This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 56 Ambush and Killing

“What a novel experience.”

"Indeed, I didn't expect that we would actually come to Hogwarts as guests late one night after we retired..."

“Mad-Eye—we don’t need to keep this operation a secret, right?”

In the open space near Hogsmeade, three old men with gray hair and more or less imperfections on their bodies were chatting happily, with relaxed expressions, as if they were having an ordinary meeting.

"I'm not sure yet," Moody looked at the questioner with his good eye, while the other magic eye looked around at the terrain, "but what is certain is that this is a big job."

"It couldn't be better, but the third watch in the middle of the night is probably an unspeakable job - won't it come yet? If it's any later, I'm afraid I'll miss the opportunity to take action."


Moody looked calm, Dumbledore was trustworthy.

In fact, in less than five minutes, Dumbledore appeared.

"I hope I'm not late - honestly, it's not fun to wake the Thestrals up in the night, and Hagrid had to go to great lengths to calm them down."


"No, no..."

Quirrell woke up again...

He couldn't remember the details of the dream, but he remembered that he was being pointed firmly by Snape with his wand, and then there was a flash of green light.

"Go away, you idiot..."

The hoarse voice came out, and Quirrell's body couldn't help but shrink another half circle - because he was too scared, he turned over and pressed against that terrible...


He carefully turned his head - for a long time he slept on his stomach or side, and there was no possibility of lying on that side.

"You idiot, stay down... I need enough rest."


Bang! ! !

A huge explosion came from the door, followed by several spells that tore through the darkness - the owner of the spell obviously had enough knowledge of the room's furnishings, and all those spells covered the bed.

When the purple curse hit Quirrell's face, Quirrell had just put his hand on the wand!


A long collision sounded, and a pale silver shield appeared in front of the curse. The hastily constructed shield was directly cracked by the powerful magic.


It was the first time Quirrell heard such anxious shouts, but it did not help the current situation at all. The second and third spells followed one after another, and the silver shield directly fragmented amidst the greater impact. Crushed, Quirrell, who was rolling to dodge, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left leg.

However, the second round of spells had already arrived - he only added an iron armor spell to himself, and could only use the floating spell to lift the bed entirely, trying to buy himself a little time.

But the added magic directly melted the bed, as if the other party had already predicted his response. The second round of magic directly hit his armor spell, smashing Quirrell's proud Spell.

Before he even started the magic mechanism in the room, the third round of magic came again - the other party seemed to have cooperated countless times, and there was no gap in casting spells at all.

"Escape... the window!"

Such words appeared in his mind. Quirrell, who was completely stunned, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw. He didn't even do any protection. He allowed the fourth round of magic attacks to hit him and dodged two rounds. Tao, eat two of them alive.

He even felt his lungs burning - but that was it, the window was almost here...

With one last wave of his wand, Quirrell used his most proud curse, and then slammed towards the window - however, the expected collision did not happen, and he seemed to be stuck in a ball of gelatinous objects. The whole body is sticky and firmly stained...


He tried to struggle, but a vortex suddenly appeared in the gel. His hand was opened easily, and the wand came out like a slippery loach.

'No! ’

He felt something was wrong in his heart and tried to ask for help from the being on the back of his head. However, the other person seemed to not exist and there was no response.

'It's over...'

Without any ability to move, he could only watch as he was lifted into the center of the room. Then, hundreds of lights lit up, illuminating the office and living room.

The first person Quirrell, who could not move, saw under such light was the person he was most afraid of - an old man with a serious expression and full of vigilance.

"Don't relax, I haven't got him under control yet."

Dumbledore looked at Quirrell, but the wand in his hand did not stop. As his wand flickered, the chairs, pillows, quilts, the fire burning in the fireplace, the books on the bookshelf... everything in the room grew. They cut off their hands and feet, and then awkwardly surrounded Quirrell.

And those who were warned by Dumbledore did not even lower their guard at all - their iron armor curse and bubble head curse were not lifted from beginning to end.

'I am worthy...'

This was the last half of the sentence that came to Quirrell's mind, and then he felt the snake face on the back of his head burning like coals.


The colloid composed of windows and curtains in the center of the room exploded violently. Among the red and white fireworks, an almost transparent thing suddenly sprang out and flew towards the empty window that was leaking the wind like an arrow. .

However, those activated objects directly intercepted it, as if they had been prepared for it. Although the almost transparent shadow passed through the blocking material very quickly, the speed was still slowed down a little.

The miserable green spell only caught up after being stunned for a moment, and the evil green light flashed, causing a sharp scream that seemed to penetrate the soul.


Along with Moody's roar, a new round of miserable green magic began to pursue directly, and the shadow that had been mostly slowed down let out a miserable wail again.

At this time, three different colors of magic caught up with the shadow almost at the same time. Only one violet spell deviated slightly, and its tail swept a little bit of the floor.

The delicate wooden floor immediately began to rot, and then this disharmonious area began to spread crazily. Driven by the wind generated when the Aurors hit the next spell, large pieces fell off until the bottom layer was exposed. The castle body has been reinforced by countless magics.

But even such an attack only made the shadow scream a little louder.


Moody waved his wand again - without actually having to order him, the other Aurors had already resumed their skillful and desperate attacks.

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