This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 1 Some thoughts on Ravenclaw

I have read a lot of feedback about my Ravenclaw settings in the past few days. After thinking about it, I realized that I did not get the order right.

Ravenclaw is smart enough. I originally wanted to use Helena's memories to illustrate the greatest essence of Ravenclaw - tolerance.

Wisdom tolerance, because wisdom sees enough and far enough, so tolerance - not the unity and kindness of Hufflepuff, but tolerance of different opinions and different developments.

So there is the saying of the Sorting Hat that all wise people can find like-minded people in Ravenclaw.

This is a more opposing group different from Hufflepuff, and differences gradually arise until they go their separate ways. But everyone is using their own wisdom to find their own way. Because of tolerance, Ravenclaw can accommodate people with different paths. Because of wisdom, people with different paths will never be easily convinced.

When I finished the last extra, I thought about Luna, and then I found that Ravenclaw should have bad people - because Ravenclaw needs to accommodate a bunch of wizards with more ideas, it should not be a harmonious place, it should be a state of contention of a hundred schools of thought similar to the Spring and Autumn Period.

It should have a large number of groups like the Spring and Autumn Period, some good and some bad, fighting for what they pursue, and sending those who are not harmonious to Azkaban.

And Ravenclaw College is based on this purpose to let those who have pursuits confront and communicate so that those wisdoms can produce more dazzling knowledge - and this will inevitably give birth to some things that are not considered the essence, just like the Spring and Autumn Period.

Therefore, it must have fame-seekers like Lockhart and authoritarians like Rita, because they are indeed using their wisdom to pursue what they think is important.

Therefore, it is inevitable that some Ravenclaws think they are wrong and think that they should go to Azkaban - isn't that what Ravenclaw should be like?

Because of tolerance, Ravenclaw has Lockhart and Rita, but also Millicent Barnold (the Minister of Magic who persisted in fighting Voldemort until victory)

Are all Ravenclaws proud of Rita or Lockhart? How is that possible? Therefore, Ravenclaw's tolerance can allow those who have obviously different actions and opinions to come in, but there will definitely be a large number of rejecters inside.

This tolerance can even allow them to unite when they collectively reject something - such as the choice of the champion in the Goblet of Fire, but this does not affect the desire to send the other party to Azkaban afterwards.

And Professor Flitwick, the dean, undoubtedly meets the point of tolerance - of course, it may also be because the original book describes too little.

That is, under the greatest concept of tolerance, I started all kinds of weirdos in Ravenclaw - it just seems that I have done too much at present, and even need to explain it specifically, because I can't write the concept at the beginning.

But, I think that Ravenclaw should be like this, pursuing wisdom and knowledge, daring to hit hard against the same house, and daring to attack normally against the same school - I love my teacher but I love the truth more.

Pursuing grades? Good scores? Unity and harmony? Very good, but too small... Ravenclaw is partly like that, but it can't be just like that.

Dare to explore the future of the wizarding world, consider the future of wizards, seek rationality in all kinds of chaos, dare to say no, dare to prove it in all ways after firming up beliefs and goals - including but not limited to sending other students including Ravenclaw to Azkaban.

Well, Ravenclaw is like this.

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