This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 158 Shocked, the first day of school!

"It's really a blessing to be able to wake up from bed steadily..."

When the sky was just getting light, Andrew got up from the bed, stretched his body and moved his body.

Looking at his roommate who was still sleeping, he finally confirmed that school had indeed started.

'That's great...'

He left the dormitory carefully and began to jog to the Black Lake to start today's exercise as usual.



Who is it so early in the morning?

He turned around and saw that it was Professor Adams, who had a pleasant cooperation during the holiday.

"Here, Professor McGonagall has said hello."

Starting today?

He jogged over and found that there were already many senior students in the greenhouse - so early in the morning, is the advanced class of herbology so crowded?

I really can't sign up for the Herbal Advanced Class...

"Give me some cucumbers, they'll be ready to eat in a few days, they're very fresh!"

"Tomatoes, tomatoes, I want to drown in tomato juice."

"How about some biting cabbage, it tastes stronger than ordinary cabbage!"

"This room is for growing ordinary vegetables, don't force me to plant you in a pile of dragon dung!"

? ? ?

Is the conversation not serious?

Wait, wasn't this greenhouse agreed to be used for teaching? How come there are some strange things mixed in.

"Grapes from the old greenhouse, come here, they're very fresh."

Professor Adams picked up a basket from the table next to the crowd and handed it to Andrew, "Just picked, you're welcome, I've washed it, I didn't dare to use potions a month ago."

Well, it's really watery - the working students also killed a lot of them, and Andrew even saw them washing the grapes with the clear water like spring spell.

But is there something wrong with this?

But I have to say, this grape is really sweet...

"Here, let's prepare today's teaching aids."

Adams led Andrew to the operating room between the two rooms, and then pointed to the illustrations in the book, "Here, yes, this is it, we need to make a model of it for reference during class - it is much more useful than herbs, and it won't wither in half a day."

"Rue, this is it, used as an antidote, with a well-developed root system, many branch roots, and a light sulfur yellow root bark. Muggles sometimes use them as decorative flowers. They are mixed herbs and generally grow in..."

"Yes, yes, yes, that's it, the flowers should be smaller, great, perfect!"

As Andrew compared the plants in the greenhouse, the textbook pictures, and his oral information to make a model of rue, Professor Adams's expression became much happier.

"Great, if it's in class, this can definitely add points! It's much easier now!"

Well, it's true...

It's really convenient to have such a Transfiguration product that is not afraid of being killed by the sun - even Andrew felt that the image of herbs in his mind suddenly became much clearer.

Just as Professor McGonagall said, this is indeed a very convenient way to remember the growth location and image of those special plants.

Next, he completed the image of herbs in each cycle from germination to fruiting according to Professor Adams's requirements.

"How long will your Transfiguration last?"

"For these herbs, because there is no enhanced spell effect and the imitation is more detailed, it is about two weeks?"

"Enough, remember to come again tomorrow!"

Adams waved his hand and handed the refilled grape basket to Andrew, "I will report to the professor!"

Of course, the professor he was referring to was the head of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout.

"I feel like a part-time worker, but also like a student taking cram school..."

Andrew laughed at himself, and then found the result of this training - he learned a lot about the growth form, name, medicinal properties, and growth location of plants under Professor Adams's narration, but the transplantation, cultivation, applicable fertilizers and processing methods of herbs...

"Forget it, it's a success if it's E enough."

He smiled and looked at the sky - it was still enough to run half a lap.

But if you hold the basket, the fresh grapes will be ruined.

"Forget it, it's okay to be a little crazy, you can't take all the good things."

He shook his head, used the levitation spell to control the grape basket, and then began to try to run and cast spells.


"Where are the fresh grapes?"

Hal, who woke up first, didn't even have time to rinse his mouth, "Wow, I just picked them, wake up!"

The dormitory soon became a mess, and the grapes today were highly praised - the only drawback was that some were crushed.

"By the way, what are today's classes?"


"That's crazy. Potions in the first class. Go and mess with that professor?"

"Are we in the first or second class?"

"First class..."

"It's over. We're going to be scolded. There's not even a Gryffindor to attract firepower..."

After a year of classes, everyone has a basic understanding of what to expect in Potions class - if Gryffindor and Slytherin are in the front, it will be relatively easy, but if it's the other way around, it will be a practice...

"Why are you looking at me? It's none of my business. Gryffindor's prefects arranged it. We have to make way for the seniors. Their electives conflict badly."

Andrew rolled his eyes - the third, fourth and fifth grades were the first to arrange the class schedule, and the other grades were the last, after all, they had more classes.

"Okay... Let's eat first, then go to hell..."

Everyone grumbled, and then went directly to the auditorium with their schoolbags.

"What's the name of the idiot next to Potter?"

"The idiot next to Potter is called Ron."

"What's in Ron's head?"


Someone at the Slytherin table hummed this tune.

'Damn... There are fewer people in the school than I thought. Forget it. Let's see how thick-skinned they are...'

Andrew sat down with a look of ignorance on his face.

However, when he came to the table, the singing around him stopped suddenly. Gryffindor and Slytherin began to attack each other with eyes across the Ravenclaw table, as if they had mastered some trick of using eyes to cast spells.

My reputation!

Andrew screamed in his heart, but he could do nothing about it.

His reputation was like the song of the little car. Once it came out, it could not go back.

Fortunately, there was no fire in his own college. He was able to finish his breakfast safely and walked towards the potions professor with his roommate.

"I hope they don't fight on the first day of school, it will be a bad example for the freshmen."

Kevin's pretentious face caused contempt from the other roommates - this kid was the fastest runner when watching the fun.

The few people who were laughing and playing soon fell behind the other students. When they arrived at the classroom, a group of people had already blocked the door of the classroom.

"Whose prank?"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

A group of people came out in front and whispered, but people soon found Andrew behind.

"Here, Andrew, here, look, who is so brave?"

Andrew easily squeezed into the gap that the crowd barely squeezed out for him.

[I am not feeling well, and I will suspend classes for one day today. 】

It was written by Professor Snape.

"Who is so bold, from Gryffindor?"

The students around whispered - who doesn't know that Professor Snape has taken on countless complaints, but none of his curses have worked, and his strong body has disappointed many people, and he has never asked for leave or suspended classes?

"It's probably true, the handwriting is correct, let's go."

He nodded to the note - and a group of people left happily.

Potions class is suspended, Snape is sick!

The first day of school, double happiness!

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