This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 141 Interviews are interviews, and manuscripts are manuscripts

"Wow, that's a very detailed answer..."

"It's not just detailed, it's something that is simply too advanced to be understood—the unity of alchemy, transfiguration, and potions?"

"The possibility of directed cultivation of herbalism? The pan-future of alchemy?"

When the reporter came back with a stack of interview transcripts, everyone in the editorial department gathered around and looked at Dumbledore's interview page by page.

"Some words are even too technical, and Dumbledore has to say them in another way!"

"Isn't this enough to publish an article in those professional publications?"

"Yes, but we are not a professional magazine!"

The whole interview seems very professional, it should be in-depth and interesting, it should be easy to understand and in-depth...

"How come this is published... We are not a special issue on alchemy..."

"Don't worry, I've already made an appointment, just send the interview copy." The editor waved his hand and personally found an owl to deliver the letter. Anyway, he didn't believe that the praise potato couldn't handle these things.


"The hard work is not in vain."

Andrew flipped through the interview records he had recorded and sighed in his heart - he is indeed the first white wizard who has made outstanding contributions to alchemy. Even when dealing with Voldemort, he did not ignore the development of alchemy.

As for the future of magic and whether there is an end, it has a higher level of understanding than existing textbooks.

Got something...

It was worth writing a special interview for this, let alone the money order from Gringotts!

As for the question being cluttered and overly technical?

What's that?

When there was no manuscript, he was almost ready.

When I graduated, I watched Dumbledore like a firefly watching the moon.

When I returned to school, I saw Dumbledore like a Florob caterpillar seeing the sky.

Well, very good, just this title - something is too profound to be analyzed, so let’s write it in a way that is difficult to analyze.

Andrew started writing quickly.


Dumbledore was as kind as I remembered, with no sharpness in his eyes, and a calm aura like an ordinary old man.

But how is it possible?

I concentrated on observing, but still couldn't find anything unusual.

How is it possible? I have been trained by some Aurors, I have seen through poisonous leopards, and I have broken through Acromantula traps. I can easily tell that something is wrong in the environment, but I can't find the slightest difference.

How is this possible?

But this is reality. It is an ordinary room, ordinary tables and chairs, and ordinary tea sets. If there is anything extraordinary in the room, it can only be the wall containing the portraits of the previous principals.

But how could this be the residence of one of the greatest wizards?

While reading the dry interview script, my heart almost broke - this is not what it should be at all...]

Cross this paragraph out?

Dumbledore's office still has some expensive decorations...

Andrew thought about it for a moment, forget it, artistic creation is important, asking questions will come later.

[But as I asked questions one by one, I forgot about the so-called imbalances and what shouldn’t be done.

Those complex terms, those most advanced insights, those most simple and useful paths suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Maybe it's far more than that, but my poor wisdom can only think up to this point - Dumbledore just gave me some new knowledge in a way that I can understand, just like we put a grain of sugar into the hand of an ant, it's not that we can't give it More, but its limit is right here.


Well, these descriptions are almost enough, let’s make up something a little outrageous.

[Probably an illusion...

I told myself this - if I were to interview a scholar or a trailblazer, I would probably have the same illusion.

Dumbledore just went further than other scholars. All my awe came from my emotion when I graduated. At that time, I looked at Dumbledore with high spirits, and my eyes were full of longing.

But as I left, Dumbledore hesitated and shook my hand.

After I left Hogwarts, the half-pack of uneaten multi-flavor beans began to jump out of my pocket and began to attack my hair and manuscripts. My partner and I spent a lot of effort. Only then did he break free from the hands of these demons. wasn't until two hours later that they returned to their previous appearance - until then, I remembered that Principal Dumbledore had been a professor of Transfiguration and was famous for it.

"A joke cast turned these guys into little devils. Dumbledore really was..."

I couldn't help but admire that the principal was still as funny as before.

However, before the manuscript was completed, my assistant raised a question - is it possible that Dumbledore did not control his power during the handshake? Is the ordinaryness of the house deliberately suppressed? If you accidentally let the table and teacup talk... Oh my God...]

Although it's not even interesting, it's an interview after all, so you can't go too far.

As for the ending, which doesn’t feel like an interview?

It’s not a big problem, the editorial department is much more outrageous than him.


"I can't say it doesn't matter. I can only say that they are not close to each other at all."

What looked like an interview transcript was placed in front of the editor after some modifications to the grammar and description.

"Attach the original transcript of the interview at the back, and then send it out accordingly."

Reporters are not that capable? The perspective is a little weird?

It’s not a big deal—if it doesn’t work, send it to training.

‘I always feel that it’s not exaggerated enough. It’s just a bag of candy that is deformed, which is still a bit lacking. ’

The editor thought about it and added a scene where he accidentally broke the water cup but found that it was instantly restored.

"Well, this time it's not ordinary, but it's because of poor eyesight that I can't see it."

"Don't let the reporter write it, let the assistant write it - write that the reporter thought the cup was quickly repaired, but didn't see the wand, and then remembered that the principal's office had special magic!"

"Great, let's do it this way!"

"Didn't the interview describe the end of magic? Let's hint that Dumbledore is trying to find the existence that currently represents the end of Transfiguration!"

"This is not good, after all, it's an interview manuscript..."

"That's right... and the veiled hints are also good... The previous ones are enough."

"It's a pity that there is still no news about the second issue... Otherwise, it would be better to add an accurate preview. It can only be a warm-up."

"Well, exchange and review it again. After confirming that it does not violate the rules of Hogwarts, publish it."

"Okay, make the final version after modification."

"Will the title follow that?"

"Of course, that's the taste, it's worthy of the interview manuscript! By the way, remember to make the original interview into the clearest version, don't let people find fault!"

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