This is your world

Chapter 130 Li Suyi’s Question

early morning.

Li Beifeng slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, if he felt it carefully, Li Beifeng could clearly feel that there was an indescribable energy in his body at this moment.

This trace of Qi is so weak that it is almost difficult to detect, but it is really and tenaciously surviving.

Is this internal strength?

Li Beifeng had an indescribable magical feeling.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Li Beifeng closed his eyes and concentrated, slowly guiding this breath of air to circulate throughout his body.

Soon, he noticed that this energy seemed to be getting stronger.

Is this the cultivation of inner strength?

At this moment, Li Beifeng suddenly realized that the door to martial arts in this world had slowly opened to him.

Although this inner strength is so weak that it can be ignored, Li Beifeng still has a long way to go in the future.

But this hint of internal strength means that Li Beifeng has officially entered this field.

It proves that he is talented in martial arts.

At this time yesterday, Li Suyi suddenly appeared in his room. Just when he thought she had evil intentions, Li Suyi suddenly taught him the method of inner strength cultivation.

This was indeed an unexpected surprise for Li Beifeng.

Li Suyi once said before that the realm of martial arts is divided into internal and external realms, and the inner martial arts are even more important. However, it is difficult for ordinary people to cultivate inner strength and reach the sky.

Even people with outstanding talents can hardly achieve anything within a few years.

Because of this, Li Beifeng almost gave up on this idea.

There is really no need to do thankless things.


At this moment, Li Beifeng slowly opened his eyes, with a trace of doubt on his face.

Since it is so difficult to cultivate this inner strength, why could he suddenly succeed overnight?

It was as if he suddenly had an enlightenment, which was incredible.

Could it be that he is that unique martial arts genius?

But soon, Li Beifeng shook his head again.

Even if you are a peerless martial arts genius, you will definitely not be able to achieve anything overnight.

There must be some details that he overlooked?

Li Beifeng suddenly remembered that yesterday, when Li Suyi held his hand, he felt Li Suyi sending internal energy into his body. Immediately afterwards, Li Beifeng's body was like a ignited furnace, burning with heat instantly.

...What's going on?

Li Beifeng frowned and thought for a moment.

Soon, he suddenly thought of something.

Could it be... related to the bowl of porridge he drank yesterday?

That bowl of porridge that Li Suyi had eaten? !

As if Li Beifeng had caught some clue, he climbed out of bed, opened the door and went out, just in time to see Li Suyi standing in the yard.

It was early in the morning, and the sun slowly rose from the east, gradually covering the entire Lijia Village.

The villagers in Lijia Village got up and went out to work, and the whole village became lively.

At this time, Li Suyi was standing in the yard, looking into the distance.

A ray of sunlight passed through the eaves and fell on Li Suyi's proud and cold side face like a star point.

Seeing this scene, Li Beifeng was slightly stunned for a moment.

Whether he admits it or not, Li Suyi's identity and position in his heart has quietly changed since that night.

Not only that, but now Li Suyi seems to be more beautiful and attractive in Li Beifeng's eyes.

After being slightly stunned, Li Beifeng quickly reacted. He shook his head slightly and walked forward directly.

As if hearing footsteps behind him, Li Suyi slowly turned around and glanced at Li Beifeng.

No words were spoken.

The two of them had a tacit understanding of what happened the night before and didn't mention it again.

Of course, Li Beifeng didn't dare to mention it. And Li Suyi...she didn't allow Li Beifeng to mention it.

Therefore, whether it was voluntary or not, the two of them had a tacit understanding and forgot what happened the night before.


Li Beifeng said hello: "Why do you get up so early?"

Li Suyi glanced at Li Beifeng and said calmly: "You got up late!"

Li Beifeng originally thought that Li Suyi's attitude towards him would have changed since what happened the night before yesterday.

Even if you don't say be gentle, your attitude should be better at least, right?

Unexpectedly, except for her slight mood swings when Li Beifeng mentioned it yesterday, she seemed to have returned to calm today.

As for Li Beifeng's attitude, there was still no change.

neither cold nor hot.

However, Li Beifeng also knew that she had such a temper and didn't pay much attention to it.

"By the way, you yesterday..."

Li Beifeng asked, "What did you add to the porridge yesterday?"

Li Beifeng could almost conclude that the reason why he was able to cultivate a trace of internal strength overnight was inseparable from yesterday's bowl of porridge.

Upon hearing Li Beifeng's inquiry, Li Suyi glanced at Li Beifeng again and said calmly: "Ganoderma lucidum."

"Ganoderma lucidum?"

Li Beifeng was stunned.

Of course he was no stranger to Ganoderma, and he even knew the efficacy of this thing.

As a tonic, Ganoderma lucidum does have many functions. It can not only treat some difficult and complicated diseases, but can even strengthen the body and improve immunity.


Li Beifeng was slightly puzzled.

Could it be said that in addition to being a tonic, Ganoderma lucidum can also promote the cultivation of internal strength?

Ordinary Ganoderma lucidum does not have such effects, could it be...

Li Beifeng seemed to have thought of something and looked at Li Suyi suspiciously, only to find that Li Suyi did not answer his question, but changed the topic.

"Do you want to learn kung fu?" Li Suyi asked suddenly.

Li Beifeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Of course I want to!"

In this uneasy world, one's own ability is the guarantee for settling down.

If Li Beifeng knew kung fu, he wouldn't have been in such a mess just to teach the guards a lesson the night before.

If he hadn't learned some poisoning techniques from Li Suyi in advance and was prepared, he might have suffered a disaster.

This made Li Beifeng deeply aware of the importance of learning life-saving techniques.

Li Suyi glanced at Li Beifeng and said calmly: "Then, starting from today, I will teach you!"

Li Beifeng suddenly became energetic!

finally come.

During this period of time, he was tortured quite a bit by Li Suyi.

Under Li Suyi's torture training, Li Beifeng's basic martial arts skills have greatly improved, and his physical fitness has also improved a lot.

However, Li Suyi never taught Li Beifeng any kung fu or techniques to deal with enemies.

Li Beifeng asked many times, but Li Suyi just said that the time had not come yet.

Now, is it finally time?

"Before I learn kung fu, let me ask you a question first!"

Li Suyi glanced at Li Beifeng and suddenly asked: "What is your purpose in learning kung fu? What is the core of martial arts?"

Li Beifeng subconsciously wanted to talk about strengthening his body...

But I quickly realized that people in this era do not learn kung fu to keep fit. Ordinary people don't have enough to eat, so they don't have time to learn kung fu and keep fit.

And he learned kung fu not just to keep fit.


Li Beifeng said uncertainly: "If I learn kung fu, it is for self-protection. As for the core of martial arts... is it a killing technique?"

"You are right, but you are also wrong!"

Li Suyi nodded, then shook her head.

"What's the meaning?"

"The realm of martial arts is different, and the core understanding of martial arts is also different. Martial arts can be killing skills, but it is not just killing skills. The realm you can understand is the realm you can achieve."

Li Beifeng seemed to understand.

It sounds powerful, but it also seems vague and specious.

Li Suyi glanced at Li Beifeng again: "However, since you are trying to protect yourself, it's easy to handle. From today on, I will teach you a set of body movements and enemy-defending techniques. I will only teach you once. How much can you learn?" , it still depends on your luck."


It has to be said that Li Suyi is not a qualified master.

In addition to her strict requirements on Li Beifeng, any Kung Fu skill she taught Li Beifeng was only taught once.

The same is true for the method of cultivating internal strength, and the same is true for body techniques and the art of defending against enemies.

She only demonstrates once and teaches once and never repeats it again.

As for how much he can learn, it all depends on Li Beifeng's ability to comprehend.

This was the first time Li Beifeng encountered such an irresponsible and perfunctory master.

But then I thought about it, it seemed that Li Suyi had not agreed to accept him as his disciple?

That's okay...

In the courtyard.

Li Beifeng is working hard to practice his enemy-defending skills.

After two days of practice and the guidance of Li Suyi. Although it still looks a bit unfamiliar, it is more or less in style.

In comparison, the progress is not small.

Li Suyi stood at the door, looking at Li Beifeng in the yard, with a hint of relief in her eyes.

Li Beifeng's talent in martial arts did not disappoint her.

She only demonstrated it once, but Li Beifeng was able to remember most of it accurately and became familiar with it quickly.

This kind of talent is difficult for ordinary people to master.

Talent and hard work are indispensable in martial arts.

If it is both, then...

Li Suyi's eyes fell on Li Beifeng again.

It seems... quite exciting.

"Brother Beifeng!"

Li Beifeng, who was practicing in the yard, heard someone shouting outside the yard.

Looking back, he found Xiaohu standing outside the yard, looking at him curiously.

"Brother Beifeng, what are you doing?"

"I'm working out!"

Li Beifeng walked outside the yard and asked, "Why are you here?"

"My mother asked me to deliver glutinous rice cakes to you!"

Only then did Li Beifeng notice that Xiaohu was holding a plate in his hand: "This is the glutinous rice cake my mother just made. It's delicious!"

Li Beifeng glanced at the freshly baked glutinous rice cakes on the plate and felt a little moved in his heart.

Since Old Man Li passed away a few years ago, it was precisely because of Aunt Tiger's occasional relief that he barely survived starvation.

"Thank your mother for me!"

Li Beifeng did not refuse.

Although he no longer has to worry about starving to death, he still has to accept Aunt Tiger's wishes.

I was also thinking about finding an opportunity to repay Aunt Tiger.

"By the way, Brother Beifeng, there have been a lot of strange people near our village in the past two days. My mother asked me to tell you to be careful." Xiaohu suddenly remembered something.


Li Beifeng was stunned: "Who is it?"

"I don't know, there are just some weird people around here, they seem to be looking for something. I'm not sure, anyway, they look very fierce, they don't look like good people. Brother Beifeng, you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will."

Li Beifeng nodded and frowned slightly.

After experiencing several crises, Li Beifeng became very sensitive to danger.


Doesn't it have anything to do with him?

Feeling slightly worried, he turned around and returned to the house with the glutinous rice cake in hand.

In the room, Li Suyi was sitting reading a book.

Li Beifeng placed the glutinous rice cake on the table and looked at Li Suyi: "Come and have something to eat."

Li Suyi put down the book and glanced at the glutinous rice cake on the table, with a trace of doubt on her face.

Li Beifeng explained: "Aunt Tiger made it with great care. It's delicious. Want to try it?"

Li Suyi also remembered who Aunt Tiger was in Li Beifeng's words. She seemed to have thought of something and her expression was slightly unnatural.

He hesitated and nodded.

"By the way, I remembered something!"

At this time, Li Beifeng also thought of something and turned to leave the room.

When he came back, he had an extra box in his hand.

This box was exactly the pear blossom needle that the woman in white gave him that night.

Li Beifeng placed the box in front of Li Suyi and asked, "Do you recognize this thing?"

Li Suyi first casually glanced at the box on the table, and then his eyes froze slightly.

Then, his expression became more serious.

She opened the box.

There is a row of silver needles quietly placed in the box.

The silver needle is sharp and seems to be shining with silver light.

The expression on Li Suyi's face suddenly changed.

She raised her head suddenly and stared at Li Beifeng: "This thing...where did you get it?!"

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