This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 82 How illegal can the books in the restricted area be?

"It's just nonsense!"

When Andrew handed the note to Mrs. Pince, a tone he had never heard came from Mrs. Pince's mouth.

However, when she saw the signature below, her bad temper subsided a bit, and she began to look at the light, looking from the book title to the signature, and then from the signature to the book title.

Afterwards, Mrs. Pince's expression softened, but only a little.

"Okay, it's all true...but you have to wait a while..."

She knitted her eyebrows and walked quickly outside the library. She didn't know what to say to the portraits outside, and then waited for a few more minutes before quickly returning. She stared at Andrew for a while, and her tone became much softer. .

"Well, kid, why didn't you tell me you were working as an assistant now?"

It was obvious that Mrs. Pince had just had a conversation with Professor McGonagall—probably mixed with suggestions that such outrageously out-of-class books should not be borrowed for younger students, and that the attitude should be very firm.

Otherwise, Mrs. Pince would have no reason to get the explanation from Professor McGonagall that Andrew would serve as an assistant. It is estimated that Professor McGonagall found that she could not persuade Mrs. Pince to lend such a dangerous book to a junior student, so she explained it with the fact that Andrew was an assistant.

Strong professors are generally unwilling to make concessions in their fields, and librarians are no exception - Andrew has seen prefects being thrown all the way out of the library by books more than once...

There is no way, even banned books are divided into levels. Some books can be obtained by senior students casually. The books are just placed in the forbidden book area without any magic ban. Some even brave people will occasionally try to read them when Mrs. Pince is not there. Look through it when you pay attention. This kind of stuff is just for filling up the library in the restricted book area.

For some books, senior students must carefully check their signatures when receiving approval slips. It would be a crime for non-professionals to see the content inside, and the authors may even use some special means to remind readers.

The most outrageous book even has a separate magic blockade. Even if a naughty guy breaks into the library at night, no page can be opened without Mrs. Pince unlocking the magic.

Three of the books Andrew borrowed belonged to the second category, and one belonged to the most dangerous category...

He almost trotted all the way to Professor McGonagall's office with the book in hand, without any desire to read it - Professor McGonagall had long recommended him to read any books he could read. His Transfiguration practice was flourishing, but there was no such thing. Outrageous curiosity.

"I just spoke to her."

Professor McGonagall looked at Andrew, who was trotting over, and motioned for him to put down his book.

"When I saw Mrs. Pince unraveling the magic, I became a little afraid of these books - they were too far away from me."

Andrew shook his head, "I still know the level of my transformation skills. It may take another two years for me to understand them."

"Pretty much, your theoretical knowledge has improved very quickly," Professor McGonagall nodded, "Remember your work tomorrow."



Andrew looked at Percy on the side, very curious about what today's work was, which actually required two assistants at a time.

But he soon ran out of time to care.

While waiting for the content of today's overtime work, Professor McGonagall had already marked the books he wanted to read and the chapters he would roughly read.

At the same time, he also knew why this thing was so outrageous that it was classified as a forbidden book - it didn't matter if he introduced human transformation at the beginning, the chapter that Andrew read contained a lot of understanding of the Disguise Magus and the existing transformation techniques. Limitations of thinking.

Andrew can even see from the catalog a discussion of magical creature transformation, something that is clearly marked as unfeasible in lower grade textbooks...

'But the author's skills are real...'

He exclaimed in admiration - the study of eye color and pupil shape alone took a whole chapter to describe, and there were even experiments on the analysis and deformation of eyeballs to correct vision, as well as discussions and imitations of the eye structure of magical creatures. Those particular conjectures.

However, the specific chapters of the latter were not allowed to be read, so Andrew had no choice but to give up - just follow the professor's instructions for things beyond his ability.

He was even more timid - he only recorded a lot of transformations and thoughts about hair.

"Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!"

There was a heavy knock on Professor McGonagall's door - which made Andrew, who was writing notes, raise his head curiously.

Who is so courageous?

The Vice-Principal, who has almost everything in charge of finance and human resources, should only communicate politely even when the Minister of Magic comes!

However, Professor McGonagall's expression did not change, "Hagrid, come in, I don't want to repair the door."

Oh, that's not surprising.

Andrew also instantly understood why someone like Professor McGonagall, who was not too fond of success, had such an outrageous office door.

They are all prepared for Hagrid.

As the office door opened, the surprisingly wide door suddenly turned into a door with appropriate proportions.

"I'll pay this quarter's rent, Professor McGonagall."

As Hagrid spoke, he took off a sack-sized bag from his waist. After thinking about it, he took out a super-large piece of parchment from his pocket and placed it on Professor McGonagall's desk.

"And my item application for next quarter."

"Thank you for your hard work, Hagrid." Professor McGonagall smiled (this was rare), "Do you have any other needs other than a written report?"

"No, I'm very satisfied with everything," Hagrid said, feeling a little ashamed, "I mean, everything is fine and it couldn't be better."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. I will deal with your report as soon as the rent is handed over."

"That's great..."


After a conversation between a shy newcomer and his boss, Hagrid left the office, and the sack was piled in front of Andrew and Percy.

"You count it, write the paperwork, and go to Professor Alice on the fifth floor to enter it into the account."

"Professor Alice?"

Andrew was stunned for a moment, but Percy reacted, "Okay, professor, I'll take Andrew with me."

"That's good, I have to go to class."

Professor McGonagall nodded, put away the books Andrew had read, locked them in the drawer with magic, and left.

And Andrew and Percy used magic to simply deal with a place, used Transfiguration to make a fence, and began to lift the bag with great effort, and then poured it with great effort - the bag's traceless expansion spell obviously did not bring weight reduction, which was considered a relatively low-level one.

But the two of them found that they were wrong - a large bag of gold was poured out and piled up into a small mountain.

"My God..."

"Merlin's beard..."

The two sighed - this pile of bright gold was too dazzling.

"How much is this?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it..."

Andrew said as he picked up a thick stack of parchment from the table and began to transform quickly.

Soon, a 10x10 round-hole wooden pallet that could just hold a hundred galleons was transformed - without this thing, Andrew was afraid that his hands would cramp from counting.

Weighing is faster, but not as accurate as this.

He adjusted the size and showed Percy a little - the latter quickly figured out how to use this thing, because its effect was indeed too obvious.

The two had a clear division of labor. Percy used magic to lift a pile of galleons for filling, and Andrew controlled the thing to pour out and use a simple counter to calculate.

Even so, the two of them still had a slight tremor in their hands when counting.

"Finally finished."

The two repacked the Galleons into bags, and Percy carried them upstairs together.

"By the way, who is Professor Alice?"

"She is not responsible for teaching courses. She is responsible for managing the school's finances, calculating the salaries of professors, calculating some subsidies and budgets, etc..."


That's normal - the expenses of teachers and students in the school are added together, and the mountain of Galleons just now is not enough to spend. Making a budget is enough to make a normal person exhausted. It's normal, too normal.

"Don't you know?"

"How should I know?"

"Oh, by the way, you haven't received any subsidies yet..." Percy nodded, "You will often interact with Professor Alice in the future. Professor McGonagall is still in charge of the accounts of the school. That's not an easy job."

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