This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 236 Professor McGonagall is back!

Andrew simply couldn't suppress his joy.

He finished all the documents half an hour faster than usual, and cleaned Dumbledore's office very patiently - especially tidying up the table.

'Please take these away quickly, Headmaster. I haven't even saved many manuscripts during this period! This is a holiday! '

If he wasn't easily sued, he would even blow a whistle to celebrate.

But now there is not much left. He closed the door, waved to the stone statue at the door of Dumbledore's office, and said goodbye in his heart, and almost jumped for joy and left the corridor of the Headmaster's office.

"Oh, why are you so happy today?"

In the corridor, an oil painting of a knight obviously found that Andrew was unreasonably happy.

"The professor is back."

"Professor McGonagall?" The knight was stunned, then checked his frame, "Ah, yes, I'm very clean, the elves did a good job, right?"

"No doubt, sir."



"Yes, there are three vice-presidents, congratulations, I'm afraid you made a fortune before leaving school, or directly entered the Ministry of Magic-I think both are possible."

In the power laboratory, Andrew happily reported the news.

This experiment is a major breakthrough-only part of the laboratory products in Hogwarts belongs to individuals, after all, a large amount of funding was used. But whether it is the board of directors who bought it or the Ministry of Magic decided to take the technology, it is very promising.

"We just sent the manuscript, and it will be published at the beginning of next month..."

"The professor has almost helped you promote it, now just look at the first generation machine-anyone can see it anyway, it is very easy to simplify."

Don't worry about being stolen-this thing is labeled with the Hogwarts label when it comes out, Dumbledore's wand has a huge persuasive power in the entire magic world, and there is no such thing as controversial behavior.

"The main thing is that we haven't been able to solve the problem of multiple energy supply, but for a single one, well, it has been greatly simplified..."

This is absolutely true - the current magical heating machine plus the light bulb is no more than the size of the tube and lamp commonly used in student classrooms, and the brightness has also been greatly improved.

"Energy problem, how to solve the energy problem?"

Andrew was quite interested.

"Permanent lamps can use expensive materials to make permanent spells, but the cost is very high," the leading Hufflepuff introduced, "but for ordinary ones, we use alchemical oil instead, about a Sickle of fuel is filled, and it can be lit continuously, well, for a month!"

Alchemical oil, the universal fuel for alchemical machines - the price is still a bit high.

But there is no way - the magic power thing has not been analyzed yet, the materials required for permanent spells are extremely expensive, and the human resources of wizards are not ordinary expensive. Alchemical oil is a cheap product.

Andrew didn't know how that thing was made - it was as mysterious as Floo powder.

Most products in the magic world are made by hand, such as potions, robes, etc. Alchemical machines produce only a few products, such as fertilizers, shampoos, cloths, gloves, etc.

‘I only know a little bit about alchemy, forget it, I won’t teach you how to do it…’

“Then let’s do it this way. Prepare a batch of expensive and cheap products. Is the funding enough?”

“It’s enough…”

Andrew didn’t say anything and stared at the other party for a while.

About half a minute later, the Ravenclaw in the team gave the captain a hard slap.

“Not enough…”

“Well, that’s it. If there are products, it’s easy. You write a report and I’ll submit it. Apply for a second round of funding. Well, you graduate…”

Several people looked at each other.

“The Ministry of Magic is a good choice.”

“Well, then I will apply for additional funds from the Ministry of Magic. Give me the report as soon as possible.”

Andrew nodded, indicating that he understood.


"For the reception work, talk to Dumbledore, he has to be there..."

Andrew arranged it excitedly - it's just a reception task and a report, no big deal.

Additional funding, it's super easy, after all, there is a real product - this is a low probability event.

In fact, there are so many power tests, but nothing is achieved, and money has to be spent.

It's easy to ask for money if there is something. If the other party does not go to the Ministry of Magic, they can even hold a board meeting to see which investor is willing to pay a high price - even if the Ministry of Magic takes it, there is still a share of the profits, but it's just a little less.

'Hogwarts, it's really happy...'

He really likes the simplified lamp - that's the taste of change.

A greater Transfiguration...

'Well, I think I may be too obsessed with Transfiguration. '

Andrew sighed, "But it's really great. After Transfiguration meets the requirements, spend some time on the other subjects required by Alchemy, at least you can pass the threshold."


"Is Minerva coming back?"

Dumbledore looked at Andrew who came in outside office hours. He was originally ready to answer questions about Transfiguration with a kind smile, but after hearing the information provided by Andrew, his whole face changed.

"Yes, I received the letter. We have to hold a reception because the professor brought several vice-presidents here."

Dumbledore's expression suddenly became strange.

"You can do it, right, Taylor..."

? ? ?

Do you want to listen to what you are saying, Principal!

What a bullshit!

I can make a Merlin beard!

This is a big event. The vice-presidents of other schools are visiting. You can't just leave us alone and do nothing!

This is not just a matter of indecency, it's destroying the friendship of the school!

"Ah, but I have an appointment with a guest..."

Dumbledore sighed, "It's very urgent."

"Please ask the guest to wait, or let him come to the school and we will entertain him."

Andrew was very serious, but Dumbledore didn't seem to be joking - damn, what kind of distinguished guest could make Dumbledore willing to risk being killed by Professor McGonagall to do something outrageous?

"I'm not sure if his body can withstand such a journey. After all, he is too old..."

? ? ?

Andrew was stunned - who on earth could be said to be too old by Dumbledore?

But he had no idea.

"No, Principal, Professor McGonagall will kill people. Please change the time. If it doesn't work, you can bring Harry with you - he can easily get away with it."

Andrew immediately came up with a dirty trick.

Harry Potter, the owner of the Face Fruit in the magic world, the prerequisite is that the other party is not a member of Voldemort's faction.


Dumbledore was stunned.

Then he shook his head, "No, it can't be Harry, it's impossible for him."

Who is it, not even Harry Potter?


Dumbledore hesitated, then his eyes lit up.

No, why are you looking at me, Principal? Am I afraid?

Andrew suddenly felt a burst of malice.

"That's it, you accompany me on a business trip... I'll talk to Minerva."


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