This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 63 Ravenclaw is like this

"Quit? It's good to quit!"

"I knew you were a good Ravenclaw and knew better answers."

"If you need help, just come to us, you're welcome."

"No trouble, no trouble, we all have the same goal, right?"

After seeing Andrew off with a smile, the senior student in charge of the club still had a smile on his face - he was worthy of being a student who officially joined at the beginning of the first grade. He directly obtained half of the qualifications to stay in school. This is better than just doing a few jobs. Yue's Ministry of Magic intern is much better.

Who will be able to stay in school and squeeze into the Ministry of Magic track? He is not one of the most extreme guys. He joined the club because the probability of entering the Ministry of Magic is high, and the job in the Ministry of Magic is relatively stable. Who is not just messing around? Everyone didn't come forward because opposition was useless, and those crazy people could really get some attention from the Ministry of Magic - but they didn't really support those crazy people.

Besides, even if those lunatics come, the most they can do is to curse traitors behind their backs, not to mention in front of others, not even in front of other people - part of the club's fund review and the use of empty classrooms for activities may not be possible in the future. It depends on that Andrew, who dares to offend him?

Andrew didn't think too deeply about it - he wasn't like a club veteran who had carefully studied and compared the administrative structures of various places, so he couldn't think so quickly.

But he is indeed happy - he originally thought that it would take him two years to gain some strength before he could break away from the organization that was finally no longer involved. This is very worthy of celebration.

'That's it. Logically speaking, the club involved with the Ministry of Magic should be the one with the least trouble. Why are they so unlucky? Fortunately, it's all over...'

But he overthought it, and the next day, after class, he went to Professor McGonagall to review his homework, and he had to get infected again - but this time it was completely different.


"Very good, your classification method for this batch of homework is very good, and the labeling is also very clear - it saves a lot of time."

While Andrew was immersed in his second grade homework, Professor McGonagall had already reviewed his pre-approved homework again.

"As long as it meets the requirements, I have no experience in this."

Andrew smiled - he even approved his own homework, and then put himself in an excellent position without hesitation.

"'s time..."

The watch with many hands on Professor McGonagall's desk suddenly gave a small reminder. The professor looked at the time and then at Andrew, "Do you still have classes?"

"No more, Professor."

"Then come with me. After all, you need to be familiar with the relevant things. It can also be considered as a vaccination for you."


Soon, the confused Andrew was led by Professor McGonagall to a remote classroom on the fifth floor - few people came here because the classrooms here were locked every day and there were no courses scheduled here.

In addition, if you are caught making a noise here, you will be directly detained instead of deducting points.

"This way."

Professor McGonagall walked ahead, walked to a classroom with the curtains drawn, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

The door opened its mouth and opened automatically after saying such words.

‘Is it necessary to identify the person, or is it just a matter of tapping? ’

Andrew was a little confused, but said nothing—and he didn't care about that now.

The room that was supposed to be the size of a classroom was cast by someone who cast a traceless expansion spell. The entire space was as big as a small library, and the room was filled with bookshelves and tables. Six students were lying on the tables. Not knowing what to write, the remaining students were talking to a professor.

Andrew couldn't recall the professor's name at once, but there was no doubt that the thing that would allow Professor McGonagall to set a special time to come was definitely not just a small talk.

"Minerva, who is this?"

"Andrew Taylor, I just hired an assistant as a first-year student. Haven't you been complaining that I don't care enough about your subjects? I think I will have more time to deal with these things in the future."

"That's great." The smile on the professor's face was obviously not forced. She turned to look at Andrew, "If you sign up for Muggle Studies in the future, I think you can easily get high scores."

Ah, yes, it's the professor of Muggle Studies, Professor Charity Bubbaji.

"Berkeley, please introduce to Andrew what we are currently doing, and be more careful. Minerva obviously has plans to let him help in the long term."

"Good professor."

The other person was a ginger-haired boy who didn't pay much attention to the details of life, and he was also a Ravenclaw. After agreeing to Professor Bubbaji, he scratched his messy hair and took Andrew to a slightly tidier table in a remote place.

"Well, what should I say? You should know about the Ministry of Magic's discount coupons, right?"


Andrew was surprised by this, but he couldn't pretend to understand. Such a serious topic would make a joke.

"Sorry... I am a Muggle-born, so I am not very familiar with this aspect."

"Ah? This..."

The other party showed embarrassment on his face, "I'm just saying... letting those guys mess around will lead to the lower grades not knowing anything... Forget it, let's start from the beginning."

"You should know the prices in the magic world, right?"

"I still know a little bit about it, but I haven't studied it specifically."

"That's okay - what about the fact that food can't be magically transformed?"

"I know this well. I learned about it when I was learning the art of transfiguration."

"Well, that's good. Do you know where the daily food of wizards comes from - not in school, but for those wizards living in the wizarding world? The vegetables, bread, canned food, fruits and even cheap wine they eat come from?"

"Isn't it produced by the magic world?"

"Well, it looks like a qualified Ravenclaw."

The other party nodded, and his previous impatience was put away. "Of course not - if all those foods are provided by the magic world itself, the cost is too high."

"Let's simply calculate the wages needed by wizards, and then calculate the purchasing power of those families, and we will know that they are not produced by the magic world at all. In fact, they come from Muggles, and the Ministry of Magic purchases these products through Muggle currency, and then Provide cheap goods to wizard families, cheap commodity coupons, special vegetable stores... In short, similar methods are used to recover a sum of Galleons and stabilize wizards..."

(The Weasley family's abundant food and tired bacon sandwiches are obviously the benefits of this policy.)

"So that they don't want to attack Muggles because of food?"

"Absolutely correct - the moral standards of wizards holding wands will drop quickly when they are hungry, and sufficient food is the foundation of the Ministry of Magic to stabilize the wizarding world and the foundation of the Statute of Secrecy.

"But the problem lies here. What the Ministry of Magic is unwilling to publicize but must do is to increase their wealth in the Muggle world, so as to stably obtain what the Ministry of Magic needs in the Muggle world. And my partner and I, under the guidance of Professor Bubbage, are studying new ways for the Ministry of Magic to increase wealth."


Now Andrew finally understood why he had to sign a confidentiality agreement - his original club was desperately leaning on the Ministry of Magic. If the guy in front of him came up with the latest results, he might be exempted from the examination to enter the Ministry of Magic, and he might have to form a whole department...

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