This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 208 I am a professor?

Harry felt a little uncomfortable after being pulled by Sirius.

But he obviously didn't understand how much Sirius, who was so pent up, wanted to communicate with different people at this moment - except for Harry and the Weasley brothers, he couldn't see anyone else in the hospital.

If Halloween wasn't a holiday, Madam Pomfrey would have wanted to ban him from going out for another half a month. Azkaban was not a good place for recuperation. He had been squatting there for ten years and had to be well repaired.

He tried not to let Sirius see his discomfort, but Sirius's attempt to communicate was not welcomed by the ghosts.

But the Weasley brothers were quite popular at this moment - two students who could help the ghost chop off his head should be the ghost's friends.

'Great... Although I feel a little sorry for Sirius, but...'

"Why don't we take a walk?"

While the twins were attracting firepower, Harry made an opinion - his feet were like stepping into the snow at this moment, and were about to freeze.

Obviously, Ron was the same - he directly agreed with Harry's point of view.

Sirius, who had been frustrated, naturally nodded, and the four of them, including Hermione, began to carefully circle the venue until they met two ghosts chatting.

One of them was very familiar to Harry, the Hufflepuff ghost, the Fat Friar.

"Ah, Harry, good evening, I hope you have a good time," the gentle and kind ghost nodded to Harry, "Well, is that Black over there? It's been a long time since we last met, more than ten years?"

"Yes, a long, long time, I graduated for some time."

Sirius was not in a good mood.

"Ah, yes, I remember, they said that you seemed to have gone to Azkaban, and then you were cleared of your grievances - yes, that's right."

The Fat Friar suddenly realized, and then patted his transparent head, "Have you found a suitable job now?"


Both Harry and Sirius fell into silence.

"Ah, you still have to find a suitable job. Don't learn from me. I was doing well in the church, but I was executed... and then I lost my job completely."

Perhaps because of the atmosphere around him, the fat monk suddenly recalled his own death, "They think my ability to heal is evil... It's really too..."

Harry tried hard to hold back his laughter - although his magic history was poor, he still knew that the main target of the church's burning execution was wizards.

But he soon realized that something was wrong... A living ghost's personal narration made him ignore the cruel consequences of this seemingly funny thing...

But it was obvious that the fat monk didn't think through these problems. His current obsession was his monk work.

"Look at Professor Binns. He found a suitable job. Even if he planned to take a vacation, there were people who cared about him. The school even recruited temporary assistants to help. It was really enviable..."

"Temporary assistant?"

Harry finally found a way to stop himself from laughing, and asked questions to divert his attention.

"Yes, about three or four years? Or more than ten years? Anyway, Professor Binns plans to take a vacation and ask someone to take over. The recruitment advertisement has been sent out."

The ghost's concept of time gave Harry and the others a great shock, but the fat monk obviously didn't realize this. Instead, he looked at Sirius with great enthusiasm.

"Black, why don't you try? Anyway, it's easy to find a temporary job."


Sirius widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and pointed his finger firmly at himself.

He never thought that one day he would be associated with the word professor.

"Yes, if you come, the students will be happier in class. There is a special person in Professor McGonagall's office who is responsible for reviewing - did we just talk about it?"

The fat monk said while looking at the person he was chatting with.

"Didn't the knight from West London, who seems to be called Andrew, just said a few days ago that he was introduced to Professor McGonagall?"

The ghost chatting with the fat monk muttered, he was shot in the head with an arrow, he was a knight.

"That should be it... We are not well-informed sometimes... I remember he showed up when school started..."

Harry and Ron looked at each other, and then tried to turn their heads away.

Halloween is scary enough, don't tell such terrible things!

It's been a long time since school started!

Why is this still spreading?

"Andrew, responsible?"

Sirius was stunned-what has the school been through in these years?

It's outrageous that he can be connected with the position of professor, and let students lead the interview!

Well, the former is more outrageous...

He can even accept the latter setting.

"Yeah, it should be, doesn't he go there every day, and he also accepts gifts and recommends them. He is a very reliable person."

The fat monk integrated his intelligence and felt that this matter was actually very reliable.

Harry and Ron simply opened their mouths-what did they hear?

'If you can stay by giving gifts...well, it's not impossible, just to get close to's still not possible...rely on strength, I can rely on strength...but there is a problem, if it's History of Magic E, are you qualified? ’

Although it’s a little unreasonable, but I have to suffer for Harry… No, that’s too…

Just as Sirius was struggling and thinking, Harry and Ron finally recovered from their shock, especially Ron - although his brother's friend was a little cruel to him and a little domineering, he secretly reported the news when he arrested Harry and put him in detention last time!

"No, no."

"Nothing, I met the priest and the little...ah, it's not important, it's not important." The fat monk fell into deep thought, and then shook his head quickly, "Maybe not, but it's really good to be a temporary worker in the History of Magic subject. Hogwarts rarely lets outsiders stay for a long time."

"Indeed, I think...ah, I should be able to try to go...right..."

Sirius was not very satisfied with his confidence - in terms of strength, isn't it, not enough?

Harry, Ron, and Hermione fell into ecstasy together - even Hermione, who loves learning the most, has a little dissatisfaction with the history of magic, after all, Professor Binns's course is too boring...

But she has a little doubt - is Sirius really good at the history of magic like this? Not to mention finding a knowledgeable old wizard or ghost from Ravenclaw, it has to be from Hufflepuff, right?

But at this moment, the noisy band suddenly stopped their harsh performance, and all the ghosts suddenly became excited and began to look around.

A horn sounded.

Twelve ghost horses carrying people rushed out of the wall, followed by their knights.

Everyone lost their head - it was now clamped under the knights' arms.

After Yifan's gorgeous operation, the leading knight dismounted under the cheers of everyone, and then shouted in a teasing tone.

"Nick! How are you? Is your head still hanging there?"

"It fell off, Mr. Patrick."

Nick threw his head into the air, and the voice floated.

The head clamped by Patrick almost lost his hand instantly and hit the ground heavily.

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