This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 176 The rooster is still alive today

"Good morning, Hagrid."

Andrew greeted Hagrid politely and gave Hagrid the fresh fruits in the basket as a gift - it's a good idea to give gifts every day.

You can't keep taking gifts from your roommates - it's okay once or twice, but it's hard to explain if it's too much.

You can't show off, and you can't lie. It's okay if your Hufflepuff friends give you gifts every day - if they give you gifts every day, are you hooking up with the Hufflepuff prefect? ​​And, isn't she too young?

In order to avoid these messy gifts, it's best to give it to Hagrid - anyway, Hagrid understands what's going on and never talks nonsense.

"Good morning, look over there, Andrew."

Hagrid took the basket decisively, and then pointed to the other side of the room in a show-off manner, "That!"

What is it, so mysterious?

Andrew curiously followed Hagrid's perspective and looked at it.

Then, he looked at it again.

What the hell - what does this thing have to do with Hogwarts?

Hogwarts can't use electricity, and the lights of this thing are-ah, alchemical items transformed by magic?

He immediately thought of this, and then trotted over.

"Can I try it?"

"Of course," Hagrid said with a bit of pride, "Don't fly too high."

? ? ?

It also has a flying function?

Do you know why I work overtime at the beginning of the school term?

But that doesn't matter. Andrew gathered around this huge motorcycle-it even has a sidecar, and the shape is a bit retro, but the weight...

'It can't be supported...'

Andrew looked at his still developing arms and legs, and compared them with the huge thing that Hagrid could carry.

Can he really lift this thing?

However, even if he can't lift it... there are still things to observe.

The jet nozzle is a disguise... The lamp is also a magic lamp... Not to mention that it can fly. The only thing that can be related to flying is how far the passengers can fly...


Andrew gave his praise generously, "Can you fly it around and see, Hagrid?"

Although theoretically he can easily control it with the help of Transfiguration, for safety reasons, it is better to let Hagrid show it once.

"Of course!"

Hagrid was very interested. He easily stepped on this definitely heavy motorcycle, then started it easily and rushed towards the sky.

'It's really... an amazing alchemy product... but I didn't see this thing in the recent report...'

Andrew has seen all the development topics - there is the magic of electricity that has not been seen so far, the factory of alchemy potions, and the large-scale counterfeiting of Muggle coins (this has been cancelled, but it is said that people have entered the Ministry of Magic... Andrew didn't check it out)...

"How is it?"

"It can't be better," Andrew did basic protection and felt the temperature of the exhaust pipe - just as he expected, it was just decoration.

"Is this a newly purchased alchemical item?"

"No, it's the motorcycle that Black gave me. I just packed it out a few days ago. It's very useful, isn't it?"

He looked at Andrew and lowered his voice, "If you can use it, I can lend it to you when you go to Hogsmeade in the future."

Given by Black back then?

That was...

God, at that time, the alchemical deciphering of Muggle equipment had just started...and the modification of flying props had to go through a bunch of messy permits...Even the Weasley family's cars were actually illegally modified-Andrew knew it when he dealt with the follow-up.

You know, Arthur Weasley is still in charge of this...

Masterpiece, cumbersome procedures...Two prodigal sons...

"I'll try it."

Andrew tried to move carefully, and then found that his previous judgment was correct-he sighed and tapped the car with his wand.

Unable to communicate-the power of alchemy obviously rejected deformation.

'Has the process problem reached its limit? ’

He took out the rope he carried with him, tapped it lightly with his wand, and then a section of the rope pulled the car body. Then, as he cast spells continuously, the originally cool car was wrapped around the rope and disappeared.

“Buffer, land, float…”

Andrew muttered, confirming that he had not missed any functions to add, and then he reluctantly stepped on it with great interest, and then started the alchemical machine.

“Easier than I thought, Hagrid!”

He shouted happily in the sky-although the posture was not very handsome.

‘The last step, landing…’

Andrew carefully controlled it, and then landed smoothly-the prepared protection was not even used.

“Great buddy.”

“Right, it’s much more useful than a flying broom!”

Hagrid watched Andrew take off the defensive measures happily, “Would you like some breakfast?”

“No, I still have to run back to the castle. Eating too full will affect my running.”

Andrew declined this fatal invitation very reasonably, and then waved and ran towards the castle-one good news and one bad news.

The bad news is that the damn roosters are not only alive, but they are even looking at Andrew triumphantly.

The good news is that there is a new way to travel to Hogsmeade in the future, and this method will be more useful when he grows up...

"Hagrid is really enthusiastic, and the Black family is indeed rich enough..."

"But it has nothing to do with me..."

He ran towards the castle quickly - he chatted with Hagrid simply because he was not tired.

Forbidden Forest, the professor would let him try it in the future - Transfiguration would be practiced in places like the Forbidden Forest.

But he didn't need Hagrid's permission - he even had the power to issue a ticket to the Forbidden Forest.

But he was not a Gryffindor, why would he go there? Adventure?

He had seen the topographic map during the summer vacation.

Make money?

Ahem, there is nothing to say about this.

Exercise - it will be fine when the time comes.

The materials in Hagrid's house... he didn't have such high requirements...

"Rooster, when are you going to die... If you die, I won't have to feel guilty about having other purposes when I go to Hagrid..."

Andrew muttered in a low voice, and then ran all the way towards the castle.

Range Transfiguration has begun to be learned, and other things in the castle are also proceeding in an orderly manner. The only variable is Sirius, who is unwilling to leave after his injury is healed, but the school cannot expel him.

It's definitely not okay to affect teaching, but if the descendants of those acting directors are in trouble and drive people away, that's too much of a problem.

Anyway, if Sirius dares to live in the school board, they dare to approve it...

"What else?"

"Yeah, by the way, we have to discuss the issue of that club together today... Damn it, Professor Lockhart, why don't you open a memory club?"

Andrew shook his head in dissatisfaction - wizards should learn to play to their strengths!

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