This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 147 A professor who follows the rules

"I haven't slept so deeply in a long time."

Andrew glanced at the alarm clock and yawned.

Yesterday, he did over-cast magic - transforming magical creatures was still a bit too advanced for him, but after a good sleep, there were no problems.

"Speaking of which, school starts today."

He slowly got up, got dressed and cleaned up the dormitory - his roommate was coming over today and everything was starting to return to normal.

"There is nothing left in the library. We will need help in the greenhouse after school starts... We will run less today, and then we will go to the office to see if there is anything we need help with."

Everything went according to plan. After receiving breakfast from the house elf, Andrew briefly freshened up and walked towards Professor McGonagall's office.

After yesterday's successful transformation of the caterpillar, the professor probably had new details to give him, but because he was in a bad state, I just picked up a few important points and talked about them. Today I just wanted to listen to the professor's suggestions for future development.

But unfortunately, when he arrived at Professor McGonagall's office, there was already a peacock there.

No joke - there is a character on the cover of the new textbook, wearing a pink wizard robe, a wizard who smiles with a mouth full of shining teeth. He looks a bit handsome, but the look on his face, how can I describe it, he is a slut...

No problem, slut, after a brief self-introduction, Andrew confirmed this.

"Ah, Professor, I'm here to report. Who is this gentleman?"

"Ah, the new students have come so early? I think you can definitely recognize me - don't be so surprised, yes, it's me. Just like what was said in the news, Hogwarts has a magical me, yes Yes, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, is here!"

Lockhart interrupted the conversation between Andrew and Professor McGonagall, with a smile on his face as if he was free of charge.

"Ah, hello, Professor Lockhart."

"What a nice title, yes, Professor Lockhart, and I am still your senior," Lockhart glanced at the decoration on Andrew's robe, "But now that he is a professor, I really miss the days when I was still in the lounge... "

Andrew had to admit that idiots were idiots and cowards were idiots. Lockhart's desire to express himself was too strong and his aggression towards famous people with stories was suddenly a bit...well, there was nothing else besides this. .

It can only be said that his performance as a famous writer is absolutely good and can even be considered an O.

He even took out a gorgeous peacock quill in front of Professor McGonagall and prepared to give Andrew an autograph...

Andrew believed that if he brought all the textbooks, the new professor would never mind signing them one by one despite Professor McGonagall's impatient eyes.

This kind of determination is something that even Dumbledore would not possess...

"Ah, sorry, Professor, I work as a chore in the office." Andrew lowered his voice, but added a bit of hope, "For freshmen, they are still on the Hogwarts Express - why don't you go on the train?" A meeting? I think they would be very happy to see you on the train!"

"To the train, the Hogwarts Express?"

"Yes, it would be great if there is a professor they admire during the long journey."

"Is it like this?"

Lockhart was a little moved. There were three or two big cats and kittens in the castle and all the students in the school on the train...

After a simple comparison, the new professor Lockhart made his choice.

"That makes sense. Yes, I should be with them. I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall..."

Lockhart looked apologetic, "My fans need me, and I guess we can only talk about transfiguration in those adventures another time."

Even when he left in a hurry, he did not forget to take out a signed book from unknown pocket and hand it to Andrew, "It is also wise to think of those who need help. You will be an excellent Ravenclaw!"

Lockhart left in a hurry soon, leaving behind Andrew and Professor McGonagall holding the gifted books.

'This book seems to be quite valuable... but everyone in the school has one copy, and second-hand books can't be sold...'

Andrew looked at Lockhart's disappearing back and sighed.

With Lockhart gone, all the students in the school will be unlucky - he is really guilty.

But Professor McGonagall obviously didn't think so. Her expression was obviously approving, but it was just not convenient to say such things.

"Professor Lockhart came here in the morning, but after hurriedly decorating the room, he asked the school to help him expand his office - because it is illegal to use the invisible expansion spell without authorization..."

The professor had a look of helplessness on his face.

Theoretically, it is legal for professors at Hogwarts to cast spells in the school's professional fields, as long as they are not directed at students - because of teaching needs.

As for the traceless expansion spell, well, how should I put it, although it is a bit difficult, there are basically no professors who cannot master it, so all the previous professors basically cast their own spells to expand the space.

But she couldn't cast a spell because she was stuck in the job... She was also very helpless, after all, it was really like this.

'Probably because I can't cast spells...'

But there's no way to say that - how can Lockhart get away with it if he's exposed? Now that Lockhart is gone, what will happen to the Defense Against the Dark Arts course... If all self-study is done, it will be difficult for the Examination Authority to pass...

Lockhart came and stayed for less than a day - if the news spreads, will they go to Azkaban to recruit professors? Defense Against the Dark Arts is a compulsory course, and it won't work without a professor.

Andrew even dealt with the receipt for the Examination Authority last year. Several people got together to think about how to fool the matter and prove that Professor Quirrell had almost taught the course before his accidental death...

This year, will they work together to tell the Examination Authority that although we don't have a professor, the teaching quality is still up to standard?

What a joke... Professor Marchbank will come to the school and point his finger at Dumbledore and scold him. This is a school, not a playhouse...

Thinking carefully, Lockhart does have a target to attack in Hogwarts, and the story is legendary enough, but I don't know if Lockhart dares to do it.

As for the rest…Lockhart has few moral flaws except for his poor teaching quality and his desire to run away when things go wrong, so let’s just use him…

All we can say is, let’s go through the process first and then see how the results turn out…

“Anyway, a professor who meets the rules of the Examination Authority has come first, I hope he is qualified…”

Professor McGonagall shook her head, obviously lacking confidence.

“There are no documents to deal with today, so let’s continue with yesterday’s discussion and plan what you will learn this year.”

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