This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 121 Did Peewee explode with copper coins?

This time it traveled on a completely different route - the students along the way hurriedly caught up with it, preparing to insult poor Peeves with the song they made up, but it showed no intention of stopping.

This was very interesting. The students who had not had enough fun immediately chased after Peeves and followed Peeves all the way to the library.

In the eyes of many people, Peeves swooped into the ceiling at the entrance to the library, muttered something unknown, and then disappeared without a trace.

Then, under everyone's surprised gazes, a bronze waterfall began to flow from the ceiling - the crashing Nat fell from the ceiling, and finally piled up into a small mountain.

"This is?"

"Is this the treasure house?"

"Peeves exploded the copper coins?"

The seventh-grade students who caught up had confused eyes, as did Mrs. Pince who came out of the library to ask questions. The students who were alerted by the noise and were about to come out to take a look also had confused eyes.

"Go call the prefect!"

A bunch of Galleons are very attractive, but Knuts - one Galleung equals seventeen Sickles, four hundred and ninety-three Knuts, even if you shamelessly grab a handful, you won't even get half a Galleung...

Soon, the prefect who was working outside came over, and Andrew, who was reviewing in the library, was also called over - he didn't even notice what happened, but a student told him that there was an emergency that needed to be dealt with.

'Why are you calling me? Tell Professor McGonagall...'

Andrew was also shocked by the pile of Nats - it was the first time he had seen so much change.

It's just weird - 'There are so many prefects here, please deal with it! I still have thirty pages of potions notes that I haven’t read yet! ’

However, the prefects present looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, one person came over with his head hanging down, pulled Andrew aside, and whispered the matter once under the gaze of many students.

? ? ?

Andrew's eyes widened instantly.

You won't be afraid of death when you graduate soon, right? Just stay away from me. I won't take the blame for you and Peeves bombing the school with dung bombs!

It's true that seventh graders have a little privilege, but you guys are really brave when you play like this. You really are not afraid of Professor McGonagall settling the accounts!

I also chose a good time - the NEWTs exam results are coming out soon, and today Professor McGonagall went to the Examination Administration to finally check the results, otherwise this matter wouldn't have lasted so long...right?

After all, Professor McGonagall is from Gryffindor... Andrew is not sure, but he is not suitable to say such death-seeking words.

"You are serious..."

Andrew didn't know what to say for a moment, "The professor is not here...this matter...are you serious..."

"Take care of the matter first. Give me the list. You can coordinate the manpower and restore the school to its original state. If the professor comes back and sees the dung bomb, you will be dead - I will report to the principal..."

Andrew gritted his teeth and decided to help them - Professor McGonagall left the school, Dumbledore would definitely be pulled to stay in charge, and he just happened to have the password in his hand.

After a short conversation, Andrew got the list and a promise to clean the school, but before he was ready to leave

"But this may be the first step in decrypting it... Maybe there are other treasures. I am not demanding treasures, but at least I will give some hints to the students behind me."

What other treasures, it is very strange that Peeves can explode this little Knut! How can I not know if it is true or not? Are you planning to tear down the ceiling at the entrance to the library in front of me?

"Professor McGonagall will definitely not do it... I will hint to the principal. Whether it will happen or not depends on the principal's wishes."

Andrew hesitated for a moment, but still didn't finish his words - it was a matter of saying something, and the other party was very cooperative with the punishment, so you can't blame him if it doesn't work out...


"Driving Peeves to the ceiling of the library?"

When Andrew rushed to Dumbledore's office, the respectable old headmaster was dealing with the thick documents on the table. I don't know if it was Andrew's misunderstanding. After he described the matter once, Dumbledore looked at the whole person. I feel much younger all of a sudden.

‘It must be a’s caused by being too tired from studying today. ’

"This needs to be dealt with immediately. Student Taylor, you deal with these documents first. I have to go over immediately."

? ? ?

"I'm about to take the final exam, Professor. I'm also asking for leave from Professor McGonagall. Percy has just finished taking the OWLs exam. He can write a report on this matter and help you sort out the documents."

Andrew happily sold Percy, ah, no, recommended Percy - it wasn't entirely unfair to him, Andrew just saw two Weasleys on the list, which helped him reduce the negative influence of his younger brother.

Besides, how many people wanted to curry favor with Dumbledore but couldn't.

So, after leaving the office, Andrew happily called a Ravenclaw student and asked him to find Percy and report to Dumbledore's office.



"It's really amazing... I stood with the prefects at the beginning, and then some people asked me to make up some homework... Oh, I backhandedly led the examination administration to expel the student..."

"That's right. If the prefect commits any trouble, he will handle it...didn't you see that the students in the library called the prefect and called him over?"

"Keep your voice down..."

Eyes are better at deceiving people than facts - although in Andrew's eyes, he was just a miserable invigilator for two weeks and had to hand in make-up homework, but in the eyes of many students, he was a quasi-prefect who stood with the prefects during the big exams and signed in person when expelling students.

The prefects' authority was demonstrated by grades and deducted house points. He used the expelled students to prove it directly - it had nothing to do with him? Do you believe it? That guy signed with a striking hand to arrest people!

If you don't wear a badge, you are not a prefect? ​​Do you believe it? Didn't Dumbledore even come?

Amid the students' onlookers, Dumbledore stared at the pile of Knuts for a while, then shook his head with a little disappointment, "It's not the coins from when the school was founded, there are coins from all periods, even from the present - it's not the treasure from when the school was founded, it's collected by Peeves himself from generation to generation."

He took out his wand again with some doubts, pointed at the ceiling, and his eyes revealed a bit of surprise, "Very strong protection... this feeling..."

No, professor, don't take the lead in dismantling the school's ceiling, especially the one at the entrance of the library, look at Madam Pince's face!

But Dumbledore's will is not affected by other people's ideas, "You guys try it too, this protection is very interesting!"

It's over...

Andrew's expression collapsed at once. He was the one who brought Dumbledore here, how to settle this matter!

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