This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 170 Professor Change Crisis and Excuse

The fun and troubles were greater than Andrew could have imagined.

History of Magic said get out of class would end as soon as the class was over, so he had no choice but to take his schoolbag to the laboratory to study his new ideas and optimize the one with the highest feasibility.

But when his experiment was in full swing, recording the fifth failed method on the parchment and preparing to turn another page, he noticed that the pendulum clock on the other table began to shake - in order to prevent being disturbed, The visitor can only notify in this way and hope that the experimenter will have time to see it.


Andrew took out his wand and cast a spell to open the door from the inside, and then he became serious.

"Good morning, Professor, my hourglass didn't remind me—"

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the timer was still working.

"It's not time yet, Tyler, but there's something I need to know now."

? ? ?

what happens. The professor is actually so worried?

"Professor Binns, Professor Binns has asked for leave..."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and looked serious, as if she had seen the twins blow up the toilet and appear in front of everyone with a toilet seat.

"Professor Binns? Asking for leave?"

Andrew was also dumbfounded, and he was in a state of confusion - didn't he get an extra twenty points for their college? Why did he ask for leave all of a sudden?

"How long will you take leave, Professor?"

Andrew tried to calm himself down - it was just a day off, a small thing, it was just a daily chat.

"One year."

"One year?"

Andrew opened his mouth wide, "Nian?"

"Yes, Nian."

"You're kidding, aren't you, Professor."

How can I ask for leave on an annual basis? Others say annual leave is a year's leave, but this is a yearly leave, a whole year!

"I'd rather Professor Binns was joking. What happened in your class? Why did Professor Binns suddenly ask for leave?"

She could endure it for a week, even for a month, for a year? What a joke!

"It's just Hal Eden, my roommate. He asked about Sirius, and then we found that the professor didn't know the latest information, and then the professor announced that the get out of class was over..."

Andrew tried to remember—trying to find the details he had missed.

Damn it, he thought about a lot of troubles, but he didn't expect this problem. It was just a problem. Professor Binns, the most senior person in Hogwarts and who had no relationship with the retired Professor Binns, would actually be suspended for a year!

"Just a question?"

Professor McGonagall was also stunned - it was just a common question, Professor Binns is going to strike for a year?

"You come with me, Taylor, we need to know more."

"Yes, Professor."


Andrew had never been to Professor Binns' office - or rather, few people in the entire Hogwarts had been to Professor Binns' office.

There is no way, there is absolutely no way for normal wizards to fall in love with Professor Binns's courses. His courses have almost no charm at all, and there is nothing difficult to understand in the history of magic - if you can memorize the entire textbook , then there is no doubt that you can get O.

'It's no different from an ordinary office - just no snacks and a lot of books...'

Andrew looked at the layout of Professor Binns' office with his peripheral vision - bookshelves, classic sets of parchment and quills, and then added a lounge chair and a fireplace...

The latter is a little weird, but not a big deal.

As for Professor Binns himself, he was struggling to pack his luggage before they came in - the things that the ghost could carry were really limited, and if he packed a little more, he might not be able to carry it.

"Hello, Minerva, has my leave been approved?"

Professor Binns, who controlled the door to open with his mind, asked casually, as if he just took two or three days off.

"I'm afraid there are still some problems. I need to find a substitute professor in one year, but this is not easy to find. And why do I need to take such a long leave?"

"It's not long, is it?"

Professor Binns' eyes were dull for a moment, "I haven't had a vacation for a long, long time. This little time is just enough for me to look around..."

A long, long time…

Well, if the school legend is true, it really isn't that long - compared to the long service period, a year's vacation is a piece of cake.

"But it's still too long. Why did you suddenly think of looking around? Are you offended by that Ravenclaw student?"

"Offended? Are you talking about the boy named Eden? No, not really. It's just that I suddenly discovered that there are too many things buried in history - the treasures held by Peeves, Dumbledore in the library Lido’s secret treasures are all trivial, but this Sirius incident gave me the desire to find those hidden histories.”

It's over...

Andrew looked at Professor McGonagall, and Professor McGonagall looked at Andrew. The two of them immediately knew how difficult this matter was.

There is a clear distinction between the presence of ghosts in advanced transfiguration.

The ghost is formed by a wizard who refuses to accept the fact of his own death after death, and most of the reasons for refusing to die are obsessions, that is, refusing to die because of something.

Professor Binns' original obsession was probably the history of magic, but now it is completely normal to shift to the historical truth related to the history of magic - there is no way to enlighten him. Once the ghost chooses to accept his own death and walks on, he will truly welcome the end. Start a new life.

‘Hal, you idiot, you are doing so much harm to others! ’

Andrew cursed secretly. He felt that the one who had the greatest influence on Professor Binns was Peeves - after all, it was an existence hated by the entire ghost circle, and Peeves has not appeared until now...

But there's no doubt that Hal's comments about the changes in history were the straw that broke the camel's back.

‘A dead horse is treated as a living horse’s doctor…’

Andrew took a step forward, "Professor, um, have you finished exploring the secrets of the castle?"

"The secret of the castle?"

"Yes, there are many ghosts in Hogwarts. Do you understand their stories, backgrounds, and histories that have been ignored due to time?"

"Interesting existence, indeed... the hidden history of Hogwarts, those guys will even come to meetings... That way, there is really no need to visit various places..."

Professor Binns seemed to be very moved, and he began to compare on the spot.

"And that doesn't stop you from teaching the history of magic and passing on the history, right?"

The most important thing is to make time - even if you have other ideas, it will take more than a week to recruit a new professor.

Anyway, Andrew's History of Magic course was all self-taught, so changing professors shouldn't have much impact.

"It makes some sense, so let's postpone the vacation for now..."

Professor Binns finally gave up his terrifying idea of ​​just leaving, and Andrew was relieved - he asked all the ghosts in the school. After a while, he even had an excuse to find the entrance to the secret room.

Of course, the most important thing is not having to worry about new recruiting revelations and the pile of resumes that come with them, as well as setting up profiles for new professors.

"Very good, Tyler, go back and experiment. I took a look and the trend is right."

Professor McGonagall seemed to relax a lot after coming out.

"I have to be on duty, Professor."

"It's okay, I have a day off today, let Percy come."

"Yes, Professor."

Andrew answered very seriously.

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