This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 69 A little progress

Andrew hurriedly found an empty classroom far from the crime scene and used Transfiguration to get paper and ink. He used them to simply record Peeves' abnormality and then put the things aside.

The control of Transfiguration has troubled him for a long time - Professor McGonagall told him that this kind of content is usually introduced in the second semester of the third grade. Although he has mastered most of the theories in the third grade, he can only be involved in the second grade.

Moreover, even if the magic power is barely qualified, it takes a lot of practice to master this field involving precise control.

It is completely different from the commonly used magic clean-up - clean-up only needs to confirm the subject, and those debris that are not in the cognitive scope will be cleaned up, while this partial transformation is to clearly grasp a concept in the mixed substance for casting.

In the words of the reference book - if you master the clean-up, you can find a job washing dishes in any restaurant, but once you are proficient in the control of Transfiguration, you can make a small fortune by working as a herbalist.

Of course, it is still too early for Andrew to reach the latter level, and the potion essence extracted from the latter so-called mastery level is the content that only advanced potion making can involve.

The most basic application of this control in Transfiguration is to transform living objects.

It is not the simplest transformation of turning a beetle into a button, but to accurately find the signs of life of a living object and then transform it into another living body.

The former is the training that begins in the second year of Transfiguration class, and the latter is the content that many fourth-year students can barely reach.

In short, if he shows this set to Professor McGonagall, he will undoubtedly be exempted from the test and get excellent in the second year class, and the third year only needs to test the former content to get excellent directly.


‘Is it because of the practice during this period? Or is it because I was too emotional with Peeves? ’

After several attempts, Andrew can basically separate and transform the mixed substances stably - the outer robe that has been soaked in water several times currently has only a few wrinkles and can’t be seen at all that it has been ruined by its owner.

‘Professor Flitwick did say that a large part of the power of spells comes from emotions, but I haven’t studied spells in depth, so I don’t know…’

Andrew’s first-year spells foundation was so bad that he couldn’t solve this puzzle that might involve fourth-year content. After trying several more times, he decisively chose to hand the problem over to Professor McGonagall, and he was familiar with this aspect and just practiced.

‘It’s just that I have to wait a few days - Professor McGonagall just took a few days off and won’t be back until after Christmas. ’

He shook his head, suppressed the urge to study Transfiguration further, and began to study the reports on Peeves that he had recorded.

This kind of thing recorded with transfiguration ink will disappear once the ink bottle is damaged, and it can’t be preserved for a long time. After recording, these records must be quickly transferred.


“It can be seen that many people gave up breakfast.”


The first-year Ravenclaw student who didn’t get a response to the chat shouted, which made Andrew who was thinking come back to his senses.

"Ah, sorry... I didn't get enough rest..."

"It's normal, we didn't have any either. It's the holiday and everyone went to bed late - especially the snowman battle yesterday..."

When this topic was brought up, Andrew couldn't help but grin, but soon restrained himself.

The same thing happened on the other side - the two smiled knowingly and lowered their voices a little.

"Which snowman do you think is better?"

"It must be Slytherin's," Andrew said in a low voice - anyway, he had grasped the idea just now, and now it was a good time to gossip about what happened last night.

"I think so too. The snowman of Slytherin students even feels like looking at sculptures. I heard that many of them had to learn some art appreciation before entering school in addition to learning a little magic, just to show their uniqueness."

"But there are so many Gryffindors..."

"That's right..."

Last night, a group of Slytherin people decided to secretly build a Slytherin sculpture made of snow to shock the people in other colleges in the morning - Andrew didn't understand the specific idea, but that's what happened.

But Gryffindors are also a group of night owls - at the beginning, both sides were very restrained and decided to win with statues, but when they were almost finished, the Gryffindors found that their craftsmanship was not as good as the other side, and they were mercilessly ridiculed...

It was natural that the conflict escalated afterwards.

Although both sides restrained themselves to respect the statues of the founders and did not knock down the other side, the statues were fine, but the living people suffered. Both sides worked in the dark with snowballs until late at night, and then found that the other side had wrapped ice and stones without martial ethics, and some even mixed colored liquids.

Afterwards, the dissatisfied two sides broke out in a second conflict, but were stopped by Mr. Filch. The tragic battle was also known by the other two colleges. Although no one went to the hospital, both sides sacrificed a lot of reputation...

This is also an important reason why Andrew is worried that they will fight again today - in the fireplace meeting last night, the remaining Ravenclaws made a rare unanimous decision. After the two sides fought almost to the point of being almost done, they also put up the sculptures of their own colleges, so that when the castle looks outside, the other two colleges will not be the best.

Since he was the only prefect who stayed in the school to take the lead, and because he really felt that his face was disgraced, everyone reached a rare consensus and waited for both sides to finish fighting to avoid accidental injuries.

But what Andrew didn't expect was that when he returned to the common room after his routine familiarization with documents in the morning, the results came out.

"We're not making statues of Ravenclaw anymore."

The prefect stood happily in front of the fireplace, "We used ravens! And we put them on the spire of the astronomy tower - I borrowed a lot of brooms!"


"That's how it should be!"

The remaining Ravenclaws were unusually motivated - it can only be said that the prefect is worthy of being a prefect, and the sense of expectation was immediately raised.

So, after a simple meal, the Ravenclaws began to work in the highest place of the school - this work is not difficult, even a first grader can use the extremely skilled floating spell to provide snow blocks for the sculpture, and the overall The whole process of modeling was done by the senior students, and they strived to push the two sculptures into the ground.

"New students, please be safe!"

While Andrew was happily collecting snow, the senior Ravenclaw handed over a long rope with the other end tied to the tower, "Be prepared for safety!"

? ? ?

Andrew was stunned for a moment.

"Tie it around your waist, safety first, you juniors will all be tied to the tower!"

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