This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 129 Return to School

Professor McGonagall was always punctual.

The day after Andrew and Mrs. Camille finished talking, Professor McGonagall came to visit early and gained a student who was driven out to work hard.

After being Apparated to Hogsmeade, Andrew was taken back to Hogwarts by Professor McGonagall along the path of the senior students' return to Hogsmeade week.

"When it's not busy, you can come here for vacation, but on weekends because students are away, the shops are usually closed."

Professor McGonagall told Andrew this on the way back.

Hogsmeade is not an exclusive area for Hogwarts students. There are even smuggled products in the Pig's Head Bar. It only prohibits outside wizards and students from competing for space on weekends.

"Okay, Professor."

"The restaurant will not be open daily because there are no students staying in school during the summer, so you can ask the elf to provide you with separate meals."

"Mrs. Pince is also on vacation in the library, but I allow you to go in and read every day, but you need to pack it back after reading. In addition, don't bring any food in. If Mrs. Pince is angry, I will not interfere. of."

'I won't try to provoke it either. ’

Andrew still remembers how angry Mrs. Pince was when Dumbledore asked those students to try it - if it hadn't been outside the library, Dumbledore would have been scolded.

"Hagrid will pick you up after you go out, but you must tell him before you go on vacation, or go out together, otherwise you may be locked out of the school if Hagrid goes to do errands.

"The lounge is also open separately... You have to deal with documents in the office every morning, and then go to work on the greenhouse with Professor Sprout when the greenhouse project is almost ready.

"I will go out occasionally, so leave the office locked.

"By the way," Professor McGonagall seemed to remember something, "You don't have to work on your birthday. We want to test the impact of your fastest growing day on your transfiguration."

Professor McGonagall had almost everything ready.

But Andrew suddenly remembered something important, "Professor, what if I can't answer the brass ring's question?"

This is a crucial question - just one person, the probability of being stumped by the copper ring is too high.

Every qualified Ravenclaw must pay attention to this fatal problem!


Professor McGonagall hesitated, "I'll give you permission to open the prefect's bathroom..."

? ? ?

Professor, is this what we're talking about?

"The elf will prepare a new sleeping bag for you."

I have my own one. It was just issued at the end of last semester and I haven’t used it yet! But it’s too...

"Okay, let's go and rest first. The elf in the suitcase took it back..."

Professor McGonagall's formerly serious expression softened a bit today, or in other words, she said to him with a bit of caution, "Get some rest..."

"...The staff lounge can be opened to you, but the beds there are a bit old, and professors who stay on campus occasionally use them."

Negotiations failed, and Professor McGonagall opened all the lounges except for her own house, but the Gryffindor lounge was obviously not allowed - there was no precedent for this, and it was definitely not a precedent that could change the rules.

Each house is independent, Professor McGonagall cannot manage the Ravenclaw common room except in emergencies, and Professor Flitwick is on leave.

To be precise - even if he had not left school, Andrew and the dean would have advised him to sleep in a sleeping bag. After all, he was not working for Ravenclaw House...

Fortunately, there was a serious leak in the copper ring today - Andrew took the suitcase out directly and placed it outside the lounge. Anyway, Peeves would not harm this area, which was basically regarded as the second lounge by default.

'But I haven't seen Peeves before the holiday... I don't know when he will show up. ’

Andrew dug out his sleeping bag again and put it away with a sad look on his face.

Free libraries and cafeterias, and extremely unfree lounges…

He sighed, said hello to the door knocker sincerely, then went downstairs and began to familiarize himself with the area he would use during the holidays.

There was no way to practice flying - the campus hospital was closed.

However, the transformation technique can be practiced at will, because currently it does not involve injuries at all.

The manuscript... can be written a little.

But it absolutely cannot be published.

There are only these few people on campus during the holidays. It will be great fun if the letter is caught...

"Let's finish the manuscript for a month first."

"The greenhouse...well, I have to go. In the past, I just learned about plants. This time, I have to discuss the structure and everything with Dean Sprout, and I can make a report after asking for details."

"Hagrid has to go there a few more times. Although he doesn't have to leave school every day, it's good to take a walk occasionally."

"The kitchen needs a good stroll."

"And, um... potions, I hope Professor Snape takes a vacation... No, this thing can easily blow up the crucible, and if you are caught stealing it from the classroom... hiss..."

"Let's make a list...Looking at it now, except for the occasional stay in the sleeping bag, it's very comfortable..."


"Write a letter inviting Potter?"

When Ron mentioned this at the dinner table, Mrs. Weasley looked delighted, and Ginny almost blushed and ran back to the room.

"Yes, we agreed before the holiday, and he agreed."

Ron didn't know how much of a blow his words had to his brother - every time the owl secretly delivered a message, he would be careful not to be discovered by others.

But now there's one more person coming?

And everyone seemed to be very welcoming...

"You can also bring someone."

Fred whispered-he had just been punished for those owls that brought grades, but he still did not repent at this moment.

After all, they really saw the map information of Percy's date, and now they wanted to see Percy's embarrassment.


The first thing that came to Percy's mind was his girlfriend, but it was quickly erased.

He didn't dare to hope for such an invitation...but he really wanted to see her...

The words of another person who had joked with him before the holiday came out.

'It's a pity that owls can't bring people...'

'Well... owls can't bring people, but I can go there...'

Such thoughts emerged, and then they were out of control.

Because of his excellent grades, Percy had a lot of Galleons in his pocket. Although he planned to subsidize the family expenses, Mrs. Weasley refused.

The money of underage children is their own pocket money, and the money of adult children should be used to build their own family-this is her principle, otherwise with the help of two graduated children, the family will not be stretched.

"Then, using the excuse of a classmate's invitation, go find her..."

If Harry can come, he can go... Galleons can really bring courage.

Percy suddenly became excited - but who should invite him?

It's probably not possible to invite someone from Gryffindor - just let that guy come, he's from Ravenclaw, and his twins are afraid of him, a perfect choice!

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