"I thought you wouldn't come to me until next time."

Professor Flitwick's office, when Andrew knocked on the office door, the professor said with an easy-going look.

How can I dare to do it next time - this is already calling me by name.

Andrew said nothing and closed the office door.

"Sit down, Tyler," Professor Flitwick pointed to the chair in front of him, waved his wand lightly, and a lot of snacks appeared on the table, "I don't know what you like. Speaking of which, this is your first time. Come to my office?"

"Well, yes, Professor."

It shouldn't be, shouldn't it be reprimanded head-on?

Andrew carefully picked up a package, without even looking at the packaging, and started tearing it apart.

"Then, can you talk about why you waste your talents so extravagantly?"

Professor Flitwick nodded slightly, "Your spells have no trace of training at all, not even a little bit. All the techniques are as clumsy as a beginner's. It was better last school year, but your grades have improved this school year." Soon, I paid special attention and discovered the problem. "

Andrew froze on the spot, the torn snack stopped there, and he didn't even have time to put it into his mouth.

The power of the spell, like transfiguration, is determined by magic, knowledge, gestures, proficiency and emotion - and the professor discovered his weakness at a glance.

But the professor's accusations did not stop.

"Your learning is completely different from others. It's just that your magic power grows faster than them and your foundation is better. If you only look at the fineness of the magic spells, you are only just passing the level - Taylor, you haven't practiced at all. .

"The same goes for other subjects. I asked Professor Snape. Your potions are a mess. You are strict and don't add things randomly - but this is the limit. You don't understand potions. You read them carefully every time in class. With that knowledge, you can handle potion making. Your familiarity with the potion materials is only just up to standard. Professor Snape even thinks that you are just following the recipes.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts, I asked Mrs. Pince - you haven't borrowed even one relevant book at all, Taylor.

"The history of magic and astronomy, the results alone can tell. These are purely memory-based courses...

"There's nothing outstanding about it, Taylor. If I hadn't paid attention to your spell practice this semester, I would have thought that your qualifications were average. Like the other students, it would be your limit to get a weaker grade from the upper reaches, but... You haven’t practiced at all.”

Professor Flitwick looked over from his specially raised chair, "You just rely on your extraordinary talent to crush your classmates, but you haven't fulfilled anything..."

"Only Transfiguration, you occasionally start to read the contents of the restricted area, and some of the things involved even reach the graduate level... This is good, you have found your own advantageous subject, Taylor, if it continues like this, I can't say anything. ——It would be foolish for a Ravenclaw to fail to find his/her strengths in subjects.

"But," the professor sighed, "why would you rather waste time on ordinary language than prepare for the rest of the lessons?"

‘So I’ve exposed so much? ’

But the reason is really hard to explain - it is better to be scolded or even let out than to swing on the swing under the astronomy tower.

"It's because of Lockhart, right? Don't imitate him!"

The professor's tone was a little anxious, as if he wanted to curse, but he restrained himself in the end.

"At your age, don't chase those fancy things - especially Lockhart's so-called magic that manipulates your own memory. It's too dangerous and completely inappropriate for students!

"The same goes for languages. Learning a bunch of languages ​​at once may look cool, but it will have no effect on your magic knowledge at all!

"You should use your extra time to learn the basics of spells and practice magic - even transfiguration, but it definitely shouldn't be in the library learning a language that you don't use and just looks cool. Forget about Los Angeles. Hart’s nonsense, lay the groundwork!”

It was obvious that Professor Flitwick had some emotions towards Lockhart, and he didn't even add the title professor.

But there is no doubt that Professor Lockhart is taking the blame this time.

Because the reason why Andrew learned German really couldn't be exposed - and he had to admit that Lockhart's skills were more useful than he thought...

But what could he say?

Are you going to be hung from the astronomy tower by your own dean?

"I don't expect you to be like the Weasley student who devoted himself to the course after discovering his talent. At least you should prepare and practice after class. You can crush spells with your magic power... You can't study hard Enough to cast the third grade spell, rather than being complacent about being ahead of the second grade..."

He is really talented. He changed his wand and exploded?

But there was no way to ask the question - the professor finally softened his tone. If he asked this question, he would be hung up in the astronomy tower for reflection.

"Let me see your Transfiguration Technique...at least let me know that you are working hard on the other courses instead of wasting your talents and even putting previews in class!"

The professor waved his finger, and a piece of parchment slowly flew over.

"Try to cast a spell, use your strongest transformation spell."

From death to life?

This can't be done...

However, if it is death-to-death...isn't it too simple...

Still like that...

Andrew tapped the parchment with his wand - it was easily split into two parts, and one piece quickly wrapped around the other.


The small cocoon exploded.

As countless pieces of paper fell to the ground, the floor of Professor Flitwick's office began to quickly turn into soil, and as the light red soil extended, small grasses began to grow wildly on the land.

In less than three minutes, the entire office floor turned into a lush green lawn, as if the professor had moved his office outside.

"Such a transfiguration?"

Professor Flitwick stared at Andrew for a while, and Andrew found that the professor had a serious smile on his face.

"You are smarter than I thought, Minerva... hid it too well..."

The professor waved his finger, and a piece of grass flew up. He looked at it carefully for a long time before letting it go back - as the professor waved his wand, the floor began to return to its original state piece by piece, but the smile on the professor's face seemed to be fixed by some magic.

"Anyway, you still have to prepare for the exam. If you really don't know how to do it, come to my office and ask me - of course, the focus is still on Transfiguration. Also, I won't deduct your personal score, but I won't give you too many extra points from the school. My extra points are only given to students who work hard. You..."

You didn't prepare for the exam at all and just relied on your talent to get through. It's good to give one point, right? Ravenclaw doesn't lack talent, but hard work?


"And snacks."

The professor waved his wand, and the pieces of paper that were broken into pieces on the ground gathered together and transformed into a bag, "Take it back - and don't learn from Lockhart!"

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