This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 91 Let students see themselves

'Professor is probably used to using the prefect's word...'

Andrew complained internally - there would be nothing wrong with any Gryffindor prefect doing this job, but a first-year student managing Gryffindor students? (Although Hufflepuff is also listening to the class, there is no need to pay attention...)

However, he didn't have stage fright in this kind of thing. After the professor finished instructing the students, he strutted directly onto the podium and sat down steadily.

"Put your wand down first and look at the theoretical knowledge - those who are sure that they can successfully cast the spell come and sign up and demonstrate in public. Points will be deducted for each person who fails, and points will be added for each person who succeeds. I will report the final results to the professor. You are the best. Hurry up, otherwise you won't have a chance even if you master it completely when the professor comes back."

He observed it when the professor came in and announced this unlucky job. There were only a few people who could succeed - it wouldn't be too many points.

He is not here to teach, but to ensure that these first-year students can sit safely in their chairs and wait for Professor McGonagall to come back. As long as there are no accidents, it will be considered a success. As for the scores - if there are too many, just resort to tricks. Anyway, it can make this Help fellow students to convince themselves.

But he seems to have made a mistake - Gryffindor cares less about house points than Ravenclaw students, because they almost had their pool depleted at Christmas...

"I'll do it!"

"I'll do it!"

The students raised their hands very enthusiastically. If Andrew hadn't seen two guys poking with wands sneaking in when he first came in, he would have suspected that he was in some kind of sixth-grade improvement class. They all had extraordinary skills.

But come on.

It would be the same trick if he came here to establish authority. His choice at this moment would be to provoke everyone, and then directly use his superb transformation skills to crush the one who is recognized as the strongest, thereby gaining authority and making the students in the classroom surrender. under his majesty.

After all, for most of the year, Miss Granger used her grades to prevent the entire first grade from having any doubts about her learning ability - not even Slytherin.

Of course, you can change the attack aspect.

And Andrew only needs to call her up and defeat her in public with a more powerful transformation technique - it is always the fastest to step on someone to get the upper hand.

After that, he could comment on other people's transformation skills without restraint, and then control the rhythm of the entire class.

But what's the need? He was just helping the professor look after the students for a while.

"It's great to see everyone signing up so enthusiastically - please start your performance, remember to describe your understanding and ideas in detail, and then demonstrate your spell well."

He looked delighted and said, "Let's start, starting from the left, one by one - Miss Granger will definitely be fine, you will be the judge and comment on and score their transformation skills."


"Yes," Andrew said, fearing that the free labor would be gone, "sit on the edge of the podium and watch them."

As he spoke, he got down from the podium, took a few pieces of parchment from Professor McGonagall's bag, confiscated an idle book, found an empty chair and pulled it to the back, "Come on!"

Fight high pressure in class?

Don't even think about it - he's getting an assistant salary, not a teaching assistant salary.

And isn’t the guy on stage happy?

He pretended to take notes, but actually began to think about the filling work he was going to do today - it was safer here than the underground classroom, and no one would bother to look at what he was taking notes.

What if I make a note for myself?



Ron lowered his voice, glanced at Andrew at the back who was recording casually, and then at Hermione who was serious like a traitor, "You have to say something nice."

Hermione ignored him, and the boat of friendship capsized.

Originally, some people were a little dissatisfied with this classmate Andrew - we are all first-year students, why did the professor ask you to supervise us?

But now this is an internal conflict in Gryffindor! After all, Hufflepuff students don't mess around, but Granger's demands are high and he doesn't let go!

But she is the judge and everyone is still convinced - this is very annoying!

I was originally concerned about what happened, why did this guy come to inform the professor, and why did he look at us with a mentality that was gone - put some water on it, Miss Granger, we are all Gryffindors!

But it's of no use.

When Professor McGonagall returned in a hurry, she found that the atmosphere in the classroom was even better than she expected - Andrew, who was sitting at the back, quickly transformed and put away something he had written with his wand, and received a message from Hermione, who was still interested. I took it to judge the record and went out happily.

'I actually used what Hermione wrote - but Granger, why don't you let it go? ’

Despite the resentment of many students, Hermione returned to her seat after accepting the thanks and met the resentful eyes of her friends.

Andrew handed the list directly to the professor and briefly talked about what he had done.

"Well done, Mr. Taylor."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "I will remember to make comments based on Miss Granger's list, but now I'm afraid I need you and..."

She hesitated, and finally made her choice, "Huffman, yes, you two, go with Hagrid and buy the dragon egg."

Huffman is the sixth-year Gryffindor prefect who reviewed official documents with Andrew today. He is a bit impatient, but a good person.

"Really buy it?"

"Well, buy and donate - the school will declare that the transaction of smuggled dragon eggs was discovered. In order to ensure that it is not damaged, it is prepared to purchase it first and then deal with it, but the other party escaped vigilantly.

"Since the dragon egg was found to be damaged, it was entrusted to the professor in the school to hatch it, and donated to the breeding base after the dragon's body is stable."

It is much more perfect than his plan - it is difficult for the professor to handle this matter properly on the way.

It is estimated that persuading Hagrid was also completed together, probably with the excuse that this is indeed a smuggled egg.

But professor, it is too much for you to let me watch the students. I am only a first-year student. Isn't it not good to participate in smuggling?

"Well, go and withdraw a sum of money for the transaction. Remember to wear a cloak and do some simple concealment, but don't be too skilled - especially your imitation Disillusionment Charm, which is not allowed to be used. "

"Yes, professor."

Andrew nodded - although it is more outrageous than watching the students, this job is indeed for the assistant.

"Well, go to my office, Hagrid and Huffman are waiting for you there. "

Professor McGonagall instructed, and then took the list into the classroom.

Looking at the pairs of hopeful eyes, she decided to fulfill Andrew's promise now.

"Mr. Taylor said you did a good job, everyone is very serious, I think according to this list -"

She looked at the list, thinking that it didn't matter if she added a little more - anyway, the college cup was gone.

Besides, it's okay if the assistant doesn't understand it occasionally...

"Five points for Hufflepuff, five points for Gryffindor."

She looked at the mark and announced.

'Miss Granger, you are too serious.'

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