This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 151: Catch the Big One

Harry swore that although he had always found Snape's face repulsive, this was the first time he had found Snape's face terrifying.

But it was no use. He just tried to explain with actions and words, and was tied up with ropes and hung up.

"Oh no, Banban!"

Harry saw Scabbers falling out of Ron's arms, but the vicious guy - yes, the guy named Andrew waved his wand, and then poor Scabbers was also hung upside down, and even the guy named Andrew also... He took out a rope and tied it with Banban again.

'It's over...'

Harry thought of the terrible rumors in the lounge - this was the guy who took the students away with people from the Ministry of Magic and expelled them or sent them directly to prison...

'Oh my god...'

Harry was only now realizing how much trouble he and Ron had gotten into.

It was no use, he tried to explain, but a rope was tied directly to his mouth.

Afterwards, he and Ron were tied with ropes, lying flat in the air like a fish on a chopping board and taken away from the scene, and their box was firmly tied to them and also magically When the strength is lifted, it looks extremely bloated.

'It's over...'

As the guy named Andrew's wand shook slightly, Harry's fear was infinitely amplified, but except for their heavy footsteps walking towards the castle, there was no sound.

"Go to my side first."

"Of course, Professor."

Snape's voice sounded, but it didn't bring any shock to Harry - his heart had already sunk to the bottom.

All the way down the stairs, when Snape's office was opened, Harry was placed straight and tied against the wall.

His suitcase was untied and put aside, as was Ron's, but Ron himself was placed flat on the table.

"That stupid rat, Tyler."

Snape's voice sounded, making Harry notice that Scabbers was still tied up and floating in the air.

"Just to be safe, Professor, it won't hit anything in the office."

Harry heard this response - but surprisingly, Snape was not angry.

But it doesn't matter. What matters is what they are going to do to Ron. Snape took out a small crystal bottle from his pocket, and then stared at Ron with his eyes full of disgust. After a while, he opened Ron's mouth and dropped a drop and a half from the bottle into Ron's mouth.

"Recover quickly."

Harry saw Snape tapping Ron with his wand.

Ron, who had been knocked unconscious before, woke up in a very unhealthy posture, his eyes were dull and his face was slack. Snape looked at him with disgust.

"Can you hear me?"

This sentence made the nervous Harry almost unable to react - what a stupid question Snape asked!

But what frightened him was that Ron's voice became extremely deep.


"How did you get back to Hogwarts?"

"Speed ​​car, my dad's speed car, it's very..."

"Professor Snape, we don't need answers to those questions, we want to know who gave him the idea to take off."

Andrew's voice sounded, interrupting Ron's answer and Harry's self-blame - if Mr. Weasley's spellcasting was discovered, then...

"Are you instructing me?"

"No, professor, it's just that he is also a victim. Even if you ask everything you want to ask, I will not report it, because the order I received is to investigate who did it."

This answer shocked Harry. He noticed that Scabbers began to struggle up and down slightly as Andrew spoke - it seemed to want to bite the rope, but as soon as it made any movement, it was blocked again.

‘Banban is just a mouse! ’

Harry wanted to retort, but he couldn't speak - and he wasn't sure if Andrew would tie himself again.

It was probably because of such neurotic behavior that Snape couldn't stand it - he gave up on Andrew, who asked for an extra rope for every mouse, and continued to question the strange Ron.

"Jim, can you come here?"

Harry heard this.

Then, there was a knock on Snape's office door.

"Sorry, Mr. Taylor, we cannot enter Professor Snape's office without his permission."

A high-pitched voice sounded, and Harry noticed that Snape's face turned extremely grim as he was about to ask another question, "I'm warning you, Taylor, if you try to play tricks on me again..."

"I just asked Dumbledore to come over. Professor, I also need to do what I can."

"One last time."


"Who ordered you to use that flying car to come to school?"

"I think it's stipulated in Section 19 of the "Restrictions Regulations"..."

"Who attacked you?"

"Fred, right? He's planning to put spiders on me again. Of course, it could also be George..."

"Who gave you the order?"

"Mom? She asked me not to lie to Ginny about the Sorting Ceremony..."

The series of answers made Harry want to laugh a little - he didn't know what Snape wanted to ask.

"The memory has been modified."

Harry suddenly heard Snape's decisive words.

"Has it been modified?"

"There is no doubt that there is no problem with the memory modification and the Imperius Curse - Veritaserum, and there is no problem with Albus's verification, so the problem can only be Weasley's memory."

"Could it be that my speculation is wrong?"

"Impossible, wrong guidance, deliberate closure, and then not controlling Weasley to let them make mistakes?"

Harry noticed that Snape stared at the guy named Andrew with extremely disgusted eyes, "Is the murderer a fool? It did everything, and then expected Potter and Weasley to be expelled for being late?"

Scabbers began to struggle again-Harry didn't see it, but it could be seen from the fact that Andrew had repaired another rope.

However, it didn't matter, because Harry understood a little bit now.

Ron was attacked by some strange person, and then that person blocked the platform and asked them to drive the flying car?

How could this happen?

Is Ron okay?

Harry looked at Ron nervously-Snape seemed to give up questioning and was feeding him another strange-looking potion.

But soon, the door of Snape's office was knocked.

Dumbledore walked in quickly, and Harry felt relieved for a moment, but soon lowered his head because of guilt...

Even if Ron was controlled, he didn't do anything good - he joined almost without hesitation.

"The sorting is still going on, so I came here first. Is there any progress?"

"The memory has been modified, and the truth serum has lost its effect."

"Yes, Headmaster, look at this rat, I think we caught a big one."

The voice of Andrew sounded, and Harry's eyes widened immediately.

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