This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 84 Percy's Little Secret

Gryffindor's pursuit of Peeves - no, Peeves' pursuit of Gryffindor prefects continues.

Peeves, who has been dominating and gaining a lot of privileges since his appearance in the school history, has proved himself with his strength. As many students guessed, if it could be dealt with by a few simple tests, Peeves would have been driven out of the castle long ago.

Perhaps the previous pursuit made these prefects think that they had tested Peeves' abilities, and they became more and more bold.

Then, there was nothing else. The students who were watching the fun suddenly found that the Gryffindor prefects suddenly became extremely unlucky.

When eating, they would accidentally be hit in the face by flying pudding or greasy barbecue, and they would suddenly slip when walking down the stairs. They would always be attacked by bird droppings when leaving the castle, and even when taking a shower, they would encounter a rare water outage.

There was more fun during class - exploding cauldrons, spells that were miscast, even drinking water would have owl feathers or something else fall into it...

The worst was the fifth-year female prefect, who even wanted to give up on the exam, as bad luck stuck to her.

According to rumors, she contaminated a large collection of wrong questions because of ink leakage, and then she used her wand to delete a large part of the original text in a hurry, and she is now almost collapsed.

"But the rest of the people think this is a good thing - maybe just like the Felixir controls good luck, Peeves has the ability to control bad luck,"

When Andrew asked Percy to disguise himself, Percy explained this.

There was no way, Andrew was not really interested in this thing, but the Gryffindor prefects went out together and left one person behind, and if he didn't ask, it would be a public statement that he had a problem.

"So you really think that's true?"

"Well, that's about it," Percy nodded - at this point, deception is useless, and he and Andrew have been working well together for this period of time, so there is no point in deceiving this basically public information.

"That's strange," Andrew looked at Percy, "You didn't go with them?"

"Undergraduate students need to be managed, the work in the professor's office needs to be done, and I have to prepare for the owls year exams, and I don't have much confidence in that method," Percy sighed, "I can only ask others for help."

'It shouldn't be considered deception if I didn't lie, right? '

He said so in his heart, and asked Andrew by the way, "What about you, don't you give it a try?"

"I'm only a freshman!"

Andrew pointed at himself, "If the professor didn't take a fancy to me, I should be in the library now, flipping through the materials on Transfiguration, and I can only rely on myself to think when I encounter problems - things like finding treasures are not something I can handle at all."

He shook his head, indicating that he was powerless.

The two concealed each other, and after a pleasant exchange, they said goodbye and left.


"Andrew, there is a major discovery!"

When Andrew returned to his dormitory, his roommates were already there.

"What's the matter? So complete?"

Andrew's eyes widened - Hughes didn't like the library very much. After borrowing books, he would go back to the dormitory to read them. Kevin and a few friends would find empty classrooms to practice spells every day. Bell and Hal basically ran around everywhere. Why are they all here today?

"I'm very anxious. I went to the library to find you but couldn't find you!"

Hal lowered his voice, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

"What's the matter? Can't you tell me during dinner?"

"No, it's deadly if you tell it to others!"

? ? ?

Is it that serious?

Andrew was interested - after all, Hal looked like it wasn't a murder case, it should be an indescribable secret.

He surrounded him and sat there waiting for Hal to speak.

"You know Penelope, right?"

What's so mysterious about this - the prefect of this house, a fifth-year student, a standard top student, and the eternal runner-up...

By the way, it's worth mentioning that the male prefect hovers in the top five - that is, he has passed the exams from the third to the fifth.

Yes, the fifth-year student lost the first place again...

"She's in love - or, I saw it, she's in a state of preparing to fall in love."

No wonder she can't say it at the dinner table - she'll be killed by the prefect.

You have to find a safe place to spread gossip about the prefect of this house, and it doesn't seem so outrageous to run to the library for this news - it's weird.

"Who is the man?"

"No. 1."

Very good - translated, it means Percy Weasley of Gryffindor.

"Are you sure?"

"Even if it doesn't work out, it's almost the same."

Hal is full of confidence.

"No wonder he is the only one who didn't look for treasure. So he came to our college to dig."

"That's right. Compared with Peeves, our college is easier to deal with."

The atmosphere in the dormitory suddenly became unusually cheerful. Although everyone has their own ideas, the first place in grades is worth supporting because of different ideas.

However, support is support, and you have to tease it in private if you can't make fun of it publicly - after all, you will be beaten up by the prefects if you do so publicly.

Even Andrew suddenly understood why Percy didn't pursue the treasure - he said that Gryffindor students couldn't be so quiet.

Not only did he think so, but the others probably thought so too, but unfortunately, this happiness can only be enjoyed alone in the dormitory.

If word spread like this, the next day's news would be that the Ravenclaw prefect angrily tore up the first-year dormitory. After a pleasant discussion, everyone finally chose to remain silent.

But for this kind of thing, you should use it after hearing it, otherwise it will be too wasteful.

So, with this idea in mind, the next day, after finishing the work, Andrew asked casually at the door.

"How's your luck with the rest of the prefects lately?"

"Unlucky as always, but their confidence is still strong."

Percy responded with a smile, "And a few guys from the senior class who have time are also trying to get involved - but I'm not very optimistic about it."

"It will work out, and even if it doesn't, it's a good thing."

"That's right. After all, even if you fail, the adventure itself is very meaningful."

"Indeed," Andrew nodded, "What about you, have you succeeded?"

"Successful, ah, no, no, what did you say?"

Percy's words became flustered, and he looked at Andrew, pretending to be calm, but there was no way he could hide the panic in his eyes.

"It's a date, I saw it."

Andrew smiled evilly.

"Impossible, I've observed it!"

Percy blurted out, but soon realized it was all over.

"Come on."

Andrew smiled and waved away - this gossip is really very comfortable to use at this time.

Well, I am very happy once I peel it off.

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