This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 43 Honorary Member

"Well... here, we can consider this idea..."

Easily getting rid of his guilty conscience, Andrew quickly devoted himself to the study of transfiguration.

But just when he figured out the problem and started writing furiously, a shadow enveloped the parchment. He raised his head and looked up and found that it was a tall red-haired boy.

Judging from the clothes, the other party is Gryffindor.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Andrew stopped what he was doing and asked out of curiosity - he didn't think he could be related to Gryffindor's senior class.

"The analysis of transfiguration on plant deformation... can it still be like this?"

The boy raised his eyebrows, "But why are you studying cactus... This is not a good direction... because the model is too simple. Generally speaking, we use trees as a breakthrough. The model is more complicated, but because of the physical If the amount is large enough, the spelling will not fail due to excessive differences in details.”

"The magic power is not enough," Andrew spread his right hand on the table, "and using trees, deforming the leaves requires too much analysis, and if you ignore the details, the overall tree will not look realistic."

"Of course you start with saplings. You have to know that this can greatly reduce the need for leaf deformation. And when you get used to it, you can actually be more sloppy with the leaf requirements. This will actually make the spell more realistically construct leaves. "

"More real?"

Andrew thought for a moment, and then tapped the blank parchment next to him with his wand - unlike the detailed imagination of the veins of the leaves when he cast the spell before, this time he thought generally about what the leaves should look like.

The parchment began to curl, shrink, change color, and then reveal the shape of a beautiful maple leaf.

"Like this?"

"It's still a bit wasteful. The more important thing is that growth... means letting it grow."


This was said in a confused way, and Andrew couldn't understand it.

"It just feels like it's fixed and then grows out."

"It's fixed... it's fixed... you mean... like this?"

Andrew canceled the magic he had just performed and touched the parchment with his wand again. This time the parchment began to curl into a stick-like object, and then a little green sprouts began to sprout.

The green buds began to grow rapidly, and within a few breaths, the green buds began to turn into leaves of different sizes - but this was not magical at all, but rather like a bunch of messy sticks stuck on to an ugly stick. messy leaves.

But the red-haired boy looked very satisfied, "Yes, yes, that's it, that's how it feels. You should do it like this when you cast the spell. As long as you control the magic power to move the leaves, it will be perfect."

"The magic power is not enough. I can't even deform the branches, let alone control them - this is the limit of what I can do."

Andrew spread his hands and said to the boy who ran out inexplicably in front of him.

He has a good impression of the person in front of him at the moment - the guidance in this area is much better than the junk spells of the club.

"What a pity..."

"Library! Forbid! Noise! ​​Noisy!"

Just when the red-haired boy was sighing, two books appeared with a loud voice, and each word was followed by a loud slap on the head. The two books moved rhythmically between Andrew and The red-haired boy's head started to jump.


Just when Andrew was still in a daze, the boy opposite him quickly said this.

Although the good-natured Andrew started a little behind, he caught up with the opponent after a few steps - the books he borrowed and the school bag followed the two books, and the librarian Mrs. Pince's scolding was rhythmically tapping behind them. Their arms and legs didn't stop until they ran out of the library.


The boy behind Andrew gasped and stopped with Andrew, "Oh my god, this is the first time I have been scolded by Mrs. Pingsi... But it doesn't matter, I haven't heard of her banning anyone from entering again."

"Introducing," he breathed, "Prefect of Gryffindor, Percy Weasley."

"Ravenclaw, Andrew Taylor."

Andrew and Percy shook hands.

"You have a good foundation in transfiguration. Very few second-year students can dabble in third-grade or even fourth-grade content."

"It's just some theoretical knowledge. In fact, it's too far behind." Andrew shook his head, "I've spent all my spare time on it."

"Yes. In addition, you have to pay attention to the strength of the spell. Your spell casting is a bit poor, which can easily lead to problems during spell casting."

"There is no way, my magic power cannot be supported. I asked Professor McGonagall, and she said that this can only be solved with age and proper exercise. It will be much better when I am in second grade, because this age is the period when magic power explodes. "

"Then there's no—wait, you say?"

Percy looked at Andrew carefully and said, "You are a freshman."

"Yeah, right, what's wrong?"

"Hell..." He scratched his hair, "How could that be related? Miss Granger is really..."

"Miss Granger?"

"Ah, yes," Percy spread his hands, "You know, I'm a prefect."

'You introduced me for the second time in such a short time...'

"She came and said that someone seemed to be committing gang fraud in the library. She was reading a book when someone came up to her. Then she found someone watching her. Afterwards, she pretended to sit back and read..."

? ? ?

I was just curious and went to see what happened.

"She also said that you appeared in the library every day to commit fraud with others, because she asked others and they said that you seemed to appear in the library every day, but she never heard from the professor that there was anyone who could catch up with her grades."


This is a bit discouraging. But it is true. After confirming that he was most talented in Transfiguration, Andrew only maintained basic efforts in the rest of his homework. He even felt a little confused in the history of magic. Only the spells class was considered excellent.

"But after seeing your Transfiguration, I know she's just worrying about it again... She's not a bad person, just too enthusiastic..."

Percy shook his head, "But her grades are okay, I think she should be able to become a prefect in the future - it doesn't matter if she's enthusiastic."

'The connection between the two is a bit forced...'

"Okay, don't worry about Granger's matter, I'll make it clear to her." Percy waved his hand, "I have to leave when I'm sure there's no problem. You know, this is the owls year, I'm too busy, although there's no problem, but I don't want to give up the first place."

"Then, see you later. If you meet in the library, I can help you with Transfiguration - I'm still very good at this."

Percy shook his head and left, leaving Andrew a little dazed.

'What kind of thing is this... We almost became accomplices. '

'And why does it smell like an internal meeting of the club...'

He looked at the direction Percy left, shook his head helplessly, packed his bag, and prepared to go back to the lounge.

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