This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 40 Does lifting your feet off the ground increase your wisdom?

"If yesterday was tomorrow, then today is Friday, so what day of the week is today?"

The door knocker is giving away points today.

After returning to the lounge easily, the freshmen noticed something was wrong - a new notice was posted on the bulletin board, which informed every first-year student in impeccable grammar that this Thursday morning, they would be competing with Hufflepuff students take flying lessons together.

"Ah, flying..."

Kevin sighed.

The others were no exception, only Bell was more energetic, "It finally started."

He is the only one who has ever ridden a child's broomstick, and is the most interested in Quidditch in the dormitory.

"Don't be like this, it's not difficult. Although I have never touched a real broom - I originally wanted to try it when I was nine years old, but..."

Bell shook his head vigorously, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"I don't think so...I can't help but be afraid of something like this where I can't get experience from books."

"Same...why hasn't anyone written a book on how to use a broomstick?"

"Probably because it's simple." Andrew leaned against the wall. Although he was a little panicked, he was still deceiving himself. "If it takes three or four months to take the test for flying rules, and then you have to abide by various regulations, then it must be Someone come and publish similar books.”

"That's true... There are special books on Quidditch rules and regulations, but there is almost no mention of flying..."

"It's useless to dream about it, let's think about how to deal with it in the next's Potions class again."

This sentence immediately brought everyone back from sighing. Flying lessons are certainly worth worrying about, but they are things in the future after all. Potions lessons... that is a real danger that is very close at hand!


The flying class probably had the greatest impact on Ravenclaw - in the following years, there were few freshmen that Andrew knew who did not sigh for this class.

Ravenclaw is good at using experience to deal with unknown things, but if he can fly, he can do it, and if he can't, he can't. No matter how good the describer is, he can't express that feeling in words.

And another terrible thing is that due to the bad habits of individual Ravenclaw students, everyone can't confirm what other people mean by "I don't know how to do it either" - everyone doesn't know how to do it? Or do you just say you don't know how to do it and then suddenly show everyone a beautiful flying skill?

Especially after the serialization of "Dumbledore, a Legend" began, the atmosphere became even worse - originally everyone was doing their own thing, but now they have to follow suit, right?

But no matter how the students thought about it, time is a very fair thing. Amidst everyone's anxiety, Thursday came.

"I always feel a little unstable...why are we first?"

Hal said with a solemn look in his eyes at the dinner table. As for Andrew, he was in a good mood and listened to the complaints from the other roommates - he had already made a complete plan to prevent serious injuries.

"Okay, stop complaining, you'll know the charm of flying when you get on the broom."

Bell, who was overjoyed, was so full of energy that he even ate breakfast absent-mindedly.

Soon, amid the anxiety of a group of students, the time for flying lessons officially arrived.


"Don't fly too high - as long as you don't fall to death on the spot, Madam Pomfrey can save her..."

Andrew whispered to comfort himself, even losing his ability to recognize the way, and followed the team to the lawn in a daze.

By now, the broomsticks and their flying instructor were ready.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" Mrs. Hooch, their flying instructor, said sternly, "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Andrew took a deep breath, and then followed the queue to the broom - it looked like it was in poor condition and had not been well maintained.

“Be firm and put your hand on the broom—your right hand!

"Then, follow me. After I call ready, call one, two, three, and you all shout together!

"Get ready, one, two, three, get up!"

"stand up!"

The broom fell into his hands with a smoother movement than he imagined. He looked around and found that many people had done the same as him.

‘So, what triggered the password? Emotions, trust? ’

Andrew was unable to make a specific judgment - Ravenclaw students believed in experience, while Hufflepuff students were not good at doubting their teachers, which prevented him from narrowing down the scope of his judgment.

Moreover, the broomstick and the other wizard supplies are not the same type of object - he shook his head and temporarily put aside the thinking habit he had developed during this period due to his habit of summarizing.

After Mrs. Hooch repeated the password once and led everyone to shout it twice, almost everyone started shouting their broomsticks.

The next step is to explain the angle of holding the broom and the correction techniques one by one - Andrew was rarely criticized.

"What you are holding on to is a broom, not a stick that will fall if you can't hold it!

"Relax, relax, you have to rely on it to take you to the sky, not to strangle it to death!

"Pay attention to the angle, the angle, it's a flying broom, not an animal!"

After a series of criticisms, Madam Hooch finally approved of their technique, "Okay, pay attention, when I blow the whistle, push the ground with both feet at the same time, but don't push too hard. You can only be a few feet off the ground at most, and then you have to lower your body and let the broom carry you forward at a small angle and return to the ground - do you hear me!"

"I heard it!"

"Very good." Madam Hooch was very satisfied with their reaction, "Ready, three-two-one!"

A crisp whistle sounded, and Andrew used a little strength - a gentle force took him directly up and stopped not too high.

He curiously felt the position of his buttocks and found that it was indeed like Bell said, as if there was a soft cushion.

"Then, pull it up..."

He adjusted the broom slightly, and then found that it was not much more complicated than a bicycle - pull it up, adjust it down, and pull it up again...

Simple and simple.

'Sure enough, there is no need to publish a book. ’

“Student Taylor!”

Madam Hooch’s voice sounded, “Five points deducted from Ravenclaw.”

Andrew then realized that he was the only one still in the air, and the others had all landed. He then remembered the order he had just received—fly up a little, and then land.

What about the promise that you’ll become smarter once your feet leave the ground?

After confirming that you can fly, he got a little carried away and his brain short-circuited…

He began to lightly press the broom to let himself land steadily.

“A very good start for the freshmen, and there’s no panic…”

Madam Hooch’s face looked better, “Okay, three points for Ravenclaw.”

? ? ?

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