This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 102: Make a wish to Dumbledore and receive it

With the opening of a new reading area in the library, more and more students are willing to go to the library when they have nothing to do.

Students who like immersive reading choose to go to the new area farther away, while the old area is completely left to those students who want to flip through books whenever they want.

As for Madam Pince - although more and more students are kicked out every day because of their loud movements or loud voices when flipping through books, everyone has a unified understanding that Madam Pince seems to be in a happier mood than before.

Obviously, she sincerely hopes that students can come to the library more often and learn knowledge. And Madam Pince's somewhat indulgent mentality has also made the library more and more popular - after all, Madam Pince really doesn't smash dung eggs.

This also means that everyone can live safely in the corridors and other places - although Peeves still occasionally makes a prank, the basic frequency and degree of pranks are about the same as before.

This is a good thing. Although some people will look at Peeves and wonder what he is fantasizing about, the daily life of the school has finally returned to peace.

In such a calm, Andrew and Huffman went to Hagrid's hut more often - the little dragon named Norbeta grew up rapidly under the careful care of two magical creature experts. After the receipt was submitted half a month ago, Professor McGonagall specifically asked Andrew and others to start evaluating its physical condition.

Although theoretically it has passed the critical period now, Professor McGonagall still decided to give Hagrid more time - thanks to Peeves and the library, this fire dragon caused a little ecstasy in the eyes of students who love magical creatures, and no one cared about it at all.

"Oh, there is a fire dragon, or the kind that bites people and spits fire, and can't fly?"

"Please - go to the corridor to see Peeves, except that it can't breathe fire, it is much scarier than a dragon!"

Under such remarks, a little guy with no treasure, no destructive power, and just a dragon name can't attract attention at all - if you have that time, you might as well consider fighting Peeves one more time, just in case the world boss drops it?

The library is not even dangerous, and you can get treasure directly by chance - who has time to care about a stupid dragon? Or under the watchful eyes of a professor?


"Have you noticed, Andrew, it grows too fast."

"Well, I think I have to report the professor's transfer-it can hardly get out of Hagrid's house..."

Andrew shook his head. That guy can even spit out harmful flames, and his wings are much harder than before-although Hagrid and the old professor mean to teach it to hunt, but that's too dangerous.

"It's time to make a decision. Let the professor notify... We can't afford the responsibility."

I'm not kidding-Huffman still has to take a year of advanced classes, and Andrew has elective courses in the third year. If the old professor gets angry, it would be very uncomfortable to deduct seven or eight points a year...

Professor McGonagall is just strict at work, and she won't let them take the blame-those who don't report it are fools.

"It's really dangerous enough... I have to discuss it with Albus. You did a great job."

She hesitated, "Don't go after seeing you off. I will say that I kept you in the office to work overtime because you didn't submit your reports in time."

"Yes, Professor."

Andrew and the others agreed happily - even Huffman didn't have a relationship with the little guy who liked to spit fire, and it was indeed too conspicuous after going.

Especially the professor's excuse was great - because the late report was obviously biased towards Hagrid and others, which meant that the professor took the blame and became the villain.

What else can I say? Just work hard in the office...

And Professor McGonagall didn't actually leave many documents to deal with - to put it bluntly, she just found an excuse to keep them in the office so that they could slack off.


"Donate the dragon?"

Dumbledore looked up from a pile of books and looked at Professor McGonagall who suddenly visited him and realized that he had ignored the little guy during this period.

It was indeed a little guy - when he was studying the alchemical uses of dragon blood, he dealt with many such beings.

But it is indeed a bit dangerous for students.

The giant spiders can be well controlled in the forbidden forest, but the range of winged dragons is too large.

"I will go and talk to them tomorrow, Minerva."

"That's great, Albus, by the way - what are these books?"

"The library's inventory, I'm studying how to randomly distribute the books to each book."

There has never been such a magical book in the magic world - it can appear randomly when you flip through any book, and then disappear after you read it.

Moreover, such a book must really be able to inspire the other party.

The hidden magic has been developed - when you open a book that meets the requirements, there is a certain possibility that an extra page will appear directly between two pages in the book, and then if you wait for a minute or accidentally turn it over, the extra page will disappear.

The biggest difficulty at present is - how to ensure that it is helpful to everyone.

Even Dumbledore, who is knowledgeable, feels difficult with this imaginary book - in the end, he decided to write more.

As long as enough books are written, it can be more in line with the imaginary book. Anyway, principals have different areas of expertise before becoming principals.

In simple terms, it is to create a secret library, and then each book that meets the requirements can be mapped to a part of the catalog, and then the experience summary of the subject related to the book will be displayed.

Anyway, as long as it can appear in the early stage, it will be fine - as much as can be stuffed in the later stage, it can also be regarded as finding some work for those principals who torment him.

"That's right, we have made a decision, and let the book appear after someone finds the books required in advance - anyway, it has been listed in advance."

The principal on the wall said this decision happily - students are frantically looking for their own words in the library to pursue the knowledge contained in it, which is really something that the principal cannot refuse.

Compared with tormenting Peeves, this is more fun and makes everyone feel honored.

"Great thing."

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore kindly - compared to grabbing Dumbledore to do official business, this thing couldn't be better.

Students always like new things and dislike old things - if the library can't find the sweetness, more and more people will start to question and find Peeves again.

"How long do you think it will take before they can see it for the first time?"

"The torn pages are ready, just wait, Minerva."

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