This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 138 Magical Restlessness (Two in One)

"It's done, and we've even started adding the first protective magic..."

Beside the greenhouse, which can be said to be finished, Andrew couldn't help but sigh - the productivity changes brought about by magic are really amazing.

But it's just a sigh. There are not many construction teams of this level in the entire magic world, but with enough machinery, there are simply too many construction teams that can reach half of this level, and the training time is even more outrageous...


Percy's voice came from afar, waking Andrew from his thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

"The principal is calling you."

Which principal?

Andrew wanted to ask casually, but he held back - Professor McGonagall should be called professor, so it should be Dumbledore.

"Ah, what's the office password?"

"Chocolate Frog."

Very good, confirmed.

Andrew nodded, and then gave his seat to Percy - although Professor Adams had been watching carefully since the first day, they still had to follow the procedures and follow up the whole process.

"Did the headmaster say anything?"

"No," Percy thought for a moment, "but it's definitely not a bad thing."

I hope so...

Andrew has managed to keep his composure.


"Professor Dumbledore, I'm here."

"Sit down first, don't be in a hurry."

Dumbledore's eyes were kind, but Andrew felt a little scared - he didn't have to worry about ghosts knocking on his door, but he couldn't help but feel guilty!

"According to the admission book, your birthday is tomorrow, right?"


? ? ?

Andrew's eyes widened - isn't it the day when school starts? The identity record was right on those days, and he was glad at the time. If it was later, he might have used magic to mess around before Hogwarts enrolled students.

" might be a problem of chaotic management, but I can't get more from it. It can only record the students who enter every year. That's the limit."

This information must be kept confidential to other students, but Andrew signed a confidentiality agreement, so there is no problem.

And it doesn't matter - it's already August.

"You may have to ask the administrator for more information, but I don't think she will tell you before you become an adult."

"I think so..." Andrew nodded, then shook his head, "But no matter where you are or what environment you are in, you have to live well."

"Great idea," Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "But we have more important things to say. You should know about magic agitation, right?"

"Well, the magic power of underage wizards grows rapidly on their birthdays every year. The speed of magic increase in one day is even comparable to the normal two or three months. It ends after the last agitation on the seventeenth birthday. At the same time, the overall magic increase rate slows down. This is why wizards are considered adults after the age of seventeen."

"Yes, so try to rest as much as possible on this day. You will have a day off tomorrow and do not practice any magic. Come to my office the day after tomorrow for a Transfiguration test."

"Transfiguration test?"

Andrew's eyes widened-he had never heard of this term.

"Yes, it's the same as the levitation spell. It can basically test the level of Transfiguration, but it is arranged according to the average of the grade."


Could it be something newly made up by Dumbledore himself?

Andrew was quite skeptical - there was absolutely no such thing as test level before! Otherwise, a second stage of Levitation Charm would not have exchanged him for so many glittering Galleons.

But this is also a very normal thing - it would be fine if the segmentation did not appear, but if it did, everyone would naturally associate it with it, and would definitely adopt it.

Even wizards like to be refined, no, not even, but wizards like to be refined, especially wizards from alchemy.

The right amount of dragon blood, the right amount of bone powder, etc. sounded like a headache - so taking advantage of this meeting outside, Dumbledore improved the positioning of Levitation Charm under the inquiry of others about the level of Levitation Charm and made a positioning of Transfiguration.

"Where does the level of Transfiguration come from?"

As soon as Andrew left, the principal behind him couldn't help asking.

"It's just some Transfiguration materials and a few runes. Once you quantify them, you can use them to judge the average level of students in each grade. It's a very useful teaching tool. Minerva will like it."

"You won't fool Minerva by saying that you worked hard to develop this judgment method, right?"

"How could that be? I'm the headmaster after all. I must promote things that can improve teaching judgment."


"Albus, you're lying again. Look at the Sorting Hat laughing!"



"Birthday...background...and holidays."

Andrew shook his head——How to calculate the birthdays later? If it's two, he'll be strangled to death by his roommates, but he can't write a letter to notify them, or just go with the flow?

They're all minor annoyances...

He decided to focus on the orthodox things——such as the big guy in the sewer.

He can't remember anything else, but he knows about the basilisk and the diary.

But how to deal with it?

The basilisk is simple. Although he only got part of the water source map when decorating the greenhouse this time, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have the sewer map - as long as he proposes to clean the sewer during the holiday and put in a lot of rat poison to lure and kill the rats, the basilisk that can be starved will be unable to stay awake and show its true colors.

Of course, before doing this, he had to check the anti-hunger degree of this thing - after all, he had never studied magical creatures.

But it doesn't matter if you fight hunger. You really can't use the excuse of investigating the number of rats to persuade the professor to come up with a marking and re-capture method. Just say what you saw in the Muggle textbook. When the rats are eaten, the professor will naturally notice it.

This matter can even be blamed on Percy, as long as he shows a few signs of rat infestation and gets Percy to report it.

But the diary is harder to come by - how did Ginny Weasley get the diary? It seems to be from the Malfoy family?

Is Malfoy pursuing Ginny? Because I heard from Speedy that Ginny is the most beautiful in the school, and she is a pureblood...

But it doesn’t match, right?

This is so weird to think about - giving a diary to a first grader, Percy has to lower his body and put a sack on him, right?

How did you get it?

How should he get the diary of a first-grade girl? Without being drugged and put into a sack by Percy?

There were also the Weasley twins - Ron would be fine with a little bullying, but there was only one sister, and Andrew didn't want to have to deal with two Peeves every day.

'It's difficult... take your time, first pass the threshold in front of you, get over the restless period, let Percy find a place to park the broom, and then think about this...'


"It's finally almost over..."

The irrigation system is fully connected, the sewer system is fully connected, and the protective magic has been applied once - the greenhouse is now completely completed except for the need for multiple reinforcements.

The construction team is already dismantling the tents - the temporary water source has been transferred to the greenhouse, and the bathroom has been converted into supporting facilities for the greenhouse. Everything is fine.

Percy, who had already let his heart fly outside of Hogwarts, finally discovered something was wrong when Hagrid sent away the construction workers one by one.

What about Andrew?

What about the Andrews who tricked him into coming to school and participated in the construction of the entire greenhouse?

Why is it that he is the one keeping an eye on the final finishing project!

Did he go to Professor McGonagall's office?

Percy ran over with ease, and then found that the door was locked - the professor was on a business trip again, this time for a domestic meeting.

There was someone in Dumbledore's office, but Percy didn't dare go.

The professor was strict, but he was actually easy to talk to, but Dumbledore put too much pressure on him.

‘Who should I ask for leave from school? ’

‘And we promised to have a holiday in between, but there’s no such thing! ’

Only when Percy took stock now did he realize something was wrong - he was pulled over the weekend to see the construction progress, and the construction team didn't have a day off, so he forgot about it.

The only good thing is that I didn't tell Penello about this, otherwise...

But, what about Andrew, you bastard?

He walked half a circle around the whole school, looked through the library, and finally saw Andrew lying on the lawn next to the Black Lake on vacation.

"Good afternoon, Percy."

Andrew greeted lazily, "Would you like some dessert? Today's ice cream is lemon flavor, which is my favorite."

"The construction is over today. Didn't you go take a look?"

"I have a day off today - and then you have a day off tomorrow, so you can go on a date in the Muggle world. Of course, this afternoon will also work. The professor is not on campus, no problem."

"I want to leave school and rent a house..."

Shouldn't you accompany me to find a suitable room, since I've been involved in the construction of the greenhouse!

"I ordered it for you, but you have to renew it later. I only reserved a room for three days. By the way, the deposit includes rent, three galleons. Thank you. If you want to renew later, remember to pay it yourself."

Andrew took out an envelope from his body and handed it to Percy, then took the galleons from Percy who was stunned.

"When did you leave school?"

"On the day I pick you up, it's near the zoo - the theory is good. If you want to change, there's a higher-end hotel nearby, and there's a cheaper hotel a little further away."

"Why didn't it happen when I wrote the letter?"

Percy looked at the envelope and felt his head was a little big.

"At that time, I thought that even a first-place Muggle Studies student could do it..."

Andrew spread his hands, "I can't leave school today, but I can send you off tomorrow afternoon. Do you need it?"

His response was a slap, "I don't think I'm looking forward to seeing you off that much - see you at the beginning of school!"

"Take care of yourself, if that doesn't work, ride the bus, and by the way, take care of the owl, and remember to write a letter if you have something to do!"

Andrew sent his best wishes - he no longer had much need to see Percy in the hospital after the greenhouse was built.


Percy waved and then strode towards the castle. Andrew smiled, continued to lie there, and began to rest as the professor said.

I completely put down my work and take a rest - but I really feel nothing.

Magic is not an internal force, especially when he was warned not to cast spells indiscriminately. Andrew even asked the elf to bring the chair out, so he couldn't feel any changes at all.

Not to mention restless, he just feels the warmth of the sun and wants to have a good sleep - anyway, there is a potion for repelling mosquitoes, so he is not afraid. The potion is from Professor McGonagall's office. Used, the effect is quite good.

After spending the day so loosely, Andrew didn't notice any difference. In the end, he was as peaceful as a dream - thanks to the brass ring, he could sleep in bed today.


"It's really...a mess of dreams..."

When Andrew woke up the next day, he looked in the mirror - his teeth were intact, and there was no change in his hair, eyes, face, and hands.

The height was the same. He did not grow ten centimeters overnight as in the dream, nor did he suddenly become a stick - did the magic power agitation require no sacrifice?

Holding the wand habitually, Andrew's relaxed eyes suddenly became alert.

Something was wrong - very wrong.

The wand seemed to have been replaced.

No, it seemed to have become the eleventh finger.

He subconsciously touched the side of the bed - well, good, no.

With a bit of self-mockery, he got dressed and went outside the lounge, and touched a fresh and usable egg from the sleeping bag.

With a light touch of the wand, the whole egg began to shake wildly, shake, and then cracked - a quacking duck ran out of the eggshell, and then the whole thing swelled up until it became a fist-sized guy.

"It looks like... very much like..."

Andrew poked it with the wand, causing a burst of quacking.

He continued to try the Transfiguration - but failed.

Sure enough, the feeling was right - it was a transformed duck, not a real duck. But compared to the previous clumsiness, the current transformation could no longer be easily distinguished.

Andrew sighed, knocked on the duck, and lifted his Transfiguration - an egg wrapped in a white membrane reappeared in the air and was wrapped again under the power of the spell.

He tried again, and this time the creature that crawled out with the help of the wand was a rabbit - but as before, it was still a little inadequate, and even couldn't eat.

Compared to Professor McGonagall's use of a stool to conjure up a living creature, and even killed half of his manuscript, this was simply too bad, but he soon smiled and let it go...

"Good progress... I asked too much..."

He put away his wishful thinking, then put away the egg, and walked quickly towards Dumbledore's office, ready to show his spellcasting and test the so-called Transfiguration level.

'Transfiguration level... I don't know how Dumbledore judges it, will he test the magic level? ’

Unknown - he has racked his brains to describe Dumbledore's miracles, but the people involved told him that it is not that simple.

He still prefers to let Professor McGonagall guide him - but he also knows that if Professor McGonagall is not out for something, the busy Dumbledore will not take half a day to test a student.

So, how high is Dumbledore's magical attainment?

What level of Transfiguration has he reached?

Is Dumbledore the highest level of Transfiguration?

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