This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 525: Coffin and Human Column (8000 words goal reached!)


Mirai Kamiya opened his eyes drowsily.

She leaned against the fire to look at the stars last night, and fell asleep while looking at them.

"what time is it?"

She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, then took out her cell phone from her pocket and glanced at it.

It was already half past six, and the yellowish morning light had already appeared on the horizon.

Just looking at it like this, it's a bit beautiful.


"Where is my temple-kun?!"

Mirai Kamiya suddenly realized something was wrong.

yes! Dawn has broken in the sky. Logically speaking, Beichuan Temple should be back.

But what about others?

Before Kamiya Mirai could think about it carefully, there was a noise in his ears, which seemed to come from some members of the exploration team who had just woken up.

Mirai Kamiya wrapped her towel tightly and ran towards them.

But just halfway through, Kamiya Mirai stopped with a look of astonishment on his face.

"how so...?"

In her line of sight, Mouchi's family, which was supposed to disappear at dawn, showed no sign of disappearing. It lay across the dense forest. From here, she could only see the old roof, and the old roof that had gradually turned from gray to white. The miasma of the underworld slowly turns scarlet.

"Tera-kun...what exactly is...?"

Mirai Kamiya clasped his hands tightly on his chest.

Apart from Beichuan Temple, she could not think of anyone else who could cause such a change.

the other side--

"Because the balance between my brother and I has been broken, the Mouchi family can no longer hide."

While rushing towards the Forest of Thousand Sakuras, Mouchi Yingzuka explained without looking back.

"Really?" Beichuan Temple glanced at the underworld miasma that was gradually turning scarlet, and frowned: "Hurry up."

They were now halfway up the long staircase.

It's really a shame that the Mouchi family could have imagined that there isn't even a resting platform on the steps leading up the gentle slope of the mountain.

"When we get to the place, everything will go according to plan. There should be no problem, right?"

Beichuanji said again.

"...There's nothing wrong with following the plan... Just leaving me... Is it really okay for you to go to Huangquan alone?"

Mou Chi Yingzhong was a little worried.

Kitagawaji's plan is simple.

While Mou Chiying's tomb entangled the coffin and the human pillar, he looked for an opportunity to break through the defense line and headed to the depths of the underworld alone.

Along the way, Mou Chi Yingzhong had also told him the direction where Zhu Saki's formation should be destroyed. Even if he entered the underworld alone, he could complete the task.

The most important thing left is...

Kitagawa Temple looked at himself and reached out to touch his backpack.

There are three bamboo bottles in this backpack, and the bamboo bottles contain the blood of Mouchi Witch Kongjing.

Entering the underworld, looking for Zhu Saki's formation, and returning to the present world...each requires a bottle.

In other words, among these three bamboo bottles, there can be no mistakes in any of them.

Kitagawaji tightened the straps of his backpack and continued walking up, while replying:

"There won't be any problem. It's just a matter of bringing the Royal Spirit Pendant into the underworld. These are all trivial matters."

"...Really...But I still have to tell you one thing, Yushen. There are also resentful spirits in the underworld, and their intensity is not too weak. If you enter it alone, maybe... "

Mou Chiyingzhong glanced at Beichuan Temple and did not finish his sentence.


Beichuanji shook his head.

As long as there are no wraiths like coffins and pillars, Beichuan Temple has nothing to fear.

"All right."

Since Beichuan Temple has said so, it has been decided.

After all, Beichuan Temple is willing to take such a big risk.

Several people talked in low voices about countermeasures while continuing to walk towards the Forest of Thousand Sakuras.


"Here we are."

Mou Chi Yingzhong stopped and reminded.

"This is the Forest of Thousand Sakuras."

Beichuan Temple and others stopped and carefully looked at the dense forest in front of them.

Just like the name of Thousand Sakura Forest.

The tree species here are basically mountain cherry trees.

The green leaves made a rustling sound.

The branches are forked, looking like overlapping ghost claws from a distance.

These skinny mountain cherry trees are all inserted with slender zopolas, which are filled with people's precepts and names.

In this environment where there is no one to worship, these Zhubala feel a sense of loneliness and desolation.

"Why is the Forest of Thousand Sakuras a forbidden forest? That's because... countless people who have contributed to the Mouchi family are buried in this dense forest."

"In order not to disturb their sleep, the Forest of Thousand Sakuras was sealed off and outsiders were not allowed to enter. However, in order to hold the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the bride, we finally chose to reopen the Forbidden Forest."

These two-faced soldiers symbolize the people who worked hard for the Mou Chi family in the past.

A faint sense of sadness spread.


"While it would be inappropriate to disturb you when you are grieving, something is not quite right."

Beichuanji's voice sounded steadily.

"It's so quiet."


When Beichuan Temple said this, Mouchi Yingzuka reacted.

Indeed, the coffin pillar should be breaking the curse now, but why——

"Step aside!"

Beichuan Temple suddenly raised his voice and at the same time grabbed the void with his other hand.

A ferocious sledgehammer of death energy appeared in his hand.

He kicked Mou Chi Yingzhong away, then turned around and slammed it down with a hammer!

Bang! ! ! ! !

The wind pressure exploded!

The corners of Beichuan Temple's clothes couldn't stop flying.

At the base of his hammer, there are twisting and writhing fujin spikes.

It pierced out from the darkness of the mountain cherry forest and headed straight for Mou Chiying's Tomb.

But there’s more than just one spike!

When Kitagawa Temple smashed the spikes into the ground, scarlet light flashed out from the shadows.

With a flick of his wrist, the dead energy sledgehammer turned into a thick square shield.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The huge force hit the square shield of death, and the huge backlash made Beichuan Temple's palms numb.

Fortunately, Mouchi Yingzuka finally reacted at this time.

She clasped her hands together, and then her hand shape changed, and huge thoughts of kindness formed a circular formation in the air and hit the shadow.

Several spikes hit her circular formation and melted quickly.


Mou Chi Yingzhong's open palms came together, and the circular formation instantly turned into a large net in the air, and then closed up!

It seems that even if he lacks combat experience, Mouchi Yingzuka still possesses some combat skills.

At least it's not like some pig teammates, who not only can't help, but also add to the chaos.


Kitagawaji touched his shoulder expressionlessly.

Although Lieutenant General Mou Chi Yingzuka was rescued in a critical moment just now, the shoulder strap of the backpack was broken.

Light blue backpacks were scattered on the ground.

He was about to reach out and pick up his backpack, but the next moment, a terrifying sound came from the shadows that made the ground tremble.

At the same time, the complete coffin and human pillar appeared in front of Mou Chiying's Tomb and Beichuan Temple.

The other party's body is entangled with Mou Chi Yingzuka's kind thoughts, and some human features can be seen on the upper body, including hands and a human shape.

But if the gaze turns to the opponent's lower body, the situation will be a bit terrible.

The opponent's lower body is mainly composed of Fujin's limbs. The rope used to seal the opponent is dyed scarlet and wrapped around its waist. The whole image looks extremely ferocious and terrifying.


Mou Chi Yingzhong looked at the coffin pillar in front of him, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but soon, this trace of sadness completely disappeared.

Her handprints changed again, and then she slapped her hands hard on the ground!

Five fingers pulled out the thread, and the net of kind thoughts became tighter and tighter.

"Master Yushen! Go and complete your duties!"

She called back quickly.

"I will be the one holding the coffin and the pillar here! Leave quickly!"

"..." Beichuan Temple.

Seeing what Mou Chi Yingzuka said, Beichuan Temple did not hesitate.

But he still had a square shield on his side.

He could feel that as long as he let go and avoided it, those sharp thorns would stab Mou Chi Yingzhong in an instant.

"Eternal! Makie!"

he called over his shoulder.


Asamiya Eisei and Kamizaki Makie, who had been hidden in the Kagura bell, floated out from it.

They were about to reach out and throw their backpacks to Beichuan Temple, but the next moment——

Several more spikes shaped by Fujin shot out from the body of the coffin pillar that was bound in place!

As a last resort, Asamiya Yongse could only flick his wrist and draw several pale gold chains from the bottom of his sleeves.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Chains and spikes collide! But it didn't last for more than a few seconds before it completely collapsed.

But because of this, the speed at which the spikes flew has also slowed down a lot.


Asamiya Nagase glanced at the light blue backpacks under him and Kamizumi Makie, gritted his teeth, and jumped in front of Kamizumi Makie!

Seeing this scene, Beichuanji slapped his palm on the ground without hesitation.

A barrier shaped by death energy appeared out of thin air.

However, because Beichuanji could not continue to input death energy, he only blocked the spikes for a moment and was broken out of the defense line.

"Eternal life!" The spirit of the dead shrieked when the god Makie saw this scene.

All of this happened so quickly, it only took the time for her to lower her head to get the light blue backpack and then raise her head again. Therefore, she had no time to do anything with her kind thoughts.

next moment!

The short figure jumped up.

The sledgehammer of kind thoughts mixed with terrifying kind thoughts slammed down on these spikes!

Bang! ! ! !

"Poor sister!"

Asamiya Yongse was already prepared to receive the blow directly, but the small figure that suddenly jumped out made her scream in surprise.

After several weakenings, this spike finally fell under Nishikujo's poor benevolent sledgehammer.

Nishikujo's poor, round little stuffed head had grown a lot bigger due to the excessive exertion.

Well done! Pitiful!

Beichuan Temple's calm expression changed at this moment.

After this time, I must praise this little guy!

Seeing that her sister was fine, Kamizuki Maki no longer hesitated. She left the Kagura bell behind, held the light blue backpack in her other hand and threw it to Kitagawa Temple.



Kitagawaji stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the light blue backpack.

His eyes glanced briefly, and then paused in one place for a moment.

"What's wrong? Master Yushen?" Mou Chi Yingzhong, who was enlarging the restraints of his kind thoughts, looked over with sweating profusely.

"Nothing..." Beichuan Temple replied calmly, and then released the fire in his other hand.

The combination of standing fire and death energy! In an instant, the spikes in front of him that were constantly trying to penetrate the square shield of death energy were burned to death!

Taking advantage of this moment, Beichuan Temple withdrew his body.

He didn't say a word, just nodded to Mou Chi Yingzuka and the others.

The meaning of Kitagawaji's nod was easy to understand.

He means--

‘I’ll leave this to you for now. ’

"Temple-kun, go quickly! Go and deal with Miss Future's Zhu Zhiyin!"

Asamiya Eisei shouted loudly while dodging the pale palms crawling out from the shadow of the coffin pillar.

Beichuan Temple did not stand still and answer. He stretched his legs and used all his strength. He ducked and disappeared deep into the ancient shrine.

Seeing that Kitagawa Temple finally left, Kamizumi Maki breathed a sigh of relief. Then she turned her head and looked at the coffin pillar, which was still attacking Asamiya Eisei, and shouted angrily:

"You bastard!"

The chains of kindness slipped out from the bottom of his sleeves and were tightly tied around the neck of the coffin pillar.

This pulling movement made the figure of the coffin pillar stagger.

Kamizaki Maki turned around and tightly clasped the chain with his fingers.

She looked at the tomb of Mou Chi Ying, whose kind thoughts were constantly arousing, and simply shouted: "How on earth are we going to get rid of this guy from this world?"

"I'm trying to communicate with the ancestors passed down from generation to generation by Mou Chi's family in the Forest of Thousand Sakuras!" Mou Chi Yingzhong answered while changing his hand seals to strengthen the restraints.

"As long as we can use the power of the ancestors, we can wipe out my brother...the coffin and the human pillar!"


The reason why she couldn't help just now was because she kept trying to communicate with the spirit.

It is precisely because he is doing two things at once that he looks very embarrassed.

"How much longer will it take?"

Asamiya Yongse clasped his hands together, and a series of mysterious curse seals were constructed from kind thoughts, forming an extremely strong defense.




The powerful and heavy thrusts made the brilliance of kind thoughts flicker.

"Thirty seconds more!"

Mou Chiyingzhong made a rough estimate and shouted loudly.

"...Thirty seconds?"

Hearing this number, Asamiya Nagase and Kamizumi Maki looked at each other, and then nodded.

After the two of them dodged several attacks from the coffin pillar, they finally found an opportunity and quickly closed the distance.

The smooth and pink hands are pressed together tightly.

The ten fingers also interlocked.

The moment they completed this action, pale palms crawled out from the shadows and strangled the two good spirits tightly together in an instant!

The scarlet poison then squirmed and seeped out.


Bang! ! !


The pale palm exploded and shattered into countless pieces!

"You can actually break free from the shackles of the coffin and human pillar?" Mou Chi Yingzhong, who was still communicating with the ancestors, widened his eyes.

in her sight.

The palms of the twin spirits, who looked almost the same, were touching each other, and their heads were slightly raised.

The blue and seductive brilliance oozes out.

Pure white...light as gossamer. The petals are twisting and opening.

The spirit body is the bones, and the spirit muscles are the petals.

The light of the soul-inducing flower is constantly rotating.

Even the coffin and the human pillar were suppressed to the ground and unable to move!

"Okay! It's done! Miss Asamiya! Miss Kamizu!"

Mou Chi Yingzhong raised his head and shouted!

In the bottom of her hand.

There is an extremely powerful light of good thoughts that is accumulating and shining out!

Thanks for seeing me and telling me to go and study. The reward is eternal! Thank you so much!

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