This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 54 Andrew without procrastination

"I was wrong... Master..."

In the dim office, Quirrell knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed against the ground, his expression terrified, his mouth wide open like a dying fish.

Although the fireplace in the room was burning red, cold sweat and uncontrollable saliva flowed on the floor, gathering on the floor to form a small piece of disgusting liquid.

The scarf that was usually wrapped tightly was now lying on the messy desk, and on the exposed bald back of the head, a dead white face with two scarlet spots, "What are you trying to do, to warn Dumbledore?"

"But you didn't expect... Dumbledore didn't go."

Quirrel's body struggled wildly under this shrill voice, but his head seemed to be stuck by something, which made him look like a loach nailed to a chopping board.

Ten minutes, or even longer, Quirrell lost the strength to struggle, and the two blood-red lights flashed again.

"Master... Master..."

The flattering voice was so weak that it caused the face that was not in the normal place to show a twisted smile. After letting Quirrell, who was like a dead dog, rest for a while, the thick towel was wrapped again.


"You told me, it's absolutely safe!"

In Dumbledore's office, Snape stared at Dumbledore with fierce eyes.

"Minerva has been watching over there all the time - and, didn't you agree, Severus?"

"That's what you told me, the Dark Lord will never do anything else under the temptation of the Philosopher's Stone!"

"I still stick to my point of view. You and I are familiar with our friend - what he wants now is the Philosopher's Stone, not Harry."

"But he has already taken action against him."

"I think this is an attempt to create chaos to facilitate him to steal the Philosopher's Stone - he won't kill Harry, at least he won't let others kill Harry."

"But the only one who broke into the Philosopher's Stone trap is Quirrell!"

Snape stomped his feet angrily, but this made his firm expression suddenly become distorted.

"He will definitely go, because he only trusts himself - this is the closest we have been to him in all these years, and the closest we have been to catching him. You have to keep putting pressure on Quirinus, Severus."

Dumbledore's usually kind face was now frighteningly serious, "Only in this way can we find him out of the dark and put an end to it all - I have prepared the final cage."


Snape's expression was distorted, but he finally accepted Dumbledore's statement. However, in the end, he turned his head before leaving, "So, what about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class? Are you so confident that you let Harry stay in that classroom without protection?"

"So I'm listening - I have to say that Quirinus's class is really bad."

Dumbledore smiled.


'So annoying... so annoying...'

Andrew pretended to listen carefully, but his mind flew away.

This regular meeting was really boring and long, without any innovation. If it weren't for some standard file formats, these two hours would have been almost completely wasted.

However, it must be admitted that, although it is radical, the documents obtained by the club are genuine - the original documents of the Ministry of Magic that are not important, the school's circulars to the prefects, the documents that the school and the Ministry of Magic communicated to each other after the confidentiality period...

In short, it looks scary, but there are a lot of useless things - although this is to cultivate members to have good document writing habits to improve the admission rate, it is extremely convenient for Andrew to fish in troubled waters.

Moreover, such a convenient thinking environment finally made Andrew calm down - the mysterious man is the mysterious man, Quirrell is Quirrell, and their behavior is like crazy. In addition to the two people really being crazy, there is another very magical explanation.

That is Quirrell temporarily got rid of control - for example, the Imperius Curse.

Even if it is a speed run, Andrew also remembered the complaints about the Imperius Curse. The commentator with poor commentary skills inserted nearly half a minute of Imperius Curse delusion in the narration, which is really unforgettable - it is second only to the Polyjuice Potion delusion.

This conjecture made Andrew feel a little more stable, but only a little more stable - Quirrell had to report it, and he had to report it if he could, and he couldn't delay it for a minute.

The days without Quirrell and Nose were good days. At that time, he could freely learn magic and practice flying in the castle, instead of suddenly losing control when he was on the broom. How could he live like that?

He easily found an expired Daily Prophet, and then went to the underground classroom with ease, turned on the light and started working.

Even the handwriting of the left hand was easy to expose, but the newspaper cutting method mentioned in detective novels was different - Andrew just tapped on the letters of the newspaper, and the printed words danced to the new parchment by themselves.

"There is a mysterious man hiding on the back of Quirrell's head."

Andrew glanced at this sentence, thought about the importance of an anonymous report letter and a professor, and decided to deepen the credibility of the information.

"His target is the Philosopher's Stone hidden on the third floor of Hogwarts - the one that Dumbledore hid in the mirror."

Andrew didn't know what mirror it was, but this information was enough to prove it.

After writing the letter and sealing it, Andrew began to use Transfiguration to change his appearance - hair style, hair color, padding, robe logo, adding some freckles on his face, sticking a layer of deformed paper to add blush, wearing deformed contact lenses, and padding his nose with the deformed material (although he couldn't try human body transformation, those beauty bloggers' cross-dressing tools easily restored a set).

"Well, okay, now I'm a first-year student of Hufflepuff..."

After giving himself a name, the Hufflepuff freshman happily went to the Owl House, and then sent Professor McGonagall a letter disguised as a formal document in the way that professors on campus submit reports.

'Rare use of the club. '

Andrew made such an evaluation, and then left happily - if it wasn't a club, he wouldn't have thought of this line. Although it is easier to be checked than pretending to be a supplier, what does Hufflepuff sending letters have to do with him?

After leaving the Owl House, Andrew turned to the Black Lake for safety reasons, preparing to find a secluded place there to take off his costume.

Everything went as smoothly as imagined—removing makeup, taking a detour back, hiding from the portraits and going to the library, then leaving the library openly, eating, and going to bed.

‘I can have a good sleep now…’

Andrew said to himself before going to bed.

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