This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 179 He is the supervisor!

"It's really easy... Professor, it's a piece of cake..."

In his office, Lockhart looked at his face in the mirror and habitually showed his award-winning smile.

It has been nearly a month since he came to Hogwarts. The only setback he encountered was that he was burned by the fire crab when he was about to teach the Gryffindor guys for the second time.

'That damn creature...'

After trying to punish it with a spell, Lockhart was surprised to find that he was powerless against the creature - after several attempts, he decisively used a creature with a danger level similar to that of the elf to teach.

Anyway, as long as the Gryffindors pulled the Hufflepuffs to use the wand, they were satisfied and thought it was an excellent course.

As for the students of Ravenclaw and Slytherin - it was even simpler. Mix some learning skills with the contents of the old textbooks, and the students could be fooled.

He even has a reputation among students for teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Dumbledore is not much better than the wizards outside...

If he had known that Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts was so weak, he would have come earlier!

Even professional clubs can be formed in the school - he just applied for an organization of the nature of a fan club, and it succeeded in one go!

It's simply... hehe...

He waved his wand casually - wear this robe today, and match it with this decoration, um...

And, give that guy a little punishment...

Damn it, move!

Another spell failed, he walked over quickly, kicked the cage hard, took out a small bottle from his pocket, hesitated for a moment, but still held back...Then he picked up the wand and pointed it at himself. After a flash of orange light, the smile on Lockhart's face became normal and enthusiastic.

"I can't be angry with this guy. I'm Lockhart... I should go and teach those students how to build my club. I can't let them mess around..."


'What did the professor ask me to do? Watch more and learn more? '

Andrew looked at the two people who had already started to cast the traceless expansion spell, and shook his head. This level of spells is completely different from the spells that can be learned after watching for a while.

But even so, he still carefully observed the whole process of casting and wondered whether it was possible to learn this spell - but his limited spell foundation and decent Transfiguration foundation told him not to think too much...

'Spells are my weaknesses, but it takes too much time to make up for it. I don't have that much time to practice and read. But Transfiguration...'

It's not that Andrew is arrogant, but it's impossible for the two people in front of him to use Transfiguration that will impress him in the decoration - even if the other party is the class leader.

But this did not affect the work of the two prefects. The room, which was originally the size of an ordinary room, began to expand wildly under the effect of the traceless expansion spell, becoming an existence twice as large as an ordinary classroom.

"This should be about right, prepare to decorate the floor."

This time it was a range casting - a very standard one.

Just as described in the textbook, casting, erosion, and spreading, the originally solid stone floor began to be slowly replaced by wood-like materials, and finally paved to replace the floor of the entire room.

Seventh-year Feiya was fine, her casting was very standard, and sixth-year Sheila was a little unskilled in casting - she was completely like a newcomer in range casting.

Andrew had almost learned this paving technique from reading. Although he had not yet mastered it, it would only take a day or two - and he could basically conclude that he was definitely much better than Sheila in range casting...

'It's better to observe than nothing? Long-term observation can save half a day? '

He didn't know, but he could only watch - due to insufficient magic power, his transformation could not last for a year.

If Professor Lockhart didn't plan to hold a Cinderella-themed party, he'd better not participate in any decoration work, otherwise it would be too embarrassing - think about it, the club activities are in progress, the ceiling, the floor. Decorations, all turned into the previous appearance, if Professor Lockhart himself sat in a pumpkin carriage pulled by mice, it would be even more like it...

'Fortunately, I can use magic to help decorate those things in the next decoration activities, and it doesn't count as watching the whole process, at least I can help a little...'

Just when Andrew was thinking, Professor Lockhart came with a smile on his face, "Now the floor and space are ready, great!"

"I guess you are all familiar with it, um, of course, and Taylor, you don't need to introduce it!"

Of course not, but Andrew wanted to know, why was the seventh-year prefect of his own academy also kidnapped?

Is Lockhart too charming, or did he go to Dean Flitwick for help?

Andrew didn't know, but he couldn't afford to offend the prefect of his own academy.

But the other party's doubts were obviously greater.

"Uh, Taylor, what are you doing?"

Obviously, normal students would not think that a second-year student who has just studied for a few days can master such a high-end spell as the Traceless Extension Charm.

"Supervisor, he is here to supervise the quality of the project!"

The Gryffindor prefect who likes to watch the fun happily put a huge black pot on Andrew. This big and round pot almost knocked Andrew unconscious - isn't it, the matter in the office is not over yet?

"So that's the case, but don't worry, Senior Lockhart is one of us, we don't cheat our own people, we will definitely do our best!"


What you said has no conscience!

Who happily talked about Professor Lockhart’s love letter incident in the gossip last weekend!

Although Andrew listened to Hal's story, the source of the news is How Are You!

There is no doubt that his prefect was sent here by the dean - the previous doubts have been answered.

As for the love letter incident, Andrew heard about it last weekend.

Their professor Lockhart, in order to improve his reputation among students when he was a student, mailed 800 Valentine's Day cards to himself using an owl!

That was a total of eight hundred owls. The number of owls in the auditorium that day was suddenly too crowded to handle-the flying feathers and droppings ruined the oatmeal that day.

If she hadn't said that her family didn't cheat her own family, Andrew almost forgot about this trap!

'Calm down, you have to calm down, Andrew...'

Andrew, who successfully suppressed his laughter, watched the entire decoration process with a straight face. Even Professor Lockhart, who was about to brag, gave up talking to him.

"Great, thank you very much for your help. Each of you will get a signed copy of the Lockhart Life Series! Use it well and don't tell others!"

After the decoration was completed, Andrew and the others each received a new book in the series - Andrew's book was "Gilderoy Lockhart Teaches How to Get Rid of Pests from Your House".

'Hell, unsold versions... Does anyone in the castle collect them? Can I exchange them for some Galleons? ’

Andrew complained, then put on a smile and thanked the professor with the rest of the group, and left the club room.

'It should be possible to successfully cast the spell... After all, a lot of changes were made in the later period... It's simple... It also saves time... Let's go to the laboratory and have a look...'

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