This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 143 Flobberworm!

"! I hate Flobber caterpillars."

Andrew woke up from the nightmare, checked his surroundings, and added after swearing.

He had just had a very terrifying dream, in which a giant Flobber caterpillar with Dumbledore's head hung him from the top of the Astronomy Tower with its silk threads.

The caterpillar was lying on the top of the tower, and the thin silk threads looked shaky, and from time to time, small caterpillars fell from the top of the tower. Only when the silk threads broke did he escape from this damn nightmare.

"Damn it, it must be caused by Professor McGonagall's special training these days..."

That's right, he's like Leonardo da Vinci painting eggs these days, crazily using eggs to transform into various forms of Flobber caterpillars.

Professor McGonagall even got a bucket full of caterpillars from Hagrid and asked him to use transfiguration to copy the shape of each caterpillar - even the patterns and movements had to be completely reproduced.

It's not an easy job - a Flobber caterpillar is much more difficult to grow than an average chicken or duck.

It is one of the bugs officially classified as a magical creature. Although it is only at the lowest X level, it still has observable magic resistance and physical resistance, and even mucus can be used as one of the raw materials for magic potions.

Therefore, this is the best reference involving the transformation of magical creatures for Andrew, who has enough knowledge structure but not enough magic power - this sentence means that he has been fighting bugs for half a month.

Moreover, depending on the professor’s intentions and original goals, I’m afraid my expectations will still be slim after half a month.

"What's today's Transfiguration target? Yes, the Flobber Caterpillar."

Muttering in his mouth, he got up from his sleeping bag, glanced at the eggs beside the bed, gave up on the morning transfiguration training, and then began to stand next to the copper ring as usual.

"You purchased a batch of cauldrons, each for five Sicor and sold for seven Sicor, but the first customer only had Galleons, but you found that you forgot to bring your wallet, so you had to exchange Sicor with your neighbor. , and then give it to the customer, but later the neighbor discovered that the galleons were fake, and you had to pay the neighbor one galleons - how much did you lose? "

‘I can finally go back to the lounge, I’ve been sleeping in a sleeping bag for three days! ’

Andrew was filled with emotion. He took out the parchment paper and calculated it twice, and then used a new piece of paper to calculate the question that could have been calculated verbally. Then he happily reported the answer.

"No more running, no more running, I need to catch up on my sleep!"

But ten minutes later, Andrew found that he could no longer sleep and had to continue his usual routine and started running along the Black Lake.

After running about half a circle, Andrew suddenly met Professor Adams who was coming out of the new greenhouse - he was carrying a huge watering can and walking towards Hagrid's hut.

"Good morning, professor, what are you doing?"

"Good morning, classmate Taylor, there may not be enough time to compost the dragon dung in the old greenhouse, so there are insects. I'm about to take care of it - because I have to improve the soil here in the past few days, I have put away all the familiar tools. It’s over here.”

"Insect trouble?"


"Can I go take a look?"

"Of course, I've prepared enough potions."


"Leave it to me here."


Adams left with some doubts - the student in front of him had only average interest in herbalism, but considering the new greenhouse seeds and fertilizer subsidies that had just been allocated a few days ago, it would not be a big problem for him to harm this room.

Andrew smiled and made himself a head soaking charm, then unscrewed the mouth of the watering can. With a wave of his wand, a ball of prepared insecticide flew out, quickly weaved in the air, and finally formed a transparent net.

"A bug, right?"

He waved his wand, and the medicine net flew across the ground in the greenhouse, picking up more than a dozen bugs. Andrew threw it to the ground in disgust, and used the transfiguration spell to freeze it.

"Is this done?"

"Well, it sure is fun to do farm work once in a while."

Andrew nodded and used Cleaner to get rid of the bugs and potions in the waste bucket - he has made good use of this spell so far.

"That's good, come back if you're interested."

"Andrew, don't be so murderous. You are using transformation, not black magic."

"Yes, Professor."

Today's transfiguration training is still with Flobber caterpillars.

However, the accumulated resentment of insects during this period was probably dissipated. Today's progress is pretty good. The transformed Flobber caterpillar has the prototype of a magical creature. Although it is still easy to kill, it needs a larger one. Strength.

This obvious progress made Professor McGonagall very satisfied, but it still could not change the fact that Andrew would need to deal with the bugs for a long time.

But when he left, Professor McGonagall suddenly remembered something and asked.

"By the way, Tyler, how's the freshman receipt going?"

"All the lists are matched, and I have kept them on file. The college is responsible for the freshmen, but I have made a budget based on the ratio in previous years, and there is a sufficient supply of bedding."

And, of course, sleeping bags.

Andrew added silently in his mind.

"Very good, our new professor," Professor McGonagall paused, "Did you ask the elf to clean Gilderoy Lockhart's office?"

"Well, it's been dealt with, and it's still the same room as before."

"That's good. By the way, go to the warehouse to withdraw the textbooks that Professor Lockhart sent for review. Use my name and register them in the office tomorrow as scrapped. Then go back and continue practicing Transfiguration. OK, go ahead."

Textbooks need to be reviewed. After Dumbledore talked to Professor Lockhart, the other party refused to give in. He had to review all the textbooks and add them to the textbook list in the letter at the beginning of the school year.

There is no way. It is the professor's freedom to use any textbooks. As the only Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Lockhart can only agree according to the Hogwarts tradition, although he has the possibility of selling books.

"Okay, professor."

Andrew didn't know what to say for a while - if there was no work in the office, he would have wanted to grab Percy to work overtime.

After all, the Lockhart series of books is really ridiculously expensive...

If you don't count the extra income, he would have to get subsidies from the office for a long time to save enough just to buy those books...

"Don't be too anxious to practice. As long as you can make a realistic Flobberworm during this holiday, you will be successful."


"Yes, professor."

'Go to the greenhouse to help tomorrow. '

Andrew thought.

But thinking is thinking, and practice is practice.

Flobberworms still need to be transformed, and even going to the library to read books cannot be delayed.

But the next morning, when Andrew was sleeping soundly on the bed in the lounge, an owl knocked on the glass of the dormitory.

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