This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 202 The Twins’ Debt

"Divination, of course, magical and great divination... the more people with clairvoyance can feel the future more."

On the second day after the publication of "Magic Legends", Professor Trelawney said this in the Divination class.

"So Dumbledore really saw more than 900 futures?"

Fred asked boldly - yes, he chose Divination.

Of course, it was not that he felt that he had this or that talent, but the two of them had basically figured out the needs of all elective courses before choosing courses.

Hogwarts' junior elective courses are five to choose two. The most boring ones are Arithmancy and Runes. One has a lot of calculations and the other has a lot of theoretical texts. The two happily gave up it.

And the remaining three courses, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies, the most watery of them is Divination. Although it is named Divination, students who have studied for a year can find one thing - as long as you try to make yourself unlucky in Divination, Professor Trelawney will be very happy to give you high scores.

As for the remaining two subjects, the two of them resolutely gave up Muggle Studies - there was no other way. They could get by with other subjects so that they would not be checked when they returned home. Muggle Studies would make them look weak and be scolded every day when they returned home...

But, just yesterday, a magical legend pointed out that Dumbledore was a master of divination - considering the previous treasure issue, almost everyone believed it.

So, almost not long after the class started, someone raised the question.

"Nine hundred possibilities... Well, I can only say that the cost is very high, yes, very high -" Professor Trelawney added mysteriously.

This very thin professor with large glasses and a standard fortune teller's suit had to suppress her smile at this moment in order to continue talking without ruining her image - she was so happy yesterday.

As the only professor of prophecy at Hogwarts, she kept her secrets on a daily basis and held herself to the highest standards of a fortune teller in every aspect of her life.

But... there was a small problem.

All the professors at Hogwarts knew that Professor Minerva McGonagall, the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts and the only deputy headmaster in charge of all school affairs, had always had a pitifully low opinion of divination. She would deduct as much as possible from the list of requirements for divination classes. The tea leaves used for divination were the worst kind, and they would not be reported if they were more expensive...

Although everyone knows that tea leaves are used for divination after brewing, and it has nothing to do with the variety, but this is too bullying!

But it’s different now-Dumbledore said divination is good!

Well, three hundred futures and six hundred possibilities, although Trelawney can’t do it herself,’s good that students believe it!

Think of the good side-what if the elective course has to allocate funds to repair the classroom because of too many students, or even suddenly become a compulsory course...

This is not shabby, and the fortune teller can’t conjure up Galleons out of thin air. Even if the number of students is only slightly increased, it is a great thing to be able to stabilize the course!

But forget about demonstrating divination of the future hundreds of times-she can’t do it.

Moreover, Dumbledore couldn't do it either - she even suspected that Dumbledore had lost his ability to divination after the battle with Grindelwald.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been shocked by her rare long-term accurate prediction - if Dumbledore's prediction was really that powerful, then her job search would probably be a failure.

'So, the price at the time was that Grindelwald was imprisoned, and Dumbledore lost that power because he used too much power of prediction? '

She guessed so, and tried to guide the students' thinking upwards - as for the specific explanation?

Forget it, the most important thing about divination is that even if you can see everything clearly, don't explain it, because no one can be sure what accidents will happen.

"The price?"

"Of course, using the third eye endlessly, that's not an easy thing."


Trelawney's remarks soon spread throughout the school - although the reputation of this professor varies greatly, some people admire him very much, and some people sneer at him, but his popularity is there after all.

Moreover, a headmaster who can predict the future every day is too scary - it just so happens that defeating a big man like Grindelwald requires a price, and everyone likes the idea of ​​losing the ability to predict the future due to excessive prediction.

Andrew also heard such remarks and said that this generation of readers has too strong imagination.

Of course - this is the setting.

Otherwise, it is really outrageous that Dumbledore, who has a strong ability to predict the future, can make Voldemort rise.

So it must be that he lost it due to excessive prediction - anyway, he didn't plan to open the third volume before Voldemort's affairs were over, so if he lost it, it would be a big problem.

But the matter was more widely spread than he thought.

When he went to the office on duty the next day, even Professor McGonagall heard about it.

"The reason why Albus can't do divination is because he does it too much? Do you think we should relax the financial review of Sybill?"

Professor Sybill Trelawney is the professor of divination. Andrew had heard Professor McGonagall complain about her when he started to do odd jobs in his first year...

Obviously, the professor now blamed Professor Trelawney's poor divination skills on the so-called third eye that can't be used for a long time. After all, for most students, the talent for divination does not exist, but fortunately the Examination Authority is lenient. As long as you follow the steps in the textbook and operate completely to the standard, you can get an O.

As for the truly gifted? That would be easier, just show it directly. The instructor has much more authority to add points than you think.

"How about we study divination seriously? Maybe the Marauder's Map has something to do with divination... Black said that the way they obtained the Marauder's Map was actually confusing. They only remember that it has something to do with Peeves... "

George whispered to Fred - after confirming that products like the Marauder's Map were manufactured by their predecessors, a sense of ambition emerged in their hearts.

That is to create a magic prop of the same level as the Marauder's Map, and then leave it in the school and pass it on like the Marauder's Map to help the next troublemaker.

But after this belief emerged, the two of them almost despaired - the production of magic props must basically be linked to alchemy.

And alchemy is a combination of potions, transfiguration, runes, and spells...

Judging from the results of the two of them, such a thing is simply delusional.

But you can’t just give up, right?

"Divination... forget it, talent. Even if Professor Trelawney's courses are unreliable, she still has the talent that Dumbledore admits. The two of us..."

"Well, you two..."

A voice appeared from the wall, "Can we chat?"

The eyes of the two people were stunned for a moment, and then something bad appeared.

But it's useless. Running away can't solve the problem now. Even meeting Filch is not as bad as meeting the current person - at this moment, the other person is scarier than the angry Snape.

"Hello Nick, how can I help you?"

George took a breath and tried not to be so nervous.

After all, the other party is the creditor...

Yes, creditors - when they found that damn diary, in order for it to be studied honestly, they negotiated with Nick and let him become a shareholder, thus successfully avoiding being deceived by the diary that was full of lies.

But now it seems... that diary is not completely lying...

The secret treasure of the Big Four is real, because there is indeed a secret room hidden in the toilet, and according to the two people's inquiries these days, there is indeed something left by the founder in it.

Snape's office was said to be full - Slytherin students said.

Although the houses are against each other, the two actually know several Slytherins.

Sounds weird - but that's how it is.

The unity of Slytherin depends on pure blood, but the so-called pure blood...can't get around the Weasley family no matter what...

But now comes the problem.

The secret treasure was confiscated by the school, the diary was taken away by Taylor, and the dangerous basilisk, which was said to be able to harm ghosts, became a prop in Snape's office.

How should they reply to Nick, who is honest and helpful along the way?

They saved Ginny, but Nick got nothing. It was too bad that he risked talking to the diary and got nothing for it.

Others can accept it, but the two of them cannot accept this kind of thing - their reputation is very good!

"We've run into some trouble...but trust us, we will work hard to study your neck problem, even if we ask for help from others."


Nick looked at the twins, "The diary?"

"Well, forget it, what it was looking for has been taken away..."

"It can't be the secret room, right?"

"Ah, you know?"

Their eyes widened.

"I knew it on the first day, Myrtle said... I have a pretty good reputation among the ghosts..."

Nick said somewhat modestly - he is basically the most well-connected among the ghosts. When the ghosts were interested in the so-called secret room, he was the first to know the answer, and even some students who knew the information were I found out from the ghost's mouth.

"So, it's that...ah, yes, yes..."

Nick was stunned - thinking about it now, if everything was as Myrtle said, the living basilisk might really be able to break his neck...

His expression fell into despair - the basilisk was dead.

With this despair, Nick turned around and prepared to leave - everything was too late, the twins did not lie, it was just that they failed.

"What are you doing, Nick?"


Nick turned his head, "Go find a place to be sad - maybe I should have died long ago..."

"No, no, no," George shook his head repeatedly, "We might be able to help you, um... Blake, you know, Blake, we can ask him, yes, we can ask him, he might have a way, you know... "

It would be too shameful to let people go without being paid - it was a huge blow to the twins.

As for whether Black's side can handle it, it's still unknown, but I have to ask. Fortunately, they have a reward.


"Cut off the ghost's neck?"

When Sirius, who was lying on the hospital bed, heard this, his whole body felt bad.

There must be a limit to being naughty and mischievous, and it cannot be for the purpose of malicious harm!

Except, of course, Snivellus...

Well, according to James, Snotlout is no exception.

"This is his lifelong wish, Sirius!"

Fred said seriously.

If it weren't for this incident, Nick would definitely not help them study the diary - but they just left Nick behind in the middle of the study to save Ginny, which is really unreasonable.

"You should have a way. If you can do it, we will give you a big surprise, Sirius!"

"Yes, a big surprise, an amazing existence that you have never discovered. We also learned about its existence from the elves during this period!"

The two of them talked one after another - this is the place they knew when they went to the cafeteria.

Specifically, they were very hungry during detention, and then they heard the elves chatting in the kitchen.

Originally, they planned to show off to Sirius as a junior, but now they can only use it as a transaction - Sirius definitely doesn't know the place that is not marked on the Marauder's Map.

"An existence that I don't know?"

Sirius was stunned - it was the first time he heard such a joke.

However, the two were very serious and used it to make a deal that could help a ghost.

"Let me think about it... Well, I think I've seen it somewhere..."

"That's probably the only one, right?"

Sirius hesitated for a long time, and finally said something uncertainly.

"But that requires great courage and wisdom... And it's just a legend, we didn't dare to try it at the time."


The twins were stunned for a moment - what kind of existence could make Sirius say such a thing?

"Yes, we... In fact, senior students generally know about it, it's a very popular rumor."

Sirius recalled.

"All Ravenclaws are eager for the crown, and every Gryffindor is looking forward to pulling out the dagger... Well, that's probably it?"

"Everyone is looking forward to pulling out the dagger?"

"Yes, the dagger that is as famous as the Ravenclaw crown is said to be able to cut everything... Didn't you see that legend, the one that Gryffindor used to split magic, if it was it, the neck should be able to fall off, right?"

"But... no one has ever found the crown!"

The twins looked at each other - they were eager for the crown like many people in their first year, but that thing... was just something that poor students imagined.

"The dagger has appeared, and many times... Well, we checked the records, and a Gryffindor with wisdom and courage can summon it from the sorting hat, but... for some reason, we dare not go to the headmaster's office."

Sirius smiled evilly - the headmaster's office was invaded, well, I hope they don't expose it...

There are too many unknown places, and there is no fun like the headmaster's office.


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