This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 245 Alchemy and Andrew

[Alchemy originates from change. 】

When Andrew opened the note that Nick gave him, this was the first sentence at the beginning.

[Wealth is the pursuit of everyone, including wizards-before the Law of Secrecy was implemented, nobles began to come into contact with the power of magic through wizards.

But magic that even the wizard himself cannot decide cannot be handed over. Therefore, some people began to pay attention to the art of transformation, and boldly believed that relying on the power of the wizard, metal could be turned into gold, the representative of wealth.

Obviously, according to the traditional transformation technique, this cannot be done - the cost of permanent transformation to obtain a piece of gold is much higher than gold.

In the process of thinking about how to reduce costs, the prototype of alchemy was born. Wizards began to use various means to achieve the effect of the transformation, and combined these simulated processes, collectively called alchemy.

Yes, we have to admit that as the most important part of the wizarding system, the origin of alchemy comes from greed - both wizards and the wizards' investor aristocrats hope to use cheap metals to create expensive gold. . 】

'This is not like notes, but like a textbook, even in English...'

Andrew looked at the notes in front of him and was a little confused - Nick, why are there such textbook-like books in the English category?

The scene of the previous conversation with Professor McGonagall appeared in his mind - he thought of a possibility.

The professor previously said that Nick was ready to give up his life, so the alchemy master compiled a textbook beforehand and translated it into various languages ​​to prepare it as his own relic?

It's not impossible - if Nick compiles a textbook, even the wizarding administration will approve it after a simple review.

'Yes, it is outrageous to give two treasures at once, and it is normal for Mr. Nick to compile textbooks. ’

'However, the definition of alchemy is directly considered to be derived from transfiguration...'

[Yes, this was the case with the original version of alchemy. Everyone used various methods to try to create gold, potions, herbs, rituals, and even black magic.

But later, this imitation was expanded to include Panacea, the ultimate product of the potion ideal, the artificial man, the ultimate conjecture of transfiguration, and the existential Philosopher's Stone, which combines all magical powers.

This was the first expansion of alchemy, and from then on alchemy officially became a discipline.

The second expansion occurred during the goblin rebellion. After losing the high-end magic props made by the goblins, the wizards decided to study the secrets of the magic props on their own, and the alchemists also invested in it, using what they learned to complete their expectations. Among the magic props.

The third expansion occurred during the period of the Secrecy Law. After the Secrecy Law was strictly implemented, alchemists began to imitate machinery and create alchemical machines and their fuel, alchemical oil, so that the power of magic could be applied on a large scale and in batches. Produce alchemical products such as alchemical potions and magic fertilizers.

It's a pity that I'm afraid I won't be able to see the fourth expansion of alchemy, and the first three expansions unfortunately did not exceed the upper limit of alchemy. The magic stone...]

‘It’s really like this…’

Andrew sighed - today, he finally has a systematic understanding of alchemy.

'However, I'm afraid it won't be long before the fourth expansion appears. Of course, maybe Dumbledore expanded the Transfiguration first...'

Compared with the introduction of this book, the information that Andrew read is a bit inferior - the author guesses, maybe, should, probably...

These nouns do look good in the book, but they lack that feeling.

There is no way, the name Nick Flamel is too authoritative in alchemy, Dumbledore's achievements in transfiguration may even be controversial, but the name Nick has suppressed alchemists for six centuries...

‘It’s really great, but in the first chapter, well, at least a quarter of the knowledge is incomprehensible. ’

Andrew sighed and put down the book.

The content of the first chapter is the alchemy array - combining the rituals of classical magic, the refinement of herbalism, the transformation of transfiguration, and the sublimation of potions...

'At least I got all E's. My accumulation in other subjects is really too bad...'

You don’t have to be a designated genius, but at least you can’t be a stickman, with a level above that of a graduated wizard...

‘Professor, I still think too much. How could I possibly dream about the Philosopher’s Stone? I'm not even close to the threshold of alchemy formation...'

It is worthy of being an elective course for starting sixth grade, focusing on a high threshold...

Andrew finally understood why Professor Singed was so keen on attracting good talents - if he didn't do this, there wouldn't be enough students!

'So the imitation method is feasible, just like the head soaking spell I simulated using transformation. As long as the principle is clearly analyzed, other magic can be used to imitate...'

‘If I’m not wrong, herbal medicine must have the imitation effect of the Bubble Curse, and can even be grafted and cultivated to produce targeted herbs, not to mention magic medicine, to create a potion with similar effects...’

‘Is this what is called magical unity? ’

‘So, what is the effect of the Philosopher’s Stone, which is known as the pinnacle of alchemy? What about the elixir of youth and the ability to transform stone into gold? What about the other hidden attributes? ’

Andrew shook his head, he didn't dare to think about it.

He even doubted the uniqueness of the Philosopher's Stone, something that only existed in his imagination.

Yes, uniqueness - Nick even dared to hand over the Philosopher's Stone to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore didn't even have the slightest intention of making it.

This is not surprising, just as many people speculate that Peeves was born with Hogwarts, the Philosopher's Stone was also born with alchemy.

In all these years of student turnover at Hogwarts, no second Peeves was born, and in all these years in the wizarding world, no second Philosopher's Stone was born.

‘It is an alchemical product where the conceptual power of alchemy is collected by the alchemical formation and then created through rituals and materials! ’

Andrew silently defined the Philosopher's Stone in his mind, and then felt fear.

‘Damn it, this kind of speculation, this kind of speculation must not be exposed in the slightest! People will die, no, a magical war will break out! ’

He has no doubt about the wizard's greed, no matter how outrageous his guess is, once people think in this direction, Mr. Nick will be completely finished...

Wealth, immortality, and possible power, and the long-awaited end of alchemy.

‘I can’t, I can’t continue reading… The Philosopher’s Stone is directly removed from the new issue! ’

He composed himself and made a decision.

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