This is your world

Chapter 255 I remember you

Li Beifeng was stunned!

She, what did he say?


Li Beifeng couldn't help but raise his head and meet her eyes.

Under the gauze, those bright eyes were staring at Li Beifeng.

His eyes were calm and unruffled.

Li Beifeng had to admit that the eldest princess in front of him was indeed very beautiful.

In terms of appearance, she is definitely not inferior to Li Suyi.

Compared with Li Suyi, the two of them have their own merits and are equally matched.

More importantly, compared to Li Suyi's indifferent character.

The woman in white in front of me seems to be a little more... delicate!

Yes, comely!

But this touch of beauty appeared on her body, which was obviously a little inconsistent.

Especially, her eyes are beautiful.

She is the woman with the most beautiful eyes that Li Beifeng has ever seen, bar none.

In the more than half a year since he came to this world, Li Beifeng has often heard about the deeds of this eldest princess.

In Li Beifeng's imagination, the eldest princess should be an aloof, cold-blooded and decisive woman with no need for emotion.

Such women generally have several characteristics. For example, being unreasonable, moody, and killing people at every turn...

However, after having an encounter with the eldest princess, it was beyond Li Beifeng's expectation.

The eldest princess in front of her is not as unbearable as she imagined.

At least during the brief contact, the other party did not harm Li Beifeng and was quite reasonable.

Last time, when Li Beifeng helped her treat her injuries, she also gave herself the famous pear blossom needle in the weapon list... What unreasonable person would do this?

Therefore, judging from the first impression, Li Beifeng actually has a good impression of the eldest princess.

Moreover, judging from the eldest princess's eyes like a pool of autumn water at this moment, it was inconsistent with her whole body temperament.

Because of this, he should have been a very dangerous person.

But at this moment, Li Beifeng didn't feel much nervousness.

Especially when he heard the words "Help me heal" from the other party's mouth, Li Beifeng was stunned for a long time.

Looking at the woman in white in front of him, Li Beifeng noticed something.

Is she hurt?

"Where are you injured?"

Li Beifeng asked.

However, after he finished asking, he found that the face of the eldest princess in front of him seemed slightly unnatural.

After a moment of silence, she stared at Li Beifeng and said slowly: "Internal injuries!"


Only then did Li Beifeng notice that the face of the eldest princess in front of him didn't seem to be very good...

Her face was covered with gauze, so her appearance could not be seen clearly.

But Li Beifeng knew very well that beneath this gauze was a face that would captivate a country...

But at this time, she didn't look very good.

His whole body seemed to reveal a little weakness.

She is far different from the aloof eldest princess who confronted Li Suyi just now.

"Then... let me take a look at it for you first?"

Li Beifeng asked tentatively.

The eldest princess glanced at Li Beifeng, and something seemed to flash in her eyes.

"Let's see."

"Well, then I would be very offended..."

Since the other party asked him to look at the injury, Li Beifeng had nothing to worry about.

After all, there's no point in worrying.

He couldn't run away either.

The only thing that puzzled Li Beifeng was why she wanted to leave him to see her injuries?

What does she want to do?

Li Beifeng got up from the ground and glanced at the eldest princess in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Can you... stretch out your hand?"

A trace of doubt seemed to flash in the eldest princess's eyes.

"I'm not someone who diagnoses the pulse with silk thread..."

Li Beifeng remembered what happened last time and quickly explained: "I need to help you see a determine the extent of your injury."

There was a trace of hesitation and struggle on her face.

Although it is well hidden under the gauze.

But Li Beifeng saw something was wrong from her hesitant eyes.

...She really has a purpose.

Although men and women are obviously different, she still wants to come to him to help her heal her injuries.

What kind of tricks does she want to play?

Li Beifeng's expression remained unchanged, wanting to see what she wanted to do.

After a brief moment of hesitation, the eldest princess's eyes became firm again.

Slowly stretched out his hand.

Li Beifeng didn't hesitate at all, put his hand up and started to feel the pulse.


For some reason, Li Beifeng wasn't sure if it was his own misunderstanding.

Just when his hand touched the eldest princess's wrist, he suddenly heard a faint sound.

Vaguely, it seems to be there, but it seems not to be.

Li Beifeng couldn't help but look up, but saw something was wrong with the eldest princess's eyes.

Somewhat sulky.

There seems to be some... strange expression.

Seeing Li Beifeng's gaze coming towards her, she seemed to notice something and glanced at him coldly.

The fierce look in his eyes instantly made Li Beifeng retract his gaze and start seeing a doctor.

Soon, after taking his pulse, Li Beifeng was sure.

She was indeed hurt!

The injury is not serious.

Judging from the pulse check just now, her breath was a little disordered, and the internal energy in her body was even flowing backwards... This was definitely not a situation that a top expert should have.

At this time, Li Beifeng understood something.

Just now, he was worried that the two women would fight. Unexpectedly, both of them are pretending?

It was obvious that both of them were seriously injured, but they still refused to accept the other.

It seems that both sides suffer?

"Your injuries... are indeed not serious."

Li Beifeng retracted his hand, looked at the eldest princess in front of him, and said, "However, it's not a big deal. With your strength, you can return to normal in ten days and a half..."

Although the injury was not serious, it was not a serious problem for a top expert like her.

Take a good rest and you will recover soon.

However, Li Beifeng's answer obviously did not satisfy the eldest princess in front of him.

She frowned slightly and stared at Li Beifeng: "Is there no medicine for quick recovery?"


Li Beifeng shook his head: "There is medicine that can temporarily suppress your injuries, but..."

Li Beifeng touched his pocket and waved his hand: "I don't have it anymore!"

The medicine he carried with him before was gone after he gave it to Yang Yu and then to Li Suyi.

"If you're not in a hurry, I'll go back later and give it to you?"

Li Beifeng said casually.

His intention was just to say it casually and politely.

After all, isn’t there a powerful doctor by the side of the majestic eldest princess of the Jozhao Dynasty?

No matter what, it shouldn't be his turn to treat the eldest princess's injuries, right?

However, after Li Beifeng finished speaking. The eldest princess thought for a moment.

After a moment, she stared at Li Beifeng and said coldly: "Okay!"


The expression on Li Beifeng's face condensed slightly.


Did she agree?

Li Beifeng couldn't help but look at her.

The eldest princess was looking at him calmly.

There didn't seem to be any other look in his eyes.


Li Beifeng has realized the problem.

This eldest princess... is obviously here for him!

"You came to me... just to treat your injuries?"

Li Beifeng thought for a while and finally asked.

"if not?"

The eldest princess glanced at Li Beifeng and said calmly: "Do you think I will be harmful to you?"

Li Beifeng shook his head: "You can't!"

His reaction was beyond the eldest princess's expectation.

There was something strange in her eyes, and she said in a cold tone: "How do you know I can't do it?"

"I don't think you can!"

A sneer seemed to appear on the eldest princess's face.

Through the gauze, Li Beifeng could feel the hint of disdainful sneer.

It makes people feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Do you know what kind of person I am in the eyes of others?"

Li Beifeng understood in his heart, but still shook his head: "I don't know."

"Everyone in the world says that I am cold-blooded and ruthless, killing people like crazy. Nearly hundreds of people die at my hands every year in the world...Everyone is frightened when they see me and avoid me. Of course, it's much more than that!"

The eldest princess' tone was calm, as if she was just telling a very simple and ordinary thing.

"People in the world are afraid of me, and there are countless people in the imperial court who hate me. I ransacked their homes and killed their wives and children... They said I was moody and killed people according to my mood..."

At this time, her eyes fell on Li Beifeng.

Those beautiful eyes like stars were showing a bit of chill at this moment.

"Do you think you are safe?"

"I think……"

Li Beifeng swallowed.

Although I have long heard of the reputation of this eldest princess.

But hearing her speak so lightly about the horrific things she had done still made Li Beifeng somewhat uneasy.

By saying this...does she mean to say that she is a murderous demon?

And then do it to yourself without any burden?

"I don't think you are such a person. These labels on you are just the world's misunderstanding of you!"

Li Beifeng thought for a moment and then spoke seriously.

The eldest princess' tone was slightly cold, as if she was sneering: "Why do you see that?"

"If you are really as evil as they say, you are a murderous demon. The first time I saw you, you were already dead. How could you still be alive now?"

Li Beifeng looked at her and said, "But you didn't kill me. So, you didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

The woman in white in front of her seemed to remember the first time she met Li Beifeng.

That seemed to be in Ping'an County a few months ago?

That night, after her battle with Li Suyi, she met Li Beifeng when she was injured...

"That was the last time I was in a good mood. I didn't want to increase the number of killings, so I let you go."

The eldest princess stared at Li Beifeng and said calmly: "On this basis, you conclude that I will not kill you?"

"You can explain why you let me go in a good mood, but... not only did you let me go, you also gave it to me!"

Li Beifeng slowly raised his sleeve, and a silver needle appeared under his sleeve.

Pear blossom needle!

"If you are really a murderous demon, why would you give it to me?... This is enough to show that you are not as... scary as the world says!"

Looking at the woman in white who seemed to be in silence.

Li Beifeng looked at her, smiled, and spoke slowly: "At least, in my opinion, you are indeed not such a person. I think the eldest princess of the Jozhao Dynasty cannot be a female devil who does not recognize her relatives..."

"Your reputation is just the world's prejudice against you. If you were really a villain, how many more people would you have killed?"

This eldest princess is one of the most powerful people in the world.

In her hands, she holds the existence of a transcendent organization like Qin Tiansi, plus her status as the eldest princess.

If she was really a murderous person, the entire world would have suffered a long time ago!

No matter how many masters you have in the world and how united you are, there will never be any chance of survival under the suppression and bloodbath of the imperial army.

If she really killed people like hemp, no one would know that she killed people like hemp.


Zhao Ying was silent.

With her face covered by the gauze, her expression at the moment could not be seen clearly.

However, one could see her bright eyes, as if she was deep in thought.

After a long time, she finally slowly raised her head and looked at Li Beifeng.

However, her eyes changed.

Li Beifeng could clearly feel that the eldest princess in front of him looked at her in a strange way.

"You are indeed... interesting!"

He seemed to be talking to Li Beifeng, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to think of something interesting.

There was a sneer on her face.

"I remember you!"

She spoke.

Then, she slowly turned around and left.

Li Beifeng was left standing on the same spot, still somewhat unconscious.

Remember him?

Remember him for what?

Can anything good happen?

It's obviously impossible.

Li Beifeng absolutely didn't believe that the eldest princess of Dazhao remembered him because she fell in love with him and planned to find him to throw herself into her arms...

She must have some hidden secret.

I don’t know why, but it’s still broad daylight, the autumn air is crisp, and the weather is still hot.

But Li Beifeng felt a little cold on his back.

Being remembered by such a powerful and powerful woman... is not a good thing.

After sorting out my emotions, I was about to leave.

As if he noticed something, Li Beifeng turned around suddenly.

Then I saw an additional figure on a tree not far away.

Looking at him.

Is there anyone else? !

Li Beifeng looked carefully and quickly saw the other party's appearance clearly.

Zhou Qiuning!

The figure that appeared in the tree seemed to be Li Beifeng whom he had just met before.


Zhou Qiuning stood on the tree, looking at Li Beifeng below.

There was a bit of shock in her eyes.

He... actually knows the eldest princess of the Jokhang Dynasty?

The scene he just saw had once again refreshed Zhou Qiuning's understanding of Li Beifeng.

At the same time, it also made her realize something.

The expression on his face gradually became serious and thoughtful.

"Why are you here?"

Li Beifeng frowned slightly.

Zhou Qiuning jumped down from the tree lightly, and then patted the leaves stained on his body.

One step, two steps, he walked to Li Beifeng.

The thoughtful look on his face was gone.

Instead, there was the same chuckle as before.

"How could you see this wonderful show if you are not here... I didn't expect that you actually know the eldest princess of the Jokhang Dynasty!"

Li Beifeng curled his lips.

What's so surprising about this?

Fortunately, she came late, otherwise she would have seen the big scene where he forcibly kissed the martial arts leader.

"I have indeed underestimated you. How many secrets do you still have in your body?"

Zhou Qiuning stared at Li Beifeng, looking up and down.

"What do you want to do?" Li Beifeng frowned slightly.

"I have someone I want to introduce to you!"

Zhou Qiu stared at Li Beifeng, and an extremely mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I promise, you will... really want to see him."


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