This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 33 He is CPUing me!

Although the experience just now can be described as a ghost, Andrew's paper was written extremely smoothly - if it weren't for the fact that the manuscript was a little finished, he almost thought he had created some garbage.

But tonight was destined to be uneventful, because when Andrew was contentedly preparing to stretch out and read any books he was interested in, Mrs. Pince made an unusually dissatisfied sound at the door of the library.

"Who messed with Myrtle again?"

After hearing such a murmur, Andrew saw Mrs. Pingsi leave angrily. Since he was idle anyway, he gave up looking for books and followed along with many other students who were watching the excitement.


Amidst the emotion of a student, Andrew discovered that there was already water in the corridor, and it was almost spreading to the library. Mrs. Pince was waving her wand, and the large sewage disappeared in the wave of the wand.

'That's weird, I made sure I turned off the faucet again...Okay, maybe the ghost is not convinced...'

As Mrs. Pince advanced, the sewage was finally contained. Although Andrew had nothing to do with this case, he still felt a little guilty and picked up his schoolbag in advance and went back to his lounge obediently.



"Shut up, Rose..."

Andrew rolled over and warned his owl—to no avail.

A little more awake, he shouted again, but to no avail - only then did he realize that the hoot was not his owl.

"Whose owl, take care of it - didn't you say yesterday that you should go to the owl shed in advance and ask them not to visit before eight o'clock? This is the first weekend!"

He mumbled half-awake and half-drowsily, got up without being claimed, and then found four guys standing at the window calling.

"All right…"

Andrew took out the owl food and opened the window to put them in.

Soon, everyone except Hughes' bedside was assigned one.

"Okay, there's nothing to complain about."

Andrew happily took off the one he was looking for and unfolded the letter.

The letter came from the club, Ham, the leader of the small group he joined, telling him that the senior class was going to Hogsmeade on the weekends (the senior class was dedicated to Explaining that this is a resort open only to senior students), he would bring him some food when he came back in the afternoon, and wish him a happy weekend at Hogwarts.

'I heard that you are also interested in Quidditch. I said hello to the captain of the hospital team over there. You can watch when they train, just say my name...'

He is in CPU me!

Andrew immediately noticed something was wrong - if it was just for these things, he could have informed last night instead of...

He looked at his watch and saw that it was only half past six.

Sure, on purpose!

Who would be a good person who would find an owl to deliver a letter before half past six on a weekend? ! !

There are a few freshmen who don’t bother to go to bed without being notified in advance!

I asked about the letters from other roommates, and it was pretty much the same - the seniors from the club were going to Hogsmeade and were going to bring them some food. If they had any special needs, they could trust them to buy it...

Although he knew it was him in the ICU, Andrew still responded politely like others and said that he didn't need anything for the time being, and claimed that if he needed anything, he would ask the respectable senior as soon as possible...

"Why is yours different from ours, Andrew!"

"Why were you invited to watch the hospital team's training!"

Almost all the roommates expressed emotion after Andrew wrote back and checked the information with them - this made Andrew stunned for a moment, no, although he could tell from the organization of the club that Quidditch was special, but there were Is that an exaggeration?

He didn't understand - but he had no intention of refuting it. Instead, he planned to learn more about this so-called Quidditch sport. When everyone liked it, he had to pretend even if he wasn't interested...

'This is the helplessness of adult social animals...'

"Okay, since you asked, I'm going to beg and see if we can go watch together - just don't disturb their training."

After filling in the request in the letter, he entrusted the very capable owl to deliver the letter, and it basically didn't take long to get a response.

Much like what he expected, the request was granted, but they could only watch, not ask or do anything else that would disrupt the rhythm of the training.


"That's it..."

"Yes, yes..."

“And there’s the Snitch—catch it to end the game and gain one hundred and fifty points!”

After watching the training for two hours, Andrew had a preliminary understanding of the rules of Quidditch, the number of players, the types of balls, the gameplay, and even a large number of illegal methods.

After his roommates confirmed that he really didn't know the rules and wasn't pretending to tease them, they almost dragged Andrew to forcefully teach them the content.

Andrew, as always, played the role of a good listener and memorized these rules.


He was looking at the court as eagerly as everyone else, but his focus was entirely on those broomsticks - elegant and gorgeous.

Well, although some of the brooms were what the roommates said were ‘old models and not well maintained’, Andrew was still very interested.

Being able to fly, and flying under control, even if it requires a broom, is already very, very magical.

Several uses came to his mind, this thing looks easy to use...

‘Cast spells while riding a broom...’

‘Run for your life while riding a broom...’

‘Make a temporary broom...’

‘Use that, yes, the traceless expansion spell, and carry a broom with you...’

Such speculations made Andrew and his roommates look very enthusiastic, and everyone felt that the environment was great.

In such an enthusiastic environment, they even forgot to eat breakfast.

But the good times didn't last long. At about 9:30, a group of uninvited guests came to the Quidditch field, a group of freshmen with bitter faces but looking down on each other.

"The lawn of the Quidditch field needs to be taken care of... You will be given one day of training time next week."

A gray-haired witch communicated with the Ravenclaw team and began to dispatch those students.

"Oh my god. Half of the first-year students in the college have been arrested..."

"Let's go," Andrew lowered his voice, "I don't want them to vent their anger on me - let them solve it themselves."

The five people quietly slipped away, and they had to stand in a safe area to eat melons.

Soon, the few people who went back to the lounge to fill their stomachs found out what happened.

Last night, two inexperienced colleges were reported by the oil painting - they were inexperienced and discussed how to deal with each other in the corridor, and then Mr. Filch and his cat became famous.

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