This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 120 The Ritual of Soul Induction

Beichuan Temple turned around with the flashlight in hand.

Under his sight, a figure wearing a black Patriarch's hunting suit, kneeling behind the hanging painting was slowly drifting away.

"What was that just now...?"

Beichuan Temple thought about it.

If this is within the scope of the Magong family, the person just now should be the head of the Magong family.

But this does not confirm whether he is the 'Master Zongfang' mentioned in the cook's notes just now.

After all, it is also possible that Asamiya Zongfang is just a highly respected member of the Asamiya family.

He stayed at the foot of Beichuan Temple for a while.

"Toko... Could it be that you are talking about Toko Asamiya...?" Beichuan Temple raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

Because Toko Asamiya forgot about her affairs in Asamiya's main family, Beichuan Temple had to come here to investigate. Of course, Beichuan Temple was very concerned about her name.

Beichuan Temple went in again to feel around, especially the place where the afterimage was sitting just now, he even reached out to touch it.

But in the end still nothing.

It seems that not every afterimage has an afterimage host.

Beichuan Temple walked out of the reception room, directly stepped on the stairs, and walked towards the second floor.

Bookshelves are set up beside the corridor on the second floor, and all kinds of thread-bound books are stuffed layer by layer.

Beichuan Temple is actually very interested in this kind of book materials. After all, these documents may contain some traditional materials about the village of gods.

Beichuan Temple flipped through the information in the book,

With the light of a flashlight, he quickly flipped through the pages.

Since these thread-bound books contained anecdotes from the village, Beichuan Temple glanced over and basically put down a book within a minute or two.

Under such intense reading, Beichuan Temple quickly found a yellowed note from it.

In a few words, the notes read:

‘Soul-suppressing twins, the ritual of soul-inducing. '

'The Magong family will give birth to twins at every period, both of whom are females. These are the 'soul-suppressing' twins. The twins should hold a soul-inducing ceremony in the Magong family to enhance their inspiration. '

‘The eldest daughter was brought up by the Shinto Shrine since she was a child, and she took the surname of God, while the second daughter took the surname of Magong, and was raised by the Magong family. The rules cannot be exceeded. '

"The ceremony of soul introduction?" Beichuan Temple originally wanted to know the specific process of the ceremony of soul introduction, but there is no record about the ceremony of soul introduction.

He flipped through the rest of the books again, and after he couldn't find anything, he replaced the flashlight with new batteries and shone around.

The second floor is still as quiet as ever——

Not only the second floor, but even the surrounding environment has a sense of death.

Except for the slight movement of Beichuan Temple, the whole room was so suppressed that it made people feel crazy.

No sound from the outside can get in, nor can the sound from the inside go out.

As soon as Beichuan Temple got up, Xi Kutiao came out from the neckline and scratched his face, walking towards the left aisle with his round hands.

"Is there something on the left?" Beichuan Temple asked.

Poor nodded vigorously, then pulled his expressionless face again, signaling him to be more careful.

"I see." Beichuan Temple asked Xi Kutiao to regain his grip and calmly walked into the aisle on the left.

And at this moment, another voice came from the fireplace on the first floor. Beichuan Temple swept over with a flashlight, just in time to see a woman with a rotting scalp in a white kimono looking for something.

"I can't find it, I can't find it, my!!!"

Accompanied by another large piece of scalp disgustingly slipping off from her head, the woman wailed in pain, and it shattered and disappeared.

That too is a mere afterimage.

Standing on the second floor, Beichuan Temple scanned with a flashlight, and after not finding anything left behind by the afterimage, he continued walking to the left.

There are about four to five rooms on the left, and deep in the corridor, there seems to be stairs to the third floor.

From the perspective of Beichuan Temple, the room on the left is probably the dining area for entertaining guests, and the four to five rooms are divided into two floors from the inside to the outside.

The outer layer is also scattered with gray-red cushions covered with mold.

The color of this cushion should have been vermilion before, but after such a long time, the mold and the moisture brought by the change of weather have already faded its color.

Beichuan Temple walked straight into the inner floor and found a small notebook on the small square table for dining.

A page of the incomplete notebook reads:

Caiyue's condition is getting worse and worse. She has started to scratch her own scalp now, and her mental state is getting worse. She started yelling and kept trying to find the comb. As a last resort, she could only use a rope Tie her up, hoping to restrain her self-harm. '

'It seems that the medical center in the village can't treat her well. After the ceremony is over, I can only find an opportunity to take her out of the village. '

‘The hospital outside should be able to treat Nayue with confidence, right? '

'I heard that Yongshi and Caiyue have a good relationship, this time she will go there, it should be able to play a calming effect, right? '

The handwriting on the back is blurred.

Combining the condition with key words such as comb and scalp, it is actually not difficult to deduce that the woman downstairs just now is Natsuki Asamiya.


The name Yongshi has appeared twice. Combined with the previous notes of the cook, the notes of the soul-inducing ceremony, and the diary of Toko Asamiya, it can also be deduced that this Asamiya Yongshi may be one of the soul-suppressing twins.

"But if the soul-suppressing twins already have one in Asamiya's family, what's going on with Asamiya Hitomi?"

If it is assumed that Hitomi Asamiya is one of the soul-suppressing twins of the Asamiya main family, what kind of person is Asamiya Eiji?

Beichuan Temple frowned and thought.

But now there are too few clues, and he dare not make a judgment lightly.

"Since Asamiya Eiji has lived in this mansion, it means that she will leave some traces of herself."

This is a fact that cannot be concealed.

As long as those traces are found, clues will inevitably be revealed.

Beichuan Temple has made up its mind.

But this time he felt something was wrong as soon as he raised his head.

There seems to be something extra on the ceiling.

He looked up.

A man in a white robe is hanging from the ceiling.

His face was pale, only the whites of his eyes were staring at Beichuan Temple motionlessly.

In this regard, Beichuan Temple just flipped his wrist, and then let go of Kanesada, and finally shot into the eyebrow of the resentful spirit.

All this is but a moment.

Accompanied by an incomprehensible and terrifying sound, the white-robed man hugged his head and disappeared in pain.

Beichuan Temple stood there and waited for a while——

System beep.

Still nothing came.

what on earth is it?

Beichuan Temple frowned.

Thanks to Wu Rusheng 2, Zhushan Qingqiu, Chishude who eats books, Yunshuo Jianzhu, and Painting the Moon on Paper for their rewards! Thank you so much!

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