This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 160 Gryffindor is able to fight and resist

"It's amazing that there are such details in the adventure!"

"Yes, the accent of the old wizard I imitated also reminded me of my distant relatives. That's right - the book can't fully describe the details of the adventure."

When the course ended, many Ravenclaw students suddenly became real fans of Lockhart - they originally read it as an adventure story, but those details added in, the story suddenly became much more reliable.

Adventure novels must be appropriately exaggerated - the nagging descriptions of insects encountered while sleeping in the wild, strange noises that wake people up in the middle of the night, and villagers who can't even communicate smoothly are really not adventurous, but as a supplement to the rapid learning of dialects in class, it is different.

Andrew also gained a lot - the details of the adventure, the experience of wizards staying in the wild, etc., may not be used this time, but maybe they can be used as good materials someday.

Of course, the most critical thing is dialect learning.

When he started writing, he found that German was really too difficult to learn, but he didn't learn German to shape Grindelwald? Uh... This is just a joke.

The final result is either Dumbledore asking how the fish and chips are today, or Grindelwald saying that looking up at the stars is too unpalatable, which is too outrageous...

'So, it's not that I'm too lazy that I haven't started a new volume yet, but that I'm under too much pressure...'

Of course, at the beginning, it can be explained by Grindelwald trying to learn English and learning it very well, but it must be more realistic when writing about the war...

'Let's learn it for the time being, if it doesn't work, the saints should also communicate in English! '

He thought viciously, and then joined the discussion about Lockhart with his classmates next to him - it's best to unite the classmates and release more knowledge about communication and learning, so as to live up to the teaching of this best-selling author!


"Of course, it's great, he is a profound scholar and is very good at language learning," the Ravenclaw student did not hide his admiration for Lockhart, "He can even weave the memory of the language, and then add it to himself, and learn in his dreams!"


Forget about that...

Andrew looked at the person opposite him showing off and took a bite of ice cream.

Small skills of communication and learning are fine, and even the potion that assists learning with fecal stone is not a problem, but casting a spell on one's own memory...

He seriously suspected that Professor Lockhart was playing with him like this - this is more exciting than human Transfiguration.

Let's put it this way, Professor McGonagall has only allowed him to cast Transfiguration on his hair, eyebrows, and teeth... and casting a spell on the brain that carries memory, and the next level of advanced Transfiguration, are not at this level... And Lockhart's spell is probably at this level...

Let's wait until the spell is perfected, and it's okay if it's difficult - the key effect disappears after a few dream studies, so it's better to wait for this cost-effectiveness.

However, Lockhart also knows the importance - he just took this thing out to show off to the students, and didn't teach it, and seriously warned others not to try this dangerous spell.

"No adventure, just like this?"

The student at the Gryffindor table next to him showed a disappointed expression on his face.

Quick learning method - shouldn't this person be an adventure master? Tell us some adventure stories in class!

"What do you mean by just that! That technique is really very, very special! Let me tell you..."

Andrew was watching with great interest, but Huffman came over from a distance.

"Andrew, the professor wants to see you."

"Now? Okay, I'll be there right away."

After taking a last look at the ice cream, Andrew shook his head regretfully, then stood up and walked towards Professor McGonagall's office - if he came to see him at noon, it should be because of the official document drafted last night, and the Ministry of Magic was urging him to get it.


"Professor, I'm here."

"Well, Taylor, sit down."

Professor McGonagall pushed a document to Andrew, "The Ministry of Magic has been piled up with questioning letters. Originally, Arthur Weasley should have come out to admit it last night, but Albus stopped him - so we have to hurry."

A flying car seen by many Muggles - this is almost a serious violation of the Statute of Secrecy, and it is open and not concealed at all. The Ministry of Magic was originally planning to bite the bullet and ask its employees to publicly apologize and guarantee the person, but Dumbledore stopped it. With no results, who could stand up to those questioning owls?

"But that's just a draft, it still needs to be revised."

"Just that one, you rewrite it, then stamp it with the school seal, and send it to the Ministry of Magic. Whatever they plan to do later, as long as it doesn't deviate from the reply letter within the school, it's fine."

Professor McGonagall had some helplessness on her face, "The child in charge of the connection is my student, and she started crying in the official documents... More than 30 howler letters in the morning..."


Andrew took a breath.

He understood why the always strict Professor McGonagall didn't strictly correct grammar or other problems this time - this is really deadly.

He immediately found his usual feather pen from the table and began to copy. Professor McGonagall was on the side sorting out Peter's confession after taking the truth serum and signed his name - this is the necessary accompanying material for the official document.

"It's copied, professor."

"Check the confession again to see if there is anything missing."

After checking each other, Andrew packed and sealed it, then found an owl in the mail room and sent it directly to the logistics department of the Ministry of Magic.

"Well, now it depends on how the Ministry handles it. The school's opinion has been given - by the way, Taylor, Weasley told me that he wants you to take Ron to buy a wand, right?"

"That's right, professor."

"This Saturday, I will notify Albus, and you go to notify Ron today."

It's just buying a wand, why notify Dumbledore?

Wait - Andrew finally remembered something.

Although Peter took the blame, the murderer was not found. Is this fishing?


OK... If Dumbledore can't keep an eye on it, then the castle is not safe.

"Okay, professor."

"Practice Transfiguration well, don't slack off."



"Ears, my ears!"

"How come they are completely different!"

"Hermione has killed two!"

The Cornish elves are killing people, and the Gryffindors who thought it was a useless class are facing a dilemma.

"I knocked one out!"

"Oh, no, Neville, you shouldn't use your fists!"

The Gryffindors, who became well-trained in fighting in the second year, finally defeated this group of nightmare-like existences with books, fists and wands. As for the Hufflepuff students, they successfully completed the assists-because Lockhart did not teach the magic of capture before the class, they could only learn from Gryffindor and caused a lot of accidental injuries...

"Damn it, how did Professor Lockhart catch these demons? But it's really fun..."

After class, the second-year students commented like this.

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