This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 93 This is magic

Andrew somewhat underestimated Dragon Egg, and also somewhat underestimated Hagrid.

After all, he had never taken a formal Care of Magical Creatures class, and he was confused by things like dragon skin gloves and dragon dung compost.

If dragons were really that common, there would be no need to build any protected areas in the wizarding world, let alone a bunch of wizards studying dragons, and it would be impossible for a place like Gringotts to be guarded by a dragon.

To put it simply, there is one principle - this dragon is not that dragon.

A long time ago, a wizard who specialized in magical creatures successfully bred a subspecies of dragon - just like Hagrid later bred the Explosive-Tailed Skrewt.

This kind of bred sub-dragon species has high yield, fast growth, and has some abilities of the original species in skin, blood, and internal organs. It has become the main livestock of the wizard farm - like the dragon skin gloves that Andrew and the others have. The skin of this subspecies.

How to put it, the difference is like an ox and a rhinoceros, but after being sold for decades under the name of dragon liver and dragon blood, this thing has become a genuine product. As for the real dragon - you try to move one...

That's why it was so difficult for Hagrid to get a real dragon egg - otherwise, considering how often students change a pair of gloves in a school year, there would be as many of them as cattle and sheep, and it would be so troublesome to use them. ?

"Deng...Professor Dumbledore..."

While Andrew and the others were wondering how their principal came here, Hagrid was so embarrassed that he almost pushed the carriage through - he tried to stand upright on the carriage.

This tall giant looked like a child who had made a mistake in front of Dumbledore. He got off the carriage and stood there without saying a word, but he still held the dragon egg tightly with both hands and was reluctant to let go.

So, when Andrew and the others came down, the dragon egg was so worthy of Hagrid's care that it made a cracking sound and burst open in front of everyone.

? ? ?

Damn it?

Andrew froze on the spot, Huffman was also dumbfounded, and even Hagrid's eyes widened - but as he subconsciously used his hands harder, the egg cracked even wider, and the yolk crackled with a large amount of The egg white fell to the ground and fell all over the floor.

No way - right?

Andrew was thinking that it was all over now, and when Professor McGonagall had lost all his calculations, Dumbledore tapped his wand lightly.

The egg yolk began to recover, the egg white began to condense, and the remaining eggshell in Hagrid's hand fell to the ground with a wave of his wand. He collected the things on the ground and turned it into a perfect dragon egg again.

‘What a joke! ’

Andrew's mouth opened wide. Is this going back in time?

No, he vaguely felt a sense of transfiguration, but he couldn't be sure at all - did this have anything to do with transfiguration?

"Dragon egg repair spell," probably because it was interesting to see the students in a daze, Dumbledore actually explained, "It is often used to repair dragon eggs that have been trampled by violent female dragons - currently, as long as they are found no more than ten years ago, It can be repaired in two hours.”

This is too magical...

But Andrew thought about the magic spell that could regenerate hands and feet, and then thought about the people who could be saved without falling to death on the spot - it didn't seem so strange.

"Before you came back, I inquired about the laying of this dragon egg - but currently there are no records of lost dragon eggs in major protected areas," Dumbledore smiled. "I suspect that someone may have stolen and sold it. It happens occasionally."

"I don't want it to be captured for breeding and then disposed of..." Hagrid muttered quietly, but the people present heard it quite clearly.


breeding? Hybrid dragon?

Andrew thought for a while, thinking about his dragon leather gloves, and he roughly understood the situation - breeding, mixed blood, hybrid, in order to expand production or improve quality, he secretly bribed the administrator to register the crushed dragon eggs as not repaired, and then secretly Ship it out and sell it.

As for whether the buyer is looking after a nursing home or expanding production, the upstream doesn’t know?

I don’t know, but there must be a story behind it, and it might be related to Hagrid. Although Speedrun didn’t say it, considering that Dumbledore’s mechanism was set up by Hagrid, it might be used to confuse Hagrid...

While Andrew was thinking wildly, Dumbledore had already handed the repaired dragon egg back to Hagrid, "I have discussed it with Kettleburn. He will be responsible for the incubation and hatching of this severely damaged dragon egg." Take care of it until it is strong enough to make the long journey.”

"Considering that it is unsafe to incubate in the castle, Professor Kettleburn decided to place the incubation site on your side and let you take care of it - and you are required to keep a detailed observation diary."

Hagrid almost jumped, but didn't.

"As for you, classmates Taylor and Halfman," Dumbledore turned his head, "you go to Hagrid's place every week to see if the dragon is healthy and whether its body can withstand the trip, and then report it to Professor McGonagall. A report.”

Principal, please make it clear. Do you want to trap the dragon and lay the eggs before sending them away, or do you want to send them away after the two professors have had enough?

Andrew couldn't figure it out for the time being, but one thing is certain - the other professor is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Otherwise, why let two students keep an eye on the progress?

No, Andrew suddenly remembered - it wasn't just Hagrid who filed the report to apply for the dragon, there was also the professor!

"Okay, I probably want to inform you about these things, Hagrid." Dumbledore smiled, "I think we should go and set it up first, and then wait for Professor Kettleburn to come over. ”

‘Should be… okay? ’

I thought Dumbledore would leave after telling everything, but the fact is that he joined the team, which made Andrew a little panicked.

Fortunately, Huffman next to him also looked unusual—that’s right, even if we put aside the series of halos on Dumbledore, the position of principal alone puts a lot of pressure on students, not to mention the bonus brought by the series of limited titles.

If this is an online game world, Dumbledore’s title alone can illuminate half of the school, and it’s still shining.

After his mood gradually stabilized, Andrew suddenly remembered a strange thing—Huffman next to him called himself Huffman when he first met him, but it was not until today that he realized that this was a surname...

‘It’s not polite to ask in person, I’ll ask later. ’

Andrew followed the team, thinking wildly, Huffman was surprised in front of him, and Dumbledore and Hagrid were communicating in the front.

In this way, this team with a very strange atmosphere quickly approached Hagrid's hut, and then was led into the house by Hagrid at the greeting of a very timid dog.

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