This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 52 Mission Completed

Senior Nellie is a good person.

This is the conclusion Andrew came to during the daily meetings - his experimental progress was more successful than expected every time, and this was inseparable from the kind senior.

Of course, this was also related to the Transfiguration that he had simply formed a system - magic was not so magical, and it had a context when it developed step by step, rather than relying on the wizards' brains to make whatever they wanted.

After nearly eighty hours of research on the Bubble Head Spell for nearly two weeks of free time, he finally had a general understanding of the ability of this spell.

It used magic to summon the air in the surrounding area at the casting location and woven it with the power of magic. The air that constituted the Bubble Head Spell would continuously fill the gaseous part of the inner wall and take away the originally exhaled gas, and the seemingly transparent shell was the most important part of it using magic to create a similar compression effect.

It can withstand very strong magic attacks (with the help of Senior Nellie who cast the Iron Armor Spell, Andrew used many means to destroy it, and only found a few feasible solutions), and it can completely exclude non-harmful environmental invasion from the outside during use, and even has a strong heat insulation function.

Compared to confirmation, the time spent on imitation was shorter - because of the decent Transfiguration technique, it didn't take him long to figure out how to compress and deform the air to form a new material.

It was not difficult to make a fitting shape and imitate functions - the real difficulty was compression.

It was difficult to deform the shape of an object. After working hard for a long time, Andrew finally determined that unless he could establish a higher understanding of Transfiguration, or his own magic power grew to a certain level with age, the Bubble Head Curse he made could only reach one-third of the original.

"It's amazing... using Transfiguration to achieve the effect of the Bubble Head Curse..."

Nellie was trying to comfort Andrew - he took a lot of Galleons, and the reward was almost twice the agreed amount, but the other party spent so much and only made something like this.

"Not amazing, but great..." Andrew looked at the thin head can on Nellie's face, and there was no sign of discouragement on his face.

"Although it didn't meet expectations, it's still good. Happy cooperation, Senior Nellie."

He breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the other party happily.

From scratch, he verified the extensibility of Transfiguration and the possibility of imitation spells. This is already a remarkable operation, not to mention this fully usable Bubble Head Curse.

The original version basically lasts for two hours, and Andrew's imitation version is only a little more than half an hour at present - but what else can you do if you can escape half an hour? Not to mention, the power of the spell is limited by his Transfiguration ability. It's not the spell that is weak, it's him.

As long as his magic power grows or his knowledge of Transfiguration is sufficient, it is not difficult to grow to the level of the original or even surpass it.

"This is today's reward."

Andrew took out two gold galleons.

"Ah? This..."

"Because it was very successful, Senior Nellie, this is my joy to share - in addition, we may have the opportunity to cooperate on other spells in the future, after all, that course..."

Andrew shook his head halfway through his speech, and did not mention the name of the professor - this time it was really someone whose name could not be mentioned.

'If it happens again, it will kill people...'

Nellie roared wildly in his heart, but the two beautiful Galleons in his palm stopped him.

"Then, look forward to future cooperation."

"Well, then, goodbye, Senior Nellie."


After tossing out a Transfiguration version, Andrew finally let go of his obsession with spells and began to return to the library to practice Transfiguration on a daily basis.

He wanted to understand the relevant principles more thoroughly, and then show this spell to Professor McGonagall as the result of this period of time - first, as a proof that he has not relaxed his Transfiguration practice during this period, and second, he hopes that Professor McGonagall can make some improvements on this.

It is hard to say which is more important, but what he has to do is to ensure that this skill has been polished to perfection under the knowledge system he has mastered.

However, it was not known whether to say it was a coincidence or not. After he stopped his crazy experiment, a bunch of things happened suddenly.

The Gryffindor vs. Slytherin house team match came suddenly without Andrew paying attention - Professor McGonagall was very busy now, and there was one more thing on her schedule to encourage the house team players and manage the game.

The club that Andrew participated in was going to hold a daily meeting - he also saw the code words in his notebook that he would inquire about the arrangements and specific things to do at the meeting.

Mr. Snape, the professor of potions, suddenly became lame and began to put crazy pressure on everyone. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students who had not been targeted before now became his punching bags, which forced Andrew to spare a little more time to prepare for the potions class.

Bell, his roommate, finally got a note from the house team. The weekend activity in the dormitory was agreed to go flying - there was no way to escape, this was a necessary social interaction.


These miscellaneous things came all at once, making Andrew's original plan a mess.

But there was no way, time was passing by anyway, and after he had barely adapted to the new time structure, his dear roommate Bell suddenly sent an invitation.

"Quidditch match - Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, let's go and get a good seat!"

‘Forget it, we just want to see if we win or lose. If we win, we can happily go to Professor McGonagall to show our results and answer our questions. If Gryffindor loses, we’ll have to wait a little longer. ’

The Gryffindor House team inexplicably gained a supporter.


When Andrew arrived at the stadium, he discovered that although he thought he had overestimated the sport of Quidditch, he still underestimated the influence of the sport.

All the teachers and students of the school are basically here...

'Sure enough, this is the outsider's unfamiliarity with the magic world...'

‘Fortunately, I know something about Quidditch, so I don’t think I can’t fit into the circle. ’

Even the Ravenclaw stands, which Andrew thought would be better, were packed with people - although Andrew and the others arrived not late, there were no good seats left.

The most outrageous thing is that Andrew discovered that some groups that were originally highly opposed to each other could sit together without any conflict of language. Although they did not communicate with each other, it was rare enough...

'Although Dumbledore is not here, Professor McGonagall is also here...'

'The main theme is outrageous... I hope Gryffindor can win! ’

Andrew sadly discovered that he had also joined the outrageous ranks.

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