years later, the Demon Emperor and Tai Su were equally matched. It was unbelievable that being invincible for a lifetime was really a terrifying existence.

The two invincible men are both demon emperors, and the demon clan has great luck. He didn't say it, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

At the same time, he abandoned the sutra and made a stroke with his finger, and Iron Sword Dao Master Mo Buxiu jumped out.

Lu Bei: "..."

I scratched it, but nothing happened.

"Young Sect Master, where is the Netherworld Taoist Master you control?"

The Sutra of Abandonment was a joy right away. As expected, there was another good show to watch.

As expected, Tai Su snorted coldly and said sarcastically: "Some people are like this. They care about face but don't know how to pretend. In the end, they only add to the laughing stock and lose even more face."

After saying that, he smiled heartily.


The corners of Lu Bei's eyes twitched, and he immediately replied: "Let some people use the topic to make use of it. The Netherworld Taoist master is in retreat. Fortunately, the problem is not big. Gu controls more than one Taoist master. If there is no Netherworld, there are others. Please help the old sect leader to set up a line. , just call people over here."

"Why bother? Gu Zao knew what was going to happen and made complete preparations just in case."

Taisu waved his hand, and the leader of the Sky Demon Kingdom, the old Phoenix patriarch pretending to be him, jumped out.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Feng Buzzard's admiration for Tai Su had reached the point of blindness. When he saw his daughter Huang Xiao standing obediently behind Lu Bei, the whole bird's face was a little deformed.

After all, he no longer forced Huang Xiao to become the Demon Queen, but he wanted him to admit that the second-generation Demon Emperor Tai An was his son-in-law. Sorry, there was no way.

"What are you looking at? I've never seen the Demon Emperor!"

Lu Bei rolled his eyes and raised his hands to hug Huang Xiao into his arms. He had no other intention, just to get angry with Feng Xiao.

Huang Xiao was speechless. In order to take care of Lu Bei, who wanted to save face, she turned speechless into joy and pretended to be full of joy.

World famous painting [Little Yellow Croaker in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters]

Feng Buzzard became even more angry, lowering his head and saying angry words such as being rebellious and unfilial.

"You stupid bird over there, how can you talk to the Demon Queen? If you can't speak, don't speak. No one will think you are mute!"

Lu Bei lowered his head to comfort Huang Xiao: "Don't be afraid, beauty. I will make the decision for you. I'll be gone for five thousand years. I don't want you to be a wild father who won't come back home."

He grunted angrily, as if such rebellious ministers and thieves should have their houses ransacked, the men sent to the countryside, and the women sent to the palace.

"My lonely minister, why do you need to teach me a lesson!" Tai Su also responded.

"Why, you can't stand the dog yourself, why can't you just say a few words?"


"Then Gu Fei needs to say a few words!"

Feng Buzzard: Your Majesty has a body of thousands of gold, why should you lower your status and care about these deer-headed and rat-eyed people?

Gu Shu: Is it true that such a huge country of ten thousand demons cannot accommodate two demon kings?

Huang Xiao: Your Majesty, don’t push yourself too far. If you don’t listen to what you just said, where did the Demon Queen come from?

Mo Buxiu: Xian disciple, when the fight starts, I will help you block those two harpies.

Qi Li Sutra: Qi Mou advises you to watch the show obediently and stop meddling in other people’s business!

The two demon emperors talked more and more passionately. They rolled up their sleeves and rubbed their necks, with their foreheads touching their foreheads. They looked eye to eye. At this distance, they were either fighting or pouting.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to talk to such a talented person."

In the end, Feng Biao couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't bear that Tai Su's image of being a wise and powerful warrior was brought down to the same level by the pretty boy. He said angrily: "This man has set up a trap. Your Majesty must not fall into his scheme, let alone..."


Taisu punched out, hitting Feng Buzzard right in the face, causing the bird to fly backwards.

"His Majesty?!"

Feng Buzzard looked confused. He was not injured, but he didn't understand why he was beaten.

A fist as big as a casserole can do great harm to dead fans.

"Don't speak ill of him. In the whole world, only Gu can speak ill of him." Tai Su said with a straight face.

You two are so angry that you take my father for granted?

Huang Xiao was furious. Lu Bei, who was happy for dogs to bite dogs, became furious when he saw this. He raised his hand and grasped Tai Su's collar: "How can it be unreasonable? If you slap the father of the Harpy Queen in the face, it is the same as spanking Gu Gu's ass. You can fight me again if you can!"

There was a chaos under the pillar. For a while, chickens and dogs were barking, and the whole chicken and dog were restless.

Abandonment Sutra was so happy that he didn't dare to laugh out loud after suffering the losses he suffered before. He had an iceberg face that refused to attract people thousands of miles away. His shoulders were rising and falling, and he was shrugging. He didn't know, but he thought He is practicing his sword!

"Both young men, please calm down and calm down. It's up to Qi to give you a fair word."

Seeing that it was almost over, if the argument continued, a fight would really break out. Qi Lijing inserted himself between Lu Bei and Tai Su, one in each hand, holding their wrists: "The overall situation is important, the overall situation is important!"

The Sutra of Abandonment was worthy of being a zombie born from the body of the Great Heavenly Lord. His hands were so strong that Lu Bei and Tai Su were unable to break free.

The two of them were shocked and pretended as if nothing had happened.

"And the father of the Demon Queen, please stop saying a few words. You must know that fellow Taoist Taisu is the split-off existence of fellow Taoist Lu Bei's soul. If you scold fellow Taoist Lu Bei, you are equivalently scolding Tai Su." Fellow Taoist, dogs are not meant to be like this, and they must not bite their masters."


There was silence in the field. Except for Lu Bei and Tai Su, who had dark faces, and Huang Xiao, who was holding his forehead with one hand, everyone else was stunned due to excessive shock.

There is only one demon king in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons from the beginning to the end!

"Hey, don't you know what your expressions are like?"

Qi Li Jing was shocked and looked to the left and right with a look of shame on his face: "Two fellow Taoists, don't be surprised if you don't know. Qi Li was talking too much at a certain time so that the two of you can get along harmoniously. Don't misunderstand me."



The Great God's Fate + Tian Wu Erri burst out at the same time. Lu Bei and Tai Su clasped the wrists of Qi Li Jing with their backhands, opened their bows on both sides, turned around and punched one on the left and the other at the same time.

There was a dull loud noise, and Qi Lijing's body bent and flew backwards with a bang.

After sending Qi Li Jing away with one punch, Lu Bei came to Huang Xiao step by step, closed his eyes and said, "How could I kill such a mediocre waste with my status? Qi Li Jing is so confused."

"It's so ridiculous that you can't even tell a lie!"

Tai Su came to Feng Ye and Gu Shu, looked down from a high position and said: "Two beloved ladies, you didn't hear anything, right?"

"Aba Aba..."

Gu Shu opened his mouth wide, came to his senses, shook his head repeatedly, and at the same time did not forget to grab Feng Buzzard's head and shake it wildly.

Not only did I not hear it, but I would not talk casually outside. If there are some rumors spread outside, please ask Tai Su Mingjian, it must be nonsense from the Abandonment Sutra.

"It's best like this." Tai Su closed her eyes and was speechless, clenching her fists loudly.

Mo Buxiu looked at Lu Bei calmly, ignoring the fact that he was sweating profusely, and his whole person was unusually calm. After the continuous shock, he could no longer see clearly what constitutes a disciple. If someone stood up and told him that Lu Bei was the Great Heavenly Lord, he would be able to accept it calmly.

For such a big cause and effect, instead of finding an apprentice, he clearly found an ancestor for himself!

"Cough cough cough——"

Qi Li Jing walked back with his hands on his chest, looking miserable as if he had been severely wounded, and sighed: "The two fellow Taoists struck too hard, Qi was almost beaten to death by you!"

After saying that, he looked at the expressions of everyone present and saw that Mo Buxiu looked indifferent, as if he had become a monk and cut off the roots of right and wrong. Gu Si's eyes flashed back and forth between Lu Bei and Tai Su. Feng Butu's soul was wandering in the sky, like that mentally retarded and demented person. I was secretly happy, secretly thinking that this is how it should be.

But not enough!

"Fellow Taoist Taisu, your kindness is understood by the young sect leader Qi. There are many ways to do it. Let Qi be the one to help this time!"

Abandonment Sutra took the initiative to ask for help, secretly poking at the ground and not knowing what kind of hole he was digging. His unemotional character was probably related to his physical body. As for the Great Heavenly Lord, he was either digging a hole or on the way to dig a hole.

Lord of the Three Realms (×)

Ground system Great Heavenly Lord (√)

With the help of the Sutra of Abandonment, Lu Bei quickly summoned Dog Leg No. 2. He was dressed in a monk's robe and named Buddha Xiu, but he was actually the corpse of the Witch.

After being summoned by Lu Bei, Shi Qi thought it was a consecration, so he came out and called out to the leader. After he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong with the scene.

The first-generation Demon King and the Immortal Sword Master were both invincible.

The Heavenly Demon Taoist, the Iron Sword Taoist, and this secret polar land on the dark side of the underworld.

She quickly put away the charming look on her face, put on the solemnity of a Buddhist eminent monk, bowed respectfully to everyone, recited the Buddha's name, and stood obediently next to Lu Bei.

Huang Xiao: ()

Where did this slut come from? Is His Majesty's eyes really so unsightly? Is it because she is hungry and not selective, or is she a coquettish thing that has value?

Huang Xiao thought a lot, mainly because she was dissatisfied with the little yellow croaker. She turned a blind eye to the situation in the yin and yang creation diagram. She was the first to disagree when Xi Qi wanted to enter the house.

Qi Li Jing stepped forward excitedly and said in a trembling voice: "Master Zhi Qi Tao, you are new here and don't understand the rules of this place. Qi will remind you, you must not..."


Lu Bei clenched his fists and coughed continuously. Tai Suyi gave him a look that said life and death were determined by fate. Qi Li Jing sighed, put his hands in his sleeves, and wandered to Mo Buxiu's side.

Forget it, just bear with it!

Shi Qi was filled with doubts, and his eyes scanned the whole place. There were some who were calm, some who were shocked, and some who were stupid. A sudden thought occurred in his heart, and he secretly thought that he was too late.

It’s absolutely impossible, you should finish your sentence!

Involving being invincible for a lifetime must be a huge secret. Xi Qi only heard half of it, not to mention how heart-wrenching it was.

On the other side, Feng Buzzard had finally woken up from the shock, and was blaming the sky and the earth, but the Demon Emperor's unyielding temper remained the same. He gave Huang Xiao a look that said, "I'm very relieved to be a father." He got what he wanted, and the corners of his eyes became crystal clear.

Huang Xiao was furious, old man, what's that look in your eyes!

Lu Bei was furious, old man, what's that look in your eyes?

Feng Buzzard lowered his head. Although, you are right.

"Ha ha ha ha----"

Qi Li Jing covered his mouth, turned around and shook his shoulders. He couldn't help it, and slapped Mo Buxiu on the shoulder one after another.

People's emotions are different. Mo Buxiu is not qualified to watch the excitement of Invincible, even if he is his disciple.

The Demon Emperor's fist is so big, he smiled instantly and burst into laughter.

There was an undercurrent in the place, no one said anything, and everyone had a thousand words to say. Except for the joy of abandoning the sutra, everyone was in a general mood.

I was tricked to death by you!

Lu Bei secretly knew evil. Before the war, he was so worn down by the Abandonment Sutra that he couldn't raise his fighting spirit at all. The Great Heavenly Lord's corpse became a spirit like this. How bad must he be?

No wonder he killed two generations of demon lords, three demon gods, and five immortals in a row. At the same time, he also blew up the fairyland, sealed the demon realm, and the heavenly demon realm, and also killed himself. It was really not an ordinary scam.

After reading the Abandonment Sutra, he felt happy enough and pointed his sword towards the nine stone pillars.

The immortal life chart was spread out behind him, and he immediately jumped up and jumped onto a stone pillar.

The underworld ghost fire corresponds to the position of the Taoist master. The fire spread down and burned the entire stone pillar in an instant.

Mo Buxiu was bathing in the will-o'-the-wisp, and his face was slightly pale, which made Lu Bei very unhappy. Ming Ren did not say anything secret, he was very satisfied with this cheap master, and abandoning Li Jing's move was a bit too much.

On the other side, Tai Su raised his eyebrows, and Gu Si immediately stepped forward, and after settling down, he lit up a stone pillar again.

"It's your turn, why are you still standing there?"

Lu Bei slapped Zhi Qi on the buttocks, driving the hesitant latter towards the stone pillar.

Deliberately, Huang Xiao wouldn't touch this ass if he wasn't here.

In the past few days, he noticed that his mother-in-law was not in a good state, so he gave a friendly reminder not to look at people with colored eyes and make things look better by his own account.

At this point, three stone pillars were burned.

There were three of the nine paths, and the fire slowly spread, and the remaining six stone pillars burned with will-o'-the-wisps from bottom to top.

In the scorching netherworld, the six missing Taoist masters returned to their places one by one.

There were the two Taoist masters Lu Bei had seen, Heavenly Demon and Huamo, and Jiang Suxin, who was sitting cross-legged and still in retreat. The remaining three unfamiliar faces were Taoist Master Qianyuan, Taoist Yuanshi, and Human King Taoist.

There was nothing interesting about the two men. Even though the Human King Taoist Master was the fourth incarnation of Emperor Ji, Lu Bei just glanced at them and focused all his attention on the Qianyuan Taoist Master.

The eldest sister who is the leader of the Daughter Kingdom has a first-class figure and appearance. It is a pity not to be able to sit down and talk with her.

Try to make an appointment another day, Qianyuan, you don’t want to either...


Lu Bei looked back angrily, then thought about it, the Demon Emperor was all like this, it wasn't the little yellow croaker that was humming, some birds were nosy, there was no need for him to pretend to be a gentleman.

The sight of justice is set again.

The nine paths return to their positions and light up the ancient teleportation formation.

This formation can be exited but cannot be entered. Qi Li Jing and Tai Su had known this for a long time. They both reached out and injected infinite power. Without them saying anything, Lu Bei strode forward and used the Taixu seal to spread out his power with all his strength.

The will-o'-the-wisps soared into the sky and burned to the entire Taisu Wuji Heaven. From the inside to the outside, the existence of this world began to disappear from the center of the formation.

Under the shroud of light, the three were invincible, and the nine Huangquan Taoist masters disappeared without a trace, leaving only the frightened Huang Xiao and Feng Bute.

The two birds lost their respective majesties and were at a loss for a while.

Feng Yu was convinced of Tai Su's strength. After calming down, he said: "Good girl, don't worry, yours..."

"Old man, shut up!"



Huang Xiao went crazy. If he told you to shut up, you would shut up. He was so crazy that you kept talking!

From the father to the daughter to the son-in-law, the Demon Emperor, there was no one to worry about. Huang Xiao's chest was rising and falling, almost pissed off by these stupid birds.


The Nine Paths of the Underworld returned to their original position, and the invincible power of the three people was pushed to the limit. By deducing the Book of Heaven from the Sutra of Abandonment, they were able to reverse the Nine Pillars of the Underworld and enter the core of the Underworld, which could only be exited but not entered.

The reason why it is said to be the core of the Underworld is because the ancient power who created the Underworld Book sleeps here.

Without the Book of Hell in his hand, there would be no two realms of Hell today.

A brand new world, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant, spiritual animals and rare treasures walking through the mountains and forests, the clouds and the sky are the same color, with egrets building bridges and rainbows taller than each other.

The fresh air was completely different from the dead air in the underworld, and Lu Bei smelled the scent of spiritual energy.

It’s not the innate Qi, but the original Qi!

"This place is neither a netherworld nor a human world. It is more like the fairyland of the past."

Qi Li Jing murmured, if he said it looked like it, then it definitely looked like it. He had the most say in how the fairyland looked like.

Lu Bei looked around, and with his five fingers, he transformed a piece of heaven and earth into his palms, and wrapped it in white mist, forming a secret realm hidden in the mustard seeds.

The magical power of the Demon-Slaying Platform—Beyond the Three Realms.

After losing his personal panel, Lu Bei built the Demon Slaying Platform again, and acquired another magical power in addition to the Tomb of Heaven and Earth and the Demon Slaying Platform.

The Demon-Slaying Platform is an unquestionable magic method in the fairy world. The Demon-Slaying Platform, Tomb of Heaven and Earth, and Beyond the Three Realms can create a secret realm, seal and imprison powerful people of the demon clan.

The Sea of ​​Mist, the Crystal Coffin, most of the secret realms Lu Bei had seen before came from this.

I don’t know why, but the skill is obviously the ‘Demon Slaying Platform’, which was created to deal with the demon clan, but the enemies of the immortals sealed in the crystal coffin are all extraterrestrial demons.

Anyway, not a single sealed demon clan in Lu Bei was seen.

It was very strange. As far as he knew, first there was the interface between the demon realm and the human world, and the immortals and demons almost lost their minds. Then there was the interface between the spiritual earth and the human world. The four demon gods rushed out of the divine realm and joined the chaos.

The problem is, the demon clan has not yet appeared, the demon-slaying platform appears in advance, and seals the extraterrestrial demons.


Is the order reversed?

Just as he was thinking about it, his arms were embraced by something warm. Lu Bei frowned and looked around. On his left and right were two female Bodhisattvas, Heavenly Demon and Transformed Demon. The leader, the eldest sister, Shi Qi, stood timidly aside. She looked like a cute person with a light voice and a soft body that could easily be pushed down. .

"No arrogance!"

Lu Bei pulled out his arm and slapped him with his backhand.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Seeing this scene, Taoist Master Qianyuan, who was about to step forward to say hello, hesitated. If this was a petition to join Lu Bei, she would personally refuse.

"Sect Master Lu, you're polite."

A young man stepped forward with a smile, clasped his hands in a salute, and introduced himself: "I, the king of Taoism, Ji Fa, is the reincarnation of Ji Chang, Sect Master Lu's ally in the human world."

"Ji, Ji what?"

Lu Bei was dumbfounded, plucked his ears, and asked Dao Master Wang to say it again.

"Human King Dao Master, Ji Fa."


Is there something wrong with Ji Fa and Ji Chang?

Lu Bei looked at the Human King Taoist intently and fell into deep thought. Ji Chang or Ji Fa, these two names made him think a lot. He just asked, when will the filming of "Apotheosis of the Gods" start?

Next time there is a big change in the world, will there really be a list of gods?

Who plays Zhou...

Forget it, let’s make it clear, where is the nine-tailed fox Daji?


Eight thousand words, please vote for me!

Today I am busy with trivial matters, and I can only do eight thousand. Tomorrow is the holiday, and I will be busy for a long time. I will try to write as much as possible after I am done.

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